Princess Yuan'an did not arrive until they finished dinner at Cuihua House.

Princess Yuan'an didn't know where to go to play, she had probably gone crazy playing.

After having their fill of wine and food, Princess Ankang and her party walked out of Cuihua Tower.

At this time, the four gates of Dongshi have been closed.

Originally, Princess Ankang had no plans to stay out tonight, but she was confused and wasted some time in Cuihua Building, causing her to miss the time to leave the Dongshi.

Princess Ankang also felt a little helpless when she heard that the sound of the clang indicating that the four doors were about to close had stopped.

"Looks like I have to find a place to stay here again tonight."

Princess Ankang does not plan to go to Hu Yulou again this time. Just sleeping there is very expensive.

And now that Zhou's mother is away, Hu Yulou's management is also in chaos, and I don't know who is in charge now.

Princess Ankang first sent a colorful eunuch back to Xingqing Palace to report that they would not be able to return tonight.

When the eunuch in colorful clothes went to the closed four gates of Dongshi, he would naturally find someone to pass the news back to Xingqing Palace, and it wouldn't take long to return to Princess Ankang.

Princess Ankang and her people wandered around the East Market at night, preparing to find a suitable store to stay.

If she had known earlier, she would have asked the shopkeeper of Cuihua Building directly.

Of course, East Market is not the only place where you can find flowers and flowers like Flower Street. There are also some quieter places at night.

Princess Ankang was spoiled for choice and couldn't find a suitable place, so she sent someone to inquire about it on the road.

As a result, a few literati told them about a good place.

If you're lucky in this place, you won't have to spend money to sleep at night.

It's just that when they said this, they laughed strangely, and Li Xuan couldn't tell that this was a serious place.

But there was no one to treat tonight, so Princess Ankang also wanted to save some money and planned to visit the places mentioned by those people.

As a result, they came to a place called "Qinglou".

【Cleaning the building】

That's right, it's not the greenness of youth, but the purity of tranquility.

The inside of the Qinglou was also brightly lit at this time.

But compared with the shops on Flower Street, this place is indeed quieter, and there are weak tubes and light silk threads inside, making it misty.

To put it simply, the background music in the store is not as hot and exciting as Hu Yulou's, but looks elegant and atmospheric.

"Is this place the Qing Dynasty in Daxing?"

Princess Ankang led people into the clear building and found that the lighting here was elegant and simple, and everything was bright, without any ambiguity.

In the middle of the lobby, a fairy-like woman was presiding over the ceremony, seemingly conducting a drinking ceremony or something like that.

Behind the woman, several huge scrolls fell down, each with words in different handwriting.

After reading it carefully, you will find that they are all rare and beautiful sentences. In addition, the unique words that are either vigorous and powerful, or elegant and free and easy, complement each other, which is really pleasing to the eye.

In the lobby, there are also dedicated musicians who provide music according to the atmosphere of the scene.

Looking around, the guests in the Qing Building are all dressed up as literati, or at least they all look like humans.

And we can see that many of the guests in Qinglou are women, and they are also participating in the games in the lobby at this time.

Regardless of whether you are a man or a woman, as long as you can answer the question well, you will win the applause of the whole house, and everyone will raise a toast to it. The atmosphere is very lively, and it is not inferior to Hu Yulou who has Hu Ji dancing without clothes.

Princess Ankang saw that it was interesting to clear the building, so she planned to take a look here.

As soon as they entered the house, a boy who was cleaning the building came to guide them.

The servant who cleared the building was a young woman dressed very stylishly. She didn't say anything when she came up. She smiled at Princess Ankang and then silently led them from the front.

Soon they found a place for them to sit in a corner of the lobby.

After that, they were given basic tea and snacks. The waiter also quietly handed over a price list, then put a small wooden sign with a number on their table and left.

The price list of Qinglou is quite reasonable. It only has simple tea and snacks, and the prices are not expensive.

In addition, what is striking is that the price list actually includes teaching prices for various skills such as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and there are corresponding teacher introductions at the back.

