Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 334 Please accept my sincere gift

On the way back to the city, there were no more twists and turns until they entered the capital.

Everyone, including Li Xuan, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Once inside the capital, they would be much safer.

No one dared to fight against the colorful eunuchs in the capital in broad daylight.

The more orderly the place, the safer the eunuch in colorful clothes will be.

After all, the power behind them is imperial power.

In the wilderness, you can pretend to be a gangster and a eunuch in colorful clothes.

But if they were to do this in the capital, it would be tantamount to open rebellion.

Daxing is not weak enough to tolerate such arrogance.

After entering the capital, they arrived at Ping An Trading Company smoothly.

They didn't go through the main entrance, but went around from the back.

After arriving at Ping An Trading Company, there were naturally people to help them.

After they stopped their horses, they took off the sacks one by one and dropped them to the ground with a dull sound.

Inside the sacks were the robbers they had captured alive before, as well as the masked men who attacked them last night.

These people were all drugged by the eunuchs in colorful clothes, and they were all unconscious.

After untying all the sacks, people from Ping An Trading Company took all the prisoners down and took good care of them.

Xu Lang, on the other hand, took Li Xuan and two other fifth-grade eunuchs in colorful clothes to recover.

They came to a secret room in Ping An Trading Company, where they met Manager Shang in casual clothes.

Manager Shang was smiling and looked like an old accountant in a business firm.

When Manager Shang saw Li Xuan stepping in on Xu Lang's shoulders, the smile on his face became even bigger, and he nodded slightly at him as a greeting.

Li Xuan also meowed at Manager Shang, then jumped onto a chair nearby and yawned widely.

Next, three fifth-grade eunuchs in colorful clothes reported what happened. Li Xuan was too lazy to get involved, so he waited quietly aside.

Starting from Xu Lang, he reported everything in detail along the way. Manager Shang also listened patiently without interrupting, but occasionally asked for some details.

When Xu Lang finished speaking, the other two people did the same.

Just after hearing their report, Li Xuan couldn't help but ended his sleep and opened his eyes again.

"Director, according to the order, we completed the ambush near the Cross Slope Inn early yesterday morning."

After hearing this, Li Xuan couldn't help but tilted his head, feeling a little confused about this time.

"Early yesterday morning?"

Yesterday morning, Li Xuan and Xu Lang had just finished their battle with the robbers, and it was time to clean up the mess.

At that time, they had not yet come out of the mountainous area, that is, when Xu Lang had just sent someone back to report the news.

Judging from the time point, the Ministry of Internal Affairs should not have received the news yet. Why did it send people to ambush near the inn so early?

Just when Li Xuan was confused, the two eunuchs in colorful clothes with fifth-level cultivation continued to report:

"A total of seventeen people stayed at the inn that day, and five of them behaved suspiciously. They later set fire to the inn during the night attack, and then masked themselves to join the battle. They have been captured and brought back."

"In the evening, five other Chang'an County officials arrived at the inn. Shortly after Xu Lang and the others arrived, one of the officials secretly released a homing pigeon."

While talking, one of them presented a portrait.

Above the portrait is a young catcher, who should be what they call a homing pigeon flyer.

Manager Shang took the portrait, looked at it carefully, and then asked:

"You didn't alert this person, did you?"

The eunuch in colorful clothes immediately replied:

"This person did not participate in the night attack, and he worked in the Chang'an County government, so he only drew a portrait. There are people watching his movements at the moment."

"very good."

Manager Shang nodded with satisfaction and then motioned for them to continue.

"We were following the homing pigeon and found two masked men led by five-level masters ten miles away. After receiving the news, they immediately took action and attacked the inn at night."

"There are no other commanders, and I have not seen them delivering messages."

When Manager Shang heard this, he pondered for a moment and asked:

"You made sure you put everyone at the inn and didn't miss anything."

The two fifth-grade eunuchs in colorful clothes first looked at each other, then nodded silently together, and then dared to confirm to Manager Shang: "All the masked men who were ambushing ten miles away came to the inn, and no one left the team on the way."

