Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 394 My little kitten won’t do this!

When Li Xuan and others left, Hadir, who was sitting behind the stall, also breathed a sigh of relief.

"That old man can't see through it at all..."

Looking at Manager Shang's leaving figure, Hadir secretly thought with lingering fear.

Hadir can see the depth of ordinary people. After all, he has been traveling around all year round. Without a pair of bright moves, he would have died in a stinky ditch long ago.

But facing Manager Shang, Hadir felt like staring into the abyss, seeing nothing but the unknown.

This was the first time Hadir encountered such a situation.

"Oh, this Longtan is not easy to break into..."

Hadir casually took another painting and began to identify it, but his mind was no longer here.

On the other side, Li Xuan and others had returned to the carriage, and this time Manager Shang also sat in.

"Axuan, what do you think?"

Manager Shang first asked Li Xuan.

The person present who knew the situation best was Monk Li Xuan. Princess Ankang and Yu'er were not clear about the half of the treasure map.

Li Xuan rolled his eyes, immediately swung his tail, and wrote angrily:

"They were just so defiant."

"Mr. Shang, can we, Daxing, tolerate this nonsense?"

"I suggest that they be arrested immediately, tortured, and then hanged!"

Manager Shang glanced at Li Xuan, then smiled, rubbed his chin, and said seriously:

"That's a good idea."

"Then what are you waiting for? Send the eunuchs in colorful clothes to capture Hadir first!" Li Xuan wrote impatiently.

Princess Ankang and Yu'er looked left and right, wondering what the man and the cat were talking about.

But it looked like it was business, so the two girls didn't interrupt casually.

"Hey, that's wrong."

"I don't feel comfortable letting them handle such an important matter."

Manager Shang said this, and then changed his tone:

"The matter is so important that we need to send out His Majesty's most capable spies."

When Li Xuan heard that there was an unexpected gain, he immediately showed interest and waited for Manager Shang's next words.

As a result, Manager Shang didn't say anything and looked at Li Xuan with a smile.


Li Xuan tilted his head.

He originally thought of leaving this troublesome matter to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, waiting to enjoy the fruits of the trouble and see what secrets were hidden in the treasure map.

But now it's a good thing, after going full circle, I still have to do it myself.

"Emperor Yongyuan's most powerful spy can't be my little cat, right?"

Li Xuan spread his paws and marveled at Manager Shang's ability to tell lies with his eyes open.

Manager Shang waved his hand and shook his head:

"Axuan, why should you belittle yourself? His Majesty recognizes your ability."

"You have successfully completed the previous missions with ease."

"His Majesty said that from now on, you must be the number one secret agent in Ouchi!"

Manager Shang pointed at Brother Thumb and poured bowl after bowl of ecstasy soup into Li Xuan's mouth.

"Damn it, you are treating me like a child!"

Li Xuan was so angry that he gritted his teeth. If he wanted free labor, he had to use this method.

"My little kitten won't do this!"

The night wind blows and frost falls, and thousands of leaves fall into formation.

Autumn wind, fallen leaves, little black cat.

constitutes the main theme of tonight.


Li Xuan yawned greatly and stretched his body.

"It's getting colder and colder today."

Li Xuan looked down at the passers-by who were hunching their necks, covering their clothes, and walking like quails, and sighed with emotion.

In the end, he couldn't resist his curiosity and was willingly seduced by Manager Shang.

Li Xuan stayed to investigate Hu Shang Hadir, while Manager Shang took Princess Ankang and Yu'er away.

Hadir set up a stall in the West Market during the day to collect paintings. After the market closed, he drank and ate meat in a tavern in the West Market. Until now, he showed no sign of returning to his hotel.

Li Xuan followed this guy for a day, but he didn't notice anything unusual.

But as a cat, Li Xuan knows that hunting requires patience.

Hadir walked out drunkenly from a tavern in the West City at this time, supported by Abu who also drank a lot.

"Master Hadir, you are drunk, I, I will take you back."

Abu's tongue was already a little knotted.

It seems that not only can you get a good salary for this translation job, but you can also eat and drink along with it. The treatment is really good.

"I'm not drunk, I'm not drunk..."

"Abu, if you don't believe it, I..."

"I, I'll show you some Qinggong..."