Li Xuan also sat at the table, looking at the somewhat fresh price list with Princess Ankang.

Compared with the price of affordable tea and snacks, the price of learning those skills is sky-high.

The cheapest one actually costs a few hundred taels of silver, and the time unit marked on the back of each skill is hours.

In other words, it would cost hundreds or even thousands of taels an hour to learn these skills, and the highest price was actually nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine taels.

Li Xuan had never seen such outrageous prices in Hu Yulou before.

"Meow, it's not vegetarian or meat, is it?"

"And the last ninety-ninety-nine, I'm afraid it's enough to redeem an ordinary courtesan's life, right?"

The three little ones were all stunned when they looked at the price list for house cleaning.

No wonder the waiter in the store brought up the price list right away, for fear that someone would overestimate their spending power.

The three little ones were all surprised, and Li Xuan even maliciously guessed that the art of asking for advice might not be that simple. Maybe there were hidden mysteries in the piano, chess, calligraphy, painting and other categories.

"Hmph, I thought it was a breath of fresh air, but it turns out it was just packaged well."

Li Xuan grabbed a small snack on the table and angrily stuffed it into his mouth.

"Fortunately, the snacks here are relatively affordable. Let me teach the boss a lesson."

The snacks at Qinglou are of good quality and much cheaper than outside. It seems that the cheap tea snacks are a bonus.

Li Xuan showed off the free snacks on the table, and after taking note of which ones were delicious, he was ready to kill the boss of Qinglou.

Princess Ankang didn't notice Li Xuan's abnormality, but looked at the game in the lobby seriously.

It seems to be a game of pairs, taking turns according to the order of the wooden cards on the table. Some people are not good at it and just give up, just watching the excitement.

The woman in charge of hosting in the lobby will change the theme every few people pass by so that the game can continue smoothly.

When Princess Ankang and the others sat down, many people had already given up or been eliminated, leaving only a dozen tables of guests still continuing the game.

And it seems that as time goes by, the difficulty of the game continues to increase, and the elimination rate will become faster and faster.

After watching it for a while, Princess Ankang already understood how the game was played.

It's just that she's not very good at pairing, or should I say, she doesn't understand any of these poems and songs.

Princess Ankang grew up reading the enlightenment fables since she was a child. Since then, she has been in the harem, and there is no one to teach her these.

Although she is a royal princess, she does not enjoy the educational resources she deserves.

If Princess Ankang hadn't recently borrowed a lot of books from Qianxing Pavilion to read, expanded her knowledge, and learned many words, her current cultural level would still be far behind that of the royal heirs of the same age.

It's just that although Princess Ankang understood the game, she still couldn't figure out where the free accommodation mentioned by those people on the road was.

She looked through the price list of Qinglou, but found that there were no accommodation-related items on it at all.

Princess Ankang had no choice but to find the boy who cleaned the building and asked her about free accommodation.

As a result, the young lady who had guided them earlier covered her mouth and smiled. Seeing that Princess Ankang still looked like a little girl, she knew that she had misunderstood and immediately explained clearly.

It turns out that Qinglou does not provide accommodation services.

But there will be some lucky people who get the qualifications to be the guests of the Qing Dynasty.

For example, the woman who is hosting the game in the lobby now is named Qing Ci, and she is one of the instructors in charge of teaching poetry and poetry in the Qing Tower.

If you are lucky enough to win the favor of Miss Qingci tonight, you can become a guest and stay in the Qing Building for free for one night.

Because there is no special guest room in the Qing Building, I can only live in the same room with the instructor.

As for what we do when we stay together at night, Qinglou won’t care too much.

Anyway, the cost of this night's stay will be borne by the house owner, and guests do not need to spend a penny.

In this way, free accommodation can be achieved.

After hearing this, Princess Ankang couldn't help but blush, and then she understood why those strange squids on the road were laughing.

The word "guest" when used here always makes people think wildly.

Princess Ankang is not immune to this custom.

Especially when the boy cleaning the building said that he would not care what the instructor did at night, his winking and joking expression made Princess Ankang blush.

After hearing this explanation, Li Xuan even gave him a thumbs up.