"During the battle, most of the masked men were killed and wounded, and the rest, including the two fifth-level masters who led the team, were all captured alive."

After listening to all the reports, Manager Shang closed his eyes and didn't know what he was thinking about.

Only then did Li Xuan realize that the eunuch in colorful clothes last night did not arrive at short notice, but had already been prepared to rush out at the critical moment.

It seems that Manager Shang originally wanted to use Xu Lang and others as bait, and then catch a big fish.

But now it seems that the result is not very satisfactory.

"That's all."

After a long time, Manager Shang opened his eyes again and shook his head slightly.

"Take all the prisoners into underground prisons and interrogate them on the spot."

"The mission of the three of you has been completed. Take some rest and then follow me back to the palace."

"Yes, Controller!"

After the three people accepted the order, they immediately exited the room.

Now, only Chief Monk Li Xuan is left in the room.

After they were the only ones left, Manager Shang relaxed, propped up his chin with one hand, looked at Li Xuan with interest, and said:

"Axuan, is it fun to go out to investigate the case this time?"

Li Xuan rolled his eyes at Manager Shang angrily and thought:

"You can't treat me like a child."

He quickly came to the side of Manager Shang, and then wrote on the back of Manager Shang's hand with his tail:

"What exactly is going on?"

"What's going on? It's obviously your personal experience, why are you asking me?" Manager Shang couldn't help but joke.


Li Xuan immediately raised his voice in dissatisfaction and shouted in Manager Shang's ear.

"Oh, okay, okay."

"It's okay if you don't tease me, but you should quickly accept your magical powers."

Manager Shang covered the ear closest to Li Xuan and begged for mercy without any sincerity.

After hearing this, Li Xuan stopped shouting, but stood up from the table and shook Manager Shang with his front paws, asking him to tell him quickly what was going on.

"Speaking of it, it's nothing."

Manager Shang was very cautious from the beginning. He took a slow sip of tea and then said slowly:

"After all, this is your first time out of the city for business, Xuan. I can't rest assured, so I sent someone to pick you up early."

"On the way to the reception, please help me pay attention to some things."

Obviously, Manager Shang was explaining what the two fifth-grade eunuchs reported earlier.

"What happened this time seems simple, but it is actually very difficult."

"As for where the difficulty lies..."

Manager Shang glanced aside to pay attention to Li Xuan's reaction.

Li Xuan has been tortured by Manager Shang's repeated official tone and has almost lost his patience.

Seeing Li Xuan's slumped face and his unkind eyes, Manager Shang immediately laughed, stopped teasing him, and went straight to the point.

"Until now, we still can't determine what the other party's purpose is?"

"Although the lost goods of Ping An Trading Company are valuable, they are not valuable enough to warrant such a risk."

"If you don't understand, if you don't understand the other party's true intentions, you can only fall into passivity."

Li Xuan found out that Manager Shang was worried about this matter, so he immediately wrote:

"Didn't we arrest so many people?"

"You can always find something through interrogation, right?"

The biggest gain of their trip was catching those three fifth-grade masters.

The other minions may not know any useful clues, but these three people should know something else, right?

In response, Manager Shang just shook his head and smiled:

"They are just thugs who came out to work hard. It's a pity that we couldn't catch the brains this time."

"But Ah Xuan is right. There must be some valuable clues in their mouths."

"Let's wait for a while, and someone will naturally send good news later."

Manager Shang said confidently.

After hearing the meaning of those words, there are now dedicated people to serve those people.

Li Xuan couldn't help but shudder, feeling sad for the three fifth-grade masters.

You said it was not good to fall into whose hands it fell, but it had to fall into the hands of the eunuch in colorful clothes.

Li Xuan also remembered something at this time. He came to the ground and flicked his tail, and then took out all the goods he had rescued last night.

A large amount of goods immediately filled the room to the brim, and there was almost no place to stay.


"Could it be these?"

Previously, Xu Lang's report mentioned that all the goods of Ping An Trading Company had been burned, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"Axuan, it seems that you have made a meritorious service again."

