
Li Xuan was held by Emperor Yongyuan, with a confused look on his face, wondering if he had heard it wrong.

"He just said that he wanted Ankang to be the empress, is that the case?"

Although Li Xuan knew that pie would not fall from the sky and Emperor Yongyuan was not so kind, he still couldn't help but nod frantically.


"If Ankang becomes the empress, who dares to mess with the three of them?"

Seeing Li Xuan nodding hurriedly, Emperor Yongyuan laughed happily, even more happily than before.

At this time, the eunuch holding the lamp on the side couldn't help coughing dryly and reminded:

"Your Majesty, please don't be too excited."

"Take care of your body."

Emperor Yongyuan waved his hand indifferently.

"No problem."

Seeing Emperor Yongyuan say this, Wang Xi didn't say much and quietly withdrew.

After being delighted, Li Xuan couldn't help but confirm with Emperor Yongyuan:

"Can you really make Ankang the empress?"

"You're not lying to me, are you?"

Even though Daxing has a special atmosphere and women can practice and have a lot of say, they are not free and open to this extent, right?

Li Xuan still has a skeptical attitude towards this.

"Why, Xuan, do you think women can't be emperors?"

"It seems that although you are smart, you don't know the history of Daxing."

Emperor Yongyuan smiled slightly, and then said shockingly:

"The founding emperor of Daxing was originally a woman."

Li Xuan blinked his eyes, and his expression suddenly became wonderful.

Seeing his reaction, Emperor Yongyuan couldn't help shaking his head:

"You are a little cat who is ignorant and unlearned. I have to hire a teacher for you in the future to make up for these knowledge."

Li Xuan couldn't help sweating. He was a little cat, and it was already very presumptuous for him to read martial arts secrets. If he went to learn these history and so on, he shouldn't ask too much of the little cat.

Seeing that Li Xuan really didn't understand this period of history, Emperor Yongyuan, who was in a good mood today, patiently explained.

"In fact, there were two founding emperors of Daxing, one male and one female, who were honored by later generations as the Twin Saints."

"The male's name is Li Chixiao, and his honorific title is Emperor Yingtian Shenlong."

"The female's name is Li Luofei, and her honorific title is Emperor Shengshen Zetian."

"Although these two have the same surname, they are not related by blood."

"It is said that the Twin Saints Emperor obtained the power of the Red Dragon in the troubled times, ended the chaotic world, and established the Daxing Dynasty."

"And after the Twin Saints Emperors established the Daxing Dynasty, they got married, and the current Daxing Li Royal Family was established."

"Therefore, there were actually two founding emperors of Daxing."

"Therefore, there has been a precedent of female emperors in Daxing since ancient times."

"The women in my Daxing are more open, and it is also closely related to Emperor Shengshen Zetian."

Li Xuan was stunned after listening to the history told by Emperor Yongyuan.

I didn't expect that the founding history of Daxing would have such an interesting background.

"There were two founding emperors, and this man and woman got married, which led to the current huge Li Dynasty."

Li Xuan didn't expect that the two ancestors of Ankang were quite romantic.

A man and a woman ended the troubled times together, not only establishing Daxing, which has continued to this day, but also finally getting married and giving birth to so many children and grandchildren.

"It's a happy ending."

Li Xuan thought silently.

At this time, Emperor Yongyuan continued:

"Although Daxing was crowned emperor by men afterwards, with the precedent of the Holy God Zetian Emperor, it is not impossible for a female emperor to ascend the throne."

At this point, Emperor Yongyuan smiled inexplicably, as if he was quite confident about this matter.

Speaking of the founding history of Daxing, Emperor Yongyuan seemed to calm down a lot.

He silently put Li Xuan, who was picked up, on the dragon table, and was quite emotional.

After Li Xuan confirmed the feasibility of the empress ascending the throne from Emperor Yongyuan, he continued to ask: "Well, let's assume that Ankang can become the empress with your help."

"But what does this have to do with my Yin-Yang Qi?"

"Is this thing so important to you?"

Since Li Xuan cultivated Yin-Yang Qi, both the reaction of Shang Zongguan and the reaction of Emperor Yongyuan were exaggerated to the point of almost destroying their original personalities.

Even Emperor Yongyuan offered the condition of supporting Princess Ankang to become the empress, which shows how important this matter is to them.

"Ah Xuan, it has come to this point, I will tell you the truth."

Emperor Yongyuan's eyes were full of frankness.

"According to the Royal Secret History, the two holy emperors are both practitioners who master Yin-Yang Qi."

Li Xuan was shocked. He didn't expect to be related to the two founding emperors of Daxing.

