Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 431 Secret Treasure of the Double Ninth Festival

"The third son of the Qin family is born with supernatural powers?"

Li Xuan silently recorded this information in his mind.

Judging from the appearance of the two young men, they should be of the same generation as the Eighth Prince, most likely young talents from the Qin family.

From this point of view, if the Qin family has such a genius, it can definitely not be said that he has no successor.

I don’t know why Qin Zongyong cares so much about the Eighth Prince.

If the Eighth Prince wants to mess up, just let him mess around.

But now it seems that Qin Zongyong still has some expectations for the eighth prince, otherwise he would not have dragged him to whisper.

Princess Ankang sat in her arms holding Li Xuan, gradually feeling a little bored.

Everyone around her was dealing with the family members, but she was the only one who seemed a little idle.

If Princess Ankang hadn't been accompanied by Yu'er, she would have seemed even more lonely in this lively Double Ninth Festival banquet.

Li Xuan was not bored at all.

He pricked up his ears and listened to all the gossip at the banquet, enjoying it endlessly.

When these people get together, most of them have short-lived parents, but this family has expanded into the family's "home".

At the beginning, it was just some light topics, which descendant of whose family was outstanding, which head of whose family went further, was promoted, broke through the ranks, and so on...

But gradually their conversation turned to government affairs.

When talking about government affairs, whether it was the civil servant family or the noble family, they all mentioned the Desert Wolf Court.

Li Xuan knew about the desert country.

He once heard many people mention the name of this country in the West Market of the capital.

The desert is located in the northwest of Daxing. Part of its territory occupies the border of the Western Region, and most of the remaining territory is in a desert in the north.

With such a geographical environment, the desert is naturally not rich.

Desert people are mainly nomadic, driving their cattle and sheep to travel from oases to oases in the desert.

When Li Xuan heard about the lifestyle of desert people for the first time, he was very surprised.

No matter how you think about nomads in the desert, it goes against common sense, right?

But the desert people seem to have been living like this for a long, long time.

The Desert Wolf Court is their most powerful tribe, occupying the largest and most fertile oasis in the desert.

But the Desert Wolf Court is just a title. Whoever is the most powerful tribe in the desert will be the Desert Wolf Court.

The Desert Wolf Court has changed owners several times, and the oasis known as the Pearl of the Desert has also changed its owners one after another.

However, in recent years, it seems that there has been no news of the change of ownership in the Desert Wolf Court. Instead, it has become a frequent conflict between the two countries on the border, and it has even become more and more serious.

In the DPRK, the attitude towards the Desert Wolf Court was divided into two distinct sides.

Most civil servants advocated appeasing the Desert Wolf Court and focusing on the self-development of Daxing. They believed that war was an undesirable solution. Anyway, according to the system of the Desert Wolf Court, chaos would return sooner or later.

But Xungui didn't think so, but wanted to take advantage of the beginning of instability in the Desert Wolf Court to suppress him directly and let them understand that Daxing's majesty cannot be violated.

Otherwise, if things go on like this, it will inevitably lead to catastrophe.

In response to this problem, the conflicts between the civil servants and nobles above the court have become deeper and deeper, and they have gradually drifted apart, to the point where they are now incompatible with each other.

But until now, no conclusion has been drawn.

It's just that the people on the border have suffered, being harassed by war all year round.

"So that's what they were arguing about."

Li Xuan listened for a long time and already understood what the apparent contradiction between the two parties was.

And listening to these people's remarks, it seems that the Desert Wolf Court is becoming increasingly unstable.

This situation makes the original ideas of the civil servants increasingly untenable.

Xungui even bluntly called them weak traitors on an occasion like tonight.

During this seemingly free dinner communication time, they actually stood on opposite sides of each other with clear distinctions.

Seeing such a scene, Li Xuan couldn't help but feel a little funny.

"Axuan, we're a little bored. Let's go for a walk by ourselves."

Princess Ankang stood up from her seat with Li Xuan in her arms.

Li Xuan meowed in response.

But he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Although Princess Ankang was so successful in the Cuju competition before, no one cared about her at this time.

