The three little ones came out of the clearing building with the eunuchs in colorful clothes. Looking at the vibrant streets of Dongshi before them, they also felt that a new day had begun.

Today is already their fifth day out of the palace, and in two days it will be time for them to return to the palace.

Now the case at hand has been successfully concluded, and this month's competition has a result.

So including today, they still have three full days to play outside the palace.

I don’t know when I will encounter such an opportunity again in the future. The three little ones will definitely have a lot of fun.

In the past few days, they had been traveling around Dongshi in Wannian County for the convenience of investigating the case.

Therefore, they planned to go to the West Market on the other side of the capital today.

West Market is located in Chang'an County and is also a lively place in the capital.

The three little ones returned to Xingqing Palace first, and then asked someone to arrange a carriage.

The territory of the capital is not small. If they just walk there, it will be dark if they just walk back and forth.

After getting the carriage from Xingqing Palace, the three little ones headed towards the West Market.

When the capital was first built, the central axis was Suzaku Street, which was the extension of the north-south axis of the imperial city, and the layout was planned strictly in accordance with the principle of left-right symmetry.

Therefore, the entire Daxing capital city has a strict structure, neat divisions, and a strict layout form with a single axis.

If you look at the map, the location of the West Market corresponds exactly to the location of the East Market, except that one is in the east and the other is in the west.

Li Xuan guessed that the craftsman who originally designed Daxing Capital must have obsessive-compulsive disorder.

According to the shortest route, they can go directly to the Western Market by crossing the avenue where the Suzaku Gate in front of the Imperial City is located.

Unfortunately, when they came here, the road was already blocked.

There are forbidden troops guarding this place and no one is allowed to pass.

I heard that this happens every time during the morning dynasty. All the streets and twelve squares in front of Hanguang Gate, Zhuque Gate and Anshang Gate in front of the imperial city will be temporarily closed until the end of the morning dynasty.

In the past, Daxing used to go to court once every ten days, and sometimes it would be held temporarily on special occasions.

It was not until Emperor Yongyuan that it was changed to once every five days, which was considered extremely diligent.

Therefore, the temporary road control during this early morning period will not cause much trouble to the people in the capital.

Generally speaking, road control will end at noon at the latest.

They left early today, so they happened to encounter the road control, so they had no choice but to turn south at Pingkangfang and make a long circle to the West Market.

But the detour also has the advantage of taking a detour, and the scenery along the way is different.

Along the way, Sanxiao only saw a few temples and Taoist temples with different styles, including Hu Temple.

I have to say that Daxing’s religious beliefs are quite liberal.

Otherwise, there would not be so many religious buildings of different styles in the capital.

When the three little ones passed by these temples and Taoist temples, they heard the sound of Sanskrit sounds and the faint smell of cigarette smoke. It seemed that the incense was very strong.

Especially early in the morning, many believers come to worship with all their heart, which shows their piety.

"Sister Yu'er, I didn't expect that there are so many temples and Taoist temples in the capital."

"Do many people in Daxing believe in this?"

Princess Ankang asked curiously.

Yu'er showed a look of reminiscence, and then replied:

“I remember when I was a child, whenever there was an important event in the village, I would pray to God and worship Buddha.”

"Although Pingshan Village where I live is just a small village, there is a temple and a Taoist temple nearby."

"The masters there farm their own crops, and they are all practitioners. They can go up and down, so the villagers are naturally convinced by them."

"And the masters don't care whether you believe it or not. If the village is in trouble, if you ask them for help, they will help."

"The masters in temples and Taoist temples all say that doing good is their practice. When we come to them when we have problems, they are happy."

Yu'er said with a smile, seeming to have a good impression of the practitioners near Pingshan Village.

Li Xuan couldn't help but feel a little surprised after hearing this.

"From what Yu'er said, it seems like he is a real practitioner."

Li Xuan originally had no good impression of these monks and Taoist priests.

Gods and Buddhas are too illusory to him, and he simply cannot believe in those mysterious and mysterious things.

Li Xuan believed that there might be masters among Buddhist and Taoist sects, but he did not believe that they had gods and Buddhas with extraordinary power.

As the carriage passed by these temples and Taoist temples, Li Xuan cast a curious look.

If he has the opportunity to take Princess Ankang and Yu'er around the world in the future, he might be able to get along with them.

Turning north from Changshoufang, where the Chang'an County Government Office is located, the place has begun to become very lively.

As the commotion intensified, they had already seen where the West Market was.

From a distance, you can see that the entrance and exit of the West Market is busy with traffic and densely populated.

