After discussing the matter, Li Xuan greeted the two managers and went back to make preparations.

The secret agents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs will leave for Cross Slope tomorrow morning to conduct investigations. Li Xuanming can just come to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to gather in the morning.

Watching Li Xuan leave through the window, only the chief monk Zhao Feng was left in the study.

When there was no movement outside, Zhao Feng asked Manager Shang:

"Godfather, do you need to involve Ah Xuan in such a trivial matter?"

"Speaking of which, there are only a few people in the capital who can commit this matter. The investigation is just a simple elimination method."

"Not to mention, my godfather and I already have the answer in our minds, right?"

Zhao Feng felt that there was no need to trouble Li Xuan. After all, after they found the things, sending them to Jingyang Palace was another big favor.

Moreover, if Ping An Trading Company's goods had been destroyed, Li Xuan's expectations would be in vain.

Manager Shang chuckled, and then explained unhurriedly:

"Feng'er, those who have helped you are more trustworthy than the people you have helped."

"Don't worry too much about short-term gains and losses. Sometimes we can ask Axuan to help us as much as he can. I think he is also very happy."

“Only by helping each other can we accumulate deeper friendships.”

As Manager Shang said, he stretched out two slender index fingers and touched them gently.

Zhao Feng himself is also very old, so it naturally doesn't feel good to be taught a lesson for nothing.

Even though it was his godfather who taught him a lesson, he, the current head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, also wanted to save face, right?

Zhao Feng held his chin, curled his lips, and said angrily:

"Godfather, this is not how you taught me before."

"No permanent friends, only permanent interests."

“If you want to maintain a long-term harmonious relationship, you must always maintain alignment of interests and avoid direct conflicts of interest.”

“Even in the midst of conflict, try to seek common interests.”

"If there is no more common interests at all, even if there is no conflict at the moment, we must start preparing to get rid of the other party."

Zhao Feng shook his head for a while, memorizing a paragraph as if he was reciting a book, and then looked at Manager Shang teasingly.

Manager Shang was not annoyed by his adopted son's rebuttal, and still had a smile on his face.

But the next moment, Manager Shang's hand suddenly moved to Zhao Feng's forehead and tapped it lightly.

Zhao Feng didn't have time to react, but he felt a burning sting on his forehead, and then his head tilted back uncontrollably, almost rolling to the ground.

It should be said that Zhao Feng is worthy of being a master of Ouchi. He immediately made an iron bridge, threw his upper body with his strong waist force, made a big circle, and then sat back down firmly on the chair.

Zhao Feng had a stern face and maintained the demeanor of a master, but the redness on his forehead really affected his image at the moment.

"Oh, godfather."

"We are already quite old, can we stop being so childish?"

Zhao Feng endured the pain, his tone full of helplessness.

His body-protecting energy had not been activated before, and the gap was really discouraging.

"Rotten wood cannot be carved!"

Manager Shang shook his head, retracted his index finger, and then lectured:

"What I taught you before were all basic skills, and there is no conflict with what I'm teaching you now."

"The word benefit lies in value."

“Value can be something tangible or something intangible.”

"Gold, silver, wealth, power, beauty, all come from desire."

When Zhao Feng heard this, he nodded in agreement, and then endorsed:

"The way to govern lies in the control and satisfaction of desires."

“Being out of control and unsatisfied is no longer a good chess piece.”

Zhao Feng can still remember every word clearly about the lessons his adoptive father once taught him.

Seeing that his adopted son was still familiar with the previous teachings, Manager Shang also showed a satisfied smile.


"It's just that some people's desires are more primitive, and some people's desires go a step further."

"Axuan is a cat who values ​​affection, so the value of the word 'friendship' is far greater than any treasure of heaven, material or earth."

After hearing this, Zhao Feng nodded in agreement.

It is not difficult to find this from Li Xuan's attitude towards Princess Ankang and Yu'er.

Not to mention the wild cats that often follow Li Xuan.

Li Xuan can still think about these wild cats when he has a good time, which shows his character.

"Godfather, can Ah Xuan value the friendship that we have calculated like this?"

After talking about interests for a lifetime, it was rare to talk about friendship once, but the result was still calculation, which made Zhao Feng feel guilty.

But Zhao Feng's performance is enough to prove that he is also a person who cares about friendship.

Sincerity is rare and even harder to give.

Manager Shang smiled slightly, patted Yizi on the shoulder, and said flatly:

“One’s deeds do not count one’s heart.”

