Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 429 Returning the property to its original owner

Inside Tai Chi Palace.

Qin Zongyong felt particularly speechless when he saw the Eighth Prince losing so miserably.

"This kid can't even kick a girl!"

The expectation that Qin Zongyong had for his grandson suddenly disappeared. He curled his lips and felt his interest waning.

At the beginning of the finals, he had high expectations for the Eighth Prince.

After all, he had also heard that Princess Ankang had always been frail and sickly. Although her health had improved recently, she could not beat her playboy grandson.

Of course, after the game, Qin Zongyong had to admit that Princess Ankang's health had improved a bit too much.

Even other princes who practice martial arts all year round may not have as good a physique as Princess Ankang.

Although my grandson is usually uneducated and has no skills, he is still an eighth-level warrior, but his physical strength is not as good as that of Princess Ankang.

"Has this kid already broken Yuanyang?"

Qin Zongyong thought of a possibility, and a vein jumped on his forehead.

In Daxing, there are many people getting married at the eighth prince's age.

Logically speaking, even breaking Yuanyang is not a big deal.

But Qin Zongyong once told the Eighth Prince not to break his Yuanyang before reaching the sixth level and practicing Qi.

Qin Zongyong repeatedly reminded the Eighth Prince about this matter several times, and also told him the seriousness of the matter.

Innate Yuanyang has a great influence on the power of Qi and blood, and the power of Qi and blood is the foundation of true Qi.

If you break Yuan Yang too early, your future cultivation will be as high as that of a dwarf.

The Qin family's skills are all about killing enemies on the battlefield. If the eighth prince is not strong enough, these inheritances will be completely out of reach.

Qin Zongyong still has great feelings for his grandson.

After all, it is the only bloodline of his beloved little daughter left in the world.

Thinking of his little daughter, Qin Zongyong couldn't help but sigh as he looked at the eighth prince being helped off the stage.

Qin Zongyong looked away. Contrary to what he expected, no one came to laugh at his grandson's tragic defeat.

He turned around and saw that everyone else was frowning slightly, their eyes focused on the final winner today, Princess Ankang.

Princess Ankang took Li Xuan and Yu'er with her, enjoying the cheers of everyone.

As the final winners, this is the treatment they deserve.

Not to mention that during the game, Princess Ankang conquered many audiences with her outstanding skills.

Zhao Feng looked at the three little ones with beautiful faces and couldn't help but smile.

When the atmosphere was almost calm, he spoke at the right time:

"Your Highness, please follow me to receive the winning prize."

The sound spread throughout the scene, and everyone heard it clearly.

The three little ones looked at each other, their faces full of joy.

Today is the grand occasion of the Double Ninth Festival Banquet, I'm afraid the prizes will definitely be good.

After all, with so many people present, Emperor Yongyuan couldn't seem stingy.

The audience's applause and cheers gradually stopped, and they began to wonder what the prize would be.

Then, Zhao Feng took the three little ones up the steps in front of Tai Chi Palace.

Arriving at the platform in the middle of the steps, several people stopped.

Standing here, they could already see Emperor Yongyuan and Empress Wu sitting in Taiji Palace.

As for the big guys sitting on both sides, the three little ones are all strangers.

Only Prince Zheng and the others still had some impression, after all, he had just presided over the sacrificial ceremony on the altar.

King Zheng looked at Princess Ankang who came to the front of the palace and showed a kind smile, which seemed to be encouraging.

Judging from the first impression, it is difficult for Li Xuan to imagine that this person has the intention to rebel.

And as he had learned before, King Zheng had quite a charming personality.

At least when you first meet such a person, it's hard to feel disgusted.

But Li Xuan understood that there was a high probability that they would not be the same person in the future.

"My son, I pay homage to my father, and I pay homage to the empress."

Princess Ankang bowed.

She didn't expect that when she saw Emperor Yongyuan again, it would be like this.

It was not until she climbed the steps that Princess Ankang realized that she might see Emperor Yongyuan today.

I felt uneasy.

But when she really saw her father, Princess Ankang found that her mood was particularly calm.

It didn't make as much waves as I expected.

"Is that all?"

Princess Ankang asked herself.

Resentment, longing, excitement...

Princess Ankang expected many kinds of moods, but none of them appeared.

Looking at the figure sitting at the top of the Tai Chi Palace, she didn't even feel any waves in her heart.

It's like looking at a stranger.

Also, in Princess Ankang's memory, there is no impression of Emperor Yongyuan.

