"First of all, come in and talk in detail, don't stand on the outside."

Yu'er quickly recovered from the sudden blow and took her younger brother into Jingyang Palace. Before closing the door, she didn't forget to check if there was anyone around.

The cold palace also has its advantages. No one wants to get close to it on weekdays. Even the patrolling Ouchi guards pass by in a hurry. It can be clearly felt that the frequency of patrolling here is lower.

But this also made it convenient for them at this time. At least when Deng Wei first entered Jingyang Palace, no one saw him.

If someone sees it, it will not only make people talk about it, but it will also be of no benefit to Jingyang Palace and Deng Weixian.

"First of all, please tell me clearly what happened at home?"

Yu'er asked anxiously after closing the door, but her feet softened and she collapsed directly to the ground.

Thanks to Deng Weixian's quick eyesight and quick hands, he supported Yu'er and prevented her from falling too hard.

"Sister, please sit down and rest for a while. I will tell you slowly."

Deng Weixian helped Yu'er sit behind the door and looked at his sister worriedly.

I haven’t seen her for several years, and my sister hasn’t changed much from how I remembered her.

"Maybe I am the same, otherwise my sister wouldn't recognize me at a glance." Deng Weixian thought with complicated emotions.

Yu'er was in a daze, her thoughts were confused for a moment, and many dusty memories appeared before her eyes for no reason.

Those are some childhood memories.

Father, mother, brother...

The past that I thought I had long forgotten begins to emerge vividly.

Deng Weixian saw that his sister was having difficulty accepting the facts for a while, so he was not in a hurry. He sat with her behind the door and waited quietly.

This thirteen-year-old boy seems to have a maturity and stability far beyond his years.

The bloodshot eyes that appeared in his eyes due to the excitement of the reunion at first have quietly receded, and his eyes have remained calm, even a little hollow.

"First, tell me what happened along the way."

Yu'er calmed down for a while and asked.

"Sister, there was a locust plague in Guanglin Mansion last year, and our Pingshan Village was not spared either."

"Those bugs ate all the food in the fields and then started eating people."

"After a person is bitten, the fever will not stop and he will die within three to five days."

"No one dared to stay in Pingshan Village anymore, so they all started to flee to Fucheng."

"But halfway, we were overtaken by a swarm of locusts. My father and mother wrapped me tightly in their arms to protect me."

"By the time I came out, they had already died."

Deng Weixian spoke calmly, as if it was something that happened to someone else, but warm tears had already silently crossed his cheeks.

But even though he was crying, he still had that cold expression.

Except for the faint smile when he faced Yu'er at the beginning, his face became expressionless afterwards, and even when he talked about being sad, there was no wave at all.

"how so……"

When Yu'er heard that her parents were bitten to death by locusts, she covered her mouth desperately but still cried.

"Later, by chance, I went all the way north and arrived in the capital during the first snowfall. However, I was penniless at the time and had no way out. I happened to have the opportunity to enter the palace, so..."

At this point, Deng Weixian was speechless and could not continue.

Even though it had been several months, he could not easily say the word "purify".

The sword that entered the palace cut off his only remaining dignity.

Yu'er obviously understood the pain involved. Just as she was about to say a few words of comfort, she heard Deng Weixian continue: "But it's fortunate that I entered the palace, otherwise I wouldn't be able to see you, sister."

"I heard someone mention you today, and I asked someone to inquire about it. I even thought it was you, so I came to confirm. I didn't expect that we would be reunited here."

No one in the Deng family knew where Yu'er was sold, let alone Deng Weixian, who was younger at the time.

But fate is so wonderful that this pair of siblings can still get together even though they span more than half of the dynasty.

"That's right. First of all, at least you still have my sister here, so you must live well and don't let your mind wander."

Yu'er has been in the palace for so many years and has seen too many young eunuchs who just entered the palace hang themselves because they couldn't look away.

Seeing that her brother was depressed now, she couldn't help but worry about him.

"Sister, don't worry, I've seen you, so why can't I think about it?" Deng Wei first forced a smile.

"That's good, that's good..."

Yu'er murmured, then touched her brother's head like she did when she was a child, and said with emotion: "We haven't seen you for a few years, and I am already a little adult."

Deng Weixian's eyes warmed up, and then he stood up: "Sister, I feel relieved after confirming it's you. It's getting late now, so I have to go back first."

"By the way, it's almost curfew!"

Yu'er was startled and almost forgot about this, and stood up anxiously holding the door.

But her legs were still a little weak, and she was swaying unsteadily, so Deng Weixian hurriedly helped her steady.

"First of all, where are you on duty now? Can you still make it back?"

Judging from the sky, it is estimated that there is less than a stick of incense left until Xu Shi.

If he can't get back, he will be in trouble. How can Yu'er not be in a hurry.

"Sister, it's all in time. Don't worry about me. I'm still in the Supervisory Academy. I just finished all the training today and will be assigned errands tomorrow. I'll come back to you when I stabilize."

"So that's it."

Yu'er breathed a sigh of relief. The Imperial Palace was not far from Jingyang Palace, and it was still too late to run back now.

"Then you go back quickly, and don't mention it again about coming to see me again!" Yu'er suddenly turned her face and said.

"Associating with people in the cold palace will only harm you. As long as I know that you are safe, it is enough."

It's not that Yu'er is cruel, it's just the fact.

In order to protect her brother, she would rather never see him again.

"Sister, I will avoid other people's eyes and ears. You don't have to worry about this."

Obviously, Deng Weixian didn't want to listen to Yu'er.

"Okay, sister, I'll come see you next time."

After that, Deng Weixian was about to open the door and leave. As soon as he leaned half of his body out the door, he felt a tightening in his wrist.

Yu'er grabbed his wrist and told her with tears in her eyes: "Then you must remember that our relationship must not be known to others, otherwise you will be implicated by me in the future."

"Also remember!"

"I would rather be dull and clumsy than be too clever. You must remember it well."

If given a choice, Yu'er really doesn't want her younger brother to enter the palace.

This deep palace courtyard is the most inhospitable place for human nature.

As servants like them, their lives may be in danger if they are not careful.

Regarding his sister's instructions, Deng Wei nodded and took note of them.

Looking at her brother's still immature face, Yu'er wanted to give instructions even though she had a thousand words to say, but knowing that she might suffer if she delayed any longer, she had no choice but to be cruel, let go of her hand, and pushed her brother hard into the darkness outside the door.

"Remember, don't trust anyone!"

Yu'er gave her brother one last piece of advice, and then leaned against the door, looking at the figure flying into the darkness.

From this moment on, she knew that there was another person she cared about in the coldest place in the world.

But this concern will eventually be their weakness in the future.

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