Manager Shang immediately said with a smile:

"These goods may contain the purpose of the other party taking such a risk."

Manager Shang looked at the goods in front of him and said pointedly, as if he had thought of something.

When Li Xuan saw Manager Shang praising him, he couldn't help but grin. Then he rolled up a box with his tail from the pile of goods and handed it to Manager Shang.

Manager Shang didn't even open it, but he already knew it.

"Is this Ziwu Bingtilian?"

After that, Manager Shang opened the box and saw the lotus flower.

Ziwu lotus has two stems, one black and one white, with faint brilliance flowing in the stamens, which is very magical.

The appearance alone is worthy of its reputation as a treasure of heaven and earth.

"Axuan, this Ziwu Bingdi Lotus came from a mutation. This is the first time I have seen it."

"As for its efficacy and how to take it, you have to find a professional to find out."

"It just so happens that Dr. Xue is going to Jingyang Palace for follow-up consultation in the past few days. You can just ask him for advice then."


"When the time comes, you don't have to ask him. He will take the initiative to help you study the characteristics of this Meridian Lotus."

Manager Shang seems to have a deep understanding of Imperial Physician Xue.

"I can make the decision on this thing now, and it can be regarded as the reward for your mission this time, Xuan."

As Manager Shang said, he closed the box and handed it to Li Xuan.

Naturally, Li Xuan would not refuse, and happily put the box containing Ziwu Bingti Lotus into his Emperor Hong Bone Ring.

After getting this thing, Li Xuan's work was not in vain this time.

Now he can't wait to return to the palace and ask Dr. Xue to help him find out how to take the Ziwu Bingdi Lotus to get the best effect.

Manager Shang saw Li Xuan's eyes narrowed into two slits, and couldn't help but feel happy for him.

Manager Shang is also very clear about how difficult it is to cultivate both yin and yang.

Without the help of these external forces, if you want to cultivate the yin and yang attributes of Qi, you still don’t know how long it will take.

Manager Shang is also looking forward to Li Xuan's future.

After all, although Mr. Shang has lived for so many years, he has only heard of strong men with both yin and yang attributes of Qi in books and legends.

Manager Shang really wanted to see what it would be like if he was trained by a cat to possess both yin and yang attributes.

Li Xuan had no interest in other goods.

Manager Shang immediately asked someone to come in and take the goods outside for safe storage.

These goods are also important clues to the case. It is lucky to have so many preserved during last night's night attack.

Next, nothing will happen to Li Xuan.

The rest will naturally be taken over by the professional eunuchs in colorful clothes brought by Mr. Shang.

Manager Shang went to do what he was doing, while Li Xuan squinted in the room for a while to make up for the lack of good sleep in the past two days.

Although he didn't feel too sleepy or tired, because he had broken his biological clock for two days in a row, he was inevitably a little depressed.

Taking advantage of the current opportunity, Li Xuan took a rest and replenished his condition.

I don't know how long it took, but Li Xuan was woken up by Manager Shang playing with his ears.

After Li Xuan opened his eyes, he yawned greatly, then stretched out comfortably, stretching his body to a long length.

"Axuan, we should go back."

Hearing this, Li Xuan got up from the table in a hurry and shook his round head to wake himself up.

It seems that Manager Shang has finished his own affairs, and I don't know if he has asked the answer he wants.

Seeing Li Xuan cast a curious look at him, Manager Shang just smiled and shook his head:

"Those people were just following orders and had no idea why they were doing what they were doing."

"But one thing is certain, they are indeed coming for this batch of goods."

"It's just that they were able to burn these goods so decisively in the end. It seems that there is something in it that the other party does not want others to get."

"As to what exactly it is, there's no answer yet."

It is not difficult to see that there is some regret in Manager Shang's expression.

Hearing this, Li Xuan couldn't help but start to think about what was in the previous goods.

But looking back now, there seems to be nothing special in it.

Of course, except Ziwu Bingtilian.

But these things are rare even though they are rare.

But in the whole world, the person who needs this thing the most is probably Li Xuan himself.

Others don't really have much use.