When the carriage reaches a place like this, it moves extremely slowly.

They parked the carriage outside the West Market, left someone to guard it, and then prepared to enter the West Market on foot.

Princess Ankang sat in a wheelchair holding Li Xuan, looking at the Western Market in front of her with curiosity.

As he entered the West Market, the sound in his ears suddenly increased.

Even Li Xuan couldn't help but glance around with curious eyes.

The East Market they recently visited is close to the Imperial Palace, so there are many mansions and compounds of dignitaries nearby. Therefore, there are many "luxury" stores in the East Market, which is a business district for high-end consumers in the capital.

The Western Market is equivalent to an international commercial market. Many civilians gather here, and there are also a large number of merchants from the Western Region and surrounding countries.

Generally speaking, compared with the East Market, the West Market is more civilian and popular, and the source of tourists is more complicated than the East Market. In addition to merchants traveling from all over the world, there are also business travelers from all over the world and a large number of foreign merchants. The goods sold are also in daily prices. Mainly commercial goods and small consumption.

Looking around, the West Market is indeed more friendly to the people, and the atmosphere seems more free.

There are a large number of orchids and entertainers from all over the world gathered on the street. Dancers, actors, and acrobatics are everywhere, and they come and go incessantly.

Just walking on the street, they can see many wonderful shows.

Look at Zhu Cheng's beautiful face beginning to turn red, and Hu Ji's appearance like a flower, smiling at the spring breeze.

Here, the three little ones saw a Hu merchant with a red beard and blue eyes, leading a big camel loaded with goods, hawking on the street.

I also saw Hu Ji, who has wheat skin like Ayimu and is covered with a veil, but reveals her sexy waist and soft belly, showing off her charming dancing posture.

I also watched various entertainers from other countries who dressed in fancy clothes, performed magical skills, and traveled for who knows how long.

In terms of the liveliness seen on the streets, the West Market is much more interesting than the East Market.

Not to mention Princess Ankang and Yu'er, even Li Xuan was dazzled.

Different from the steel forest and bright neon lights he had experienced before, the scene in front of him had a unique flavor.

Li Xuan felt more alive here.

"It's a landscape built by people."

Li Xuan was deep in thought, listening to the authentic or weird cries in his ears, and he actually felt a sense of peace.

Although he was in such a busy place, Li Xuan felt a sense of calm, which made him feel at ease.

The small commodities on the roadside quickly attracted the attention of Princess Ankang and Yu'er, making them linger.

It is natural for girls to like shopping, and even Princess Ankang and Yu'er are not immune to vulgarity.

They picked them up at a roadside stall, and the stall owner greeted guests warmly when he saw them coming.

After walking and stopping along the way, after a while, the eunuchs in colorful clothes picked up large and small bags.

Although the three little ones are not as wealthy as Princess Yuan'an, everything in the West Market is too cheap.

Most of the goods are priced in copper coins and need to be bought with broken silver. They are considered "luxury goods" in the West Market.

"Miss, we have hand-woven knots here, come and take a look."

Seeing Princess Ankang shopping boldly on the road, some people couldn't help shouting.

Li Xuan turned around and saw a little girl about the same age as Yu'er, with an old man standing next to her.

The old man didn't seem to expect that the little girl would suddenly greet Princess Ankang. He quickly pulled her and couldn't help but frown.

"Xiao Cui."

The little girl suddenly said aggrievedly:

"What's the matter, Grandpa?"

"We who sell things must be more proactive."

Xiaocui pouted, somewhat confused as to why her grandfather was stopping her from attracting customers.

The three little ones all noticed the grandfather and grandson, and couldn't help but wonder what kind of knots they were selling.

Princess Ankang asked Yu'er to push her to the stall of her disciples and grandson. She saw that the stall was made of knots made of brightly colored strings.

The knots are woven into various shapes, all of them are vivid and beautiful. There are also long tassels underneath, which should look good whether tied around the waist or in front of doors and windows.

"Gee, those knots are so pretty."

Princess Ankang picked up a knot that looked like a little white rabbit and looked at it carefully.

Seeing that Princess Ankang liked it, Xiaocui, who had just made a solicitation, smiled proudly at her grandfather, and then continued to explain enthusiastically:

"Miss, these knots were knitted by my grandfather and I. It is an ancestral craft of our family."

"Each one only costs five cents. If you buy two, you will get one for free, which means three for ten cents."

Xiaocui took out a few of her favorite knots and showed them to Princess Ankang, hoping to sell one.

