Princess Ankang received gifts from other children one after another.

Just like the Eighth Prince, her empty Chongyang Secret Treasure was filled again.

Li Xuan also understood that this unprecedentedly fierce battle for the secret treasure was actually just a process of exchanging toys with a strong sense of ritual.

The eighth prince never thought about defeating these brats from the beginning, he just wanted to have some fun for himself.

It's just that some children will leave a souvenir for the Eighth Prince who lost everything.

This year there is an extra secret treasure of the Double Ninth Festival, and there is also an extra sad person like Princess Ankang.

Of course, not all children left them souvenirs.

But most children express their opinions.

Although the children are very young, they all have a strong sense of empathy.

They put themselves in his shoes and thought that if they lost all their toys, they would definitely feel uncomfortable, so they came up with the idea of ​​giving the eighth prince a gift.

In fact, a small number of children understood that the Eighth Prince was giving them gifts.

Children who understand this will even give away their most cherished treasures.

As long as the Eighth Prince is sure that the other party really wants to give it to him, he will accept it without hesitation.

The Eighth Prince collects nothing else, but he has a hobby of collecting toys.

He has a room full of these toys he received, and he even divides the shelves according to year so that he can know which year he received the gift.

Princess Ankang borrowed the help of the Eighth Prince this year and received many gifts accordingly.

As time goes by, today's Double Ninth Festival banquet has also come to an end.

A day's activities have already made everyone exhausted.

Some of the tired little kids fell asleep on the lawn, and their families took them home one by one.

The guests were already saying goodbye to each other, and it seemed that it would soon be time for them to leave the palace and end the Double Ninth Festival banquet.

Princess Ankang and the Eighth Prince each held their share of the "Secret Treasure of the Double Ninth Festival" in their arms, and sat on the lawn watching the banquet gradually come to an end.

"Bago, is this the fun you said you wanted to bring me to?"

"What? Isn't this fun?" The Eighth Prince raised his eyebrows and asked Princess Ankang, and then said, "I just saw you having a great time with those little girls."

Hearing this, Princess Ankang couldn't help but blush.

Just now, there was a little girl who wanted to cheat after losing in the competition. Princess Ankang tried to persuade her to make things right, and she almost said she was impatient.

But fortunately, Princess Ankang understood her rationally and moved her emotionally. Finally, she used Li Xuan to scare her and persuaded the little girl.

"Well, it's not easy to deal with them."

Thinking of what happened just now, Princess Ankang couldn't help but sigh.

"Myna, I think you are quite capable of dealing with children."

"That's natural!"

The eighth prince raised his head, looking very proud.

"Children are rarely born bad. They just need some guidance."

"With a little guidance, they will make changes, but they are much easier to discipline than adults."

The Eighth Prince seemed to find this kind of thing very fulfilling.

Princess Ankang asked speechlessly: "So you are keen on being the king of children just to enjoy the fun of disciplining them?"

"No, no, no~"

The eighth prince imitated the fifth prince's usual behavior, shaking his head and saying.

“Being able to see the impact you have on others gives you a sense of accomplishment.”

"But I like playing with them, not for this reason."

The Eighth Prince slowly exhaled a breath, a look of seriousness flashed in his eyes.

"Princess Ankang, do you know?"

"Life is a process of continuous hardship."

"Maybe a little pessimistic, but that's what I think."

The usually optimistic Eighth Prince suddenly became serious.

"Get, lose."

"Keep repeating until there is nothing left and nothingness returns."

"This process is a little sweet, but more bitter."

Li Xuan was in the arms of Princess Ankang, silently listening to a teenage boy lamenting the hardships of life, and couldn't help but feel a little funny.

"Nevertheless, the sweetness of childhood can be remembered for a lifetime."

"At least, that's how I am."

The eighth prince shrugged, showing a carefree expression.

"So, I just want to add some sweetness worth remembering to the lives of these little guys."

Hearing this, Li Xuan and Princess Ankang were both touched.

"After all, these guys are going to have a lot of hardships in their future lives!"

The Eighth Prince stood up, patted the grass clippings on his butt, and waved to say hello:

"Hey, we're here!"

In the distance, the fifth prince, seventh prince and princess Yuanan, who were looking for them, heard the eighth prince's cry and hurried over.

"You two are hiding here."

"I said I couldn't find you for a long time."