Although Ziwu Bingdilian is a rare natural treasure that balances yin and yang, the effects of other people's consumption are very ordinary. At most, they can improve their physical fitness and balance the yin and yang in the body.

But if you want to achieve such an effect, you need to use other cheaper medicinal materials.

There is absolutely no need to use such a mutated treasure of heaven and earth.

Li Xuan also didn't believe that there were other people in the world who were so stubborn and confident, other than him, who chose to practice both Yin and Yang.

I have never heard of any proud man who could not think about it so hard.

It makes sense that for so many years, there has been no strong human being with both yin and yang attributes.

Li Xuan is so talented, but he has to practice so hard, let alone anyone else.

If people can clearly see their progress every day, they can persevere in many things that are difficult to achieve.

But not everyone can see their progress bar.

How many people gave up at the last moment before dawn, failing to fill their last bit of progress.

How many people have no idea where they are now because the road ahead is bleak, and they are constantly anxious in the confusion, consuming a lot of their energy and time, making things that they could have done become things that they will never be able to achieve. past difficulties.

That's how hard it is to get things done.

Therefore, Li Xuan has immeasurable advantages over other practitioners.

Although he also needs to study hard on his own, he can see his progress every time, not to mention his characteristic of only advancing and never retreating.

Martial arts training is like sailing against the current and going against the will of heaven.

But Li Xuan was different. The resistance he encountered was far less than that of others.

But among the goods of Ping An Trading Company, except for the special Ziwu Bingdi Lotus, the others are all specialties of various regions.

Of course, this also includes some valuable goods such as famous calligraphy and paintings, ceramics and jade that some caravans picked up along the way.

As long as the regional specialties can be brought to the capital, they can earn a huge price difference.

But these celebrity calligraphy and paintings and ceramics and jade are somewhat different.

The prices are actually about the same everywhere, it mainly depends on personal taste.

The steward of the caravan felt that he had gotten a bargain and had enough funds on hand, so he would buy it.

Then after returning to the capital, find some buyers who like to collect these things.

As long as you don't make mistakes, you can earn a good amount of hard work every time.

If you pick up a bargain while traveling as a trader, you will make even more money when you return to the capital.

"What do they want when they rob the caravan?"

Li Xuan thought hard for a while, but he really couldn't think of anything that he could pay special attention to.

"Okay, don't think about it."

Manager Shang rubbed Li Xuan's head and couldn't help laughing when he saw how seriously he was thinking.

"The remaining goods are still in our hands. If what the other party wants is not burned, they will naturally come to us again."

"At that time, we may be able to take a little initiative."

"As long as you take the initiative, it won't be difficult to force out the opponent's weaknesses."

Manager Shang has rich experience, so Li Xuan naturally believed what he said.

"Axuan, let's go back to the palace right now."

"I have to trouble you to bring back those goods you dumped out earlier."

Li Xuan was stunned for a moment, not expecting Manager Shang to be so cautious.

Logically speaking, the people working under him now are all colorful eunuchs from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who are his direct descendants.

But looking at Manager Shang's appearance, he actually believed in Li Xuan even more.

"Is it possible that some of the colorful eunuchs in the Ministry of Internal Affairs have second thoughts?"

Li Xuan swallowed and couldn't help but think so.

This matter was not difficult for him, and Li Xuan naturally had no reason to refuse, so he nodded and agreed.

Following Manager Shang to the room where the goods were stacked outside, it was not difficult for Li Xuan to see that these goods had been carefully inspected.

Li Xuan flicked his tail and easily put all the goods into the Emperor Hong Bone Ring.

Manager Shang is also well prepared, and the convoy that has completed the purchase can set off back to the palace at any time.

Xu Lang and others had already changed into the clothes of the colorful eunuchs, and were sitting on the carriage driving.

"Axuan, let's go."

Manager Shang greeted Li Xuan and then took him into a carriage.

This carriage happened to be driven by Xu Langlai. After getting on the carriage, Manager Shang gave the order to set off.

After receiving the order, the motorcade slowly headed towards the palace.

