"I understand, tell them to keep their mouths shut."

Zhao Feng said coldly.

The eunuch leader in colorful clothes who came to report immediately took the order and left, not daring to say anything more.

After the visitor retreated, Zhao Fengcai shook his head helplessly.

He used his own feet to figure out who had done this.

"Axuan, this is too naughty."

Apart from Li Xuan, Zhao Feng could not think of any other candidate who could hide the fifth prince's poetry collection in the third prince's crotch.

Maybe the Eighth Prince could barely be considered one, but at that time he couldn't protect himself, so it was obviously not the Eighth Prince's idea.

But even if something like this happened, Zhao Feng could not be allowed to leave here to check the situation.

Because he has a more important task here.

In this autumn hunting competition, two special prey were set.

As long as he can get one of these two preys, he can be sure of victory and win this game.

One is naturally the princes and princesses participating in the competition.

As expected by many players, as long as all others are eliminated and their competitors lose their credentials, they will naturally win the game.

In addition, there is a more special prey.

Zhao Feng looked at his feet and saw a huge creature walking in the forest, patrolling his territory.

As long as you can hunt down this guy and bring him to the entrance, you can get the highest rating in this competition, and victory is natural.

It's just that the special prey in front of him has considerable lethality, so Zhao Feng needs to be here to monitor it at all times to prevent any accidents from happening.

Although this is a hunting competition, which carries a certain degree of danger, the participants in the competition are all royal heirs after all, so naturally no mistakes can be made.

If any accident occurs, then he, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, will not be able to escape his involvement.

While Zhao Feng is monitoring this place, eunuchs in colorful clothes will also come to report which of their highnesses are approaching this place.

And now the three closest to here are the eldest prince's three siblings.

"If the eldest prince is allowed to capture this prey, the advantage will be huge."

Zhao Feng murmured to himself.

"Fourth brother, is it too early for us to turn around and go back now?"

The Sixth Princess asked worriedly.

"Sixth sister, don't worry, let them fight life and death on their own. We will wait for them before the finish line."

"Don't forget that this time is originally a hunting competition. Taking advantage of these few days, the three of us can forget about this competition and enjoy the fun of hunting."

The fourth prince said with a smile, looking confident.

"But Fourth Brother, didn't you say earlier that the hunter in this hunting competition was actually someone else?"

The Sixth Princess saw her two brothers looking carefree and couldn't help but feel anxious for them.

Especially when they saw cloud-penetrating arrows exploding in the night sky in the distance, the Sixth Princess felt even more like they were urging them.

"Sixth sister, whether the others are eliminated in our hands or they are eliminated by themselves, there is no difference to us in terms of results."

The eldest prince noticed the eagerness of the sixth prince and patiently explained to him.

“Instead of eliminating ten people, it’s better to eliminate the last one.”

After hearing these words, the Sixth Princess nodded helplessly.

"Although the truth is such a truth..."

Seeing that the sixth princess still looked distressed, the eldest prince smiled and said:

"Let's just listen to our fourth brother, there won't be anything wrong!"

When the fourth prince heard this, he couldn't help but feel something in his heart, but his face didn't show anything unusual.

Although the three of them were brothers and sisters from the same father and mother, the fourth prince was still very touched that they could be trusted so much by the eldest prince.

In the royal family, there are many cases of kinship killing for profit. Not to mention brothers and sisters, even parents, there are countless people who betray them.

However, due to various reasons, the three brothers and sisters were unusually united, and they were an outlier among the royal heirs.

The three of them marched through the night forest with their attendants, heading towards the place where they first entered Fanglin Garden.

There is both the starting point and the end point of this game.

According to the rules of the competition, everyone needs to return to the place where they entered Fanglin Garden with their own credentials and the prey they caught in order to be evaluated for this competition.

Therefore, the plan made by the fourth prince was also very simple.

At the beginning, after trying every means to get together, they immediately turned back to the final destination. They hunted as much as possible along the way, and after arriving at the destination, they set up an ambush to stop everyone who wanted to enter the destination.

If you can beat them, eliminate the opponent; if you can't beat them, retreat first.

If nothing can be done, he goes directly to the finish line and ends the game.

