Regarding Princess Ankang's question, the Eighth Prince had no intention of explaining it carefully and just said it casually.

Seeing that the Eighth Prince was unwilling to say more, Princess Ankang was too sensible to ask any further questions.

As for the eighth prince losing his mother just like herself, Princess Ankang had already expected it.

Last time, on the last day they left the palace, when they were putting out lanterns at Ci'en Temple, Princess Ankang actually noticed that the eighth prince had the same sad expression as herself that day.

Just this matter, Princess Ankang was also confirmed today.

The concubines in the palace were their elders after all, but they unscrupulously attacked them with their sad stories, which was simply inhumane.

The third prince and Concubine Zhao Shu were both cruel.

Princess Ankang was full of disgust towards these two people at this moment.

They walked back to the Eighth Prince's Xiaoyao Villa together.

After returning here, the Eighth Prince's mood recovered somewhat.

"Ankang, what do you think of my place?"

Princess Ankang came here for the first time. Everything she saw was novel. She nodded repeatedly and said:

"Is this where myna lives?"

"It looks really good."

Speaking of which, the Eighth Prince's Xiaoyao Courtyard was also carefully decorated by him.

Although it is not a magnificent style, because his own little interests can be seen everywhere, it seems to be very individual among the buildings in the palace.

As the Eighth Prince came back, a sharp cry rang out in Xiaoyao Villa, and along with the sound of breaking through the air, the Haidongqing named Axiang fluttered its wings and landed on the Eighth Prince's arm.

"Axiang, we have a guest at home today."

"This is Ankang, do you remember her?"

Axiang turned to look at Princess Ankang. After a few glances, he turned his attention to Li Xuan in Princess Ankang's arms.

As a result, after Axiang and Li Xuan looked at each other, he immediately looked away, then spread his wings, moved his paws, and innocently took two steps on the eighth prince's arm, trying to be as close to Li Xuan as possible. They distanced themselves, and their heads were tucked into the Eighth Prince's shoulders, imitating the ostrich's appearance.

"It's strange, A Xiang is actually shy?"

When the Eighth Prince saw Axiang's reaction, he thought he was shy, and did not notice that Axiang's body was trembling slightly.

Among the orcs, sometimes one can judge each other's strength just by looking at each other, unlike the human race which requires a hand-to-hand effort.

Axiang keenly discovered that the little black cat in Princess Ankang's arms was something he couldn't afford to offend, and that's why he reacted like this.

It didn't fly away directly. Li Xuan, who was afraid of being provoked, reacted and pounced on him, so he hid in the Eighth Prince's shoulder.

Princess Ankang and the Eighth Prince looked at Axiang's reaction and found it interesting.

But others don't know what's going on. How can Li Xuan not know?

I saw him slightly twitching the corners of his mouth, showing a proud smile.

"This bird is quite discerning."

Next, the Eighth Prince took the three little ones for a walk around his Xiaoyao Villa, and then naturally came to the stables.

Originally, the palace was not allowed to raise animals so casually. There was an AMTD Bureau in the palace that was specifically responsible for raising horses, which was responsible for raising horses and carriages in the palace.

For example, the carriage that the three little ones take when they go to Qianxing Pavilion every month is stored at AMTD for maintenance on weekdays. When it is needed, the carriage will be driven out by a dedicated person.

I don’t know how the Eighth Prince managed to build a stable in his back garden.

The Eighth Prince's stable is not big, with only about seven or eight horses. There is also a small track next to the stable. It seems that he usually runs horses here.

"Ankang, come and take a look."

"Except for my Black Star, I can lend you everything else."

The Eighth Prince said, before leading them to his Black Star and showing off.

This black star is indeed handsome, with jet black hair all over its body, except for the star-shaped white hair on its forehead. The strong muscles on its body are bulging, full of streamlined beauty.

"My Black Star can travel thousands of miles in a day. It is a veritable thousand-mile horse. It helps me a lot every time I hunt."

The eighth prince was obviously interested in talking about his favorite horse, bragging about his past achievements in front of his sister.

Princess Ankang listened silently, smiling and nodding from time to time.

The Eighth Prince finally managed to find such a good audience, so it was even more enjoyable to talk about it.

The three little ones didn't know whether it was true or not. They had never hunted before. Except for Li Xuan, Princess Ankang and Yu'er had never ridden a horse, so they could only listen to the eighth prince's nonsense.

The Eighth Prince talked eloquently for a long time, and then he remembered the business and asked Princess Ankang:

"By the way, Ankang."