Li Xuan has walked this road several times and has begun to become somewhat familiar.

The majestic Imperial City grew larger and larger in his sight, and soon they passed through the gate of the Imperial City and re-entered the grounds of the Imperial Palace.

Li Xuan first followed Manager Shang to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and after taking out the goods from the Emperor's Bone Ring, he was sent back to the gate of Jingyang Palace.

"Axuan, just stay at home these days."

"The new round of the Royal Garden Competition is about to begin. We must get a good result this time."

"You guys have to work harder."

Manager Shang said goodbye and left.

"There are really only a few days left."

"It's just that this time Mr. Shang actually reminded me proactively."

"It seems there is something."

Li Xuan's eyes moved wildly, as if he smelled something unusual.

He thought about what Manager Shang had said before, then turned around and meowed at the two eunuchs in colorful clothes guarding the entrance of Jingyang Palace, saying hello casually.

The two eunuchs in colorful clothes were stunned for a moment.

They naturally recognized Li Xuan.

The two eunuchs in colorful clothes looked at each other, and then looked at Li Xuan silently, with a look of embarrassment on their faces.

Li Xuan was now standing at the door of Jingyang Palace. With their eyesight, they naturally had to open the door for Li Xuan.

But the problem is that they can't open the door of Jingyang Palace by themselves. At most, they can only knock on the door for Li Xuan.

But Li Xuan never walked through this door on weekdays, and now he suddenly stopped in front of the door, which really made the two eunuchs in colorful clothes not sure what to do.

Li Xuan actually didn't want to go through the door, but was thinking about what Manager Shang said to him before.

He felt that there must be something special about the Royal Garden Competition next month, otherwise Manager Shang would not have specifically reminded it.

"Is Emperor Yongyuan going to do some fancy things again?"

Li Xuan was quite looking forward to this.

Every time Emperor Yongyuan played tricks, the rewards were the same.

Just when the two eunuchs in colorful clothes were hesitating whether to knock on the door to announce Li Xuan, Li Xuan jumped onto the wall of Jingyang Palace and then got in.

Seeing this scene, the two eunuchs in colorful clothes breathed a sigh of relief.

Otherwise, reporting for a cat will feel weird no matter how they think about it.

After Li Xuan entered Jingyang Palace, it immediately became lively.

"Ah, Ah Xuan is back!"

"Axuan, didn't you say you were going out for two days?"

"Why are you coming back now!"

"Are you hungry, A-Xuan? Do you need me to give you something delicious?"

"Yesterday, the Ministry of Internal Affairs sent some dried fish. Would you like to try it?"

"Meow meow……"

Listening to the commotion inside Jingyang Palace, the two eunuchs guarding the door looked at each other and smiled silently.

Because Jingyang Palace has been quiet these past two days, the two of them felt a little bored guarding the gate here.

But with Li Xuan's return, Jingyang Palace became lively again, and there were more happy laughters.

People living in the palace are always lonely.

Listening to the voices coming from Jingyang Palace, the two eunuchs in colorful clothes inevitably felt some envy.

"Hey, I heard that there are a lot of wild cats in the Royal Garden. Would you like to feed them when you have time?"

"We don't have any dried fish."

"Just go to the kitchen and ask for a handful."

"Well, let's wait until we get off work."

The two eunuchs in colorful clothes settled the matter in a few words, and then continued to stand guard at the door.

I just don’t know why, but today’s time is moving extremely slowly.

In Jingyang Palace, Li Xuan lay in the arms of Princess Ankang like an uncle, eating the dried fish that Yu'er brought to his mouth bite by bite, while enjoying Princess Ankang's foot massage.

It was said to be a foot massage, but in fact it was just Princess Ankang squeezing Li Xuan's paw pads and playing with them.

"Axuan, where did you go to play this time? Didn't you cause trouble to the two managers?"

Princess Ankang petted the cat to her heart's content and asked questions she cared about.

Li Xuan was always taken out to play by the two managers from time to time, and Princess Ankang was naturally envious of him.

She didn't envy being out of the palace, she just envied the two stewards being able to go out of the palace to play with Li Xuan.

