Seeing that no one had any other questions, Zhao Feng left the Royal Garden with the results of the draw. Others also dispersed and were busy preparing for the competition three days later.

Cuju is a relatively popular sport in Daxing, and most boys and girls can play it.

It's just that some people like Cuju more and are therefore good at it, while some people are not interested enough and their skills are relatively unfamiliar.

But now that Cuju has become this month's competition, all the princes and princesses have to pay attention.

At least they still have three days to prepare. Not to mention improving their own skills, they can also carefully select the attendants who are better at Cuju.

No matter what, they each need to work hard.

Moreover, starting from this month, many people have an additional goal.

That is to help the people you support win first place.

Especially now that the matchup in the qualifiers has been decided, the maneuverability is even greater.

While others were busy, the Eighth Prince invited Princess Ankang to sit in his courtyard for a while.

"Ankang, it's rare for you to return to the palace recently. Come and sit with me before leaving the palace."

The renovation of Jingyang Palace was a big deal in the palace, and the Eighth Prince naturally heard about it.

And judging from his appearance, it seemed that he had something to say to Princess Ankang.

Princess Ankang didn't think much and agreed immediately. She also wanted to see what the eighth prince had to say that he couldn't say here.

"Then, um, myna, I want to go too!"

Princess Yuanan on the side said shamelessly.

Because I had something to ask for, I didn't call him "Lao Ba" as usual, but called him "Bago" properly.

"what ever."

The eighth prince didn't care and responded casually with a smile.

The three of them went to the Eighth Prince's Xiaoyao Villa together, with a group of attendants following behind them.

After arriving at Xiaoyao Villa, the Eighth Prince dismissed his personal attendants.

Princess Yuan'an also followed suit and asked her attendants to wait outside.

They are all in the royal family, so they still have this kind of discernment.

Then the two of them looked at Princess Ankang silently.

As a result, Princess Ankang spread her hands and said:

"I'm just a close servant. If you have anything to say, Bage, just say it."

Yu'er was ready to resign, but Princess Ankang stopped her and forced her to stay.

When the Eighth Prince heard what Princess Ankang said, he thought it made sense, so he acquiesced in letting Yu'er stay, and immediately said:

"The boss has attracted a lot of people, I'm afraid you won't be so relaxed in this month's competition."

Hearing this, Princess Ankang's heart moved and she couldn't help but ask:

"Then how many people are planning to help the eldest brother?"

"More than half." The eighth prince replied with an ambiguous number, and then said, "Concubine Zhang has been busy with a lot of things while you are away from the palace."

"Perhaps I think the boss and the three of them can't accomplish anything, so now they're going to do it themselves."

"During this period, there have been many people secretly criticizing Concubine Zhang, but since they are so brave, they definitely won't care about these rumors."

"It's just that Concubine Zhang has reached this point. If the three of them, the boss, can't get some results, they will definitely be very embarrassed in the end."

It is not difficult to tell that there is a lot of gloating in the eighth prince's words.

But Li Xuan and Princess Ankang both frowned.

Others don't know, but they still know it very well.

The pressure on the eldest prince has reached a certain level. He even visited Jingyang Palace in person before and lost some composure in front of them.

Concubine Zhang's daily behavior is already suffocating.

Now, after being forced into a hurry, the intensity has increased to another level.

Even Li Xuan couldn't help but feel sad for the three brothers and sisters.

"It's impossible for them to win if they want to win."

"As for their crazy old lady, let them have their own headache."

Li Xuan shook his head and ignored the matter.

"Of course, there are still many who have not been won over by the boss."

The eighth prince continued.

"Because of their position, it is impossible for these people to help Concubine Zhang and the boss."

"But right now they don't have a suitable supporter. After all, there are only five people with points. Among them, the three brothers and sisters of the eldest prince occupy three positions. They are considered a family."

"Other than that, it's just you and me."

The eighth prince said, pointing at Princess Ankang and himself.

Princess Yuanan, who was listening on the side, suddenly felt that she was excluded from the circle again, and couldn't help but snorted.

"Yuanan, what are you moaning about?"

"Who told you not to compete well before?"

The Eighth Prince scolded Princess Yuanan, and then returned to the topic:

"Those who have no chance of winning will not give up easily, and will even intensify their efforts to cause trouble, just like Lao San."

Li Xuan couldn't help but smile.