But the next moment, Li Xuan reacted immediately and frantically waved his tail to defend himself.

"Hey, let me say this in advance. Although we had a hard life in Jingyang Palace before, we never blamed Daxing, let alone rebelling!"

Li Xuan's tail was so fast that it almost threw sparks, and he kept looking at the eyes of Emperor Yongyuan and several old eunuchs beside him, fearing that if he made a mistake, they would come forward to take him down.

Looking at the cat in front of him, with a look of trying to cover up his mistake, Emperor Yongyuan's mouth twitched, but he still kept a smile on his face.

Speaking of it, Jingyang Palace's bad life had a lot to do with him, and Emperor Yongyuan himself was also very guilty.

"The emperor's grace is great, and our good life now is all rewarded by His Majesty. Although I am a cat, I am definitely a good cat who understands things."

"How could you have the thought of rebelling?"

"It's better to cook some rice!"

"Your Majesty is wise, my little cat is innocent!!!"

Seeing the little black cat in front of him patting his chest loudly, repeatedly making promises, crying and shouting injustice, trying hard to squeeze out tears, but unable to squeeze out tears, Emperor Yongyuan frowned, covered his mouth, and fell into deep thought.

"Do you really want to let this thing be the guardian beast of the country?"

At this moment, Emperor Yongyuan began to feel that he was a little impulsive just now.

Seeing Li Xuan making trouble, Emperor Yongyuan said with a headache: "I didn't say you wanted to rebel, why are you so anxious?"

Li Xuan paused while wiping his dry eyes, thinking in his heart:

"Am I confessing myself?"

Li Xuan secretly looked at Emperor Yongyuan's face, but the sneaky actions of the cat were even less dignified than the beast in Emperor Yongyuan's eyes.

"Oh, forget it."

"None of this is important."

Emperor Yongyuan sighed and silently comforted himself.

Li Xuan and Emperor Yongyuan looked at each other and smiled awkwardly in tacit understanding.


Li Xuan coughed dryly, sat back on the dragon table, and began to tidy up his messy hair with his tongue, and motioned Emperor Yongyuan to continue.


"Where was I just now?"

At this time, Wang Xi reminded softly: "Your Majesty, we are talking about the Yin and Yang Qi of the Twin Saints."

"Oh, yes." Emperor Yongyuan rubbed his eyebrows, relieved his headache symptoms, and then said: "Yin and Yang Qi."

"An ancient sage once said that the general trend of the world is that after a long period of unity, there will be division, and after a long period of division, there will be unity."

"This has long been manifested in several major crises since the founding of Daxing."

At this point, Li Xuan interrupted and asked his own question.

"How many years has Daxing been founded?"

Emperor Yongyuan was speechless, and had a deeper understanding of Li Xuan's lack of common sense, but still answered unhappily:

"Nine hundred and seventy-five years."

"Ah? Nearly a thousand years!?" Li Xuan exclaimed with his own expression.

Emperor Yongyuan seemed very satisfied when he saw Li Xuan's expression, and also showed a trace of pride.

"Yes, the Daxing Dynasty of nearly a thousand years..."

Then, he murmured to himself:

"It can't end in my hands."

Li Xuan was still shocked by the thousand-year history of Daxing, and did not hear the whisper of Emperor Yongyuan.

"Nine hundred years, it has long exceeded the three hundred-year cycle law. Is it because of the transcendental power system?"

Li Xuan realized more fully that Daxing was different from all the dynasties he learned in history in his previous life.

It was obviously a feudal society, but women had a higher status; the historical cycle of the dynasty was much longer than the dynasties he knew before.

Not to mention the cultivation system that could not be measured by common sense.

"But no matter how powerful the dynasty is, after thousands of years of corrosion..."

Li Xuan silently looked up at Emperor Yongyuan, looking at his not old face and the white hair that could not be hidden between his temples.

"Is this really a problem that can be solved by worshipping me as a guardian beast?"

Li Xuan now regretted nodding so rashly just now.

He didn't want to accompany Ankang to the fall of an old and corrupt dynasty.

So what if it's the guardian beast?

So what if it's the empress of Daxing?

Don't they have to survive first?

Li Xuan has no feelings for Daxing.

It's probably the same for Princess Ankang.

"They're trying to drag us on board!"

"But, can a sick princess and a cat who can practice martial arts save this ship that's about to capsize?"

Li Xuan still had many doubts in his heart, and he listened quietly to what Emperor Yongyuan said.

And Emperor Yongyuan was also observing Li Xuan's reaction at all times.

