On the beam of the main hall of Yanqu Hall, a woman in white is hanging on it.

Her face was blue and purple, her eyes were bulging, the whites of her eyes were covered with red dots, and a long tongue was sticking out.

Even though her death was miserable, it is not difficult to see that the woman in white was a rare beauty during her lifetime.

Unfortunately, it has now turned into a cold corpse.

"It's Nangong Cairen!"

"Put the person down quickly!"

The hall suddenly became a mess.

It was early in the morning, and I was supposed to start cleaning the main hall, but the palace maids and eunuchs saw such a horrifying scene as soon as they came in.

Someone tried to reach it by stepping on the table, but found that the body on the rafter was still more than ten feet away from the outstretched hand.

"How do people hang up so high..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was frightened.

The beams of the main hall are more than three feet high and cannot be reached by ordinary people.

But looking at the lonely corpse hanging on the beam, everyone thought of the previous rumors of being haunted.

Fear, many times more intense than before, couldn't help but creep into everyone's mind.

There is a ghost fire in the underworld, and it is dark in the spring courtyard.

After a talented person died, Yanqu Palace had to reopen the palace gate.

When Li Xuan came here, he saw a busy scene under the gloom and mist.

The various departments in the palace seemed to have suddenly woken up and gathered here today.

Some are collecting corpses and remediating the aftermath, some are conducting inquiries and verification, and some are strengthening patrols and vigilance.

Eunuchs in colorful clothes, imperial guards, and even people in official robes.

Li Xuan couldn't tell what kind of officials these were, but he thought they were all here because of the dead talents.

Li Xuan had seen the talented person's body before.

He had envisioned many possible candidates, but he had never expected this person to be the one.

Li Xuan knew the deceased Nangong Cairen.

The day Deng Weixian first came to Yanqu Palace, he met this talented man on the way.

The owner of the room who was attracted by the small table and secretly smoked the bamboo pipe every night was also this talented person.

And today, the person hanging from the beam of the main hall is also this talented person.

What did Nangong Cairen do wrong?

A teenage girl, in her prime, lay cold on the ground and turned into a resentful corpse.

Was it because I met two new eunuchs on the road that day?

Is it because of her beauty that the little table is interested in her?

Is it because he was involved in a conspiracy that he was never aware of?

Or is it because I made a mistake from the moment I entered the palace?

Li Xuan stood on the wall, staring blankly at Nangong Cairen until someone put a white cloth on her and carried her away.

When Nangong Cairen could no longer be seen, Li Xuan discovered that Deng Weixian was also here.

He stood in the corner, looking towards the direction Nangong Cairen left.

The look in his eyes was no different from Li Xuan's.

Confused, helpless, regretful, resentful...

Deng Weixian quietly held the tiger's claw in his hand, and glanced at the small table next to him with cold eyes.

"Shouldn't it be you who died?"

At this time, the little table's face was full of fear, and the panic was undisguised, and its arms were trembling like chaff, so it did not notice the murderous look in Xiao Dengzi's eyes next to him.

"How could she commit suicide? It doesn't make sense, it doesn't make sense..."

"Did she find me?"

"No, no..."

"Then you should tell the printer father-in-law. There is no need to hang yourself..."

"It must be a ghost causing trouble!"

"She won't come to me, it's impossible, she doesn't even know what I did..."

Xiao Zuo's mind was in chaos, his face was pale, and he was sweating like rain.

"How dare you two be lazy and don't even look at what time it is!"

In the distance, an older eunuch in yellow scolded the two.

Deng Weixian and the small table trembled together, as if waking up from a dream, he quickly lowered his head and started busy with what he was doing.

Li Xuan saw all their expressions in his eyes, but besides sighing, he still sighed.

Under the night, after finishing his exercises, Deng Wei first sat on a stone bench to rest while panting heavily.

He took extra effort in practicing tonight and couldn't concentrate.

Maybe it was too counterproductive during the day.


"Can't you calm down tonight?"

A deep voice suddenly sounded behind him, and Deng Weixian suddenly stood up and saluted respectfully.


Deng Weixian's godfather came to him at some point, looked at him, nodded gently, and then said, "Sit down."

Deng Weixian didn't sit down. He shook his head and stood aside, giving up the stone chair he had been sitting on before.

The godfather didn't say much. After sitting down, he asked Deng Weixian, "Is there anything you want to ask me?"

Deng Wei was stunned for a moment, but then his eyes dimmed and he slowly shook his head.

"Godfather has his own reasons for being a godfather."

When the godfather heard this answer, he couldn't help but smile.

"You kid, you are too thoughtful. This is a good thing, but it is not necessarily a good thing."

“Those who achieve great things don’t stick to trivial matters.”

"You have to think about this yourself after all, think about it carefully."

The godfather stood up, patted Deng Wei first, and then prepared to leave.

"Go back and rest early. No matter what happens later, don't come out."

After leaving these words, the godfather disappeared into the night.

Deng Weixian's pupils shrank, knowing that something else was going to happen tonight.

He immediately turned his attention somewhere.

There is a room with small tables.

Li Xuan hid in the bushes and did not return to Jingyang Palace.

Today was destined to be a sleepless night. He wanted to see how this ghost story would end.

Come to think of it, Deng Weixian, who lived in the next room, couldn't sleep either.

They are all waiting.

Everyone is waiting for the ending to unfold.

Later in the night.

A phantom with long hair and white clothes came to this inconspicuous courtyard.

The phantom floated silently into the room with the small table, and then there was a slight movement in the room.

The noise grew louder and louder, beginning to be mixed with frightened screams and miserable cries of pain.

This movement must have awakened many people in the courtyard, but no one dared to come out to check.

A Nangong talent just died in the morning, and there was such a horrible noise in the evening. Who would think that his life was long?

The movement in the small table room only lasted for a quarter of an hour, and then the phantom floated away. Against the dark night background, the white dress was particularly conspicuous.

Li Xuan did not act rashly. He lay down in the bushes and began to rest with his eyes closed.

Although he was curious about what happened to the small table, he did not dare to step forward to check at this time.

But fortunately, it won't be long before dawn.

After waiting for a while, while the first ray of morning light broke through the sky, Li Xuan sneaked closer to the room with the small table.

He leaned by the window and glanced in.

Li Xuan's pupils suddenly shrank uncontrollably, turned around and quickly fled from the place, not daring to stay for a moment.

After daylight, the father-in-law of the printer came to the door of the small table after receiving the report, and sent a few close eunuchs to check.

As a result, news came out from Yanqu Hall that day: the little table went crazy.

In the crazy talk at the small table, everyone learned about his previous abnormal behavior and found the bamboo pipe he used.

There seems to be an explanation for Nangong Cairen's death.

Last night, many people witnessed a ghostly figure that looked very much like Nangong Cairen in Yanqu Hall.

Coupled with the miserable situation that the small table could not bear to look at at this moment, everyone could not help but believe that it was the resentful spirit of Nangong Cairen who came to take revenge.

People who pretend to be gods and ghosts eventually attract real evil spirits.

Thanks to "Admiral Y", "Wei Zhixia", "Brother Nan's Little Brother", "O eh O", "Boring Little Zombie", "Keep up with my speed, "Xianyu ah Xianyu biu"" for their monthly support.

Bai Miao specially invited Nangong Cairen to visit everyone today. Friends who are still playing with their mobile phones at midnight, remember to look back more often.


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