Like most people, those who are drunk always say they are not drunk, and those who are not drunk always say they are drunk.

Hadir swayed with a big thick leg and was about to step up to the sky, as if he was climbing up invisible steps.

Abu was so frightened that he quickly pressed down Hadir's thick leg, fearing that he would fall out of harm's way.

This is his own God of Wealth, how dare Abu let Hadir do such nonsense.

"Master, master, can't I believe it?"

Maybe it was because he was anxious, but his tongue was no longer tied at all. His originally confused mind was blown by the cold wind, and he became much clearer.

"Then, Master Hadir, be careful on the road. I will come back to say hello to you tomorrow morning."

Hadir didn't listen to what Abu said. He waved his hands randomly and went to the inn where he was staying.

Although Abu was a little worried, he still turned around and walked towards home.

In his opinion, Hadir is a ruthless man with a tough hand. Even if there is trouble on the way back, the trouble he can't solve cannot be solved by himself. It is more practical to go back and rest early.

Abu has been running a noodle stall in the West Market for many years, and his family lives in a small alley not far from the stall.

Although it is a home, it is just a place to lie down and sleep, and there is no other space other than that.

After all, Abu's home was just a woodshed before he rented it.

Abu's family is in his distant hometown and he has not been back for many years.

In order to support his family, Abu worked hard to run his own noodle stall in Beijing alone. He sent money back after making money, leaving only necessary materials and living expenses.

Over the years, A Bu has evolved from a young boy who came to Beijing to wander around, and has grown into a vicissitudes of life as a noodle stall uncle.

The men in his hometown are about to become grandfathers at his age, but he hasn't even married a wife yet.

Every year I always say that I will go back if I save enough money, but for some reason I never save enough money.

But his recent job as a translator for Hadir made Abu very happy.

The work is much easier than working at a noodle stall, and the money earned is actually more.

Hadir always took him to eat with him. In the past few days, Abu had eaten a lot of things that he had not been willing to eat in so many years.

"It would be great if I could always have such a good life."

Abu hummed a tune happily and walked towards home.

Li Xuan just glanced at Abu's back and smiled slightly.

Abu's back gave him a feeling of déjà vu.

But there was still business at the moment, so Li Xuan didn't think about it anymore, but followed Hadir along the eaves.

The West Market also maintains a certain flow of people at night, and there are night market vendors on the road.

But compared to the daytime, it is definitely a bit more deserted.

It can be clearly seen that the night here in the West Market is much worse than that in the East Market. Most of the restaurants and pubs are doing good business, while other shops close early.

"It seems that nightlife depends on Dongshi Flower Street."

It was Li Xuan's first time strolling around the West Market at night, and he found it quite novel.

Hadir wandered all the way, walking through the streets and alleys, not shying away from dark corners, and headed straight back to his residence.

But he didn't get into any trouble along the way, and everything went smoothly.

Even though this is the capital, the security at night is not as good as this.

Li Xuan watched from above, but saw that property transfer business was taking place just across an alley.

A Hu businessman who didn't recognize his identity was cordially surrounded by several gangsters in a dark corner, and they enthusiastically helped him clean his pockets.

This kind of thing cannot be prevented even in the capital.

Who can guarantee that a few mice will not breed in dark corners.

Li Xuan looked around while paying attention to Hadir's movements.

It was discovered that those gangsters had stripped Hu Shang naked, even his silk trousers.

This made the little cat shake its head repeatedly, and then flicked its tail a few times. The gangsters immediately rolled their eyes and fell to the ground softly.

Hu Shang, who was stripped of all his clothes and could only rely on the fat on his belly to hide his shame, was immediately startled.

But he immediately saw a few extra pebbles on the ground and understood something immediately.

"Thank you, hero, thank you hero..."

He raised his head and raised his hands repeatedly, not knowing who he was thanking. Then he hurriedly snatched his belongings and clothes from the gangsters on the ground, and fled the place in a hurry. When he arrived on the more lively street, he immediately attracted a burst of laughter. Voice.

Even though he was laughed at, Hu Shang breathed a sigh of relief after escaping. He found a wall, slowly put on his clothes, and cursed those bastards who were still staring at him in his hometown dialect.

The laughter on the street seemed to attract Hadir's attention, and he looked in the direction of the laughter with drunken eyes.

