Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 374 The oiran pounces on the cat

Li Xuan now has the deed of Hu Yulou's house in his hand. This is what Ayimu needs most now.

Otherwise, after Hu Yulou was auctioned and the government issued a new house deed, it would not be easy for her to get it.

"I just don't know if Ayimu can give me something valuable in exchange."

Li Xuan didn't care much about Hu Yulou, who was heavily in debt.

Compared with the other assets left by Zhou's mother, Hu Yulou can be said to be a complete burden.

Princess Ankang wants to transfer Hu Yulou to her name, and there is a high probability that the debts will follow.

With the strength of the royal family, they might be able to play a trick of eliminating debts after death and push all the debts to the dead mother Zhou.

But the subsequent troubles will definitely not be small.

Anyone who loses hundreds of thousands of taels of silver cannot sit still. Who knows what these creditors can do.

Li Xuan's current thinking is that if Ayimu can pay a sufficient price, Li Xuan would like to transfer Hu Yulou to Ayimu

I just don’t know if Ayimu is so determined to take down Hu Yulou.

"Come with me to meet Ayimu."

"I have something to talk to her about."

Seeing Li Xuan write these two sentences with the tip of his tail, Fang Muyang frowned immediately.

"I advise you not to get too close to that woman."

Li Xuan was a little surprised when he heard this.

"What? Did you and Ayimu break up?"

"Don't talk nonsense. She and I have nothing to do with each other." Fang Muyang explained with a frown, seeming to be quite concerned about Li Xuan's statement.

Li Xuan tilted his head and waited for his explanation.

Fang Muyang thought for a while and then said: "Ayimu's background seems to be not simple. Her desire to win over Hu Yulou is not as simple as an oiran's desire to become a mother."

"This time Hu Yulou was forced to auction, and she even asked me to plan to burn down Hu Yulou."

"Ah?" Li Xuan was stunned immediately.

"If you don't get it, destroy it?"

Li Xuan was speechless at Ayimu's extreme approach.

Fortunately, he found Hu Yulou's house deed and land deed today, otherwise he wouldn't have known that the assets under his name were in such trouble.

"Anyway, this woman is not simple. If you want to deal with her, you'd better think about it first." Fang Muyang continued to persuade.

Li Xuan was not that worried about this.

Rather, he was afraid that Ayimu's background was too simple.

If Ayimu was just an ordinary courtesan from the Western Regions, the help he could give Li Xuan at this stage would definitely be limited.

So Li Xuan wished that Ayimu's background was more complicated.

But now Li Xuan is even more curious about how Fang Muyang responded to Ayimu's proposal.

"After all, it's what we agreed before. She will help me get revenge, and I will help him take over Hu Yulou's property."

"But I also agreed on the conditions. It's OK to set fire to Hu Yulou, but you can't hurt anyone."

"Ayimu agreed to my conditions, and we agreed to do it after the auction."

Fang Muyang's answer made Li Xuan confused. He didn't know what the purpose of Ayimu was.

But Li Xuan shook his head and didn't think much about these issues. This kind of thing would be clear if he asked it face to face. There is no need to think about it here.

When Li Xuanchong shook his head, Fang Muyang didn't hesitate. He immediately put away the book and carried a medicine box in the room.

"Hui Hui, I'm going out for a while, and you can take care of the house."

Fang Muyang gave an order, and Hui Hui immediately responded with his own hoarse voice.

Li Xuan and Fang Muyang went out together, and Li Xuan climbed on Fang Muyang's shoulder without ceremony.

Fang Muyang has walked in the dark alley in front of the door countless times and is very familiar with it.

Even though it was pitch dark, he didn't need to light a lamp and just walked in it.

Fang Muyang's home is not far from Hu Yulou, and it doesn't take long to walk there.

Li Xuan looked around and saw many people hiding in the dark corners on both sides of the alley.

Most of these people looked numb and were just huddled on the ground. They seemed to be beggars, but they didn't seem to look like them at all.

Some people looked at Fang Muyang, then quickly withdrew their gaze and continued to be in a daze.

It seems that Fang Muyang has his own way of living in such a place for so long.

At least these people seemed to dare not take Fang Muyang's idea.

Li Xuan raised his eyebrows, but he thought it was natural.

It's hard to say what is hidden in Fang Muyang's medicine box.

Back then, after Li Xuan helped Fang Muyang take revenge, he gave himself a prescription for phosphorus and sulfur fire, as well as two phosphorus and sulfur thunderbolts he made himself.