"Meow, woo! (I am not out of the palace to play, I am going to do business!)"

Li Xuan explained dissatisfiedly.

Why did he cause trouble to the two managers? He was obviously there to help, okay?

Li Xuan severely criticized Princess Ankang's malicious speculation.

"Why are you shouting so loudly?"

"You've been out of the palace for two days. You've become more capable, haven't you?"

"Watch how I teach you a lesson!"

Princess Ankang said, grabbing two strands of Li Xuan's beard with her hands, gently pulling it back and forth, constantly changing Li Xuan's mouth shape, and then said in a rough voice:

"Woooooooo, I was wrong, I was wrong."

"Axuan will never dare to hurt Princess Ankang, the cutest and kindest princess in the world."

Li Xuan rolled his eyes speechlessly, feeling the orchid fragrance that Princess Ankang sprayed on his head, and decided not to argue with the child.

On the other hand, Princess Ankang and Yu'er both giggled like two little hens.

Princess Ankang hadn't seen Li Xuan for two days. She pulled her beard, pinched her ears, and tormented him endlessly.

Li Xuan could only silently endure the cuteness he shouldn't have at his age.

But after finishing the dubbing game of Princess Ankang, she started to play the double act again.

After she had laughed enough, she continued talking to herself:

"Since you, the little kitten, apologize so sincerely, will I give you a chance to redeem yourself, princess?"

"Hurry up and take out the gifts you bought from outside the palace, otherwise your little cat will not be able to enjoy the fruit."

After Princess Ankang finished speaking, she changed into a naive and silly voice again, and said in a rough voice:

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu A Xuan, I know I was wrong."

"This is a gift of apology to Her Royal Highness the Princess."

After saying that, Princess Ankang pushed down Li Xuan's two front paws, but she could only reach his belly.

Yu'er, who was on the side, had the discernment to grab Li Xuan's tail and put it on his belly, so that Li Xuan's front paws could reach the Emperor's Bone Ring on the tail.

"Ah this..."

Li Xuan secretly said something bad in his heart, his eyes began to dodge, and he glanced at the distant sky with a guilty conscience.

"It's over, I forgot to buy a gift when I came back!"

He had slept at Ping'an Trading Company, and when he got up, he followed Mr. Shang on the carriage back to the palace.

It's also because Li Xuan didn't have enough sleep these days and his head was not clear, so he even forgot to buy gifts when he went home from a business trip.

Facing the expectant looks of the two girls, Li Xuan looked away with a guilty conscience.

Li Xuan's two pitiful cat paws were weakly placed on the Emperor's Bone Ring, but he couldn't get anything out for a long time.

Princess Ankang shook and remained motionless. Li Xuan, who was imitating the stone statue, urged in a bad tone: "Where is the gift?"

Yu'er also blinked her eyes, showing confusion.

"Damn it, this woman just can't be too spoiled!"

"Last time I just brought them candied haws, but now I look forward to bringing gifts back every time I leave the palace."

"What's the point of this!?"

Li Xuan, who felt guilty, kept making excuses for himself in his heart, hoping to make himself look more righteous.

Seeing that Li Xuan didn't dare to look into her own eyes, Princess Ankang's face was stern, then she snatched half of the unfinished dried fish from the corner of Li Xuan's mouth, then pulled Li Xuan's head over, squinted her eyes, and spoke in a tone of voice He asked darkly:

"You didn't buy anything, did you?"

Li Xuan immediately stared with a pair of big innocent eyes and showed a harmless smile, with "How can I?" written all over his face.

"What about the gift?"

At this moment, even Yu'er's gaze towards Li Xuan changed.

The disappointment that cannot be concealed is simply heartbreaking to watch.

Facing Princess Ankang's aggressive cat, Li Xuan had no choice but to shake his tail, take out something from the Emperor Hong Bone Ring, and hold it on his cat's paws.

It was a plate of fragrant West Lake vinegar fish. The meat was plump and crystal clear. It was obviously a rare delicacy in the world.

