"As expected."

On the ridge of the roof, Li Xuan looked down at Hadir, who had changed his clothes, and thought to himself.

After the monks discussed the new plan last night, Li Xuan returned to the West City without stopping and continued to monitor Hadir's whereabouts.

This person can be considered calm. After being teased by Li Xuan last night, he actually endured it until dawn before leaving the inn.

Judging from Hadir's route at this time, he should be planning to escape from the capital all the way.

According to Manager Shang's guess, Hadir failed to complete his "bait" task well, and the people behind him might not let him go easily.

Moreover, this guy is a desperado himself, and I am afraid that the other party has already been prepared to sacrifice Hadir.

Hadir must have understood his position as an abandoned son now, so he planned to leave the place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

And just when Hadir was about to walk out of the West Market, Li Xuan saw his face suddenly change, his hurried steps stopped instantly, and his forehead was instantly covered with fine cold sweat.

Seeing Hadir's reaction, Li Xuan knew that the real master he was waiting for had arrived.

He immediately followed Hadier's gaze and saw only an ordinary sesame seed vendor, taking advantage of the morning rush hour to sell hot sesame seed cakes.

This vendor is from Daxing. He looks about forty or fifty, with an ordinary face and a simple and honest smile, and he is enthusiastically soliciting customers.

But it was such a seemingly ordinary person who scared Hadir to death.

Li Xuan quietly leaned on the eaves and stared at this person seriously.

He circulated the yin and yang energy in his body and strengthened his perception to the extreme. It turned out that this person had no cultivation and was not a cultivator.

"Damn it, no wonder Manager Shang told me to be careful and not to be careless."

"They actually sent an ordinary person to keep an eye on Hadir!"

Li Xuan really didn't expect this.

In his opinion, Hadir himself has a lot of cultivation. If he wants to see him, he has to have someone better than him, right?

Moreover, Li Xuan has subconsciously believed that this kind of profession must be practiced by practitioners.

Who would have thought that the other party's spy was an ordinary person.

If it weren't for Hadir's gaze, Li Xuan would never have noticed such an uncle selling sesame seeds on the road.

What's more, the smile on this uncle's face is so honest.

"Is this the acting skills of a secret agent?"

Li Xuan felt a little numb on his scalp.

Looking at the sesame seed vendor selling sesame cakes, he was greeting the customers in a familiar manner. He didn't look like someone who had just started setting up a stall.

After Haldir stood still for a while, he finally hesitated for a long time before shuffling to the stall selling sesame cakes.

"Guest, do you want to buy a piece of sesame cake?"

The vendor asked with a smile on Hadir.

"Is there any samosa? I want to eat samusa, any filling is fine."

Hadir swallowed his foam and said nervously.

"Haha, the customer is joking. This is a sesame cake stall. How can I have a samusa?"

Then, the vendor looked around and said to Hadir with some embarrassment:

"At this point, I'm afraid there's no one selling samusa nearby."

After saying that, the smile on the vendor's face faded slightly, and a glimmer of pupil was revealed in the slits of his narrowed eyes.

"It seems that the guest is homesick, but I heard that the road has been very windy and sandy recently, so it's not time to go back yet."

"When the wind and sand pass, maybe the guests can return to their hometowns and eat the samosa they yearn for."

The hawker put on his honest smile again and continued to entertain other customers. The sesame seed cakes were sold out one after another very quickly, obviously the business was good.

Hadir did not leave, but stood aside with a pale face.

He understood that he was now a pawn on the chessboard who had walked to the river, and there was no way out except moving forward.

The ordinary sesame seed vendor in front of him was holding Hadir's life in his hands.

As long as he dares to step out of the West Market today, he will never taste the samusa from his hometown again.

Only now did Hadir realize that he had been deceived, but he was helpless in the face of these people.

"I knew this good thing would not happen to me, Hadir!"

Hadir was filled with regret. If he had known this, he would not have set foot in the capital even if he was killed.

But now he is just a piece of meat on the chopping board, ready to be slaughtered.

Whether it was the sesame seed seller or the one who came to clean up his room last night, they were neither existences he could afford to offend.

The fragrance in the box last night, these people told him that it could charm even a fourth-grade master.

If they didn't lie to themselves, then those who came last night were masters of the third level.

