Xu Lang immediately stopped his movements and looked back at Princess Ankang, waiting for her next order.

The money gangster who was picked up by Xu Lang like a chicken subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at the miserable ends of his companions all over the floor, and his own legs were already trembling, and his pants were already soaked.

Xu Lang smelled the smell of urine at close range, but he didn't feel impatient at all. He just held the last money to help the crowd and quietly waited for Princess Ankang's order.

Princess Ankang looked at the last money helper, and then asked:

"Didn't you keep clamoring about how powerful your money gang is?"

"Why has it been so long and no one has come to save you?"

Princess Ankang said with some disappointment.

The Money Gang members immediately understood what Princess Ankang meant and quickly said:

"Yes, yes!"

"If you wish, young lady, I'll call someone over right now!"

The money helper was afraid that Princess Ankang would change her mind, so she quickly replied.

Princess Ankang curled her lips and looked at the gang members who betrayed their own gangs without hesitation. It seemed that the Money Gang was also a force that had no place on the stage.

"I'll give you a stick of incense and go get someone here."

Seeing Princess Ankang say this, the money gang members widened their eyes in surprise and responded repeatedly:

"Don't worry, Miss. Don't worry, Miss."

"It doesn't take a stick of incense, I will definitely bring you there."

After saying that, he silently turned his eyes to Xu Lang's iron hand holding his clothes, hoping that he would let go of him quickly.

He has already decided that as long as he can escape, he will go to his mother's money gang, fly away from now on, and never go into this muddy water again.

"Hey, what are you looking at him doing?"

Princess Ankang asked the money helper.


The money gang members were stunned in mid-air, wondering what Princess Ankang meant.

"I just asked you to call someone, I didn't say I would let you go."

"I'll give you a stick of incense now. No matter what method you use, you can get the money helper over to me."

"Otherwise, you can just lie down with your brothers."

Only then did the Qianbangbang understand what Princess Ankang meant, and they suddenly broke out in cold sweat.

The other money gangs were abolished, not deafened.

Except for Mr. Xiong, everyone else was on the ground howling feebly.

His previous words were clearly heard by these people, and his intention to run away was clearly heard by the onlookers.

If there is no reasonable explanation in the future, I am afraid that he will have no place in the Money Gang in the future, and he may even be settled by Qiu Hou.

Thinking of this, the Money Gang gritted their teeth, and finally seemed to have made up their minds.

"Okay, just Miss Yi."

"But after that, please let me live, Miss!"

Princess Ankang didn't answer. This guy was not qualified to negotiate terms with her.

"Let him go."

Princess Ankang said lightly.

Xu Lang immediately let go of his hand after hearing this.

The Money Gang hit the ground with a thud.

But at this time, he didn't care about crying out in pain, and crawled to Master Xiong's side, reaching out and groping in his arms.

After a while, he took out an object from Master Xiong's arms.

It was a small stick-like thing with a short rope attached to the end.

I saw the money gang member pull the short rope hard, and suddenly a firework shot into the sky, exploded in the air with a loud bang, and made a loud sound.

"A cloud-piercing arrow, thousands of troops come to meet you!"

"Where are the Qian Gang disciples?"

"Gather quickly!"

After this person set off the fireworks, he shouted at the top of his lungs, and the sound resounded through the streets and spread far and wide.

This guy also tried his best to survive in death.

Seeing the movement in front of them, the melon-eaters who had been watching suddenly showed a look of horror, and then they rushed to escape from the place.

Li Xuan couldn't help but be startled when he saw this scene. He didn't expect that the money gang was so powerful.

"It's true that he was bullied by the common people."

Seeing the people watching melon-eating being so scared, it occurred to me that the power of the Money Gang was not built in a day.

Three feet of ice cannot be frozen in one day.

It seems that the money gang is not doing evil things every day or two.

Soon the people on the street were almost gone.

