The other two games in the second round were also quickly decided.

The three little ones only warmed up for a long time on the field in front of everyone's eyes, and finally became familiar with the tension of this game.

"Phew, it seems it's almost our turn."

Princess Ankang saw that the other two sides of the field were being cleared, preparing for a new round of competition.

"Your Highness, we have Ah Xuan here. As long as we work hard, we will definitely win!"

Yu'er encouraged.

Princess Ankang also nodded with a smile.

Both girls put the victory or defeat on themselves. Li Xuan shook his head helplessly and pretended to sigh:

"It was not my original intention to abuse food, but reality forced me to do it too much."

It's just that Li Xuan also knows that if the wood is beautiful in the forest, the wind will destroy it.

Especially since he had heard many people muttering below about how to deal with the Eighth Prince.

The Eighth Prince previously won a high-profile match with the help of Axiang.

But this also pushed him to the forefront.

Anyone who wants to win the final victory must overcome this difficulty.

Especially the third prince, who was not dealing with the eighth prince, had already begun to think wrongly, and Li Xuan accidentally overheard some of his words.

Even in a noisy stadium, Li Xuan relied on his excellent hearing to clearly capture almost everyone's conversations, screen them one by one, and get the important information in the conversations.

"It seems that if you win later, you have to keep a low profile."

Li Xuan rolled his eyes and showed a malicious smile.

It was not difficult for him to win this Cuju competition.

Even with the help of A Xiang, the Eighth Prince, Li Xuan is confident that he can easily deal with it.

If you want to win in a low-key manner, you have to pay attention to some details.

Just when Li Xuan was thinking about what to do, the contestants in the third round had already begun to take the stage.

The Sixth Princess, accompanied by two eunuchs with strong auras, entered the stage angrily and stood opposite the three little ones.

"This girl with big breasts is so arrogant."

Li Xuan's eyes twitched, he couldn't stand the arrogant attitude of the Sixth Princess.

The Sixth Princess has never taken advantage of them, and I don't know what she is so arrogant about.

Li Xuan couldn't help but turn his eyes to the heavy chest of the Sixth Princess.

"Is it really a law to have big breasts and no brains?"

"It seems that the nutrition that can be provided is limited after all."

"Can we only take care of one side?"

Just when Li Xuan was seriously thinking about the mysteries of the human body, the competition had already begun.

Princess Ankang and the Sixth Princess walked to the center of the field and made a simple choice of side under the referee of the eunuch in colorful clothes.

The team that is not selected to the side can choose to kick off first.

Princess Ankang successfully chose a side and directly chose the half of the field where they were warming up before.

After all, I have been familiar with it for a while, and I still have to get used to it when I switch to the other side.

Although the two teams will change sides in the second half, Princess Ankang still feels that the game still needs to get off to a good start.

The Sixth Princess, who failed to choose a side, snorted coldly.

In her opinion, no matter which side Princess Ankang chooses, it will not change the outcome of the game.

On this point, Li Xuan also agreed with the Sixth Princess's view.

But the Sixth Princess was unhappy. Even in such a simple choice of sides, Princess Ankang still managed to beat her by a small margin.

It seems that since she failed to win Princess Ankang in the autumn hunting competition last time, she has become obsessed with defeating Princess Ankang once.

Naturally, the three little ones couldn't understand the thoughts of the Sixth Princess, but they just felt that this woman was inexplicable.

"Hmph, you made the worst decision by letting me tee off!"

The Sixth Princess held the ball and stood in position, planning to wait for the referee's whistle before kicking the ball into the goal, making the two people on the opposite side regret it.

Off the field, the eldest prince and the fourth prince looked at the field and seemed very calm.

"Fourth brother, it shouldn't be a problem for Sixth Sister to take down Ankang, right?"

"After all, this is a competition of strength with real swords and guns. Ankang has no room for trickery anymore."

"I've never heard Ankang play Cuju before. I'm afraid he just practiced it temporarily in the past few days."

The eldest prince had already seen something from Princess Ankang's warm-up actions.

Although the movements are considered standard, the unfamiliarity cannot be concealed.

After all, skills like football take time to accumulate.

"I hope so."

The fourth prince just responded to the eldest prince's words.

"Oh, fourth brother, do you think there will be any surprises?"

The eldest prince frowned, he knew that his brother's intuition was always very accurate.

"Ankang has won so far, which time has it not been surprising?"

The fourth prince shook his head. These words left the eldest prince speechless.