The fifth prince said.

"Why are you hiding? Just stay here openly and openly, okay?"

The Eighth Prince responded habitually.

"I've been here before, and it was obviously surrounded by a group of children." Princess Yuan'an said with some confusion.

"Yuan An, remember, where the child is, there is the old man." The fifth prince smiled and said: "This kid bullies children here every year. He is a habitual offender."

"What are you talking about? I am just a good boy, okay?" the eighth prince defended.

"You have made a lot of money, but you still have a lot of money?" The fifth prince didn't believe it and asked: "To be honest, how many children have you made crying?"

"Hey, don't accuse me wrongly. I didn't make anyone cry this year, but Ankang got into a conflict with a few little brats. If I hadn't stopped them, maybe another child would have been in the goal."

The Eighth Prince talks a lot about running the train.

As a result, everyone looked at Princess Ankang and found that she also had a bulging baggage, and they couldn't help being surprised.

"Sister Huang, aren't you also following Lao Ba's bad example?"

Princess Yuanan said in shock.

"Ankang, you can't learn these things. What with Lao Ba's reputation? Our royal family can't afford to have another Lao Ba."

The fifth prince said sadly.

At this time, the Seventh Princess, who had been looking up at the sky, suddenly raised her hand and said:

"Look, fireworks!"

Bang, bang bang...

As soon as the Seventh Princess finished speaking, colorful fireworks exploded in the night sky, blooming into various shapes, drawing a gorgeous picture of the void, embellished with crystal clear stars, which was magnificent.

In winter, the trees shine with thousands of lights, and the flames of flowers bloom on seven branches.

Everyone sat side by side on the lawn in silence, quietly looking up and admiring the fireworks at the end of the Double Ninth Festival banquet.

"What a beauty."

Princess Ankang said softly, picked up Li Xuan in her arms, and rested her chin on his furry little head.

Li Xuan also watched this scene quietly, feeling peaceful.

The other guests all looked up to the sky. Apart from the sound of fireworks exploding, there was no other noise in the entire banquet hall.

"Mom, I'm back."

Xiao An, who had a great time, jumped back to her mother under the bright fireworks in the night sky.

"Xiao An, did you have fun today?"


Xiao An nodded heavily and showed a cute smile.

"That's good."

Xiaoan's mother smiled and touched her daughter's head.

Not far away from them, Little Orange was being reluctantly pulled away by her family, as if her family were nagging her something.

Little Orange had a straight face and resisted the nagging at home.

Xiao An watched his friend being taken away and couldn't help asking his mother:

"Mom, have I caused trouble to Little Orange again?"

The woman's eyes looked a little lonely. She did not answer the question, but changed the subject and asked:

"Xiao An, where did the trinket on your hand come from?"

"Did you win it by playing games with His Highness the Eighth Prince?"

Everyone has heard about the eighth prince playing games with the children at the Double Ninth Festival banquet every year.

Regarding this matter, everyone also has a tacit attitude toward their children.

The eighth prince is special and will not be involved in power disputes because of him. He is also a special prince that everyone can trust their children to play with.

But contrary to the woman's expectation, Xiao An shook his head.

"No, Xiao An is playing with Sister Ankang today."

"Sister Ankang is very nice and even accepted my little red flower."

The woman couldn't help but be startled when she heard this.

"It's not the Eighth Prince, it's Ankang... His Highness!?"

The woman grabbed Xiao An's shoulders and asked nervously:

"Xiao An, tell mother carefully what happened just now."

The Double Ninth Festival banquet is over.

The guests outside the palace left the palace in an orderly manner under the arrangements of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Princess Ankang was arranged to live in the palace.

Because Zhao Feng informed them that they would go to Qianxing Pavilion to read a book tomorrow, so they stopped going back and forth in and out of the palace for convenience.

The temporary residence that Zhao Feng arranged for them made all three little ones frown.

"Manager Zhao, is this really the right place?"

"Isn't this a bit inappropriate?"

Princess Ankang asked uneasily.

"This old slave is also acting according to His Majesty's instructions. Please don't worry, Your Majesty."

"But this..."

Princess Ankang wanted to say something else, but was directly invited in by Zhao Feng.

No wonder Princess Ankang reacted like this, because Zhao Feng actually took them to a side hall of the East Palace.