Princess Ankang looked at these exquisite gadgets and couldn't put them down.

But she looked at it for a while, but didn't find what she wanted most.

"Um, how long does it take to weave a knot?"

"Can you make one up for me now?"

Xiaocui immediately understood what Princess Ankang meant and quickly asked:

"Miss, do you want to make a custom style?"

"If you order now, you may have to wait a while."

Although Xiaocui also wanted to sell something, she didn't dare to guarantee it.

If it is done too quickly, the quality will definitely not be up to par.

"Will it take long?"

Princess Ankang asked unwillingly.

"It won't take too long. Miss, you can walk from one side to the other and come back and we can do it."

Hearing this, Princess Ankang was immediately happy.

She thought she would have to wait for several days.

"That's okay. I want to order one like this."

Princess Ankang said, picking up Li Xuan in her arms.

Li Xuan was suddenly picked up, still a little dazed, and looked at Xiao Cui in front of him.

"Little black cat, there's no problem."

Xiaocui smiled, then reached out and touched Li Xuan's head.

Li Xuan opened his mouth to bite in displeasure, which scared Xiao Cui and quickly retracted his hand.

Princess Ankang immediately reached out to cover Li Xuan's mouth and lectured:

"Axuan, don't scare people."

Then Princess Ankang explained to Xiaocui:

"He's just teasing you, don't be afraid."

Xiaocui nodded blankly.

She had teased cats, but she had never been teased by them.

"Miss Xiaocui, this is our deposit. We will pick up the things later."

After Princess Ankang finished speaking, Yu'er left ten coins for Xiaocui.

Xiaocui didn't expect Princess Ankang to be so generous and even gave a 10% deposit in advance.

Of course, it’s only ten cents.

Although this amount of money is nothing to Princess Ankang, it is a considerable amount of income to Xiaocui and his grandfather.

"Miss, don't worry."

"I will satisfy you later."

Xiaocui showed off her small breasts and talked to the three little ones.

Xiaocui's grandfather just smiled and said nothing.

After paying the deposit, the three little ones continued walking along the streets of West Market.

When I get tired of shopping, I sit down at a snack stall to rest and fill my stomach.

The three little ones were enjoying themselves shopping in the West Market, eating and having fun.

But the street is only so long, and it will eventually be finished.

When they saw the exit of West Market appearing in front of them, they started to walk back.

The shops on the roadside in the West Market are not as grand as those in the East Market, but they are very friendly to the people. They are not like those in the East Market where you have to weigh your wallet before entering.

Even some people who have never been to those places will walk around.

It's different here in the West Market. No matter what kind of store it is, you dare to go in and have a look. You will never be made to think twice before entering.

A free and relaxed atmosphere is the main theme here.

Of course, there are times when freedom is taken too far.

Occasionally there would be quarrels and fights on the street, and passers-by would immediately form a circle and cheer, and some would even take the opportunity to start trading.

But Li Xuan understood it after watching it a few times.

There are real and fake fights on this road, many of them are in the same group as the ones who opened the match, and there are many fake matches.

The melon-eating people in this West Market also have sharp eyes.

The game is unclear and has no beginning or end. Not many people placed bets when the market opened.

On the other hand, those that have a cause, a history, and an escalation of conflicts are obviously more real, and there are obviously a lot more people betting on them.

The three little ones just walked back and forth and watched no less than seven or eight fights.

They also follow rules in their fights. They all fight until the point is reached, and the one who sees red first loses.

If the superiors kept pestering them, they would simply beat them until one of them couldn't stand up, but no one was killed, which was really interesting.

The three little ones walked back with the eunuch in colorful clothes, preparing to pick up the custom-made knots from Xiaocui's stall.

But when they were almost there, they suddenly found people gathered in front of them.

The three little ones, who had seen such scenes several times, were not surprised, thinking that someone was fighting again.

But when they came closer, they realized something was wrong.

"Old man, you have been owed the stall fee for three months."

"We really think that our Money Gang is a vegetarian."

"If you can't come up with the money today, just use your granddaughter to pay off the debt."

"Whenever you have money, you will redeem your granddaughter."

"Hey hey hey..."

In the crowd, a burst of obscene laughter sounded, which was extremely harsh.

Li Xuan couldn't help but sneer immediately, and thought to himself:

"There are still people playing this trick under the emperor's feet."

"Besides, it's still clear day and the sky is clear. Are you really not afraid of any young master or young lady coming out to do some heroic deeds?"

Li Xuan was ready to watch the show.

Thanks to "Angel Loves Joking" for the reward and support.

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