Midnight watch.

Deng Weixian's godfather arrived as promised.

Of course, he was still a little confused when he looked at the adopted son who was calmly reporting in front of him.

"It seems that I just issued the mission less than twelve hours ago, and he has completed it now?"

"This is too fast..."

Naturally, the godfather would not express these thoughts in front of Deng Weixian, but calmly listened to the other party describe the whole ins and outs.

"In other words, the rumors that Yanqu Hall is haunted are all caused by this small table?"

The godfather pointed to the door of the small table next to him and confirmed.

"That should be the case. Liang Cairen saw the figure of the small table at night and was so frightened that he went crazy. Now he is under the supervision of the father-in-law of the printing house."

"Everyone in the Yanqu Palace thinks that Liang Cairen is possessed by an evil spirit and is behaving abnormally, and they are all a little afraid of her."

Deng Wei first answered truthfully what he knew, and then waited for further instructions from his godfather.

Li Xuan, who was lurking in the dark and eavesdropping, couldn't help but nodded and praised Deng Weixian.

In this way, Deng Weixian got a pretty good score in this exploration task assigned by his godfather.

It is not in vain that Li Xuan spent a lot of thought on it.

The godfather took a few steps in the yard, and then nodded repeatedly.


"You did a very good job on this matter!"

The godfather was obviously in a good mood, and the more he looked at Deng Weixian, the more satisfied he became.

Regardless of whether Deng Weixian really meant what he said, whether he accidentally discovered it last night, or whether he had noticed it long ago, what matters is the result.

A qualified subordinate is one who can give him a satisfactory result when he needs it.

"In this case, I will assign another task to you."

"You have to keep an eye on this little table for me these days to make sure that no one else discovers what he did without his knowledge."

"As for how to do it, it's up to you."

The godfather was also well-informed and did not comment too much on the perverted fetishes of the little table, but immediately gave him further tasks.

Through the task content, it can be clearly felt that this task is more flexible, but also more difficult.

Apparently Deng Weixian's ability was recognized by his godfather, so he was given a more challenging assessment.

"Children take orders!"

Deng Weixian didn't waste much time and happily accepted the task.

"Then you just need to do this thing well, others will be responsible for the other things."

"Keep working hard and your father will look after you!"

The godfather patted Deng Weixian on the shoulder, encouraged him and left.

Watching his godfather leave, Deng Weixian didn't move for a long time and didn't know what he was thinking.

He sat on the stone chair for a while, then entered the room, and came out again soon after.

Judging from his refreshed appearance, it was obvious that he had just absorbed the essence and blood of Linhu and was preparing to start practicing tonight.

Li Xuan confirmed that his godfather had left, then secretly climbed up the wall again and started practicing with Deng Weixian.

We haven't practiced together for several days, so we just had a great time.

Although returning to Jingyang Palace to practice by himself would not delay his progress, Li Xuan felt that practicing with Deng Weixian was the most suitable.

As for Linhu's essence and blood, he was not in a hurry to absorb it a second time.

After the last absorption, the icy cold power in his body was still very sufficient, and every time he practiced, he only consumed an insignificant amount.

I think this has something to do with his special physique.

However, more verification is needed to determine the specific details.

After some follow-up training, the Blood-Slaying Tiger Claw's progress increased by five points.

[Blood-slaying Tiger Claw: 30%]

Looking at the gratifying progress in his mind, Li Xuan felt happy.

At the current speed, he would be able to perfect the Blood-Slaying Tiger Claw in less than half a month.

By then, according to Deng Weixian's godfather, he should be able to step into the blood coagulation realm and have abilities equivalent to those of a ninth-grade warrior.

"How powerful can a ninth-grade cat be?"

Li Xuan is full of expectations for the future.

After finishing his work, Deng Weixian went back to his room to rest as usual.

But starting today, he would have to postpone his bedtime.

After Deng Wei went back to the house to rest for a while, he was meditating with his eyes closed on the bed when he heard a slight movement in the yard.