"You still don't know how to ride a horse, do you?"

He only wanted to lend Ankang a horse, but he forgot to ask her if she knew how to ride.

Originally, as long as a royal heir reached a certain age, there was basically no one who could not ride a horse.

In the great development of martial arts, even princesses had to learn martial arts, and horse riding was even more basic.

But Princess Ankang's situation is a bit special. She has been staying in Jingyang Palace and has never enjoyed the treatment of a real princess at all.

So everyone else can ride a horse, but Princess Ankang really can't.

Princess Ankang shook her head at this.

Only then did the Eighth Prince realize that there were more important problems that needed to be solved.

Hunting in the Forbidden Garden definitely requires riding a horse. Just relying on your own two legs would be exhausting.

"There are still five days before the autumn hunt begins, which should be enough time for you to learn to ride a horse."

The eighth prince said calmly.

But the calmness he maintained on his face was actually to prevent Princess Ankang from feeling anxious.

Learning to ride a horse depends on talent. Some people learn quickly and some learn slowly.

Princess Ankang used to sit in a wheelchair all year round and basically did not do much exercise. It is obvious that her physical fitness will not be much better.

In this case, it may take longer to learn to ride a horse.

But there is no need for the Eighth Prince to tell Princess Ankang about this kind of thing now.

Within five days, if you can learn it, you can learn it, and if you can't learn it, you can't learn it. The results will naturally come by then.

He didn't want to bring extra pressure to Princess Ankang. Relaxing his mind would be more conducive to learning to ride a horse.

When Princess Ankang heard what the eighth prince said, she nodded and breathed a sigh of relief.

Then she turned her attention to the other horses.

Although these horses all look tall and big, their eyes are bright, and their two little ears that stand upright will move from time to time, which is very cute.

"Why do their ears look like Ah Xuan's?"

Princess Ankang covered her mouth with a smile and touched Li Xuan's ears in her arms.

The eighth prince chose the most docile and obedient horse among his own.

This horse is all white. Although it is half a head shorter than the other horses, it has the best appearance.

"Ankang, this horse is called Bai Xue. It is the best horse I can ride here."

"You can use it to learn to ride a horse in the next two days."

Regarding the eighth prince's arrangement, Princess Ankang knew nothing about it and agreed with a nod.

"This horse is really pretty and pretty."

Li Xuan was secretly amazed in his heart.

Bai Xue's eyelashes are all very straight, just like in the comics, and her big eyes are even more watery, as if they can talk.

Even Li Xuan, the cat, could tell that Bai Xue was definitely a stunning beauty among horses.

The Eighth Prince took Bai Xue and then came to the side track with the three little ones, planning to officially start teaching Princess Ankang to ride a horse.

"Uh, myna."

Princess Ankang seemed to suddenly remember something.

"Can you lend me one more horse?"

"Yu'er, I can't ride a horse either."

Princess Ankang pointed to Yu'er beside her.

You can bring a valet and a hunting beast with you on this autumn hunt.

Judging from the lineup of Jingyang Palace, the three little ones will definitely go into battle together.

Li Xuan can ride on a horse with Princess Ankang, but what about Yu'er?

You can't have all three little ones crowded together on Bai Xue's body. That would be a bit of an animal cruelty.

Moreover, Bai Xue would definitely slow down with three little ones on his back, which would not be conducive to their hunting in the Forbidden Garden.

After being reminded by Princess Ankang, the Eighth Prince also reacted.

Yes, the conditions of Jingyang Palace do not allow Princess Ankang to learn horse riding, let alone Yu'er as a palace maid.

The eighth prince nodded immediately and ordered someone to fetch a horse from his stable for Yu'er to practice riding.

When everything was ready, the Eighth Prince began his detailed horse riding instruction.

He started from the movement of mounting the horse, taught it carefully and demonstrated it personally. During the process, he explained why each movement should be done and what to pay attention to.

Li Xuan watched for a while and had to say that the eighth prince's teachings were indeed good, easy to understand, simple and clear. Obviously what he said before was not just a boast, he was really a good player.

Only when you understand it thoroughly can you explain a complex matter so concisely.

After all the demonstrations were completed, the Eighth Prince dismounted and handed the reins to Princess Ankang.

"Ankang, have you remembered what I just said?"

Princess Ankang and Yu'er nodded in unison.

"Okay, let's give it a try next."

The Eighth Prince knew very well that riding a horse can only be learned faster by practicing it yourself. No matter how much theory you listen to, it is not as useful as riding it twice yourself.