"So, you have to be literate in everything you do."

Li Xuan chewed the snacks in his mouth, and did not forget to pull the price list over and press the sky-high price course on it with his cat's paw.

Princess Ankang understood immediately and then asked what these courses meant.

Regarding this question, the young man had a serious face and answered seriously.

It turns out that all the instructors in Qinglou have unique skills, and the skills taught here are serious teachings on piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and are not the special services Li Xuan thought.

And as long as you surpass your tutors in these skills, not only do you not have to spend money to learn, you can also let the tutors ask you for advice.

As for whether the tutor needs to spend money when asking for advice, or whether there are other costs, it depends on how the two parties negotiate.

According to the boy, there are many people who have lived in Qinglou for more than half a year under the pretext of teaching skills.

Some people even get the qualifications of three mentors as guests, and they can live in Qinglou as their home.

Of course, you can only interact with a few instructors who have the qualifications to be the guests of the curtain. You are not allowed to harass other instructors who are not qualified to be the guests of the curtain. Anyone who violates the rules will be kicked out of the Qinglou and will not be allowed to set foot here again.

After listening to these messy rules, Li Xuan understood why the business here was so good.

Who can resist the temptation of free prostitution?

Moreover, the basic consumption items in Qinglou are very low, so you can try it often.

But if one day I get the favor of the building clearing instructor, then I will have the opportunity to have sex for free.

Not to mention that by gathering the blessings of the three mentors, you can also get the opportunity to have sex for free for a long time.

Li Xuan turned his head and looked at everyone in the hall, with an expression that he had seen through everyone.

As a result, when he looked around, he noticed a familiar figure.

"Hey, isn't that the guy?"

At this time, Princess Ankang had finished asking her questions and sent away the boy who was cleaning the building.

The boy smiled and left, not forgetting to look at Princess Ankang a few more times and seemed to think she was quite cute.

Princess Ankang noticed the boy's gaze and felt a little embarrassed.

Li Xuan quickly pulled her and pointed to a table in the distance.

Princess Ankang looked over curiously, then showed a surprised expression.

"Isn't that the Fifth Emperor Brother?"

"He's here too."

The fifth prince, whom they had met before in the imperial garden, was sitting on a table far away from them. The wooden sign on his table was still standing and had not been eliminated.

The fifth prince was followed by the eunuch in colorful clothes who accompanied him for protection, and the eunuch who recorded his words and deeds was also beside him.

"This guy is not ashamed."

"If you are really invited as a guest, aren't you afraid that the eunuch will record it carefully and present it to Emperor Yongyuan?"

Li Xuan thought to himself, greatly surprised.

No matter how powerful a man is, he probably doesn't like people watching while he is working hard, right?

But just when Li Xuan and Princess Ankang were observing the fifth prince in the distance, the order came to them unknowingly.

Qingci, who was in charge of hosting the game, looked at their table and saw a little girl in a wheelchair sitting at the main seat. She couldn't help but be startled, and then showed a gentle smile to Princess Ankang.

"Miss, do you want me to explain the rules of the game to you?"

Qing Ci asked Princess Ankang in a soft voice, with a very kind attitude.

"Uh, no need. I just watched it for a while and I already understand almost everything."

For some reason, Princess Ankang felt that the people in the Qinglou were extremely friendly to her.

This was true whether it was the young man from before or the Qing Ci in front of him.

"Okay, how about this young lady asking for a casual theme?"

Princess Ankang nodded when she heard the question.

Li Xuan also glanced at Qing Ci with some surprise.

Such a question is definitely a waste of time.

Because when switching topics previously, Qingci would give specific topics.

This question is also very particular.

The dozen or so tables of guests took turns to make pairs, and in each round there was one person who matched, and the remaining people made the corresponding pair. If they couldn't match, they would be eliminated.

But on the contrary, if the correct person's pair is matched by everyone, the correct person will be eliminated.

Therefore, the person who makes the right move must ensure that he or she can make the other players at the table unable to make the right move before they can continue to participate in the game.