Li Xuan clearly remembered this kind of prop that could be used in battle, and it was also because he was so impressed by the phosphorus and sulfur fire that his opponent Mu Yang had made before.

However, this thing was too vicious, and Li Xuan never had the chance to use it in previous autumn hunting competitions.

Li Xuan guessed that the people in this alley might also have some idea of ​​how scary this "Doctor Fang" was.

One person and one cat soon arrived at Hu Yulou. The atmosphere here is still the same as before, the atmosphere is warm, and as soon as you enter, you can see the hot performance in the lobby on the first floor.

"Why does business seem to be better?"

Li Xuan was slightly startled, looking at the scene in Hu Yulou through the gap in the medicine box, and swallowed hard without realizing it.

It’s already autumn, but the ladies at Hu Yulou are still wearing cool clothes. Li Xuan feels really distressed!

After Fang Muyang explained his purpose of coming to see Ayimu, he waited on the first floor.

Before entering, Li Xuan asked to hide in Fang Muyang's medicine box to conceal his whereabouts.

Although Fang Muyang guessed that Li Xuan was just having fun, he did not refuse.

At least Li Xuan hiding in the medicine box was much more low-key than stepping on his shoulders to enter.

"Originally, the Hou family wanted to take over this place, but after discovering that Hu Yulou was heavily in debt, they decisively abandoned it."

"As Hu Yulou's courtesan, Ayimu temporarily stepped in to manage the business. With my help, she quickly gained the trust of Hu Yulou."

"And Ayimu does have the means. After taking over, the business is much better than before."

"But she is not legitimate after all, and the amount of Hu Yulou's debt is too large."

"Even if Ayimu proposed good terms for repaying the debt in installments, the creditors still did not agree."

"As far as I know, someone has taken a fancy to Ayimu and wants to get her indenture directly, and there is more than one person."

Fang Muyang lowered his head and explained the recent situation of Hu Yulou in detail to Li Xuan in the medicine box.

"So that's it."

Li Xuan couldn't help but smile slightly after hearing this. He didn't expect there would be such a drama in it.

I'm afraid that even Ayimu herself didn't expect that she would become an important factor in arousing the greed of the creditors.

After a while, Hu Yulou's turtle husband invited Fang Muyang upstairs.

The old man escorted them to the top floor of Hu Yulou, which was the door of Zhou's mother's room, and then left.

Fang Muyang knocked on the door, and Ayimu's voice came from inside.

"Come in."

Fang Muyang was not polite and pushed the door open.

The room was still furnished in the same way as before, but Li Xuan keenly noticed that the smell was different.

After Li Xuan and Fang Muyang came in, they found that only Ayimu was in the room.

Ayimu was standing behind a curtain of gauze, rustling, as if she was changing clothes.

It should be said that she is worthy of being an oiran, and she even asked people to come in when she was changing clothes.

Fang Muyang sat down on the left obediently and put his medicine box on the table.

At this time, Ayimu's voice came from behind the gauze.

"Fang Muyang, what do you want to see me for?"

Ayimu said, and walked out from behind the gauze.

At this time, she had a waterfall of black hair, and she was only wearing a white corset with flame patterns and gauze trousers. The outline of her underwear could be clearly seen through the gauze.

The whole person was wet, obviously he had just showered and changed clothes.

"I just jumped down there all night, if you have anything to say, just tell me directly."

Ayimu said, yawning without any image.

Fang Muyang's eyes were calm, he just silently opened his medicine box, and then said:

"It's not me who is looking for you, it's him."

Li Xuan immediately got out of the medicine box, shook his head, and moved his ears.

When Aimu saw Li Xuan coming out of the medicine box, his eyes were straight, and it took a while for him to come back to his senses, and he came to Li Xuan in a flash.

"You, you..."

"You are here!"

Aimu stuttered and said excitedly.

"Hey, it seems that I am quite popular."

Li Xuan smiled triumphantly when he saw Aimu so excited.

"I heard that your plan to seize Hu Yulou's industry was blocked?"

Li Xuan wagged his tail, and in order to take care of Aimu, a girl from the Western Regions, he even slowed down the speed of writing.

Seeing the words written by Li Xuan, Ayimu first opened her beautiful eyes with joy, then waved her hands and tried her best to deny:

"Where did you hear this?"

"Nonsense, all nonsense!"

"Everything is going well."

Ayimu said, glaring at Fang Muyang with gritted teeth, and Fang Muyang was stunned immediately.