Li Xuan was lying on the eaves, blending into the night.

Hadir scratched his head, muttered something and continued on his own path.

Li Xuan also followed him slowly on the road again.

"Huh, I'm really pretending to be drunk."

Li Xuan couldn't help but secretly thought in his heart.

His previous actions were not just out of heed.

While Li Xuan used his tail to use the slingshot technique to subdue the gangsters, he kept his eyes fixed on Hadir.

Before Hadir heard the laughter and turned around, his right ear visibly moved. It was at the moment when Li Xuan launched his attack.

This kind of subconscious reaction is the most difficult to hide.

Especially when Hadir thought there was no one around to follow him.

It was precisely because of this that Li Xuan concluded that Hadir's vigilance at this time was not as low as it seemed.

"If you hadn't met me, your acting skills would have deceived most people."

I have to admit, Hadir pretends to be quite the same.

Soon, Hadir returned to the inn where he stayed.

【Adasi Inn】

Under the removable signboard, there is a small line of Western characters, which is probably the name of the inn.

"Return to the whole bilingual sign."

Li Xuan estimated that this inn should be specialized in business for people from the Western Regions.

Hadir went all the way to the upper room on the third floor without lighting a lamp. He just went in and lay on the bed, sleeping soundly. His snoring was so loud that Li Xuan could hear it clearly from outside.

Li Xuan did not rush into Hadir's room to find out what was going on, but patiently observed outside for a while.

By now, he has been able to confirm that Hadir is 100% fishy, ​​and he is most likely here for the half of the treasure map.

"I just don't know who this guy is working for?"

Li Xuan waited outside until midnight and listened to Hadir's snoring for most of the night.

Sometimes the snoring would stop suddenly and there would be no movement, making Li Xuan think that Hadir was out of breath.

But after a period of uneasiness, the snoring continued, as loud as ever.

"It's strange, I didn't notice any response nearby."

Li Xuan frowned slightly and kept looking around the Adasi Inn.

Even with all his concentration, he couldn't detect anything worth noticing.

After thinking about it, Li Xuan decided to take action.

"Since you were so careless, don't blame me for eating the bait and spitting out the hook!"

Ouchi secret agent Rei Ling Meow, attacks!

Li Xuan quietly walked towards the Adasi Inn and soon arrived outside Hadir's room.

He first listened quietly to the movement inside by the window for a while, and found that besides the snoring, there were also snores.

Li Xuan immediately and decisively performed his famous stunt and climbed in through the window.

The furnishings in the room are quite exquisite and worthy of the name of the room.

Hadir's huge body lay on the bed, his exposed furry chest rising and falling with his snoring.

Seeing that Hadir was sleeping soundly, Li Xuan did not come forward to disturb him and began to search the room.

There are not many furnishings in the room, except for a large bed and a table, and the remaining furniture is only a wardrobe and boxes.

The rest are just small things that can't hold anything.

The style of the box is very different from the other furnishings in the room, and it should have been brought by Hadir himself.

Li Xuan was the first to rummage through the box.

Fortunately, the box was not locked and Li Xuan opened it smoothly.

As soon as the box was opened, Li Xuan smelled a special fragrance coming from inside. His eyes blurred for a moment, and the Yin and Yang Qi in his body sped up slightly.

But such anomalies quickly disappeared.

"Hey, what happened just now?"

Li Xuan blinked his eyes and was in a daze for a moment.

In addition to a change of clothes, the box is full of paintings.

"These are probably the paintings this guy collected during the day."

"Is that much already?"

Li Xuan took a rough look and found that there were probably dozens of paintings here.

He frowned, feeling a little embarrassed.

"Is there another half of the treasure map hidden in here?"

Li Xuan was determined to steal all these words, but he was afraid of alerting others.

According to his wishes, he should tie Hadir back and seize the time to torture him severely.

Before Chief Ke Shang left, he specifically asked Li Xuan not to touch Hadir and to focus on gathering information first.

It would be best to figure out Hadir's true identity.

"Oh, being a spy is so troublesome~"

Li Xuan sighed and was about to look through the box, but suddenly he felt something was wrong.

He looked over the box towards the bed.

"Hey, why does your snoring sound seem to be getting faster?"

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