After saying that, Manager Shang left with his hands behind his hands. Before leaving, he did not forget to explain:

"Remember to make arrangements for tomorrow and choose a suitable candidate to accompany Ah Xuan."

Early the next morning.

Li Xuan came to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to report early.

And Zhao Feng had already arranged a team of secret agents to accompany Li Xuan.

Speaking of which, Li Xuan was just assisting from the side this time, and the main agents were still the secret agents of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Among them, Li Xuan saw a familiar face.

"Meow. (Xu Lang.)"

Li Xuan shouted at the person leading the team, and Xu Lang also noticed Li Xuan's arrival.

"grown ups."

Xu Lang immediately bent down and saluted, his attitude was extremely respectful.

The other eunuchs in colorful clothes who were making preparations saw this scene and quickly followed suit and saluted together.

"grown ups!"

Li Xuan looked at the eunuch in colorful clothes who bowed down to him, and suddenly felt a sense of ecstasy.

"Is this how big shots are treated?"

"This is so cool."

Li Xuan couldn't help but laugh naively, but he immediately managed his expression, imitating the cat bully's usual expression, nodded coolly, and meowed at the same time, asking them to stand up straight.

Unfortunately, they did not understand what Li Xuan meant and still maintained their respectful salutes.

At this moment, a burst of hearty laughter came from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

"Haha, Ah Xuan, you are quite impressive now."

Zhao Feng walked out of it with a smile.

The group of eunuchs in colorful clothes headed by Xu Lang immediately maintained their original movements, lined up on both sides, and made way for Zhao Feng.

Li Xuan raised his head proudly, looking very proud.

Zhao Feng couldn't help but smile even happier when he saw him like this.

Zhao Feng stretched out a hand to Li Xuan, and Li Xuan immediately jumped up and stood firmly on Zhao Feng's shoulder.

"Okay, don't be polite, come and recognize me."

Zhao Feng said.

The eunuchs in colorful clothes straightened up immediately, and then lined up neatly in front of Zhao Feng.

On weekdays, when Li Xuan came in and out of the House of Internal Affairs, he left a deep impression on many eunuchs in colorful clothes.

As for the attitude of the two general managers towards Li Xuan, they had seen it several times, so a smart man like Xu Lang had made his identity clear early on and treated Li Xuan with great respect.

Those who can become eunuchs are the best among the best. They are not only talented in cultivation.

Seeing Xu Lang, the leader of the team, salute Li Xuan so exaggeratedly, although they were a little bit murmuring in their hearts, they still followed suit and saluted obediently without hesitation.

There were still a few people who were thinking secretly in their hearts: "As for it?"

But now after seeing Li Xuan standing on Zhao Feng's shoulders with dignity, no one dared to think like that anymore.

"Everyone has taken a good look at it. This one is the spiritual beast assisting in the investigation this time, Ah Xuan."

"Remember, the highest priority of this mission is Ah Xuan's safety."

As soon as Zhao Feng said this, all the eunuchs in colorful clothes were shocked, but no one dared to question the order.

In front of him were the elites of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, all of whom Zhao Fengxin was capable of, so he also went out of his way to explain the importance of Li Xuan.

This time, after all, the investigation was conducted outside the palace, so accidents were inevitable.

Therefore, Zhao Feng must explain the importance of Li Xuan so as to avoid unnecessary situations.

"Yes, Controller!"

Under the leadership of Xu Lang, a group of eunuchs in colorful clothes suddenly agreed.

Seeing that his order was conveyed, Zhao Feng nodded and then ordered:

"The time has come, let's go."

Zhao Feng then turned to Li Xuan and whispered a few words:

"You heard what I just said. You must protect yourself first during the investigation."

"The case can be ignored, but you must not cause problems."

After hearing these words, Li Xuan couldn't help but feel warm in his heart.

It's always touching to be taken so seriously.

He nodded immediately, indicating that he had taken note of Zhao Feng's words.

Zhao Feng didn't hesitate and directly called Xu Lang to give Li Xuan a place to stand.

This time the eunuchs in colorful clothes came out of the palace in the same old way, in the name of purchasing supplies.

Now it has just arrived at Mao hour, and the sky is only slightly bright.

But Li Xuan had already followed Xu Lang and others on the convoy going out of the palace to purchase.

The route was similar to the previous one, also leaving the West Palace from Tongming Gate and arriving outside the Imperial City.

However, this time they did not go to Ping An Trading Company. Instead, they separated from the purchasing convoy and headed towards the Golden Light Gate in the west of the capital, and then went straight out of the capital.

