After the three little ones met their grandfather and grandson, they started shopping in the West Market for food.

Xiaocui and her grandfather wanted to express their gratitude to Princess Ankang, so they paid for the treats along the way.

Princess Ankang was a little embarrassed at first. After all, Xiaocui and her grandfather worked hard to make money, and she didn't want them to spend money.

However, the attitude of the grandfather and grandson was so resolute that Princess Ankang could not say anything more.

Although the grandfather and grandson are not rich, they can still treat Princess Ankang to some roadside snacks from the Western Market.

It is also important to accept the other person's gratitude appropriately.

Otherwise, giving alms in a condescending manner will distort the relationship.

There are many strange and weird foods sold in the West Market.

Some are the characteristics of various places in Daxing. After being introduced to the capital, some improvements were made appropriately to make them more in line with local tastes.

In addition, there are some exotic foods that insist on their own characteristics, but because they are too special, people who like them like them very much, while people who dislike them can't even smell them at all.

"Shang Guanjia, don't you have a taste?"

Xiaocui was inviting the three little ones to taste the maren candy from the Western Regions. Seeing that the old housekeeper who was following the three little ones remained silent and followed them with a smile, she couldn't help but ask.

Previously, when Princess Ankang introduced Manager Shang, she said that he was a deeply trusted old butler in the family.

Xiaocui and her grandfather naturally had no doubts.

Grandpa Xiaocui knew that Princess Ankang was born into a wealthy family, so it was only natural that she would be followed by an old butler with such a temperament.

After all, the last time Princess Ankang came to West Market, she brought many powerful young guards with her.

And Xiaocui knew the true identity of Princess Ankang even more. The last time Princess Ankang took her to the county government to report a crime, although Xiaocui stood behind, she heard some fragments of words, which was enough to guess Princess Ankang's identity.

But Xiaocui didn't know exactly which royal princess Princess Ankang was.

And this old housekeeper named Shang moved her heart even more.

Previously, when Princess Ankang asked Xiaocui to have something happen, she went to Ping'an Trading Company to find a manager Shang to deliver the news. I'm afraid it was this person.

Ping'an Trading Company is truly the number one trading bank in the capital, and its strength is at the level of a hegemon.

It's just that the actual person in charge of Ping An Trading Company has always kept a low profile, and few people even know his last name.

But now Xiaocui had a vague guess, but she could only continue to pretend not to know.

Princess Ankang asked Xiaocui to always call her Miss Li, which naturally makes sense.

She only needs to know that Princess Ankang is Miss Li who saved her and her grandfather.

Regarding Xiao Cui's idea of ​​treating her to some Maren candy, Manager Shang just declined with a smile.

Speaking of which, this is also a very novel experience for Mr. Shang.

It seemed that this was the first time someone wanted to treat him to marran candy, and he was still a little girl.

Manager Shang just glanced at the maren candy in the three small hands, and then nodded slightly to them.

Although Li Xuan didn't know how Manager Shang did it, he understood what he meant.

Manager Shang was telling them that there was nothing wrong with the food and they could eat it with confidence.

Along the way, Manager Shang was doing this kind of thing, checking every piece of food.

After all, this is also the responsibility of Manager Shang, and the three little ones will not make it difficult for him.

After Xiaocui and her grandfather treated the three little ones to several snacks, they came to a noodle stall owned by a foreigner.

This noodle stall is not big, but its business is very good, and many people are even standing eating noodles.

As soon as they arrived near the stall, they all smelled an extremely fragrant smell.

"Wow, what does this smell like?"

Princess Ankang sniffed her nose and asked curiously.

Li Xuan also smelled it twice, and indeed smelled a very fragrant smell of bacon.

"Hey, what kind of food is this?"

Li Xuan couldn't help but raise his neck to look at the bowls of those eating noodles. At a glance, he didn't see anything special.

"It looks like ordinary noodles. What does this taste like?"

At this time, Xiaocui’s grandfather shouted to the stall owner:

"Abu, set up another table!"

The busy Hu boss looked up when he heard the voice, a big smile suddenly appeared on his face, and asked curiously:

"Old Liutou, are you celebrating your birthday today?"

"You're actually willing to come to my place to eat noodles."

The Hu boss, named Abu, spoke in Daxing Mandarin with a weird accent, and his tone was full of ridicule. He seemed to have a good relationship with Xiaocui's grandfather.

Xiaocui's grandfather's face suddenly turned red, and he immediately urged:

"Stop talking nonsense, we each have a bowl, hurry up!"

"Okay, okay, you pay and you are the boss!" Abu nodded repeatedly, quickly setting up another table behind his stall, and then came back to cook noodles.

"Miss Li, let's go in and sit down."

What Abu set out was a large round table, big enough for all of them.