According to the Fourth Prince's assumptions, at worst, they would all have a guaranteed result.

If the plan goes well, they may end up winning the game with only a small amount of fighting.

It can be said that the fourth prince made the most of the rules of the game and created the most favorable conditions for the three of them.

Even in the worst case scenario, they can gather the prey of three people together and let the eldest prince take these prey to the end.

As long as the eldest prince can successfully return to the finish line with the prey, he has a good chance of getting good results or even winning.

The fourth prince believed that those brothers and sisters who were fighting to the death should not have time to hunt.

Even if there are other people who want stability like them, it is impossible to surpass them and return to the finish line first after getting the certificate.

After all, the three brothers and sisters started their return journey directly after getting their vouchers and gathering together.

Even if they could do it, unless they were lucky enough to hunt a very high-scoring prey on the way back, it would not pose any threat to them.

But the fourth prince had no intention of factoring this small probability into his calculations.

Although the fourth prince is young, he has understood early on the principle of obeying fate in everything he does.

There are many things that cannot be changed by his efforts.

But if he doesn't work hard, he won't even have the extravagant hope of changing the outcome.

While the three brothers and sisters were advancing in the forest, Zhao Feng kept overlooking them from the air.

Zhao Feng couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he discovered that the three eldest prince brothers and sisters had passed by the special prey.

I don’t know if Zhao Feng is thankful that the three elder prince brothers and sisters did not encounter such big trouble, or is he thankful for something else.

Zhao Feng was very scheming, although he could see the plans of the three elder prince brothers and sisters at a glance.

Even he couldn't help but show a hint of appreciation.


"What a pity, what a pity..."

Zhao Feng looked at the three brothers and sisters of the eldest prince walking away and sighed.

This sigh dispersed with the wind, and no one else heard it except himself.

Zhao Feng disappeared from the spot and continued to monitor the special prey to see who could capture this big guy in the end.

the other side.

After the three little ones completed the fisherman plan, they planned to find a place to camp and rest.

They have been busy enough today and have gained a lot. It is time for them to take a good rest.

"Axuan, do you want to rest here tonight?"

Li Xuan stood on Dahei's head, closed his eyes and explored the surroundings, and finally nodded.

There was no movement from anyone else nearby, so they should be able to have a good night's rest.

Li Xuan jumped to the ground, then with a flick of his tail, he took out all the things for camping at night. Then the three little ones started to light a fire and set up camp, and got busy.

With Li Xuan's Emperor's Bone Ring, the three little ones saved a lot of trouble this time.

Even the trophies they harvested are now stored in the Emperor's Bone Ring. Even if others want to snatch it back, they can't find it.

Speaking of which, the third prince suffered the most hemorrhage this time. The sword, soft armor and a bottle of elixir all became trophies for the three little ones.

Although Li Xuan still doesn't know the efficacy of the elixir, he can just ask Doctor Xue after the game is over.

On the other hand, swords and soft armor are treasures that are difficult to obtain in Jingyang Palace. In the future, if someone makes some modifications, they can equip them for Princess Ankang and Yu'er.

This transformation work should be easy to solve by asking Zhao Feng for help.

Unknowingly, Li Xuan found that he had accumulated many connections in the palace.

When you encounter many problems, you can always find someone you can go to for advice.

"This is the so-called power of connections."

After several days of training, the three little ones have gradually mastered camping. In a quarter of an hour, a tent and a bonfire appeared in front of them.

Considering that Princess Ankang and Yu'er were tired today, Li Xuan directly took out the food stored in the Emperor Hong Bone Ring.

There are leftover royal meals that they eat on weekdays, so the food is quite good.

Some dishes are even brand new and have not been touched by a chopstick.

But for the three little ones who have lived a hard life, eating leftovers is actually nothing.

Even every time they finish a dish, they feel a strange sense of fulfillment.

Anyway, if these meals are placed in Li Xuan's Emperor Hong Bone Ring, they will not go bad for a long time, so there is no psychological burden at all when eating them.

After finishing dinner, the three little ones got into the tent together and huddled under the quilt to sleep.

The bed was still cold at first, but as the three little ones hugged each other tightly, the temperature in the bed gradually increased to a comfortable temperature.