I just heard about Emperor Yongyuan from others.

Even when her mother-in-law was alive, she rarely mentioned her father.

If Emperor Yongyuan hadn't been wearing a dragon robe and sitting at the top of the table, Princess Ankang wouldn't have been able to recognize this strange man.

Next, Emperor Yongyuan's voice sounded in Tai Chi Palace.

I don’t know if it was the blessing of cultivation, or there was something special about Taiji Palace, but I heard the majestic voice of Emperor Yongyuan resounding loudly throughout the nine heavens.

Different from the radio amplification that Li Xuan had heard before, this voice had a coercion that could not be ignored, making people admire it.

"Princess Thirteen, stay safe."

"Because he won the Cuju competition at the Double Ninth Festival Banquet."

"Give me the privilege of driving royal carriages and traveling in the palace."

"You can freely enter and leave the palace and various government offices."

"Relevant people will cooperate to the fullest and will not be obstructed."

"A gold medal is specially given as a relevant certificate."

As Emperor Yongyuan finished speaking, a short old eunuch walked out of the Taiji Palace and walked up to Princess Ankang holding a jade plate.

Taking a closer look, I found that the old eunuch was Wang Xi, the lamplight eunuch of Emperor Yongyuan.

Princess Ankang took the jade plate respectfully, and then replied loudly:

"My son and I are in good health, thank you father for the reward."

As soon as Princess Ankang finished speaking, the carriage that had been prepared drove into the venue.

The three little ones looked back and saw that it was not the carriage they usually rode in.

"Damn, this Emperor Yongyuan is really naughty."

Li Xuan slandered.

I thought that today’s prize would definitely be great, but this is the result?

They already use this carriage on weekdays, why do they need Emperor Yongyuan to reward them again?

After thinking about it, Li Xuan could only think that Emperor Yongyuan did this to save costs.

That is to say, Princess Ankang has a good temper, otherwise she would not be able to question on the spot:

"Hey, father!"

"Isn't this the carriage I usually ride in?"

But in such an occasion, Princess Ankang would not really ask even if she wanted to.

Princess Ankang stood up after bowing and thanking her.

Then, under the leadership of Zhao Feng, they walked to the carriage at the bottom of the steps.

Anyway, it would be great if you win the game. As for rewards and other things, you can have them or not.

Being able to show up in front of so many people is a good experience.

And it can make everyone have a deeper impression of Princess Ankang, which is considered a worthwhile trip.

Li Xuan comforted himself in his heart, telling him not to be like people like Emperor Yongyuan.

But unlike the calm attitude of the three people, the audience exploded.

The three children had long been accustomed to seeing this luxurious carriage, but for the guests present, this was their first time seeing it.

A royal drive is naturally unusual and therefore has an expected value in everyone's mind.

But the carriage in front of him far exceeded everyone's expectations.

Its level of luxury can be said to be a priceless treasure.

If the parts on the carriage were disassembled and sold, they would probably fetch a sky-high price.

Many people present were even more shocked after seeing the carriage.

"This was Concubine Xiao's car back then!?"

Many people recognized this carriage.

But no one expected that this carriage would still be so well preserved after so many years.

After Concubine Xiao lost power, the carriage disappeared. It turned out that it was still kept in the palace.

But no one expected that after so many years of going around in circles, this carriage would return to Princess Ankang's hands.

Li Xuan saw the prosperous nobles in the stands and exclaimed at their carriages, just like the old haters from the countryside.

Don't tell me, under such circumstances, he felt quite happy.

But suddenly, Li Xuan couldn't help being surprised when he heard someone in the stands muttering that this carriage was Concubine Xiao's car back then.

Li Xuan was stunned on the spot, thinking of many things.

The first time they got on this carriage was when they went to Qianxing Pavilion to read.

They were riding in this carriage all the way to the East Palace. Not to mention how happy they were at that time.

At that time, their life in Jingyang Palace was getting better little by little, and Li Xuan's strength was also improving with each passing day.

Everything is full of hope.

But Li Xuan didn't expect that the carriage arranged by Emperor Yongyuan for them actually belonged to Concubine Xiao.

Li Xuan looked back at the direction of Tai Chi Palace.

He saw Emperor Yongyuan still looking here with a serious expression.

"It seems he didn't lie to me..."

Li Xuan sighed, but when he looked up at Emperor Yongyuan, he felt contempt again.

"But so what, I can't even protect the woman I love, and I'm a loser even if I become the emperor!"