However, Xiaocui and her grandfather did not take advantage of the chaos to escape, but stayed where they were.

Xiaocui supported her grandfather and came to Princess Ankang's side, then knelt down with a plop.

"Miss, Xiaocui will never forget your life-saving grace."

"But you'd better run away now, you can't mess with this money gang."

As soon as Xiaocui came up, she advised them to leave quickly.

But when things get to this point, there must be a result.

Otherwise, they can pat their butts and leave, but what about Xiaocui and her grandfather?

They absolutely cannot bear the subsequent revenge of the Money Gang.

If there can't be a proper solution, Princess Ankang comes to the rescue today, but it will harm them.

"Xiao Cui, don't be afraid, don't worry."

"I'm not afraid of the money gang, and you don't have to be afraid either."

"If there is no result today, I will not leave."

After saying that, Princess Ankang reached out to help Xiaocui, and then pulled her to stand next to her.

"No matter what happens later, you two must not leave my side."

"Although I can't take care of the affairs of the world, I can still take care of the things in front of me."

Listening to Princess Ankang's words, Li Xuan couldn't help but feel proud.

Princess Ankang has always been a kind-hearted and good child.

But before, she was weak and had too much time to take care of herself.

Now as the body becomes healthier, the character of the mind also changes.

The Money Gang members were still calling out to their companions in a shrill voice.

And the facts proved that his cloud-piercing arrow was not in vain.

On the empty street, there were faint sounds of footsteps.

The next moment, many people appeared on the streets, blocking the entire road.

The dark crowd slowly approached them, blocking them tightly in front and behind.

The first person was a tall and thin middle-aged man with a sinister expression.

Looking at Master Xiong and all the helpers on the ground, his expression became even uglier.

He had previously shot the cloud-penetrating arrow and kept calling for money to help the crowd. Seeing this person appear, he immediately shouted: "Hall Master, Mr. Xiong is seriously injured and needs medical treatment as soon as possible!"

This guy was also smart and didn't say anything about saving himself. He only said that Mr. Xiong was dying.

This person who came was none other than Mr. Xiong’s brother-in-law. Tang Sha, the leader of the Tanlang Hall, was given the nickname Poison Mantis by the Jianghu people.

After hearing this, Tang Sha just glanced at Master Xiong, then calmly moved his eyes away and looked at Princess Ankang and others.

Finally, his eyes rested on Xu Lang, full of fear.

Tang Sha broke away from the crowd, walked forward alone, and then unexpectedly bowed his hands to them respectfully.

"Money helped Tang kill. I don't know how these guys like me offended so many people and wanted to do such a heavy blow."

Li Xuan didn't expect that the leader of the Money Gang was quite polite.

It is estimated that he has seen the strength of the colorful eunuchs, so he does not dare to act rashly.

"It seems that the capital city is not full of gangsters."

Li Xuan smiled in his heart and started to find it interesting.

Li Xuan didn't know more about these underground forces in the capital than Princess Ankang.

To be able to do such a job in the capital and be able to do it for a long time, there must be someone behind you.

But no matter how tough the background is, can it be tougher than Princess Ankang?

Regardless of whether she is favored or not, she is Princess Daxing after all. In this capital, no one can be tougher than Emperor Yongyuan.

Therefore, Li Xuan was not worried at all, he just wanted to see what Princess Ankang could do.

He gave all the stages of performance to Princess Ankang.

This is also a great opportunity for her to increase her experience.

Princess Ankang likes reading and has a lot of theoretical knowledge.

But what I learned on paper was ultimately shallow, and I knew I had to do it in earnest.

Li Xuan definitely didn't want to miss the opportunity to gain experience for Princess Ankang.

Princess Ankang couldn't help but look cold when she looked at Tang Sha, who was being polite and obedient to her.

"These scumbags bully others unscrupulously when they are stronger than others, and they try to impose rules when they see the situation is wrong."

