Li Xuan endured the humiliation for half an hour and finally sent away the three social cats.

"Thirty years to the east of the river, thirty years to the west of the river, don't bully the little kitten into poverty!"

"When my bones grow open, I will blind your other eye too."

Looking at the direction in which the one-eyed civet cat was leaving, Li Xuan cautiously poked his head out of the shadows and said angrily in his heart.

"Fortunately, this dish is cold to begin with."

Li Xuan looked at the food box in his mouth and said thankfully, then hurriedly got into Jingyang Palace.

When he returned to Jingyang Palace, he placed the food box on the table, then picked up a plate, and then picked up the food in the food box onto the plate one by one.

This food box cannot be seen by Ankang, and Li Xuan will return it later, so he has to put the food on the plate.

After doing this, Li Xuan looked in the direction of Ankang's bed.

His breathing was not steady, and Ankang probably couldn't sleep soundly because he was hungry.

"Those hateful three cats made my cub hungry for half an hour for nothing. If I don't take revenge, I will never be a cat again!"

Li Xuan thought angrily, and then gently knocked the plate twice with his cat's paw, making a crisp sound.

Like a conditioned reflex, Ankang's already unstable breathing on the bed was immediately disrupted, and Ankang was about to wake up in a daze.

Every time Li Xuan visited the imperial dining room, he would wake Ankang up like this. Now the little girl would wake up from her sleep whenever she heard this sound.

Realizing that the little master had been woken up by him, Li Xuan jumped off the table with the food box in his mouth and hid outside the window while Ankang didn't see him clearly.

"Axuan, Axuan..."

"There's something delicious."

As soon as Princess Ankang woke up, she reached out and touched the area around her head. Ah Xuan usually slept with her head in her arms.

"Where did you go at night?"

Princess Ankang murmured something drowsily, rubbed her eyes, and sure enough she saw an extra plate full of food on the table.

She subconsciously swallowed with a "gudong" sound, and Princess Ankang's beautiful light blue eyes couldn't help but straighten.

"So many delicious foods...and lotus cakes!"

Princess Ankang turned her head and looked in the direction outside the door, her eyes full of emotion.

"Sister Yu'er is so kind!"

That's right, the little girl Ankang always thought it was Yu'er who fed her at night.

After all, no normal person would think of a kitten.

In Ankang's understanding, in the huge palace, only sister Yu'er and her Ah Xuan were good to her.

"But Ah Xuan is just a little kitten. This food must have been brought by Sister Yu'er."

To a certain extent, Princess Ankang's conjecture is reasonable.

But Li Xuan is not an ordinary cat.

After Princess Ankang thanked her innocently at the door, she ate the food on the plate in small bites.

Seeing this scene, Li Xuan, who was hiding outside the window, left with peace of mind.

He still had to go to the imperial kitchen to return the food box.

After carefully confirming that there were no three evil cats lurking outside Jingyang Palace, Li Xuan dared to go out.

Holding the empty food box in his mouth made him feel a lot more relaxed, and he quickly returned to the imperial dining room and put the food box in its original place.

After dealing with the traces of his intrusion, Li Xuan breathed a sigh of relief.

This night, he was finally done.

But thinking of the cute little girl Ankang eating just now, Li Xuan felt that it was all worth it.

Although he was only a one-year-old kitten at this time, he had lived for nearly thirty years in his previous life, and Ankang looked different from his cute little sister.

Now Li Xuan can do his best to bring happiness to Ankang, which already makes him very satisfied.

Thinking about his previous life, it seemed that he had never brought such happiness to anyone.

"But Ankang's body seems like he can't last a few more years..."

Li Xuan couldn't help but think of the words he heard in the Imperial Garden during the day.

It seems that Dr. Xue in the palace had made a diagnosis, saying that Ankang would not live beyond the age of eighteen.

Thinking of this, Li Xuan couldn't help frowning, but he shook his head after a while.

"Don't think about these things for now, just make Ankang happy every day."

Li Xuan felt a little irritable and planned to put aside these worrying things and return to Jingyang Palace first.

He returned all the way, and it was now past midnight, and the palace was even quieter than before.

Except for the patrolling Ouchi guards, no one seemed to be awake.



Li Xuan was walking on the courtyard wall when he suddenly heard a strange noise coming from a small courtyard.

He couldn't help his curiosity and jumped in the direction of the small courtyard to find out.

After turning into a cat, his curiosity became more intense, and it was even more painful to not be satisfied.

So, curiosity killed the cat.

But the things in the yard would not kill Li Xuan.

Under the moonlight, a young eunuch was practicing martial arts, and it was he who made the sound of breaking through the air.

The little eunuch is fair and fair, and he looks about ten years old.

I don’t know why I am practicing this late at night.

Li Xuan couldn't help but look curiously for a while, and found that the little eunuch's movements were precise, and from time to time his hands would be like tiger claws and waved forward.

This is how the "whooshing" sound breaks through the air.

The little eunuch's technique is interesting. The movements seem to be derived from the movements of a fierce tiger. The tiger's claws are powerful in stretching and contracting, with a combination of strength and softness. It has an aura that is as unstoppable as thunder and as quiet as Mount Tai.

Moreover, there are moves in the middle to stretch the body, which are no different from Li Xuan's usual stretching.

"I still don't know how powerful the techniques here are."

Watching the little eunuch concentrate on practicing late at night, Li Xuan couldn't help but think.

He often sees Ouchi guards, but he has never seen them take action, so he cannot be sure what the level of force in this world is.

But seeing how a young eunuch can become so powerful while practicing martial arts, I think the martial arts here must be pretty good.

Li Xuan saw that each of the movements performed by the little eunuch became more familiar to him, and he couldn't help but imitate them.

The little eunuch was concentrating on practicing and didn't notice that there was a little thief cat on the wall who was secretly learning.

The little eunuch didn't practice many moves, but he did every move carefully, so he didn't move quickly.

This made it convenient for Li Xuan, who was secretly studying on the side, to see the details of every action clearly.

In addition, he is a distant relative of Tiger himself, making it even easier to practice.

Even though it was his first time practicing with him, many of his movements were even more standard than those of the little eunuch.

After all, what he was imitating was the movements of cats, so it hit his strengths.

After a long time, Li Xuan secretly learned all the moves, and finally practiced with the little eunuch for a while.

When the little eunuch finished his work, Li Xuan followed suit.

After finishing the exercise, he turned his head and wagged his tail, feeling comfortable all over.

After secretly studying, Li Xuan was about to leave the place when he suddenly jumped off the courtyard wall.

A line of information suddenly appeared in his mind.

[Ten Tiger Forms: 1%]

Li Xuan's cat eyes suddenly widened.

"Ah this?"

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