At this time, Princess Ankang noticed that Li Xuan stopped and turned around and shouted:

"Axuan, what's wrong?"

Li Xuan turned around, meowed at Princess Ankang, and then rushed into Princess Ankang's arms.

Princess Ankang subconsciously hugged Li Xuan, her eyebrows couldn't help but curve up, and she said with a smile:

"You're too lazy to walk these few steps."

"Axuan is really a big lazy cat!"

Li Xuan meowed a few times and crawled into Princess Ankang's arms, tickling her.

Princess Ankang's originally calm mood was gradually stirred up by Li Xuan.

She took three steps at a time and ran down the last few steps, skipping down, and happily got into the carriage with Yu'er's support.

At this time, Princess Ankang felt a little happy about winning the game again.

Princess Ankang took Li Xuan into the carriage, Yu'er followed beside the carriage, and Zhao Feng personally held the horse and made the carriage slowly circle the field.

Princess Ankang hugged Li Xuan and got into the carriage. She wanted to just leave the carriage in the carriage, which would be regarded as completing today's mission.

It was only now that she felt a little tired.

But at this moment, applause suddenly broke out from outside.

"Congratulations, Your Highness!"

"The carriage is so beautiful!"

"Your Highness, I hope to have the opportunity to play Cuju together in the future!"

Various voices came from the stands, but they were all words of blessing and congratulations.

Princess Ankang lifted the curtains and exposed her head.

Looking at those unfamiliar faces, but full of kindness towards her, Princess Ankang couldn't help but feel a little warm in her heart.

"Axuan, they seem to like me quite a lot."

"Is this what the mother-in-law said about the feeling of being supported by others?"

Princess Ankang asked curiously.

Li Xuan waved his tail, patted the little girl's head, and then wrote on the back of her hand:

"This is far from support."

"You just used your Cuju skills to impress them today."

"But if you like this feeling and are truly supported by people..."

When Li Xuan thought of this, he remembered a figure.

"Then you have to work very hard, very hard!"

After Li Xuan finished writing, he smiled, lay in Princess Ankang's arms, and closed his eyes comfortably.

No matter what kind of person Princess Ankang wants to be, Li Xuan will be by her side.

Li Xuan found that being a cat was easy.

Compared to when he was a human in his previous life, it was easy and without any difficulty.

As a human being, he wants too much.

As a cat, all he wanted was one.

Just like now, squinting your eyes and being with the person you like is enough.

So, Li Xuan is a happy kitten now.

After the carriage circled the venue, it left.

And the time is just right, the sun is shining the last ray of light today.

Candles were lit at the banquet, and the audience in the stands began to return to their seats in an orderly manner, becoming tonight's guests again.

The eunuchs in colorful clothes quickly demolished the Cuju arena and stands, turning it into a huge stage.

On the stage, there is endless singing and dancing to the sound of silk and bamboo.

But these are obviously not serious dramas.

As the Double Ninth Festival banquet officially begins, exquisite delicacies begin to be served.

The guests, who had not eaten much serious food all day long, were finally able to fill their bellies.

The formal dinner will last for one hour, after which you can freely move around in the banquet venue.

Singing, dancing, games, socializing...

It's up to everyone.

It can be said that the restraint in the first half of the Double Ninth Festival banquet is for the freedom after the dinner.

In the carriage, the three little ones listened to the start of the dinner party outside while eating the food Li Xuan had stored in the Emperor Hong Bone Ring.

"Your Highness, is it really okay for us to eat here?"

Although Yu'er asked this, she didn't stop holding the chopsticks in her hand.

She played two games today and was very hungry.

"Manager Shang said that the food at the dinner was mediocre and quite restrictive. We might as well wait here until we are full. We won't be delayed for long."

Princess Ankang said, looking out the car window from time to time to see if anyone was coming.

After Zhao Feng took them to the place where the carriage was parked, he asked them to return to the banquet venue as soon as possible, and then left first.

The three little ones just thought that they would go back later and had to abide by the rules in front of others, so it would be better to just eat their fill here.

Moreover, what they eat on weekdays is the imperial meal. No matter how good the food at the banquet is, it cannot be better than the imperial meal.

When Yu'er heard the same truth, she nodded and stopped asking any more questions and concentrated on cooking.

And Li Xuan had already been busy burying his head in his job, so he had no time to care about anything else.

"Hey, it's best to eat it secretly!"

Li Xuan's big tail slapped the ground, obviously very excited.

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