At Princess Ankang's signal, the chief monk Yu'er also sat down.

Otherwise, they would only make Xiaocui and her grandfather feel awkward if they stood aside.

After a while, Abu immediately served them noodles.

The fragrance that Princess Ankang and Li Xuan smelled before suddenly became much stronger.

The three little ones couldn't help but swallowed and spit.

If this noodle was served so quickly, Abu must have rushed it for them.

After all, there were still many customers waiting to eat noodles at the noodle stall.

But even if Abu served them noodles first, the others didn't say much.

Li Xuan thought that this extra table must have some meaning.

Otherwise, there wouldn't be so many people standing there eating noodles. He guessed that there must be additional service fees.

Otherwise, other customers wouldn't have acquiesced to their behavior of cutting in.

"Miss Li, this bowl of noodles is very popular in our West Market. Come and try it."

Xiao Cui said, handing Princess Ankang a pair of clean chopsticks.

Everyone at the table, including Li Xuan, had a big bowl in front of them.

In the bowl were two-finger-wide belt noodles, covered with bacon and onions. Apart from that, there were no other condiments.

But it can have such a rich aroma, which shows that there are still many other spices in it.

Seeing that everyone got the chopsticks, Princess Ankang picked up a piece of bacon and noodles and put them into her mouth under the expectant eyes of Xiao Cui and her grandfather.

The next moment, Princess Ankang's eyes widened. After a moment of stunned, she used chopsticks to put some noodles into her mouth.


"So fragrant and spicy!"

Princess Ankang hissed, obviously because of the spiciness.

Seeing that Princess Ankang liked the noodles, the grandfather and grandson who invited the guests also breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, they were a little worried that Princess Ankang would not be used to these foods, but looking at Princess Ankang's reaction now, it seems that she likes it quite a lot.

Seeing Princess Ankang's reaction, Li Xuan couldn't wait to taste it. It was indeed fragrant and spicy, with a rich taste.

And the smoked meat in the noodles was also very delicious, with thick muscle texture, and I don't know what kind of meat it was.

Li Xuan looked at it carefully again, and found that the texture of the smoked meat was a little green, and immediately remembered the beef he had eaten at the Cross Hill Inn before.

"Hey, this should also be green beef."

Li Xuan didn't pay attention to it before, but now he found that this green beef seems to be quite common on the dinner tables of ordinary people.

Although the three little ones usually eat imperial meals, they were also very hungry when they suddenly encountered this exotic food.

Li Xuan could tell that although the ingredients of this bowl of noodles looked ordinary, the main source of the spicy flavor was still the invisible spices.

Occasionally, some powder could be seen in the bowl, which was obviously the essence of this bowl of noodles.

Others also started to eat, and even Shang Zongguan sat down and ate a bowl of noodles at the request of Princess Ankang.

Shang Zongguan ate very quietly, unlike the three little ones and Xiaocui, who kept "sighing".

Fortunately, before eating noodles, Xiaocui brought them to buy ice yogurt.

Yogurt with ice chips, sour and sweet taste, just right for them to relieve the spiciness.

This is an indispensable birthday banquet combination for Xiaocui every year on her birthday.

The ice yogurt and this bowl of smoked pork belt noodles, everyone at the table ate happily.

Xiaocui and her grandfather were also happy to see Princess Ankang and others eating so deliciously.

While eating noodles, Xiao Cui's grandfather stood up to ask for some vinegar.

But Li Xuan had noticed that when Xiao Cui's grandfather ate noodles, he always put one hand in his arms, and when he added vinegar to Abu, he handed over a handful of things.

Li Xuan saw that it was a piece of broken silver and a handful of copper coins, which should be the payment for noodles.

Seeing Xiao Cui's grandfather pretending to be calm and coming back, Li Xuan continued to eat noodles, pretending not to see this scene.

But he still couldn't help doing math problems in his mind.

"Is this meal thirty or fifty coins per person?"

"This is really not cheap."

Li Xuan knew that there should also be service fees for adding a table and adding a seat for them.

But for the grandfather and grandson who only used big pancakes and steamed buns to fill their stomachs when they set up stalls on weekdays, it is definitely a big expense.

Even if the grandfather and grandson's business of selling knots is good now, it is definitely a big expense for them to invite Princess Ankang to dinner today.

"It's a simple person who knows how to repay kindness."

This meal is really nothing to the three little ones now.

But for Xiaocui and her grandfather, it was enough to show their sincerity.

"Maybe we can let them give it a try."

Li Xuan thought silently, then stretched out his tail and wrote restlessly on Princess Ankang's hand.

Princess Ankang continued to chat with the grandfather and grandson, chatting about family matters, pretending not to notice Li Xuan's actions.

