Ouchi Cat Controlling, starting with the Ten Tiger Forms!

Chapter 23 What bad thoughts can a kitten have?

"Isn't she a talented person? Why is she doing odd jobs?"

Li Xuan tilted his head, feeling a little confused.

Isn't it Liang Cairen who is sweeping the floor in palace maid uniform?

It was this woman who instigated people to secretly deduct the monthly calendar of Jingyang Palace in order to please the queen.

Before Li Xuan could give her some clues, why did this woman fall into despair?

"Am I being prejudged?"

Li Xuan walked over curiously, stood on the wall closest to her, and looked at Liang Cairen who was sweeping the floor below.

"That's right, it's this woman."

At this time, a beautiful figure walked out of the palace, which made Li Xuan's eyes light up.

The smoke is light, the snow is greasy and the texture is rich, and the dew is heavy and fragrant, and the body is graceful.

In modern terms, this woman has the face of an angel and the body of a devil.

A charming little fairy alive.

"This dog emperor!"

Li Xuan was so angry that he gritted his teeth and immediately criticized this evil feudal system.

This is not the official concubine!

Liang Cairen saw this person walking towards him from the corner of his eye, but he buried his head and pretended not to notice, and moved away from him, trying to avoid this person.

But the other party had no intention of letting her go. He walked straight towards her and stepped on the hem of her skirt.

"Liang Chuchu, where are you running?"

"You can't understand even though you're sweeping the floor, you're so stupid!"

The plump woman cursed loudly.


To be honest, Liang Cairen was not inferior to this woman in terms of appearance, but he was too disadvantaged in terms of figure.

Not only did he look like a dwarf when he was standing, but he would be even more embarrassed when he lay down.

"What are you talking about? Stop sweeping, go to my room, empty out my chamber pot, and clean the chamber pot by the way. If I don't see a chamber pot that can be used as a mirror when I come back at noon, you won't be able to eat today!"

"Wang Suyue, don't go too far!"

Liang Chuchu was furious and pointed the broom in his hand at the enemy.

Unexpectedly, Wang Suyue not only has a good figure, but also has good skills.

The broom that was still in Liang Chuchu's hand was snatched away with a swish and pointed at herself instead.

"What? You still want to get rough with me?" Wang Suyue laughed evilly, picked up the broom and danced a beautiful stick dance, and mocked: "You don't overestimate your capabilities."

"Give me back the broom, you big-breasted, brainless, brute force woman!" Liang Chuchu was furious and incompetent. She went up to make a fuss, but was immediately stopped by the broom lying in front of her.

"How dare you do the following? Liang Chuchu, don't forget, I am the talented person this month, and you are the maid. Think clearly before you mess with me."

Wang Suyue said confidently, obviously knowing the other party.

"you you……"

Liang Chuchu pointed at the other person "you" angrily for a long time, but couldn't hold back the second word.

"You are waiting for me to be conferred as a concubine by His Majesty, and I want you to look good when the time comes!" Liang Chuchu said harsh words unwilling to admit defeat.

"Hey, remember to light the lamp then, so that His Majesty won't be confused about what is going on and go astray."

Wang Suyue glanced at Liang Chuchu's chest with a strange smile, threw away the broom in her hand, and left with the last words.

"The chamber pot is in my room. It's up to you whether you want to eat or not."

Liang Chuchu was so angry that she gritted her teeth and stared at Wang Suyue's back, but there was nothing she could do.

Rather than asking her to clean the chamber pot, it was Wang Suyue's final contempt that made her even more intolerable.

"Smelly cow, what's the big deal? Sooner or later, it will be dragged to the ground and you will be proud of it!"

Liang Chuchu cursed a few words, and then kicked the mop on the ground away as she was still angry.

She had followed Wang Suyue since she was a child and had not dealt with him. As a result, she survived and was selected into the palace together.

Now that she is unlucky, there is no reason for the other party to let her go. They are changing their ways to cause trouble for her every day.

The kicked broom spun around, slid out against the ground, and came to a stop after hitting the feet of a middle-aged eunuch.

The middle-aged eunuch looked at the broom that hit his feet, his eyes twitched, and his already cold face became even more ugly.

Liang Chuchu was still cursing that bitch Wang Suyue in a low voice, and didn't notice the situation at all.

The eunuch who was following behind the middle-aged eunuch couldn't stand it anymore and reminded him in a low voice: "Liang Cairen, Liang Cairen..."

"Prince-in-law is here, why don't you come over to see me?"

Only then did Liang Chuchu realize that there were a few more people around her, especially when she saw the old eunuch, she hurriedly saluted: "I've met Mr. Yinfang."

After a moment of silence, the printing father-in-law exhaled helplessly and said to Liang Chuchu: "Liang Cairen, Mr. Shang only punishes you with one month of hard labor. This is an open policy. Please be careful." , don’t make it difficult for us.”

"Otherwise, although this palace is large, it will be difficult for Liang Cairen to stay."

Listening to these harsh words, Liang Chuchu couldn't help but tremble.

She also understood that the printing eunuch in front of her was not easy to deal with, so she could only nod her head obediently.

This eunuch from the printing room has a high status in the Yanqu Palace. He is not only in charge of various affairs, but is also responsible for reporting which talents are suitable for his majesty's bed, and then the eunuch in charge of his majesty's daily life will select suitable people from them. It can be said that he is in charge of them. The future and destiny of the girls.

If the eunuch of the printing house is displeased, then even if he becomes an old aunt in Yanqu Palace, he will not be able to see His Majesty.

No matter how unruly Liang Chuchu was, she did not dare to joke about her own future.

She immediately trotted two steps, picked up the broom on the ground, and went back to sweep the floor obediently, looking pitiful and honest.

The eunuch from the printing room saw that she recognized the situation, so he said nothing more and continued to inspect other places with his people.

Seeing Liang Chuchu obediently sweeping the floor below, Li Xuan on the wall couldn't help but grin.

"Okay, it turns out that Mr. Shang was asked to take charge of the punishment. It seems that he must have been found out about instigating those two eunuchs to embarrass Jingyang Palace."

"Should I say it or not, that old eunuch does have two brushes."

Li Xuan happened to eavesdrop on their conversation that day by chance and knew that Liang Caicai was the mastermind behind it.

Manager Shang was lucky. He investigated the matter thoroughly within two days and carried out the punishment.

Letting a talented person do the work of a moon palace maid is indeed a very effective punishment.

This move would not only damage Liang Chuchu's self-esteem, but also delay her training in Yanqu Palace, thereby delaying her opportunity to be lucky.

These talented people are just racing against time. Didn't you see how Liang Chuchu had harsh words with Wang Suyue before?

As long as you are the first to be favored, there are plenty of opportunities for revenge.

But if the enemy takes the lead, it may not be so easy to turn over.

Li Xuan thought of this, looked at Liang Chuchu below, and then looked inside Yanqu Hall, with a naughty smile gradually appearing on his face.

"I'm just a cute little kitten, what bad intentions can I have?"

"If you want to blame it, it's because you are not kind-hearted. God sent me to punish you."

Li Xuan stopped watching Liang Chuchu sweep the floor, and the cat sneaked into the backyard of Yanqu Hall, not knowing what it was doing.

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