Although he still didn't know the eighth prince's intention of inviting Princess Ankang here today, he could hear the dissatisfaction with the third prince in the eighth prince's tone.

It seems that the gap between the two people is not small.

During the last competition in Qiu Shou, Li Xuan could see that the two men were filled with a lot of emotions when they started fighting.

I'm afraid there have been a lot of conflicts accumulated in the past.

"Does the eighth child want to find Ankang to deal with the third child together?"

"But the third child didn't get any points and was completely eliminated from the final competition."

"Could it be that you want to take advantage of these last few games to vent your anger?"

While Li Xuan was guessing what the eighth prince wanted to do, Princess Yuan'an, who was listening in, couldn't bear it anymore.

"Baby, what do you want to do after you've been talking for so long?"

"Didn't we all say this before in the Royal Garden?"

Princess Yuanan rested her chin on her hand, frowned, and said impatiently.

"Adults talk, children don't interrupt!"

The eighth prince replied angrily.

Then he coughed dryly, and it was easy to hear the embarrassment in it.

"Ankang, there is actually no other reason for Bago to come to you today. He just wants you to do me a favor."

When Princess Ankang heard this, she immediately smiled and said:

"Ouch, Bage, aren't you seeing someone else?"

"If there is anything you need help from little sister, just say it directly. There is no need to beat around the bush."

Li Xuan also wanted to see what kind of help the Eighth Prince wanted Princess Ankang to do, but he actually made him take such a big turn.

"I heard that you tamed a white tiger in Fanglin Garden during the last autumn hunting competition?"

"There is such a thing."

Princess Ankang did not expect that the eighth prince would mention Dabai.

"How are you training this white tiger?"

"It's quite obedient." Princess Ankang looked at Li Xuan in her arms and replied honestly.

"In that case, can you lend it to me?"

The Eighth Prince hesitated for a long time and finally expressed his request.

When they heard this, Princess Ankang and Li Xuan were stunned and looked at him with strange eyes.

Princess Yuan'an and Yu'er on the side were not much better.

"What's the point of a white tiger that's been trained so well?"

Li Xuan frowned, trying to find a suitable excuse for the eighth prince.

The Eighth Prince was stared at inexplicably by several people, so he immediately explained:

"I just borrowed it for a ride, what do you think?"

These words made Li Xuan, who was still trying to find excuses for the eighth prince, immediately widen his eyes in shock.

"You're so old, but you're still so playful?"

Li Xuan was angry and refused to fight.

"Speaking of which, this matter is also a problem left over from the last autumn hunting competition."

"I teamed up with those little Doudings at the beginning and promised to make up for it with them."

"As a result, several of them were punished by their respective mothers and concubines. I feel really sorry for that."

"I just happened to hear that Ankang you have tamed a new white tiger, so I wanted to borrow your white tiger to make the little beans happy. It's also my way of repaying their favor."

After hearing the last of the Eighth Prince's words, everyone showed a look of astonishment.

Otherwise, Princess Ankang and others really thought that the Eighth Prince liked the new and disliked the old, and wanted to exchange his sea green for the white tiger.


"That's what happened."

Princess Ankang breathed a sigh of relief. She really thought that the Eighth Prince was going to open his mouth to her just now.

"Otherwise, what do you think it is?" the Eighth Prince asked strangely.

"Uh, it's nothing." Princess Ankang looked careless, and then changed the topic: "It's not difficult to borrow Dabai, but Dabai is still raised in Fanglin Garden. Manager Zhao told me before that this time Jingyang After the palace is repaired, we can bring Dabai to Jingyang Palace."

"When I borrow the white tiger at that time, it shouldn't be a problem, right?" the eighth prince asked immediately.

Princess Ankang nodded and agreed to the matter.

"Okay, okay, Ankang really helped me a lot!"

The eighth prince jumped up with joy, a smile on his face.

Li Xuan didn't expect that he was beating around the bush for a long time just to use Dabai to please the little beans.

It seems that he can continue to be the king of children.

After all, the Eighth Prince cares so much about the little beans, how can he not be supported by them.

Li Xuan could see that the Eighth Prince was sincere about playing, without any other thoughts.

If he were born into an ordinary family, the eighth prince would definitely be a good brother.

"You've been doing ink for a long time, just to borrow a tiger?"