The other guests who were still in the competition couldn't help but secretly breathed a sigh of relief when they saw that the question this time was a little girl.

Tonight's game is almost coming to an end. Only by winning tonight's game can we be invited as a guest.

Of course, this depends on Qingci's mood.

Because guests don’t come to the curtain every day.

Regardless of whether it is a pair or a pair, there is a certain amount of time to think. Based on the estimates of those who were eliminated before, Li Xuan guessed that there would be at most thirty seconds of thinking time.

Qing Ci grasped this time very well, which is also a necessary ability that she needs to possess as a host.

She needs to control time as objectively as possible without being too rigid. She needs to be flexible and adaptable according to the situation on the court.

Princess Ankang originally thought that she was not good at these things either.

Now if she was asked to think of a pair, she wouldn't be able to make it up.

I just want to give up directly and not waste everyone's time.

Otherwise, if she is eliminated after everyone competes in the last round, the whole round will be wasted.

Moreover, the questions were not well written, and they were just trying to make people laugh.

The fifth prince in the distance naturally noticed Princess Ankang.

At first, he didn't notice when Princess Ankang brought people in.

Because the fifth prince was concentrating on the game, when it was Princess Ankang's turn, he noticed that one of his own princesses had entered the Qing Building.

Although Princess Ankang had only met the fifth prince once before when drawing lots in the Royal Garden, the fifth prince had long been familiar with Princess Ankang.

After all, the existence of Princess Ankang is special in itself.

The fifth prince had never seen his imperial sister before, but he had heard a lot about her.

At this time, seeing the hesitation and timid look on Princess Ankang's face, the fifth prince looked down on her even more.

"Humph, you don't have the bearing of a royal princess at all."

The fifth prince snorted coldly in his heart.

He has always had a high self-esteem and considered himself to be talented in literature. He was not at the same level as his other brothers and sisters.

And he has no interest in the throne.

For the sake of temporary power, they fought to the death and killed brothers.

And all this is just to satisfy their own selfish desires.

In the eyes of the fifth prince, this is stupid.

What he seeks is by no means temporary glory.

The fifth prince is seeking the way to eternal life.

Moreover, he discovered the way to achieve immortality very early, which was to leave his name in history.

As long as there are still people in this world who remember the poems, songs, articles and thoughts he left behind, his life can be continued through them and he can realize his eternal life.

The predecessors have set an example for him. The knowledge, thoughts, articles and poems he has learned since childhood are the evidence of those people's eternal life.

The Fifth Prince can still recount the lives of people who have passed away for hundreds or thousands of years.

Isn’t this eternal life, or what?

This is what the fifth prince pursues in this life.

Leave a name in history and live forever in the civilization of the human race.

Not saying whether this statement is right or wrong.

At least the fifth prince found his lifelong pursuit at a young age.

This time, if he had not had the opportunity to leave the palace, he would not have participated in this boring competition.

The eunuch arranged by his father to record his words and deeds was an excellent opportunity for the fifth prince.

He can leave his traces earlier. As long as he leaves his name in history, these traces will definitely be discovered by future generations.

Therefore, the fifth prince did not investigate the case at all in the past few days. Instead, he searched around the capital for places where literati gathered.

Especially places where famous historical figures once appeared, he would check in at every place.

And this building cleaning was on his list of things he must check in for.

Because there once was a great talent here.

Although that talented man remains controversial to this day, the words he left behind are now widely circulated among the people.

What's more important is that the other party had been a prostitute in Qinglou for more than ten years, and he was the founder of the prostitution world.

The romantic and talented Liu Sanbian was a famous poet in Daxing and a representative figure of the Graceful School.

He is also the idol of the fifth prince in his life.

Back then, countless courtesans were attracted to Liu Sanbian, just to get his favor and an inscription.

It is said that Liu Sanbian died of old age in a Qinglou, prompting women from brothels all over the world to wear sackcloth and show mourning for him. This wonder of the world is still being praised to this day.

The fifth prince didn't ask for anything else, it was enough to be remembered like this by Liu Sanbian.