Before the competition in the Royal Garden began, who could have expected that this princess, who lived in the cold palace and had the lowest sense of existence, would perform so dazzlingly.

"And I can't understand Ankang anymore."

"I don't know when she started to become so enigmatic."

The fourth prince stared at Princess Ankang on the court and said sincerely.

He boasted that he knew everything about the palace, but he only missed Princess Ankang.

The fourth prince was the most deeply touched by Princess Ankang's changes during this period.

He could no longer tell when Princess Ankang began to hibernate, and which of her previous performances in front of him were true and which were false.

It is true that Princess Ankang has changed too much during this period of time.

The fourth prince racked his brains and couldn't come up with a reasonable explanation.

And the explanation that seemed reasonable to him made him feel too horrified.

The palace had such means and was willing to support Princess Ankang. The fourth prince could only think of their father.

But if everything is arranged by Emperor Yongyuan...

Even the fourth prince did not dare to think about this conjecture.

At this time, a whistle sounded on the field, interrupting the fourth prince's thoughts.

On the court, the Sixth Princess holding the ball did not pass too many passes. She immediately swung one of her slender and tight jade legs back, directly to her head, and made a perfect one-shot.

Immediately afterwards, the Sixth Princess let go of the ball in her hand, and at the same time, her jade legs swung forward and swept toward the ball.

Although her Cuju skills are average, she has the foundation of an eighth-grade warrior and is very skilled in controlling her body.

With a simple movement, he used his own body weight to exert his maximum strength and stuck his foot on the ball.

The figure of the Sixth Princess jumped forward slightly due to the violent movements, and the twisted ball was kicked towards the goal as fast as thunder.

Fortunately, the ball used in the game was strong, otherwise if it had been an ordinary ball, it would have been kicked by the Sixth Princess.

"Damn it, are you so cruel when you come up?"

Li Xuan yawned and watched the ball calmly.

He didn't want to be like the Eighth Prince, who kicked people into pieces and collapsed to the point of abandoning the game at halftime.

Li Xuan wanted to control one point so that others could focus their firepower on the Eighth Prince. They could advance in a low profile and save some energy.

"Forget it, since you are so serious."

"I give up this point."

Li Xuan looked lazy, and there was no fighting spirit in his eyes. He just lay on the field, scratching his bell and being a spectator.

But just when Li Xuan was waiting for the Sixth Prince to score the first point, a figure suddenly flew up in the air and performed the same trick as the Eighth Prince before.

Hooked ball!

There was a loud bang, the ball came into contact with the figure, and immediately changed its direction and was thrown high into the sky.


At the same time, a scream rang out, and Princess Ankang, who had blocked the ball, was kicked by the ball and her body spun rapidly, and she lost control of her body.

When she touched the ball before, she barely hooked it with her toes. As a result, the power of the ball actually caused her body to spin up and down, which showed how powerful it was.

"Your Highness, I will follow you!"

Yu'er said as she took out the ribbon from her sleeves and wanted to catch Princess Ankang's body.

Although the two teams cannot make physical contact with each other, they can with each other.

Otherwise, the eighth prince would not have been able to step on his own eunuch Xiaomizi before.

"leave me alone!"

"Catch the ball first!"

Princess Ankang's body was spinning, but she was only focused on the ball.

She had finally learned the Eighth Prince's moves and received the Sixth Prince's full blow, so naturally she didn't want to fail.

After intercepting the ball, if a member of the same team fails to pass it and the ball falls to the ground, the ball will be returned to the opponent.

Yu'er is naturally more worried about Princess Ankang's safety, but with Princess Ankang's order, she can't disobey it.

Just when Yu'er was in a dilemma, Princess Ankang suddenly pressed hard in the direction of her body's rotation, rolled up and curled up into a ball.

Princess Ankang's body rotated faster and faster, but she slowly regained control of her body.

Seeing this scene, Yu'er no longer hesitated, and immediately gave up her plan to catch Princess Ankang, sprinted towards the ball's landing point, and made a sliding tackle.

The moment before the ball hit the ground, Yu'er almost made the ball fly again.

At the same time, Princess Ankang tossed in the air for an unknown number of degrees, and finally landed firmly without even a trace of stagger.

She was like a gymnast, stretching her arms straight forward to control the balance of her body, and bending her knees slightly to absorb the impact of landing.

"Full marks!"

Li Xuan slapped his tail on the ground excitedly. If he didn't have a scoreboard in his hand, he would have given Princess Ankang ten points.