"There is no good thing in this world that you can take advantage of!"

Princess Ankang felt angry for no reason.

Especially not long ago, I saw how Mr. Xiong led his men to bully the market and rob good women on the street.

Princess Ankang's face turned ugly, she showed an undisguised smile of contempt, and asked Tang Sha:

"I just don't like them. Is there a problem?"

Tang Sha was choked by these words and thought he had heard wrongly.

Once upon a time, on this street, someone dared to speak like this to their money gang.

But the more this happened, the more Tang Sha became afraid.

Although he didn't know the little girl in the wheelchair in front of him, how could he be an ordinary person who could travel with so many experts?

Especially when Xu Lang was standing in front of Master Xiong and others, Tang Sha couldn't even see through this person at all.

"Tsk, where can a dragon cross the river?"

Tang Sha secretly clicked his tongue in his heart and called out bad luck.

He didn't know what kind of virtue his brother-in-law had.

Looking at the grandfather and grandson standing next to Princess Ankang, it became clear immediately.

"You idiot, if you have money, you won't go to a brothel. You have to find a good girl. I will groom you when you get back!"

Tang Sha cursed secretly in his heart.

Tang Sha had also heard of his brother-in-law raising stall fees and forcing women from good families to submit.

Originally this was not a big deal, but my brother-in-law got tired of playing with it for two days and would send it back.

Moreover, the streets are full of ordinary people. Mr. Xiong also chooses recipes based on who he is, and will never provoke the wrong people. He has always targeted the vendors and their families.

After all, the jobs of these people are in the hands of the money gang.

If you offend the Money Gang, you won't be able to continue setting up a stall in the Western Market or even the capital.

In order to maintain their family's livelihood, ordinary people endure as much as they can.

I can't help it, and usually I can't do anything with money.

I just often walk by the river, and my shoes don't get wet.

Didn't they meet the nosy Princess Ankang today?

Tang Sha took a deep breath, adjusted his mentality, and then asked Princess Ankang:

"Then may I ask, Miss, have you vented enough anger?"

Princess Ankang shook her head:

"That's not even close."

"These little minions are meaningless. Go and call your gang leader over."

"If your gang leader kneels down in front of me and admits his mistake, maybe I can feel better."

Princess Ankang said with a smile, like a spoiled eldest lady of some family.

But Li Xuan felt secretly happy when he looked at the angry Qiang Gang people across from him.

"This is the real dandy. He is far from being like Zhao Si Hou San."

Li Xuan gave a thumbs up to the dandy-looking Princess Ankang.

As soon as Princess Ankang said this, the members of the Money Gang were already filled with murderous intent, and Tang Sha's expression was so gloomy that he almost shed tears.

But Tang Sha still suppressed his anger and replied:

"Our gang leader has gone south on business and has not been in the capital these days. I'm afraid he will disappoint the young lady."

"That's it."

Princess Ankang looked very regretful, but then she raised her finger at Tang Sha and said, "Then why don't you take over temporarily? Come over and kneel down and kowtow ten times to see if you can make me happy." ”

Xiao Cui and Xiao Cui's grandfather were already stunned.

They thought Princess Ankang was a good girl, but they didn't expect that she would be even more arrogant than the Money Gang.

Xiaocui's grandfather looked like "My life is at an end" and he seemed to be thinking about where to bury him with better feng shui.

The city gate caught fire, affecting the fish in the pond.

Xiaocui's grandfather didn't know whether something would happen to the Qian Gang and Princess Ankang, but he and his grandson probably wouldn't be able to survive.

But Xiaocui doesn't think like grandpa.

She saw that the Money Gang, who were usually vicious towards them, did not dare to breathe in front of Princess Ankang, and looked at Princess Ankang with eyes full of admiration.

Although Princess Ankang looks several years younger than her, this does not prevent Xiaocui from thinking that Princess Ankang is very handsome.