Thinking of this, the fifth prince couldn't help but shook his head, took a sip of tea, and moistened his throat.

He knew how difficult it was to do.

And just when the fifth prince was looking forward to what he wanted in his life, Princess Ankang thought about it and was about to give up, but Li Xuan stretched out his tail and caught Princess Ankang's attempt to knock down the wooden cards on the table.

Putting down the wooden sign means giving up.

Princess Ankang lowered her head to look at Li Xuan, only to see Li Xuan smile narrowly, and it seemed that she was not holding anything back.

"Hey, you like pairs, right?"

"Reciting poems and writing poems is still a bit difficult, but when it comes to pairs, Li Xuan has heard of several good ones."

The guests at the dozen or so tables thought that Princess Ankang was giving up when they saw the hesitation on Princess Ankang's face and then when they saw her turning her attention to the wooden sign on the table.

As a result, her movements suddenly stopped. After lowering her head and thinking for a moment, she looked at Qing Ci on the stage with her eyes wide open.

Princess Ankang cleared her throat slightly, and then slowly said:

"Smoke Lock Pond Willow."

There was a sudden silence in the Qinglou, with only the silk and bamboo echoing gently along with the sound of the piano.

But the gentle music also slowly stopped.

The musicians in Qinglou would adjust the music according to the atmosphere of the scene, but now they can't play anymore.

Because the Qinglou was so silent that even the sound of their music became harsh.

After a while of silence, an uproar suddenly broke out in the Qinglou.

Qing Ci on the stage stared directly at Princess Ankang, with burning eyes.

"The smoke locks the pond willow, the smoke locks the pond willow..."

Qingci murmured to himself, couldn't help but pick up the brush in front of him, spread out a scroll, and wrote on it.

"Come here, hang up!"

Qingci shouted excitedly.

Immediately, the people who cleared the building hung the scroll she had just written high in the lobby, right behind Qing Ci, facing everyone.

Everyone admired the beautiful handwriting on the huge scroll.

"Just five words create such an artistic conception!"

In the audience, those who already knew the goods exclaimed in surprise.

Others also saw a scene of a quiet pond, surrounded by green trees and filled with smoke from these simple five words.

Just five words can give everyone such a vivid picture, and everyone can't help but look at Princess Ankang in surprise.

No one thought that this little girl who looked weak in literature and a little timid could have such literary talent.

At this time, Qing Ci said loudly:

"There are five elements hidden in these five characters. If you want to get them right, I'm afraid it won't be easy."

When Qingci came out at this point, everyone also discovered this wonderful thing.

Whether they were participating in the competition or watching the excitement, they all shouted "Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful".

Some even started reciting with their heads swaying, as if they were obsessed with it.

The guests at the dozens of participating tables were dripping with cold sweat, their backs were wet, and they suddenly felt bad.

I thought he was here to watch the excitement, but I didn’t expect he was a master!

The one who was most affected was naturally the fifth prince who had previously dreamed of leaving his name in history and immortalizing himself in human civilization.

Remembering that he had looked down on Princess Ankang not long ago, he felt ridiculous like a clown.

"How, how is it possible..."

"Ankang, she, she has such literary talent!?"

"No, no, that's impossible. I heard she doesn't even have a teacher!"

The fifth prince gasped, feeling ashamed and wanting to find a crack in the ground to crawl into.

"Whoever copied it must have copied it."

"I don't know where I heard the absolute, but I used it here!"

Even though the fifth prince comforted himself in this way, he was still so angry that his teeth were itching, his eyes were red, and his face was ferocious.

Because he knew how excellent the other party's five words were, he couldn't match them even if he racked his brains.

This hopeless gap was unacceptable to him.

The fifth prince, who was in an explosive state of mind, did not notice that the eunuch responsible for recording words and deeds was carefully observing the fifth prince and recording every word with the utmost care.

The eunuchs who were selected for recording work were all good at writing, and soon they recorded the fifth prince's current appearance vividly.

If the fifth prince knew that his first step in leaving his name in history was like this, he would probably be in a state of shock again.