He knew that the little table was out in action again.

Deng Weixian, like last night, controlled the distance and followed, and Li Xuan followed closely behind.

Everyone started another round of very high-quality tailgating behavior.

Although Deng Weixian didn't know his godfather's intention of asking him to do this, he was more accustomed to following orders and would not speculate too much on his godfather's thoughts.

This night was uneventful, even a little boring.

The small tables seem to be becoming more and more cautious, and the time for "sucking bamboo pipes" is getting shorter and shorter.

Although both Deng Weixian and Li Xuan could not understand his behavior at all, it seemed to be of great significance to the small table.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have risked it every night.

But he may only have a few good days like this.

the next day.

The atmosphere in Yanqu Palace made even cats feel a little uneasy.

Li Xuan noticed something unusual as soon as he arrived.

He thought he would be a lot more relaxed from today on. He only needed to practice with Deng Wei every night and then secretly watch the small table.

But the atmosphere in Yanqu Hall has been unusual since daytime.

There is no longer a relaxed smile on the faces of the talented people. Everyone has a serious face and is full of worries.

When singing and dancing, there is also a string stretched, and there is no liveliness in the past.

Even during the break, everyone remained silent, and there was no more chatter or gossip.

"What happened?"

Li Xuan frowned severely when he discovered this situation.

He lives in Jingyang Palace and is really insensitive to what happens in the palace.

The talented people in Yanqu Palace are so cautious, I'm afraid it's not a small matter.

At this moment, Li Xuan saw the gloomy-faced father-in-law Yinfang rushing past with people.

When the people saw the printing father-in-law, they only saluted from a distance, and no one dared to raise their heads to look at him.

Li Xuan quickly followed, wanting to see what happened.

Father-in-law Yinfang's complexion today is much worse than yesterday, like a volcano about to erupt.

He led his people straight to the door of the room that Deng Weixian and Xiao Zuishi were guarding yesterday, and then broke in directly.

Li Xuan quickly moved to the tree and found an angle where he could see clearly inside.

"Liang Chuchu, what time is it? You are still sleeping!"

"Get her up for me."

The printing father-in-law asked someone to move a chair, and Da Ma Jin Dao sat down in front of the bed.

Liang Chuchu, who was still sleeping, was picked up in a daze and brought to the father-in-law Yinfang.

Liang Chuchu was pulled out from under the quilt. She was still awake. She looked at the person in front of her and murmured, "Mr. Yinfang, is dinner ready?"

"Eat, eat, eat, you will eat all day long!"

The printing father-in-law slammed the table with anger.

He stepped forward and grabbed Liang Chuchu's chin with one hand, shook her hard twice to wake her up, and then asked viciously: "Tell me, what did you see that night?"

"Give me a clear explanation of everything!"

Liang Chuchu felt that something was wrong, but her mind was still a little unclear, and she subconsciously questioned: "Huh?"

Mr. Yinfang was so close that he seemed to see the waves of the sea approaching, making him immersed in the situation.

As the saying goes, you can know the taste of the sea with a spoonful of water.

Father-in-law Yinfang suddenly turned pale, let go of Liang Chuchu's chin, and slumped back on the chair helplessly.

He waved his hands to his two eunuchs and ordered: "Go out and guard. No one is allowed in or out without my order."

The two eunuchs did not dare to question, let go of Liang Chuchu, and went out to guard the door obediently.

Li Xuan became more curious and ran directly to the window, revealing two shining eyes and peering in.

Then, Eunuch Yinfang pointed at Liang Chuchu tremblingly and asked her in a low voice:

"What does this taste like in your mouth?"

"Do you know what you're doing?"

"You will kill yourself, me, and your father if you do this!!!"

Thanks to "Purple Soul Lantern" and "Richard Pendragon" for their reward support.

Thanks to "Purple Soul Lamp", "Book Friends 20200828225620084", and "Jiwen" for their monthly ticket support.

Bai Miao frowned and looked at everyone.


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