This place is very close to Qianxing Pavilion, which makes it convenient for them to go and read a book tomorrow.

But the problem is, this is the East Palace!

Nominally only the prince can live there.

Although all the guests at the banquet have left the palace, it is unlikely that this matter will spread.

But there are no secrets in this palace.

I'm afraid that early tomorrow morning, the news that Princess Ankang stayed overnight in the East Palace will spread throughout the palace.

By then, I don’t know how much trouble will be caused.

"This dog emperor is uneasy and kind-hearted."

Li Xuan cursed in his heart.

There are so many palaces in the palace, is there no spare room for them to live in, so they have to be brought to the East Palace?

This is obviously Emperor Yongyuan's way of making Princess Ankang a target, attracting hatred.

Li Xuan has now begun to understand Emperor Yongyuan's intentions.

Emperor Yongyuan used his health as insurance.

If the Wu family's push for the empress to ascend the throne is unavoidable, then Ankang can be brought out as a competitor.

It also gives other people who oppose the Wu family more choices.

Emperor Yongyuan is constantly creating an environment for these forces to confront each other, fearing that one day someone will stand out and suppress everyone else.

Li Xuan also understood that this was the price for the benefits they received from Emperor Yongyuan.

People have to bow their heads under the eaves.

Now that the matter has been decided, it is useless for the three little ones to worry.

They stayed in the East Palace tonight.

Although there has been no owner here for many years, the servants have always been there.

Since Princess Ankang was moving in tonight, she had been cleaned and prepared in advance.

Princess Ankang slept here with anxiety.

Early the next morning, after the three little ones had breakfast early, they headed to Qianxing Pavilion.

Since the distance was short this time, they could just walk there.

There is no need to dispatch the carriage we got last night.

When they stayed at the East Palace last night, although they were worried, they found out after staying there for one night that it was pretty good.

The East Palace is very quiet, unlike the West Palace where there are so many people.

Even though Jingyang Palace was on the edge and there was no one around, Li Xuan could always detect the movement in Caiyun Palace when sleeping at night.

Sometimes, having too good ears is not a good thing.

Although Li Xuan can control his thoughts to amplify the sensitivity of his five senses, it is a bit troublesome to close his five senses.

Moreover, losing his perception of the outside world will also make him feel uneasy, so he habitually pays attention to the movements around him.

After all, Li Xuan had just obtained the Yin and Yang Qi and was not quite used to the new realm yet.

Once he gets used to it, these inconveniences will get better.

At least for him now, the East Palace is a good resting place.

Except for them, here last night there were all eunuchs and maids who abided by the rules, so naturally there wouldn't be any big noise at night.

Unlike those concubines and princes and princesses, who can act freely in their own palaces.

Accompanied by Zhao Feng, the three little ones walked to Qianxing Pavilion.

"Oh, the books I borrowed earlier are still in Xingqing Palace!"

Halfway through, Princess Ankang suddenly remembered this matter.

The books they borrowed last month were taken to Xingqing Palace together. When they entered the palace yesterday, they didn't know they were going to Qianxing Pavilion today, so they didn't bring those books.

"Don't worry, Your Highness, someone from Xingqing Palace has already delivered the book, and it's waiting at Qianxing Pavilion."

Zhao Feng smiled and said.

Being an errand in the palace requires a person who is as careful as his hair.

In this aspect, General Manager Zhao will naturally not be negligent.

"That's good, I'll take care of you, Manager Zhao."

Princess Ankang said politely.

When they arrived at the courtyard where Qianxing Pavilion was located, they saw Xu Lang waiting here holding a baggage.

"Manager Zhao, I have been ordered to come here to deliver the book."

With that said, Xu Lang presented the baggage.

Zhao Feng nodded, and then said to Princess Ankang:

"Your Highness, please check if all the books are here."

"Don't keep Mr. Ye waiting too long."

Princess Ankang stepped forward to open the bag and confirmed that all the books she borrowed last month were inside, then nodded.

"Okay, let's go in."

Entering the yard, Mr. Ye was still cleaning the fallen leaves as before.

The bustling bustle in the palace last night seemed to have nothing to do with Mr. Ye's lonely figure.

"There are a lot of books I want to borrow this month."

"We have to discuss this with Mr. Ye."

Li Xuan couldn't help feeling a little headache when he thought about the books he needed.

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