After eating, hugging each other tightly and lying in a warm bed with the person you like, I am afraid there is no happier thing in the world than this.

Not to mention that Li Xuan is still hugging him from left to right!

Life is like this, I have no regrets~

But sweet dreams eventually wake up.

Late at night, Li Xuan suddenly opened his eyes.

His small ears moved slightly, catching the movement in the distance.

Li Xuan squirmed like a caterpillar in the bed, and then stretched his cat's head out of the tent.

In the night sky, a firework exploded, and someone shot a cloud-penetrating arrow.

"Well, why don't you stop at this late hour?"

Judging by the distance, the place where the cloud-piercing arrow was shot was not close to them.

"Another unlucky guy was eliminated."

The night breeze was too cold, so Li Xuan yawned and quietly retracted his head.

He didn't detect any threats within his range of perception, so he had no intention of leaving the bed.

As long as he didn't offend them, Li Xuan didn't bother to go out for a walk in the biting cold wind at night.

But at this moment, Li Xuan, who had already crawled back into the arms of Princess Ankang and Yu'er, suddenly trembled.

In his perception, a threat appeared that he could not ignore, making him tremble from the bottom of his bones.

"Well, A Xuan..."

"Don't move..."

Princess Ankang, who was still in her sleep, was chirping and talking nonsense. She shrank back in bed and got closer to Li Xuan's body.

After an unknown amount of time, Li Xuan realized that he had forgotten to breathe, and took a deep breath again to calm down his mood.

"What the hell is this?"

Li Xuan silently looked in a certain direction, as if his eyes penetrated the tent and saw an existence at the edge of his perception range.

He silently got out of the bed, only to find that his body was still trembling slightly.

"It's strange, even Master Ye, the old monk, has never given me such a feeling."

"What is that there?"

Li Xuan swallowed silently, feeling fearful and uneasy, and at the same time, his curiosity grew uncontrollably.

He looked back at the two girls who were still sleeping soundly in the bed, tucked them into bed, and couldn't help but kiss each of their foreheads.


After two kisses, Li Xuan felt a lot more at ease.

He closed his eyes again and lost himself in his own perceptions.

After discovering that there was only one existence within a five-mile radius that he could not ignore, he got out of the tent and sped away.

While running in the forest, Li Xuan kept flipping through the map he had written down in his mind.

The atlas found in Qianxing Pavilion recorded all the animals raised in the forbidden garden.

But after searching through the maps in his memory, Li Xuan couldn't find any corresponding existence.

"Whoever can give me this feeling is definitely not weak."

For Li Xuan, the distance of five miles came within a blink of an eye.

And the existence that posed a threat to Li Xuan became increasingly clear in his perception.

When the other party appeared in Li Xuan's field of vision, his steps couldn't help but slow down, and his expression gradually became serious.

"Is this the guy?"

Li Xuan's footsteps were silent, but he still alerted the other party.

In the dark forest, a huge white-fronted tiger with eye-catching eyes was eating a war horse.

The war horse was bitten and disemboweled, but its eyes widened and its body twitched from time to time.

"What a big white tiger!?"

That's right, this tiger has snow-white hair all over its body. It is as tall as a person lying there, and it is very large, much bigger than any war horse on the ground.

As for the white tiger who was feasting, as Li Xuan arrived, he silently raised his huge head stained with blood.

Bai Hu licked his nose and looked at the little guy who was interrupting his eating.

None of the black cats in front of me was as big as one of its paws.

But the white tiger immediately gave up his food, walked slowly, and used his barbed tongue to clean the blood near the big mouth of the blood basin.

When the white tiger stood in front of Li Xuan, it happened to take care of the embarrassment caused by eating, and became calm and elegant. Only the bloody aura all over its body could not be concealed.

A cat and a tiger stand opposite each other, looking at each other.

Li Xuan found that the white tiger's eyes were actually ice blue, which was very strange.


The roar of the tiger that soared into the sky shook the mountain forest. The white tiger on the opposite side couldn't help but take a step back, but immediately became angry and let out a roar!


Li Xuan grinned, and his trembling body suddenly calmed down after scaring away the white tiger.

"It's just instinctive deception. You are no better than me!"

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