But facing such exquisite delicacies, Princess Ankang was indifferent and asked in a bad tone:

"Isn't this the leftover food you hid two days ago?"

Li Xuan's heart suddenly felt cold. He didn't expect Princess Ankang to see through the origin of this dish so easily.


Princess Ankang gritted her teeth and shouted Li Xuan's name, and a pair of jade hands had already pressed on Li Xuan's head.

Seeing that he was about to suffer a tragic ravage from Mao Huan, Li Xuan immediately showed a cat's claw and stopped in front of Princess Ankang.

"Meow! (Wait!)"

Li Xuan honestly took back the plate of West Lake vinegar fish.

It seems that these things he collected from Jingyang Palace cannot be deceived.

Either Princess Ankang can recognize it, or Yu'er can recognize it.

But in his Emperor's Bone Ring, apart from these things, that was the only thing that could be used to deal with the current severe situation.

Li Xuan did not collect this thing from Jingyang Palace.

It was probably the first time that Princess Ankang and Yu'er met.

It would be reasonable to regard this as a souvenir brought back by Li Xuan from outside the palace.

Li Xuan took a deep breath and planned to make a big gamble to see if he could save the current situation.

His tail flicked again and he took out something from the Emperor Hong Bone Ring.

The thing was not big, Li Xuan's two cat paws could easily pick it up, and the color was as dark as Li Xuan's.

Li Xuan immediately grinned, showing a sincere fake smile, and then held up the cup in his hand as if offering a treasure.


The next moment, a harsh scream exploded in Li Xuan's ears.

Li Xuan suddenly felt like his body was soaring in the clouds.

It turned out that Princess Ankang threw Li Xuan away from her arms, and then ran away with Yu'er.

"Axuan, just wait for me!!!"

From a distance, Princess Ankang's angry voice came.

"Hey hey hey~"

Li Xuan flew into the air for two and a half weeks, then landed firmly on the ground. He smiled innocently and took back the things he had taken out earlier.

He got all the materials in the Emperor Hong Bone Ring from Jingyang Palace, so he couldn't fool the two girls at all.

Li Xuan had no choice but to take out the treasure at the bottom of the box: a dead big black mouse.

This is the largest one in Li Xuan's collection, and it can easily scare the crap out of Princess Ankang and Yu'er.

If they just saw a dead mouse, Princess Ankang and Yu'er wouldn't be so frightened. It's all because Li Xuan was kind-hearted and pretended to be a gift, and suddenly took out a big black mouse, so they were frightened. That way.

No, after Princess Ankang came to her senses, she had already come to arrest Li Xuan.

"Axuan, come here!"

Li Xuan was not stupid, so he would not wait for Princess Ankang to ravage him, and immediately circled the yard.

Princess Ankang accelerated with all her strength, but she couldn't outrun Li Xuan.

Not long after, Li Xuanliu was left panting and out of breath.

At this time, Yu'er also followed over. Seeing them playing a cat and mouse game, she couldn't help but said to the side:

"Axuan, please slow down."

"Don't throw your Highness."

"Meow! (Wouldn't she fall if she didn't chase her?)"

Li Xuan expressed great dissatisfaction with Yu'er's partiality.

Yu'er seemed to understand, and said with a smile: "It's not because you are naughty and tease us with dead mice."

After that, Yu'er ignored them and went to the kitchen to get some snacks and tea.

She thought that Princess Ankang and Ah Xuan would be tired from running around later and would definitely need something to eat and drink.

After a while, the three little ones gathered around the stone table again, drinking tea and eating snacks.

"Axuan, is this the gift you brought us?"

Princess Ankang looked at the things on the table. Although she was full of disbelief, she couldn't move her eyes away.

"I have never seen a lotus of this color before, and the lotus flowers are different colors. It's amazing!" Yu'er on the side exclaimed.

That's right, Li Xuan took out the Ziwu Bingdilian again and fooled the two girls that it was a souvenir he had brought.

Having been deceived once, Princess Ankang naturally didn't believe it, while Yu'er didn't think much about it. She just looked at Ziwu and Dilian in wonder.