Fortunately, this record will only be shown to Emperor Yongyuan, and the princes and princesses have no right to view it.

And if you interfere with the recording process, you will be directly disqualified from this competition.

But if the fifth prince saw the record about him, he would tear up the eunuch's book without hesitation on the spot.

Princess Ankang did not expect that the pair she played according to Li Xuan's instructions would cause such a big commotion.

Realizing that everyone's eyes were focused on her, Princess Ankang lowered her head in embarrassment, her face was pink, not to mention how cute she was.

This time, Princess Ankang looked at her with more intense eyes.

"What a cute little girl!"

Qingci bit her lower lip and pulled her sleeves hard.


Li Xuan originally enjoyed the pleasure of shocking everyone, but soon found that some people in the crowd had particularly aggressive looks.

And they are all women.

"Damn it, I've long realized that something is wrong with this Daxing atmosphere."

Li Xuan was furious immediately.

This look was all too familiar to him.

"I just said why I am always so orange. Isn't it true that relationships between girls are more than just friendship?"

The shock caused by Princess Ankang's misunderstanding lasted for a long time, but the game will continue.

Qingci calmed down the excitement in his heart, exhaled a few mouthfuls of Rulan's hot breath, and then presided over the game.

But how can the famous "Smoke Locked Pond Willow" be so easy to find?

Although the person who gets a pair will be eliminated because everyone else has a pair, there is also an advantage, that is, if everyone fails to get a pair, they will win directly.

Everyone thought hard, but no one came up with a good pair until time ran out.

Just following the order, they were helplessly eliminated one after another.

Soon, it was the turn of the fifth prince.

The fifth prince was unwilling to give in. After searching his intestines and stomach, he could barely pronounce five characters, but they were not even neat, let alone corresponding to the five elements.

He was directly judged as a loser by Qing Ci and eliminated from the competition.

The fifth prince's body relaxed, and he felt that all the strength in his body was drained, and he looked helpless.

The eunuch on the side dutifully recorded all this.

As the sequence continued to advance, it soon returned to Princess Ankang.

The man had been thinking about it just now, but he still had no answer until now.

Therefore, without waiting for Qing Ci to continue the countdown, he stood up directly and raised his hands in the direction of Princess Ankang:

"My lady is eternally absolute, and we are convinced."


This person also has a high emotional intelligence, and directly promoted Princess Ankang's pair to an absolute position forever, and then also led those who were eliminated before to admit defeat, which not only gave Princess Ankang face, but also saved the losers like them. respect.

Princess Ankang is also a person who knows etiquette.

Since the other party took the initiative to respect her a foot, she should also respect him a foot in return.

Princess Ankang stood up and returned the gift, creating a scene of harmony in the building.

Everyone did not expect that today's game would end so quickly, and they were all surprised.

But when I saw those five words hanging in the hall, I was convinced.

No one thought that this little girl who came from nowhere would become the biggest dark horse tonight.

And Li Xuan didn't expect to win the match between this pair so easily.

"It seems that you talented people are nothing more than that."

Li Xuan smiled secretly in his heart, naturally knowing that he had taken advantage of his previous life.

Although he couldn't recite too many poems, he could still remember some of these little pairs, but not too many.

Li Xuan thought that he would cherish these stocks in the future so that Princess Ankang could continue to show her saintliness in front of people.

Should I say it or not, just now when everyone didn't think much of Princess Ankang, when Princess Ankang read out those five words, the expressions of everyone in the Qing Building were really wonderful, especially the fifth prince who thought highly of himself in the distance. Li Xuan felt happy when he saw it.

"I said that I love showing my holiness in front of others. It's so cool!"

Li Xuan recalled the previous pleasure in his heart, and the corners of his mouth almost touched his ears.

As the last person admitted defeat, Qing Ci stood up with a cry, then glanced across the lobby, and finally landed on Princess Ankang.

"I declare that the winner tonight is this young lady."

After Qing Ci said this, everyone was still looking forward to seeing if she would follow up.

Although Qinglou can win some prizes after winning the competition every night, most of these prizes are given by the instructor that night.