Privately, there are many people who are curious about Princess Ankang and asking about her, but no one has ever taken the initiative to say hello to Princess Ankang.

Even Qin Zongyong from before was on his way to see the Eighth Prince and said hello to Princess Ankang.

For these royal heirs, Emperor Yongyuan has always adopted a cold attitude, so the family power of their mother and concubine has become extremely important.

But the situation of Princess Ankang is a bit special. Concubine Xiao and Concubine Xiao's hometown Beiliang have passed away.

Princess Ankang can be said to be truly helpless.

Li Xuan felt Princess Ankang's disappointed mood and stretched out his tongue to gently lick her cheek a few times.

Only then did Princess Ankang reveal a smile.

"I don't know if Myna will come back. Let's have some fun on our own."

Princess Ankang cheered up, avoided the adults, and walked towards the direction where the children gathered.

Along the way, Princess Ankang attracted the attention of many people.

Her performance in the Cuju field today was enough to impress everyone.

Curiosity, alertness, fear...

All kinds of complicated eyes are cast on Princess Ankang.

But Princess Ankang just ignored these rude looks and just kept walking in the direction where the children's laughter came.

In one corner of the banquet venue, there was a large lawn.

After dinner, most of the children broke away from their parents' control and came here to kill time.

The older teenagers were also not far away, but they didn't bother to hang out with these little kids, so they gathered together in a reserved manner, imitating the appearance of the adults not far away, pretending to be calm one by one, and carried out some small talk. A poor imitation game.

On the contrary, the little kids were much more straightforward. They were having fun on the lawn one by one. It was obvious that they were in a good mood and full of energy after just eating.

Princess Ankang, Li Xuan and Yu'er just came to the lawn and caused quite a commotion.

The boys and girls whispered for a while, their eyes fixed on Princess Ankang.

The little brats just exploded.

"Wow, it's the princess sister who is very good at playing football!"

A little girl exclaimed, and the little kids on the lawn were like a group of curious groundhogs, all raising their heads and looking in the direction of Princess Ankang.

The little kids blinked their big eyes and stared blankly at Princess Ankang. They wanted to come closer and talk, but no one dared.

Seeing their reactions, Princess Ankang couldn't help but smile, and then asked:

"What are you playing at? Can you take me with you?"

Seeing that Princess Ankang seemed to be easy to talk to, the little girl who exclaimed before said timidly:

"We are playing hut. Princess, do you want to play with us too?"

The little girl moved her body aside, revealing a small copper pot, and each of them had a few arrows without arrows in their hands.

Princess Ankang took the arrow from the little girl's hand, played with it, and looked up again. She found that there were many small objects that could be used for games. She didn't know whether the little kids brought them by themselves or whether they were specially prepared by the Ministry of Internal Affairs. of.

But in any case, it is a rare good pastime for Princess Ankang who is bored right now.

Princess Ankang nodded to the little girl with a smile, and then said:

"Well, I want to play too, take me one."


These little kids cheered and seemed to welcome Princess Ankang.

The other little brats noticed the movement here, couldn't hold it any longer, and gathered around one after another.

They are more curious about Princess Ankang than the games in their hands.

Seeing Princess Ankang agreeing to the little girl's invitation so easily, some people couldn't help but regret not taking the initiative to speak out.

Obviously, Princess Ankang's previous Cuju competition left a deep impression on these little brats.

They all put down the games in their hands and gathered to watch the excitement on Princess Ankang's side.

There were not many children playing Tou Hu, only six. Now including Princess Ankang, there were only seven in total.

They took turns throwing pots to see who could make the most.

Princess Ankang was waiting for her order.

At this time, the little girl who invited Princess Ankang looked at her for a long time, and then said coyly:

"Sister Princess, can I pet your cat?"

"Xiao An, I want to call you Princess, not sister!"

Before Princess Ankang could answer, another little girl took Xiao An's hand and corrected her.

"Can't you call me Princess Sister?"

Xiao An scratched his head and asked with some confusion.

Her little friend nodded seriously, looking like a little adult:

"My mother said you have to observe etiquette or you'll get spanked."

When Xiao An heard that he was about to be spanked, he became nervous, blinked his eyes, and said to Princess Ankang:

"Sister Princess, can you please stop spanking me?"