"Axuan, can this lotus be replanted?"

Princess Ankang asked.

"Hey, that's right!"

When asked by Princess Ankang, Li Xuan had an idea.

If this Ziwu double-pedaled lotus could be planted, could Li Xuan be able to grow more Ziwu parallel-pedicled lotus and mass-produce heavenly materials and earthly treasures with balanced yin and yang attributes?

After all, Ziwu Bingdi Lotus is a mutated treasure of heaven and earth. There is still much to say about the characteristics of this thing.

If it could be planted, wouldn't he be short of natural resources and treasures to eat in the future?

Li Xuan looked at Princess Ankang in surprise, then went up to hold her little face and kissed her fiercely.

"Oh, Xuan, your mouth is full of snack scum."

Princess Ankang hid her head back. Although she was saying disgusting words on her lips, she couldn't hold them back at all.

"It's really my good health. Every word I say is a good idea."

Li Xuan thought happily.

When Doctor Xue comes, Li Xuan will have to ask him to study it carefully. If it can be planted, their Jingyang Palace will be prosperous in the future.

After Li Xuan showed Princess Ankang and Yu'er the Ziwu Bingtilian for a while, he put the box away again.

Princess Ankang suddenly asked with some dissatisfaction:

"Axuan, didn't you say this was a gift for me and sister Yu'er?"

"Why are you putting it away now?"

Yu'er on the side just smiled.

Both of them now know that Li Xuan forgot to buy a gift this time.

But if you didn’t buy it, then you didn’t buy it. It’s not a big deal.

Princess Ankang and Yu'er both looked amused when they saw Li Xuan working so hard to cover up his lies.

Princess Ankang, in particular, seizes the opportunity to do evil, allowing Li Xuan to keep telling his clumsy lies.

But Princess Ankang felt warm in her heart when she saw Li Xuan working hard, and she didn't know which string was wrong.

Two days passed.

Dr. Xue came for a "re-examination" as scheduled.

It was said to be a follow-up visit, but in fact it was just a formality.

It's not yet time for Li Xuan to help Princess Ankang absorb the chill in her body.

This matter is of relatively important research significance to Imperial Physician Xue.

But his diagnosis and treatment always had to be a formality, so he would come to Jingyang Palace every few days to drink tea and show off.

When Imperial Physician Xue arrived, Li Xuan immediately took out the Ziwu Bingdi Lotus and asked him about its properties and effects.

Doctor Xue was also amazed when he saw Ziwu Bingdilian.

"Where did you get this thing?"

"I really haven't seen it before."

As Dr. Xue said this, he took out some gadgets from his medicine box and began to study Ziwu Bingdilian. It was really the same as what the chief monk said, so there was no need for Li Xuan to ask him for help.

Before Li Xuan could tell the origin of Ziwu Bingdilian, Imperial Physician Xue had already made a preliminary conclusion.

"Interesting, a mutated plant with balanced yin and yang attributes."

"The energy contained in it is enough to be called a treasure of heaven and earth."

"It's just that the vintage is too young, and the energy contained in it is still too little. If it can be kept in its original place for a few more years, it might be better."

After saying these words, Doctor Xue actually shook his head with regret.

"Meow, so professional."

Before Li Xuan said anything, Doctor Xue had already analyzed more information.

Speaking of which, Li Xuan only knew that the Ziwu Bingdi Lotus was a natural treasure with balanced yin and yang attributes.

As for the rest, he didn't know anything about it.

As a result, Doctor Xue looked at it for a while, studying the roots, branches, leaves and flowers. Now he even knew where the flower originally grew.

Seeing that Doctor Xue was so reliable, Li Xuan quickly stepped forward and asked his most curious question.

"Can this flower be grown?"

Doctor Xue looked at Li Xuan's handwriting on the paper and couldn't help but be stunned for a moment. It seemed that even he had not thought about this problem.

Thanks to Master Shou Kangbao Appraisal Light and Angel Love Talking for their support.

Thank you to all book friends for your monthly support.

New Year’s Goal: 100,000 per day [3/100]

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