After a day of shopping and eating in the West Market, the afternoon was about to end.

Princess Ankang proposed to send the grandfather and grandson who closed the stall early back home, and they naturally had no objection to this.

Xiaocui and her grandfather followed Princess Ankang into the luxurious carriage, and they were naturally amazed.

But as Princess Ankang chatted with them, she gradually diverted the attention of the grandfather and grandson from the carriage.

Manager Shang drove the carriage diligently and responsibly, heading towards Xiaocui's home.

Xiaocui and her grandfather lived in Baoningfang, which was a little far from the West Market, so there was still some time left on the road to reminisce.

"Xiao Cui, has anything interesting happened in the city recently?"

"I always stay at home, so I don't know much about what's happening outside."

Princess Ankang asked naturally.

Xiao Cui was naturally interested when she heard Princess Ankang ask these questions.

Xiao Cui is only sixteen this year, and she sells knots at the stall in the West Market every day, so she has a lot of gossip in her stomach.

On weekdays, when talking to grandpa, it ends up being a bit boring.

Men, especially older men, have an almost instinctive and subconscious reaction to useless words that go in one ear and out the other.

Xiaocui often shared interesting gossip news with her grandpa, and grandpa would always say yes, but in the end he didn't listen to a word of it.

After going back and forth, Xiaocui felt bored, but because she was the only person around her to talk to, she still insisted on chirping at her grandfather.

But over the years, Xiao Cui discovered that her grandfather's ears were getting harder and harder to use. She didn't know whether it was because he was really old or because he was deliberately ignoring Xiao Cui.

Now Princess Ankang takes the initiative to ask Xiaocui about gossip, and Xiaocui is naturally very happy.

"Miss, if we talk about the major events in the capital during this period, the most important thing is the matter of the female ghost and the two dandies seeking their lives."

"I heard that he was the son of two high-ranking officials. Because he killed a brothel girl, he was killed by a female ghost and burned to death."

"Recently, it is rumored that the female ghost has greatly increased her power after taking revenge. She specializes in picking up dandy young men who cause harm to others, and burns them to death silently."

"Because of this matter, many domineering young men don't dare to show up anymore these days."

This girl Xiaocui is quite capable of telling stories. She made a few words come alive and changed her tone and expression, which almost made the three little ones dumbfounded.

"Is this talking about Hou San and Zhao Si?"

Li Xuan was the first to react. Although there were some discrepancies in the details, this was generally the case.

However, rumors are spreading, and now there is a female ghost in the capital who specializes in looking after dandies.

Li Xuan estimated that the rumors contained many people's simple expectations.

"I didn't expect that this matter would be spread like this."

"It seems that the people don't care much about the government's conclusion."

In this matter, Sissi's uncle was pushed out as a scapegoat, and the government also closed the case.

But obviously, ordinary people have their own preferred version of the story.

Princess Ankang also glanced at Li Xuan and realized that what Xiaocui was talking about was what they knew.

"Is there such a thing?"

"But this can be regarded as evil being punished. God is wise."

Princess Ankang and Yu'er responded well, which made Xiaocui very happy.

Isn’t it just for gossiping to be shared so that someone can cheer it up and chat about it together?

Thinking of this, Xiao Cui glanced at her grandfather with resentment, which made Grandpa Xiao Cui look puzzled.

"I'm not that playboy, why are you staring at me?"

Grandpa Xiaocui looked innocent.

Xiaocui was too lazy to argue with her grandfather. It was rare for anyone to listen to her talk about these things. She seized the opportunity and continued:

"In addition to the female ghost seeking her life and the handsome young man, there are many other rumors."

"I stay in the West Market every day, and I can hear a lot of things just standing there."

Then Xiaocui recounted the latest rumors one by one, among which there was one thing that concerned Li Xuan.

"I heard that the Hu Yulou on Dongshi Flower Street is going to be auctioned these days."

"It seems that the original boss owed money and ran away, and the creditors wanted to sell Hu Yulou to pay off the debt."

"This matter has been aroused in the West Market recently, and many well-known Hu businessmen seem to be gearing up."

"Miss, you may not know."

"It's not easy for Hu businessmen to buy some properties in the capital. I heard that the government has strict requirements."

"But it seems that this time Hu Yulou's debt auction is different, and the conditions for participation have been relaxed a lot."

"Anyway, those big businessmen in the West Market are bound to win."

Li Xuan couldn't help but be stunned when he heard the news.

He clearly remembered that Hu Yulou's courtesan Ayimu wanted to seize Hu Yulou's property.

Speaking of Hu Yulou's industry, Li Xuan thought of something again.

"Is there something inside the Emperor Hong Bone Ring? It seems to be related to Hu Yulou?"

Li Xuan frowned slightly, his brain starting to run out of energy.

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