Princess Ankang couldn't help being amused by these two little guys, and then said to Xiao An seriously:

"That depends on Xiao An's performance. If you are a good boy from now on, no one will spank you."

"But if you are a bad boy..."

Having said this, Princess Ankang paused maliciously.

Just when she was thinking about how to tease Xiao An, a voice suddenly sounded from behind her.

"Have you seen Princess Sister play football today?"

"If you don't obey me in the future, I'll treat you like a ball and kick it into the goal."

Hearing this, Xiao An and her friends were frightened and cried on the spot.

"Hey, don't cry."

"I won't kick you like a ball!"

Princess Ankang hurriedly explained and hurriedly wiped the tears of the two little girls.

She just wanted to tease the two little girls, but she didn't want to bully them into crying.

Someone kindly invited me to play, but in the end, I made their child cry. If this spreads out, will Princess Ankang participate in next year's Double Ninth Festival banquet?

Princess Ankang turned around in anger and found that the eighth prince who had been taken away by Qin Zongyong had returned.

"Ankang, you know how to find a place. Before I even brought you here, you were already playing with them."

The eighth prince scared the two little girls to tears, but he didn't feel guilty at all and was still smiling.

"Bago, I think you are a bad boy now. It just so happens that I didn't enjoy playing Cuju today, so why not try another round?"

Princess Ankang said coldly while comforting the two little girls.

The Eighth Prince's heart immediately tightened. Unexpectedly, the boomerang he threw stuck into his butt.

"An, Ankang, I was just joking with them."

"It's a little kid, just give him some comfort."

The Eighth Prince hurried over, took the two little girls from Princess Ankang, and began to comfort them with coaxing and deception.

The Eighth Prince was really good at dealing with children. After a while, the two little girls were crying and laughing.

What's even more outrageous is that these two little girls actually know the eighth prince.

"Why are you here? Didn't you make an appointment to meet me here today?"

The eighth prince used his sleeves to wipe the two little girls' faces with runny noses and tears, and smiled:

"Didn't I come?"

"Have you brought everything?"

Neither Li Xuan nor Princess Ankang expected that the eighth prince actually knew these two little girls.

"Is this guy's child king considered to be outside the palace?"

Li Xuan lay on Princess Ankang's shoulder, acting as a scarf.

Seeing that the eighth prince was quite familiar with the two little girls, he couldn't help but marvel.

Then, the two little girls nodded cutely and each took off the small purses hanging around their necks.

They each emptied their small bags and poured out a lot of snacks, toys, and even a few pebbles.

The Eighth Prince carefully identified it, nodded and said:

"Okay, okay, this year's goods are much more reliable than last year."

"Of course, Xiao An and I have been searching for treasures this year." Xiao An's little friend said proudly, puffing out his chest.

Xiao An on the side grinned and started laughing.

If it weren't for the snot marks on their faces, they would really be two cute porcelain dolls.

"Then without further ado, let's gather everyone!"

The Eighth Prince waved his hand and scolded Fang Qiu in front of the little kid.

But the two little girls shook their heads and waved mercilessly:

"No, no, I need to see what you have first."

"Hey, are you still questioning me?" The Eighth Prince was speechless for a while, then took out a large bundle from his arms and waved it gently in front of them.

The little brats at the banquet were all gathered here because of the arrival of Princess Ankang and the Eighth Prince.

At this time, seeing the Eighth Prince taking out the legendary baggage, the little kids even exclaimed, which gave it enough emotional value.

"You guys are too supportive, aren't you?"

Seeing their innocent reactions, Li Xuan couldn't help laughing.

"Old rules, come on!"

The Eighth Prince unfolded his baggage, which contained exquisite toys and some trinkets.

The gems on the jewelry are not big, they are just scraps. Although the value is not high, the design is quite bold, as gorgeous as it is, and it is very eye-catching.

Once the Eighth Prince unpacked this baggage, it was like opening a legendary treasure in front of the little brats.

And the exclamations of the little kids next confirmed Li Xuan's conjecture.

"The legendary secret treasure of the Double Ninth Festival!!!"

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