A legendary existence!

Therefore, even if Hadir was teased last night, he could only continue to snore and pretend to be asleep, for fear of irritating the other person.

But when the other party took off his clothes, Hadir's heart skipped a beat, but he was instantly ready to endure the humiliation and survive in order to survive.

But luckily, the worst didn't happen.

In that case, Hadir was already convinced that the other party knew that he was pretending to sleep.

But in the end, the other party just swept away everything in the room and left, leaving only his smooth self.

Hadir was afraid that when he opened his eyes, he would see an unfamiliar face smiling strangely at him, so he resisted until there were birds chirping outside before he dared to get up.

"What a pity, God wants to kill me!"

Hadir walked to Adasi Inn in despair.

Now, he dared not offend either side and was caught in the middle.

He had no good way to get out of this situation, so he could only take one step at a time and live one more day.

"It seems that it's almost done."

Li Xuan saw Hadir turn around and go back, and immediately raised his tail and shook it three times.

After a while, a carriage rushed in from the other end of the road, causing passers-by to jump and dodge in a hurry.

Hadir was already in a bad mood, and he was feeling depressed at this time. Seeing an out-of-control carriage rushing towards him, he immediately took a vicious stance and planned to kill the running horse to vent his anger.

But before he could throw a punch, he suddenly felt his whole body stiffen and lost control of his body in an instant.

The next moment, Hadir and the carriage crossed each other, leaving only the carriage to go away, and a huge living person disappeared.

The hawker selling sesame cakes watched the carriage rushing past his stall, and the honest smile on his face became a little thicker.

When Li Xuan saw that Hadir had been successfully kidnapped, but the hawker selling sesame cakes was indifferent, he immediately jumped down from the eaves and came to the alley below.

Here, Xu Lang was quietly waiting.

"The hawker selling sesame cakes is the monitor."

Li Xuan wrote a sentence to Xu Lang, and then hurriedly left the alley.

Xu Lang bowed and sent Li Xuan off, whispering:

"Sir, be careful!"

Li Xuan returned to the eaves and continued to observe the reaction of the sesame cake vendor.

After pretending to be as flustered as everyone else, this person slowly resumed his business, as if Hadir's kidnapping was just a farce that had nothing to do with him.

The street was too chaotic before, and the people in the carriage moved too fast, so most people didn't notice that there was a Western Region man missing on the street.

Li Xuan didn't have to worry about the carriage and Hadir, because that was the part that Shang Zongguan was responsible for.

Li Xuan had his own mission.

What they had to do today was very simple, that is, to change the current enemy dark and I bright, and then put on another layer of enemy bright and I dark, and divide the troops into two groups.

Shang Zongguan sent someone to kidnap Hadir, and then drove the tails behind him in a carriage around the capital, trying to make as much noise as possible.

At the same time, Shang Zongguan would also try to control the tails behind him.

But according to Shang Zongguan, these tails are not valuable, and Li Xuan needs to catch the big fish behind.

After making a fuss, Li Xuan used his advantages to find out the other party's contact route, and it would be best to find the small leaders and leaders.

Shang Zongguan told Li Xuan last night that he had an advantage that no spy could achieve, that is, the concealment brought by his identity.

No normal person would doubt a house cat that can be seen everywhere.

And this became Li Xuan's best advantage in becoming an excellent spy.

"It's rare that Shang Zongguan has high hopes, so we can't let him down."

After Li Xuan climbed onto the eaves, his movements suddenly became bolder than before.

He climbed down from the eaves directly, then walked across the street in a swagger, and came to the wall behind the pancake stall to lie down and take a nap comfortably.

Li Xuan was less than two meters away from the pancake vendor at this time, which could be said to be very close.

But the pancake vendor didn't even look at Li Xuan, not even a trace of extra attention, just occasionally looking up in the direction of the carriage while selling pancakes.

Li Xuan felt a little nervous at first, fearing that the pancake vendor would see his difference.

But after a long time, he also relaxed and even yawned.

"Is this such a simple and easy job?"

Bored, Li Xuan couldn't help but start to wonder.

Fortunately, he was so cautious before, like a thief.

As a result, this swagger not only has a better effect, but also makes the cat feel much more relaxed.

But Li Xuan looked around and realized that he still borrowed the light of the environment.