Li Xuan frowned slightly, looking at Ayimu's exaggerated reaction, and realized that something was wrong.

Last time, he found that Ayimu's attitude towards him was a little different from that of ordinary people.

After thinking for a while, Li Xuan immediately opened his brows and understood what was going on.

"Oh, is she an ultimate cat slave?"

"If that's the case, it's reasonable for her to be attracted by my beauty."

Li Xuan seemed to have grasped the key point, and immediately rolled his eyes at Ayimu, which immediately made Ayimu breathe rapidly and her face flushed.

"Haha, it's true." Seeing that Aimu almost died with just a simple look from him, Li Xuan confirmed his guess. "Perhaps, things will go more smoothly than I thought." Li Xuan immediately realized that there was an opportunity and changed his original words. "I heard from Doctor Fang that Aimu was in trouble again, so I came to see if there was anything I could help with." After Li Xuan finished writing, he blinked at Aimu delicately. Aimu's psychological defense line completely collapsed at this moment. She excitedly grabbed one of Li Xuan's cat paws and hurriedly said, "Mr. Cat, you are so kind!" "Oh, what Mr. Cat, just call me Ah Xuan, no need to be so unfamiliar." While Li Xuan's tail was writing, it seemed to accidentally rub Aimu's hand, causing the courtesan's body to suddenly soften and tremble. "Ah, Mr. Ah Xuan..." Aimu covered her hot cheeks and her eyes became blurred.

Fang Muyang was on the side, staring blankly at the fussy man and cat, and was shocked on the spot.

"Which one of you is the oiran?"

He thought secretly in his heart, but did not dare to say it out loud.

After all, no matter whether it was Li Xuan or Ayimu, Fang Muyang could not afford to offend anyone.

Amid Li Xuan's offensive, Ayimu also slowly expressed his feelings.

"Alas, Master Axuan, you don't know."

"I originally wanted to win this Hu Yulou, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult."

Ayimu's arms were propped on the edge of the table, holding his face, looking distressed and aggrieved.

Fang Muyang was stunned for a moment by the appearance of this young girl.

He couldn't help but twitching the corners of his eyes as he recalled Hu Yulou, the courtesan who frequently threatened and spoke harshly to him during this period.

"Did this guy take the wrong medicine today?"

If he hadn't known that Ayimu had a bad temper and was much stronger than himself, Fang Muyang would have reached out and checked her pulse.

"Is this the difference between humans and cats?"

Fang Muyang turned his head and looked at Li Xuan, who was lying on the table enchantingly, listening carefully to Ayimu's confession.

"This cat seems to have the potential to be an oiran."

Fang Muyang has been a doctor in Flower Street for so many years, and he knows that a good-looking skin is only the basic requirement for being an oiran, and what is really important is humaneness and sophistication.

On Flower Street, the twelve-character secret of becoming an oiran has been passed down since ancient times:

"Those who are good at expressing emotions are able to speak deeply and deeply, yet they hide everything they want to reveal."

This sentence can be said to be a secret known to everyone on the flower street, but there are very few girls who can do it.

Moreover, there are misunderstandings and misunderstandings that are widely circulated among those who seek quick success. They can only achieve these twelve words, but they are still regarded as guidelines.


Fang Muyang realized that he was thinking too much, so he immediately withdrew his attention and paid attention to the conversation between Li Xuan and Ayimu.

He thought that Li Xuan would not come to the door for no reason.

"Ayimu, why do you want to get Hu Yulou so much? Is this place important to you?"

Li Xuan talked and got to the point.

Ayimu, who was still talking non-stop, suddenly stopped talking. After thinking for a long time, he answered seriously:

"Lord Axuan, Hu Yulou is very important to me, and I will do my best to win here."

"If I can't do it, I'd rather destroy it!"

Ayimu's words were consistent with what Fang Muyang said.

She indeed had the idea of ​​destroying it if she couldn't get Hu Yulou.

But after the building was burned down, the land was still there, but the value of the deed was reduced to zero.

Li Xuan waved his tail and then asked: "You haven't told me why Hu Yulou is so important to you."

Li Xuan blinked his eyes in time and slightly exposed his soft belly, trying to charm Ayimu and make her reveal the truth.

But Ayimu was not fooled this time. Although she swallowed hard, she closed her eyes, turned her head and said firmly:

"Master Ah Xuan, if you accompany me back home, I will tell you everything. What do you think?"

Li Xuan was suddenly shocked.

"Good guy!"

"I'm just being cute with you, and you actually want to kidnap me!"

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