Princess Yuanan, who had been listening for a long time, couldn't help but complain.

She saw the Eighth Prince laying the groundwork for a long time and thought it was something big.

"Yuanan, what do you know? Do you know what a big tiger means to the little beans?"

"And this is a rare white tiger!"

The Eighth Prince was heartbroken by Princess Yuanan's ignorance and beat his chest in anger.

Princess Yuanan didn't care about the eighth prince's reaction, and subconsciously turned her attention to Li Xuan in Princess Ankang's arms.

"A big tiger can't be as cute as Ah Xuan."

"You don't know who it is?"

Princess Yuanan rolled her eyes at the excited eighth prince unconvinced.

Princess Ankang let the two of them argue and sat quietly aside, silently stroking Li Xuan's soft fur.

"Shallow humans."

Li Xuan secretly complained.

After having lunch at the Eighth Prince's Xiaoyao Villa, the three little ones said goodbye and left.

When they returned to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Zhao Feng had already asked the carriage to wait for them here.

When sending them out of the palace, Zhao Feng said that the date of going to Qianxing Pavilion this month would be postponed until after the competition.

In this regard, the three little ones also expressed their understanding.

When it comes to arranging the date to go to Qianxing Pavilion, the three little ones always trust Zhao Feng and believe that he can make the best arrangements.

When leaving, Li Xuan patted Zhao Feng with his tail, then stood up and wrote:

"These four legs of mine should all be considered feet, right?"

"You can't count the first two as hands and the last two as feet, right?"

Regarding the rules of the game, Li Xuan must ask more clearly.

Zhao Feng's eyes twitched, but he didn't expect that Li Xuan was quite particular about rules.

“For taming animals, the rule against touching the ball with your hands does not apply.”

"Axuan, not every tamed animal is as smart as you, knows the rules clearly, and still struggles with which leg counts as a hand and which leg counts as a foot."

"It's already a big deal if you can train an animal to play Cuju."

"How could one ask for more."

Zhao Feng explained helplessly.

After all, there is no way to use Li Xuan's intelligence to ask other tamers, that would be unfair.

Not to mention that Li Xuan, the cat, is much smarter than the average person.

After receiving Zhao Feng's affirmative answer, Li Xuan was relieved.

After the three little ones returned to Xingqing Palace in a carriage, they started practicing Cuju without stopping.

The three of them are all new to Cuju, and this is the first time they have even seen the ball used to kick Cuju.

Manager Shang helped them find the ball, set up the goal, and hired several eunuchs in colorful clothes who knew how to play Cuju to practice with them.

Princess Ankang's physical fitness is now far beyond that of ordinary people, and she can get started very quickly.

Yu'er is also a martial artist after all, and she is not slow at all in learning.

As for Li Xuan...

He lay down on the goal and became the goalkeeper.

The romantic eye on the goal for the ball to pass through is already narrow, and Li Xuan can block all attacks by lying on it with just his tail.

When Manager Shang saw Li Xuan playing Cuju like this, he couldn't help but smile and said:

"Axuan, contestants are not allowed to touch the goal directly, otherwise it will be a foul."

After hearing this, Li Xuancai reluctantly jumped off the goal and landed on the ground.

At this time, it was the turn of the three little ones to attack.

Princess Ankang bounced the ball lightly twice and then passed it to Li Xuan.

"Axuan, come here!"

The ball flew towards Li Xuan, but Li Xuan was still lying on the ground looking lazy.

He didn't make any other movements, just twitched with his tail, and the ball suddenly pulled out an afterimage and roared like wind and thunder.

The eunuch in colorful clothes standing on the other side responsible for sparring suddenly stood on end, and no one dared to move for a while.

Then they all turned their heads and looked at the goal silently, only to find that the romantic eye on the goal seemed to be a little bigger, and the ball was nowhere to be seen.

Li Xuan frowned and stood up from the ground, looking more serious.

"It seems like you really need to practice hard."

In that moment just now, Li Xuan's hit was slightly off target.

When the eunuchs in training saw this scene, they couldn't help but swallow nervously.

Especially when they saw that Li Xuan seemed dissatisfied with the previous shot and seemed to be getting more serious.

Manager Shang watched from the side and sighed silently, knowing that someone would be unlucky in the competition in two days.

"Just hope I don't kick anyone to death."

Manager Shang murmured slightly worriedly.

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