For example, most of the time Qingci gives poems written by himself.

Don't underestimate this thing. There are many people who like Qingci who will buy it at a high price and can sell it for a pretty good price.

Even if you don't sell it, it is still valuable to collect for yourself.

No one who can be a mentor in Qinglou is a flower vase, and they all have excellent strength.

Otherwise, there would be no way to host nightly games.

Today it is a pair of pairs, and other times there are music, chess, painting, etc. If you want to host such a competition well, you must have excellent strength.

Therefore, if Qinglou wants to cultivate these talented women with excellent qualities, the price it needs to spend is dozens of times that of the oirans on Hua Street.

Moreover, this kind of thing depends on talent.

If the talent is not enough, the upper limit of training will eventually be limited.

And the business model of house cleaning is destined to have a person who can handle each project.

Therefore, Qinglou's seemingly unreasonable price list for teaching skills is actually their largest source of income.

Because Qing Lou teaches real skills.

But everyone knows that the most important thing tonight is not the victory and prizes, but...

"My dear daughter, Qing Ci, sincerely invites this young lady to be the guest of honor tonight. I wonder if I can give you a favor?"

Qingci slowly performed a standard Wanfu gift, and then shyly extended an invitation to Princess Ankang.

Princess Ankang was stunned. She didn't expect that the problem of free accommodation tonight would be solved so easily.

Princess Ankang immediately nodded happily and agreed.

Qingci immediately smiled like a flower and said:

"Please wait a moment, Miss. Qing Ci will go back and prepare now."

After that, Qingci went upstairs without knowing what to prepare.

In the lobby, everyone cast envious glances at Princess Ankang, and there was also a lot of curiosity and enthusiasm.

Li Xuan immediately swung his tail and wrote on the back of Princess Ankang's hand:

"How could you promise someone so carelessly that you would be eaten up and wiped clean without even knowing it?"

Princess Ankang was confused and said:

"This Qinglou is not a black shop, so how could it possibly engage in cannibalism?"

Li Xuan choked, knowing that the little girl couldn't make sense, so she immediately looked at Yu'er.

As a result, Yu'er nodded solemnly and said:

"Axuan, I understand what you mean."

"Don't worry, Your Highness will be protected by me!"

Yu'er said righteously.

It seems that the older Yu'er has noticed Qing Ci and the blazing eyes around her.

Li Xuan was also convinced, but he didn't expect that his little cabbage would be targeted by other cabbages before it grew up.

"This outrageous Daxing!"

While Qingci was preparing upstairs, the people from Qinglou served Princess Ankang's table with new snacks.

Li Xuan had already eaten all the snacks sent before.

Moreover, Princess Ankang has become Qing Ci's guest tonight, and all purchases are free of charge, so she can naturally eat with open arms.

Li Xuan was not polite, he even ate and took some of the food and kept it in the Emperor Hong Bone Ring.

The dim sum served later was obviously more advanced and much more delicious than the one at the beginning.

Li Xuan was eating fiercely, and Princess Ankang couldn't help but said worriedly:

"Axuan, why are you reincarnated like a starving ghost?"

"And you ate the fish in Cuihua Building just now, why are you still eating so enthusiastically?"

But Li Xuan didn't care. He struggled in Princess Ankang's arms and threw himself at the snacks on the table.

"How can you not eat more of the free snacks?"

But at this moment, the fifth prince walked to Princess Ankang.

His breathing was still a little heavy, and he looked down at Princess Ankang.

The eunuchs in colorful clothes all knew the identity of the fifth prince and silently stepped aside.

Princess Ankang looked at the fifth prince who was silent when he came to her side. She couldn't figure out his thoughts, so she couldn't help but ask:

"Brother, what are you..."

When outside the palace, Princess Ankang replaced the title of royal brother with brother.

Li Xuan saw that the fifth prince seemed to be looking for trouble, so he didn't care to continue eating snacks and turned to stare at this guy to see what he wanted to do.

The fifth prince stared at Princess Ankang in silence for a long time, not knowing what he was thinking.