"It seems that this market is my world."

Just as Li Xuan was sighing, the pancake vendor also took action.

It's outrageous to say that Li Xuan actually saw the vendor secretly take off his shoes and then put them into a secret compartment behind the stall.

Li Xuan looked at the wall behind him and saw it clearly.

The short brush and paper were prepared in advance in the secret compartment. Then the pancake vendor clamped the special short brush with his toes, and then he started writing while selling pancakes.

"No wonder he can be a spy as an ordinary person, it turns out that he has a special skill!"

Li Xuan's cat eyes widened, and he was amazed.

If Li Xuan was still monitoring on the roof, he might not have noticed the abnormality of this guy.

It was really that this person's movements of selling pancakes and writing were too smooth, and people could not tell that he was doing two things at once.

Li Xuan couldn't help but stretch his head forward to give himself a better view and see what this guy wrote.

There was not much content on the paper, only a few sentences:

"The fish has bitten the hook, and the action begins!"

"Group one has caught up, group two will respond, and the rest are on standby."

In addition, there was a brief description of what happened before, and the specific characteristics of the carriage.

Not to mention, professionals are professionals.

The horse-drawn carriage just whizzed past, but the pancake vendor described the features of the carriage in great detail, almost painting it on paper.

Li Xuanzheng was looking at it carefully. The multi-tasking sesame seed vendor seemed to notice his gaze and suddenly turned around to look, only to see a black cat with its head hanging down against the wall, sleeping in a bad state.

"Am I too sensitive?"

Seeing that it was just a wild cat, the sesame seed vendor didn't think much about it. After writing the secret letter, he put down the short brush and picked up a small fan from the hidden compartment to dry the ink he had just written.

Li Xuan squinted his eyes and pretended to sleep, and couldn't help but exclaimed in his heart:

"Such sensitive toes."

"It's true that the strongest has its own strong foot. There are people outside the world, and there is heaven outside the world!"

"My little kitten is willing to give in."

His four little mangosteens are definitely not capable of such a thing. You have to admit it when it's time to admit it. You still need to be open-minded.

Li Xuan no longer dared to underestimate the world's secret agents, reminding himself that he might encounter such a "unique brother" in the future, and he must maintain a humble heart.

The sesame biscuit vendor soon sold out all the sesame biscuits he brought and temporarily closed the stall on the grounds that he had to go back to restock.

Li Xuan naturally followed him, only to find that he quickly passed on the secret message.

The sesame cake vendor and Xu Lang were watching secretly, so Li Xuan didn't need to follow this person closely.

The most important thing for him now is to work with Mi Xin to trace back and find the valuable leader.

This secret letter went around all the way and soon left the West Market, and the contents of the secret letter gradually increased.

After one group started taking action, the second group quickly joined in, then the third group, the fourth group, and finally the final five groups.

Li Xuan didn't know exactly how many people there were, but he thought that Manager Shang's attraction was very successful.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to mobilize all the opponent's troops in less than half a day.

But the secret letter was still being delivered and had not reached the end of his trip.

Li Xuan followed all the way, using his kitty appearance to easily follow the secret letter.

No matter how covertly these people used to send messages, they never thought of being wary of a cat, just like the maids and eunuchs in the palace who hid private money.

But Li Xuan didn't always peek openly, but sometimes hid and sometimes exposed.

The most important thing is the environment.

In a busy place, he went over to take a look as he did before.

Otherwise, just follow the old routine. Anyway, he is still good at being sneaky.

Li Xuan followed this secret letter around and came to a magnificent building in the capital.

The secret message was sent here, and Li Xuan suddenly became excited when he realized that he might have found the place.

But when he looked up and saw the sign on the door of the building, he was shocked and angry for a moment.

[Money Helper]

"Damn it, I said you bastards have stopped recently!"

Li Xuan was so angry that he cursed for a while, never expecting that there was someone from the money gang behind Hadir.

He climbed directly over the wall of the Qian Gang's compound, planning to get the conclusive evidence and directly ask Manager Shang to lead the colorful eunuchs to quell this ghost place.

"I'll show you unscrupulous people what will happen if you go against the government!"

Ouchi secret agent Ling Lingmiao arrives, and the gangsters from the Money Gang come out to die! ! !

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