On the way, Li Xuan passed by the West Market. There were many people rushing to sell stalls in the West Market, which reminded him of Xiaocui and her grandfather.

"I wonder how the grandfather and grandson are doing lately?"

Although it had only been a few days since he returned to the palace, Li Xuan really missed Xiaocui and her grandfather, and he didn't know if the Money Gang would cause trouble for them again later.

Li Xuan thought that if the investigation ended successfully, he could stop by the West Market when he came back to see how Xiaocui and her grandfather were doing.

After riding a carriage to the outside of the city, Li Xuan also looked at the scene in front of him with novelty.

Speaking of which, this was Li Xuan's first time out of the capital.

Early in the morning, many people lined up to enter the city, but not many left the city.

Therefore, Li Xuan and the others did not wait long before they left the city smoothly.

After arriving outside the city, after traveling for about three to five miles, the carriage slowly stopped.

Someone responded here and brought thirty fast horses.

This time, there were a total of fifteen colorful eunuchs sent by Zhao Feng to investigate the case, with Xu Lang leading the team.

After handing the carriage to the person who responded, they all changed into fast horses and headed straight for the cross slope.

Li Xuan and Xu Lang rode a horse together, standing firmly on the saddle.

Xu Lang looked at Li Xuan sitting in front of him and felt a sense of wonder.

"Sir, we are still about fifty miles away from our destination. At our current speed, we should be able to arrive before noon."

Xu Lang reported to Li Xuan.

Li Xuan turned around and saw that one man and two horses were galloping at full speed. They were really not slow at all.

Speaking of which, Li Xuan had always ridden in a carriage before, but this was the first time he rode a fast horse.

The bumps in the horseback riding were nothing to Li Xuan, but looking at the scenery in front of him that was constantly retreating, he couldn't help but complain:

"So slow."

Li Xuan is indeed qualified to say this.

He was now running with all his strength, and it would only take him a few breaths to get rid of these fast horses, which could be said to be a piece of cake.

But now that Li Xuandu has reached the third level of cultivation, compared with these ordinary fast horses, his price is really low.

They drove quickly, leaving a smoke dragon on the official road, and the people on the way ate a lot of ashes.

There is nothing that can be done about this. Even the official road in Daxing is still a dirt road, it is just made smoother and wider.

Only the roads in the city are paved with bluestone, so running will not stir up so much dust.

They ran for a long time, and when the sun was almost rising above their heads, they saw a large crossroads at the end of the official road.

There is a tea stall next to the intersection, and a two-story inn is located a little further away.

At this time, many people were sitting at the tea stall taking a rest.

Some people also went to the inn to hit the tip, which seemed very lively.

"Sir, there is a cross slope ahead."

Xu Lang said to Li Xuan.

Li Xuan meowed, and then carefully observed the cross slope.

There are many caravans and people coming and going here. Although it is surrounded by deep mountains and old forests and looks like a wilderness, it is still very lively.

It was hard for Li Xuan to imagine that robbers would choose to attack in such a place.

The cross slope was approaching quickly in front of their eyes, and Xu Lang quickly winked to the left and right.

Their team instantly split into three.

Xu Lang took Li Xuan and four others and headed straight to the inn.

The remaining ten eunuchs in colorful clothes were also divided into two five-person teams, took the extra fast horses, and went directly along the two intersections of the cross slope without stopping.

Naturally, Li Xuan would not interfere with the actions of the colorful eunuch.

Yesterday, Zhao Feng said that the eunuchs in colorful clothes would do the hard work, and Li Xuan only needed to assist.

Approaching the cross slope, Xu Lang led the men to slow down their horses.

There are many people resting here. If they run wildly, they will probably arouse public anger.

Li Xuan turned to look at the people sitting and resting at the tea stall, and found that there were many Jianghu people with weapons among them.

Seeing these people, Li Xuan became somewhat interested.

"Hahaha, I finally feel like making a career in the world."

Li Xuan was very surprised by these Jianghu people who didn't look like good people.

But Xu Lang had no intention of stopping at the tea stall, and rode directly into the courtyard of the inn.

As soon as they came in, a waiter came up to greet them.

"Are these guest officers going to be in charge or staying in a hotel?"

The waiter looked to be in his early twenties, and he skillfully held the reins of the horse as he spoke.

Li Xuan looked up and found that the signboard of the inn said:

【Cross Slope Inn】

Thanks to "Angel Loves Joking" for the reward and support.

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