Princess Ankang stood next to Bai Xue. After taking the reins, she inevitably felt a little nervous, while Li Xuan jumped on Bai Xue's body first to prevent any accidents.

The Eighth Prince stayed below, ready to support Princess Ankang at any time.

Horse riding is a relatively dangerous sport, and you may injure yourself, so when you first learn to practice, there must be someone on your side to protect you.

Princess Ankang first touched Bai Xue, and after adjusting her mood, she stepped on the pedals of the saddle, followed her body upwards, crossed her other leg naturally, and sat on the horse easily.

The Eighth Prince originally thought that he would ask Princess Ankang to help him, but he did not expect Princess Ankang to mount the horse so neatly, and he was stunned on the spot.

"Hey, this skill?"

Princess Ankang's posture on the horse is much better than that of other princesses when they first learned to ride a horse.

The next teaching was even smoother. In just a moment, Princess Ankang was able to ride a horse and run slowly on the track.

Although Princess Ankang could not move up and down with Bai Xue's running rhythm when riding a horse to reduce her own bumps, at least she was riding steadily and would not fall off the horse.

"Ankang, is this really your first time riding a horse?"

Even the Eighth Prince was so surprised that he couldn't help but ask.

Of course, the Eighth Prince can still see the appearance of a beginner from Princess Ankang's initial movements.

But the problem is, in less than an hour now, Princess Ankang has already learned to this point. How can this not be surprising?

And the Eighth Prince hadn't taught her yet, so Princess Ankang took the initiative to adjust her sitting posture during the ride to match Bai Xue's running rhythm.

If she continues to practice like this, Princess Ankang will even be able to achieve the unity of man and horse.

The Eighth Prince also prides himself on being a genius with extraordinary talents, but it took him several days to learn to ride a horse to the level he is now like Princess Ankang.

Comparing these two aspects, the Eighth Prince's original achievements were not so dazzling.

And while the Eighth Prince was stunned, Princess Ankang had gradually increased her speed, running faster and faster on the track.

Li Xuan sat steadily in front of Princess Ankang, not panicking at all.

Even if there is a risk of falling from the horse, he is confident that he can save Princess Ankang at the critical moment, so he allows Princess Ankang to speed up with confidence.

With Li Xuan's guarantee, Princess Ankang naturally had no worries and gradually became more courageous.

This is the case with horse riding. The more timid you are, the slower you learn. Once you let go of your timidity, it feels like it doesn't matter anymore.

But Princess Ankang dared to do this because she was protected by Li Xuan, and others could not learn from her.

Moreover, Li Xuan also discovered that Princess Ankang and Bai Xue quickly became familiar with each other. It seemed that Princess Ankang had a natural affinity for animals.

"Baixue, faster, faster!"

Princess Ankang shouted, obviously already interested, carefree and unrestrained.

Seeing Princess Ankang getting more and more happy as she rode, the Eighth Prince was stunned for a while.

In stark contrast, Yu'er stood beside her.

Yu'er is also riding on the horse now, but she doesn't dare to increase the speed at all. She only dares to let the horse walk slowly, clamping her long legs tightly, for fear of falling off the horse, looking cautious .

And this is how ordinary people react when they learn to ride a horse.

Of course, Yu'er has already learned much faster than ordinary people. After all, she has a lot of cultivation. Even if she falls from the horse, she will not be hurt at this speed.

The Eighth Prince wanted to tell Princess Ankang to slow down, for fear that she would hurt him, but he opened his mouth several times and could not shout out anything.

He looked at Princess Ankang, who was galloping on horseback. It was the first time he saw such a look on this sister's face, and he couldn't bear to interrupt her.

"Go and bring me Black Star!"

The eighth prince immediately ordered his attendants.

Soon, his Black Star was also brought over.

The Eighth Prince didn't waste any words and got on his horse immediately.

He chased directly towards the back of Princess Ankang.

Without spending much effort, the Eighth Prince quickly caught up with Princess Ankang and kept pace with her.

At this distance, the Eighth Prince was confident that even if something happened to Princess Ankang, he would be able to respond in time.

The eighth prince's curiosity was also aroused. He wanted to see how much Princess Ankang could learn today.

"Ankang, let's compete. The winner will be determined in three laps!"

"If you can beat me, I will give you snow!"

Thanks to Jing Chenyue and Angel Love Talking for their support.

Thank you all book friends for your monthly support.

The weekend must be two days long, it must be!

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