Princess Ankang and Yu'er both gave perfect answers in their first confrontation.

Then the two girls looked at the ball that was floating again and shouted in unison:

"Axuan, it's your turn!"

Li Xuan stood up with a roar, infected by their blood, and suddenly his fighting spirit was high.

"I originally planned to pretend it, but it seems it won't work anymore."

Li Xuan smiled helplessly, but his smile was full of doting.

"If that's the case, then I won't be polite!"

Li Xuan's two hind legs supporting the ground suddenly lifted up.

The strong and powerful hind legs pointed high into the sky, which was exactly the same as the movements of the Sixth Princess before.


"They let a cat shoot?"

The Sixth Princess felt that she was humiliated and became furious.

But her previous shot was blocked by Princess Ankang, which was enough to make her angry.

Now that she saw Li Xuan imitating her own movements and raising his foot to shoot, she felt even more ridiculous.

"It must have been taught by Ankang, who deliberately let this cat humiliate me."

The Sixth Princess didn't take Li Xuan's shot seriously. In her opinion, it was magical enough that a cat could imitate her movements.

As for how powerful this shot could be, she didn't consider it at all.

Seeing that their master was angry, the two eunuchs behind the Sixth Princess silently stepped forward, intending to help the Sixth Princess organize the next attack after getting the ball.

They were the same, they didn't feel that the kitten that stood up just above their knees posed any threat.

Most of the people present had the same idea. No one had any expectations for Li Xuan's attack. They just watched in wonder that this little black cat could imitate the movements of the Sixth Princess. This was novel enough for them. .

But the Eighth Prince in the audience looked at it extremely seriously and did not dare to blink.

In previous contacts, he had been vaguely aware of Li Xuan's specialness, but he had never been able to confirm it himself.

If the Eighth Prince didn't have Axiang's reaction as a reference, it would probably be difficult for him to detect it.

But after several times, he found that Axiang was particularly uncomfortable in front of Li Xuan, and then he began to pay attention to the little black cat raised by Princess Ankang.

And now, he seems to have an answer.

In the corner of the Royal Garden, Manager Shang and Zhao Feng were watching the game.

Seeing Li Xuan lifting his feet so seriously, Manager Shang couldn't help but give his adopted son an elbow.

"Go, don't let A Xuan cause trouble and kill someone."

Although Zhao Feng walked out, he muttered: "Isn't it?"

But he was used to obeying his godfather's words. Although he said so, he was not slow at all.

Manager Shang shook his head silently, but did not explain too much.

Just when everyone had mixed reactions, the ball slowly fell in front of Li Xuan.

Li Xuan watched the ball fall from his eyes, and his hind legs raised high followed the example of the Sixth Princess and swiped forward.

At this moment, facing the ball, the Sixth Princess and her two eunuchs suddenly stiffened and felt their heartbeats skip a beat.

When their heartbeats resumed, the ball had already disappeared before their eyes.

Li Xuan's hind leg also stretched straight forward, and the cat's paw pointed directly at the romantic eye opposite.

The Sixth Princess seemed to see a strange smile on the cat's face. Just as she was wondering, she found that a few strands of her hair were falling to the ground, and the roots were neatly broken.

"This is……"

"My hair?"

The Sixth Princess looked at the hair on the ground and subconsciously touched her temples. She noticed that her hair, which was originally tightly tied, was a little messy for some reason.


There was a muffled sound.

Everyone's attention was attracted.

Behind the romantic eyes of the six princesses, Zhao Feng's figure floated down from the air, holding the remains of the ball in his hand.

If he hadn't stopped the ball just now, it might have hit somewhere in the palace.

"The score stands and the game continues."

Zhao Feng said coldly and glared at Li Xuan secretly.

Instantly, there was an uproar on the court.

"What the hell is this crazy little kitten!?"

In the stands, Li Xiong was the first to shout. On the spot, his mother-in-law grabbed his lips and told him to shut up again.

Li Xiong's mother-in-law held her forehead with one hand and lowered her head deeply into her lap. With her free hand, she firmly grasped the mouth of her naughty child and pulled him close to the one that had just fallen ashore. Like a pout.

The naughty child seemed to have been used to it for a long time, and he shut up obediently and did not resist.

But those eyes were staring at the little kitten on the field, full of curiosity.

The eldest prince and the fourth prince looked at each other silently and murmured:

"Exotic beasts!?"

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