When Li Xuan saw him standing aside, he spat out the remaining snack residue on him, along with a lot of saliva.

At this moment, the fifth prince woke up from a dream. He looked at the dirty clothes but showed no expression.

"Oh, Ah Xuan."

"How can you be so rude?"

"Brother, I'm sorry."

Princess Ankang knew that Li Xuan did it on purpose, but she still apologized for him.

The fifth prince waved his hand and then said:

"It's okay, I just want to ask you, did you really think of that couple?"

The fifth prince stared into Princess Ankang's eyes, wanting to get an answer.

Princess Ankang did not look into the fifth prince's eyes, and when she was thinking about how to deal with it, she felt an itch on the back of her hand.

Why does Li Xuan still think of him as the fifth prince? He is unwilling to lose.

When he first met him in the Royal Garden, Li Xuan knew that this guy was arrogant.

Now losing to Princess Ankang, who has no sense of presence, is probably unacceptable for a while.

Seeing how uncomfortable the fifth prince was, Li Xuan couldn't help but add to his anger.

Princess Ankang noticed the words Li Xuan wrote on the back of her hand, and she couldn't bear it.

"Answer me honestly!"

When the fifth prince saw that Princess Ankang did not dare to look into his eyes, he thought she had a guilty conscience. His shattered self-esteem began to regroup, and he spoke a little more forcefully.

The conversation here has attracted the attention of many people in the lobby.

Originally, Princess Ankang won the game with a high profile as a dark horse, and became the guest of Qing Ci. She was already the focus of the audience.

Of course, Princess Ankang's exposure to the limelight also aroused the dissatisfaction of some people, but no one blatantly caused trouble for a little girl like the fifth prince.

After all, everyone has a face, and hanging out in this clearing house is not just for a day or two, so I won't embarrass a little girl just because of the victory or defeat in one night.

But no one thought that someone would really embarrass Princess Ankang.

And as the fifth prince spoke louder, more and more people discovered the controversy.

To be honest, many people doubted whether Princess Ankang came up with the couple herself.

But now Qing Ci doesn't care about this issue. If he invites the other party to be his guest, no one will dispel Qing Ci's interest.

But now a stupid young man has come forward to ask this question, and there are many people in the lobby who want to see how Princess Ankang responds.

Seeing how aggressive the fifth prince was, Princess Ankang sighed, and finally said another sentence according to Li Xuan's intention.

"Articles are made by nature, but come by chance."

After Princess Ankang played it once, she is now proficient.

She was seen chanting softly, her head slightly raised, looking at the starry sky outside the window, with an unfathomable look.

There were three parts disdain, three parts regret and ninety-four parts compassion in that expression.

It seemed sad that people like the fifth prince could never understand his own realm.

Li Xuan silently buried his head in Princess Ankang's belly, for fear that he would not be able to hold it in and laugh out loud.

The fifth prince was stunned on the spot, sweating profusely like a snowman encountering the warm sun.

The self-confidence he had just regained was shattered again.

In front of Princess Ankang, the fifth prince was like a melting snowman, becoming smaller and smaller.

The fifth prince wanted to escape from this place, but his feet were weak and he couldn't use the strength at all.

The melon-eaters who were watching were stunned by this wonderful sentence.

They never expected that they would witness the birth of a peerless talented woman in Qinglou tonight.

There are still various speculations about the previous pairs.

But now that another golden sentence has appeared, no one dares to doubt Princess Ankang's literary talent.

Because they are afraid of becoming the next fifth prince and feel ashamed in front of the facts.

"Articles are made by nature, but come by chance..."

"This is a poem, isn't it? Is there anything else behind it?"

"Tell me, please tell me what's behind!"

The fifth prince finally summoned up the courage from his frustration, suppressed the fear in his heart that he wanted to escape from this place, and instead asked about his deepest desire.

He wanted to hear the verses that followed.

As long as he can hear the follow-up, the fifth prince will die without regrets!

Thank you all book friends for your monthly support.

A big chapter of ten thousand words is presented, Bai Miao keeps his word!

Meow meow meow~


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