Especially when she thought that Princess Ankang was standing up for herself, she felt even more confused.

It was naturally impossible for Tang Sha to kowtow to Princess Ankang and admit his mistake in front of so many people.

His patience gradually reached its limit.

"Miss, you allowed the guards to beat people like this on the street. Aren't you afraid of lawsuits?"

Princess Ankang couldn't help laughing after hearing this.

Yu'er, who was pushing the wheelchair, also showed a contemptuous smile and looked at Tang Sha with disdain.

Tang Sha couldn't help being laughed at by the two little girls. If it wasn't for the dignity of the eunuchs in colorful clothes, he would have gone crazy.

It's natural for Princess Ankang and Yu'er to feel funny.

It’s really laughable that the Money Gang, a shady underground gang that oppresses good people, actually starts telling them about the law.

If these guys had always followed their own rules and only used violence to solve problems, they would still have looked down upon the Money Gang.

Such a two-faced and double-dealing style of doing things wherever it is advantageous can only highlight the despicable ways of their shameless villains.

Just like this, this group of trash still has to call themselves heroes behind their backs. It's really funny.

Tang Sha was now on the receiving end of the fire.

The matter was so big, and it was his brother-in-law who was abolished, so there was no way it would just stop.

Otherwise, how can he be the leader of the Money Gang in the future?

But the problem is that Princess Ankang is not an easy person to talk to, and her attitude is extremely arrogant, without giving any face.

Tang Sha originally wanted to say something nice, give each other a step up, and have a show where they didn't know each other without fighting.

But now it seems that there is no chance at all.

But he was also afraid of the colorful eunuch, especially Xu Lang's strength, and he didn't dare to take action at all.

Tang Sha was just wasting his time, as if waiting for some turning point.

Li Xuan and Princess Ankang also noticed Tang Sha's intention to delay time, but they were in the capital now and had nothing to worry about. They really wanted to see what Tang Sha was waiting for.

As a result, not long after waiting, officials from Chang'an County arrived.

"What's going on, what's going on!"

"With the clear sky and white sun, the world is bright and clear, how undesirable it is to congest the streets!"

"Get out of my way. If you dare to interfere with official duties, you will be taken back to the Yamen..."

The voice was quite high-pitched at first, but then it became quieter and quieter, and finally turned into a murmur.

A group of officials separated from the money gang and came to the two sides of the confrontation.

But the officials were dumbfounded when they saw Princess Ankang and the colorful eunuch beside her.

They had received countless visitors with this configuration in the past few days, and they clearly knew that these people had unusual identities.

Especially after the eldest prince handled the case in Chang'an County in a high-profile manner, everyone in Chang'an County knew the true identities of these boys and girls.

The officials were dumbfounded. They couldn't help but begin to breathe quickly, their knees became weak, and they felt like they were ready to kneel down.

Princess Ankang saw that these officials had stopped talking in the middle of their conversation, so she asked calmly:

"How about taking it back to the Yamen?"

The official was asked as if he had just woken up from a dream, and he timidly replied:

"Take it back to the Yamen and inquire carefully. Be sure to find out the facts of the case. No grievances will be allowed to exist..."

The three little ones couldn't help but cheered in unison. Unexpectedly, this guy who looked like a headhunter had a set of little words.

Tang Sha felt nervous when he saw that the official officer who was coming had something wrong with his expression.

There was an awkward silence for a while, and there was another group of people who were unable to get off.

Princess Ankang looked at the two groups of people in front of her and felt interesting in her heart.

She had never thought before that it turned out that Tang Sha was waiting for someone from the government.

And judging from the expressions on these officials, it seemed that they knew something about their identities.

This saves Princess Ankang's words.

Tang Sha and the chief catcher from Chang'an County glanced at each other secretly, exchanged glances, and both understood each other's troublesome intentions.

"You guys are here to talk. How should we solve this situation now?"

Princess Ankang asked.