After so many years of experience as an emperor, he had already trained every action and every word to have a purpose.

Everything Emperor Yongyuan said now was to guide Li Xuan to where he wanted him to go.

"And the power that controls the general trend of the world is the yin and yang energy."

"The yin and yang energy is not the yin and yang true energy."

"Where the yin and yang energy gathers, the country will be peaceful and the people will be safe, and the weather will be good."

"But in this process, the yin and yang energy will slowly dissipate until it disappears completely."

"When the gathered yin and yang energy is exhausted, disasters will come."

"Wars and weapons are raging, people are living in misery, and the world is in turmoil."

"At this time, we must gather the yin and yang energy of the world again and establish a new order."

"The two twin saints established the Daxing Dynasty in this way."

"This yin and yang energy can be seen as illusory luck or national destiny."

"And the existence of yin and yang true energy will be the key to guiding the yin and yang energy to gather again."

"At least, it was like this at several key nodes in history."

"If it is accidental, it would be too coincidental."

When Emperor Yongyuan said this, he looked at Li Xuan quietly, giving him enough time to digest the information he said.

"Guide the world's trend..."

"Me? A cat?"

Although Li Xuan felt that Emperor Yongyuan's statement was a little unreliable, he looked serious and didn't seem to be joking.

But this would be troublesome.

Which ambitious person doesn't want the world's trend?

And if he can't get it, he will definitely destroy it!

"Meow, why didn't I tell you guys before I practiced!"

Li Xuan glared at Emperor Yongyuan, knowing that this guy must have planned something in advance.

I guess this bastard is eager to find someone who can master Yin and Yang Qi.

As a result, by some strange combination of circumstances, it was his little kitten who became the master.

Reminiscing about the way Zhao Fengshang rushed to shout that he was auspicious from heaven, Li Xuan glared at the old boy again.

As a result, Zhao Feng was standing at the end, staring at the toes of his shoes and pretending to be dumbfounded.

"Meow! (Not a good thing!)"

"Meow! (I know how to bully kittens!)"

Li Xuan couldn't care about anything else now and kept cursing and yelling.

Looking back at the time when Li Xuan was still enjoying the title of "auspicious", now it seems that it was all a trap!

When Emperor Yongyuan saw Li Xuan scolding him directly, he smiled and said, "You don't have to be so excited. If it weren't for this, everything you have now wouldn't exist, right?"

"Or would you rather live your old life?"

Li Xuan narrowed his eyes and immediately wrote in mid-air:

"Can the choice you make by yourself be the same as the choice you were deceived into making?"

Li Xuan felt a burst of anger. Even though he knew that he would make the same choice if given the choice, he still couldn't tolerate the feeling of being cheated.

"You can tell me this when I start to practice Yin and Yang Qi..."

Emperor Yongyuan shook his head and said decisively: "No, you will shrink back for the sake of your health!"

"Are you going to deny this possibility?"

Emperor Yongyuan raised his head and asked Li Xuan condescendingly.

At this moment, Li Xuan felt the majesty of the emperor from his body.

Li Xuan's tail hung down weakly. He knew that what Emperor Yongyuan said might exist, and there was a high probability that Li Xuan would choose that way.

Li Xuan has no ambitions, nor does he want to achieve any hegemony, nor does he care about leaving a name in history.

He has been a civilian and a consumable, and knows what it feels like to be treated like a number.

Li Xuan doesn't want to get involved in the struggles of those big shots. He just wants to live happily with the people he likes without being disturbed.

He doesn't need to be remembered by history, he just needs the people he likes to remember him.

Emperor Yongyuan looked at the lost little black cat in front of him and said seriously:

"Axuan, you are chosen."

"The choice of fate is inevitable."

After saying these words, Emperor Yongyuan couldn't help but look up at the door of Ganlu Hall.

To this day, he still remembers being led into this place.

Emperor Yongyuan, like Li Xuan, was chosen by fate at the same time.

"Axuan, help me."

Emperor Yongyuan reached out to Li Xuan and made a solemn invitation.

"For your own sake and your well-being."

"You need to become Daxing's national guardian beast."

Emperor Yongyuan stretched out his hand in front of Li Xuan, waiting for Li Xuan's response.

The eunuchs on the side couldn't help but look up at this historic scene.


The next moment, there was a crisp sound.

Emperor Yongyuan looked at his hand that was patted aside with a stunned expression.

Li Xuan raised a cat's paw and kept slapping Emperor Yongyuan's palm away, his eyes full of determination.

"I'm not Daxing's mythical beast."

"I'm just a healthy Xuan!"

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