The chief catcher of Chang'an County looked at the people on both sides, and then at the money gang members who were still wailing in the field, and he suddenly became impatient.

"I see that everyone is treating the injured in this incident, right?"

"It's better to leave things like this to our official officers. We'll send people to take the injured to the nearest hospital. You can disperse."

"As for everyone's enthusiastic help, I will report it to the county magistrate, who will certainly reward them for their kindness."

Chang'an County's head catcher changed the nature of the incident with his mouth, and Princess Ankang and the Money Gang became enthusiastic members of the public.


Princess Ankang stopped these officials directly.

"This catcher, please don't misunderstand me."

"I asked my guards to beat these people."

The Chang'an County police chief, who originally wanted to take the person away and leave the scene, was stunned on the spot. He never expected that Princess Ankang would do something so absolutely.

The Chang'an County Sheriff looked at Tang Sha silently, with a troubled look on his face, as if he was helpless.

At this time, Princess Ankang interrupted the affectionate relationship between the two.

"This catcher, what do you always see him doing?"

"Is there any unknown relationship between the two of you in private?"

The Chang'an County police chief immediately jumped on the bandwagon and denied it again and again.

"Miss, please don't get me wrong, I don't know him."

He would rather be misunderstood by the county magistrate than Princess Ankang misunderstands him.

Although he still doesn't know which princess Princess Ankang is, it's a big deal that will make him lose his head.

He was a small-time catcher who was paid monthly, so he had no business being involved in such a thing.

"I hope so."

Princess Ankang then asked him:

"Those people raped women in the street. What crime should they be guilty of?"

The Chang'an County Sheriff hesitated for a moment and then replied:

"You need the county magistrate to impose a penalty, and you don't dare to talk nonsense."

Princess Ankang nodded and continued:

"Okay, then you can escort the person back."

"I will go to the county government office tomorrow to hear the case and see how the case is handled by the magistrate of Chang'an County."

After hearing this, the Chang'an County arrester broke out in cold sweat on his forehead.

He brought such big trouble to the county magistrate, and the county magistrate was not allowed to settle the score with him.

But the matter has reached this point, and the Chang'an County arrester can only follow Princess Ankang's instructions and escort Mr. Xiong and others back to the Yamen to await trial.

Princess Ankang finished giving instructions to the officials, and then turned to look at Tang Sha.

"This is the leader of the Money Gang."

When Tang Sha saw the reaction of the officials to Princess Ankang, he knew that they had hit a brick wall today. He hated his brother-in-law in his heart, but he could only reply respectfully:

"What else does this young lady have to say?"

Princess Ankang pointed to Xiao Cui and Xiao Cui's grandfather beside her, and said to Tang Sha:

"Please remember these two people beside me."

When Xiaocui's grandfather heard this, his heart trembled. He was so frightened that his eyes almost went dark and he passed away.

"If there is any damage to these two people in the future, even if they only hurt a hair, I will put the blame on your money gang."

"When the time comes, everyone from the money gang will be buried with them, including your family members."

Such a straightforward threat made Tang Sha frown.

Now he has some doubts about who is in the gang.

How come Princess Ankang threatens people more harshly than them, even her family is implicated?

But at this juncture, Tang Sha would not make a fuss out of his wits, and just listened silently.

But the emergence of such a moth is inevitable.

"But I think some of you Money Gang don't believe what I say."

"How about this? I'll ask my guard to give you a look."

"If you can slap him, just treat what I said as farts."

"If you can't take it, then just take it as what I say."


When Tang Sha heard Princess Ankang's unreasonable request, he looked speechlessly at the cute and innocent little girl sitting in front of him in a wheelchair.

But the Lord of Hell in the underworld is nothing more than this, right?

He never expected that even after enduring for a long time, he still couldn't escape this disaster.

"Damn it!"

Thank you all book friends for your monthly support.

There are only a few days left this year, so Bai Meow must work hard!


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