Manager Shang walked out of Jingyang Palace with a faint smile on his face, obviously in a good mood.


Outside the palace gate, eunuchs in colorful clothes were waiting. When they saw Mr. Shang coming out, they all bowed respectfully.

"Let's go, we have nothing to do with this Jingyang Palace."

Manager Shang waved gently, said casually, and then left without looking back.

The eunuchs in colorful clothes naturally did not dare to disobey orders and immediately followed.

These words can be regarded as completely eliminating the suspicion of Jingyang Palace.

It seems that the matter of secretly eating the imperial meal has ended with the two yellow-clothed eunuchs of Yanqu Palace.

"Your Highness, you actually have polished rice, white flour, and so much money!"

In Jingyang Palace, Yu'er took Princess Ankang into the room and took stock of the compensation sent by Manager Shang on the table.

The Xiujin baggage was divided into two bags, one large and one small. The big baggage contained grain. In addition to the brown rice that had been withheld from Jingyang Palace this month, there were other refined rice and noodles, which surprised Yu'er.

As for the small baggage, it was filled to the brim with copper coins, which was only a lot more than usual.

The two girls looked at the good things in the bag, their eyes glowing green, just like the two little money lovers.

For the two people who were used to being poor, this was a rare occasion.

"Not only that, Manager Shang also gave a big gift before he left just now, saying it was a token of appreciation for His Highness."

Yu'er said, taking out the silver ingot from the inner pocket of her sleeve and placing it in the middle of the table.

The room with closed doors and windows suddenly lit up. In front of the huge silver ingot, everything else in the bag seemed dim.

"So big!?"

Princess Ankang exclaimed, her wide-eyed eyes glued to the silver ingot and unable to move away.

She seemed to have never seen such a large silver ingot since she could remember.

Princess Ankang tried to reach for it, but she couldn't pick it up from the table at all.

She tried a few more times without giving up, but she was exhausted.

"This is too heavy!"

Princess Ankang has no idea how weak she is.

Seeing Princess Ankang sweating from exhaustion, Yu'er couldn't help but smile fondly, took out a handkerchief to wipe her sweat, and comforted her: "That is to say, fifty taels of Yin-engraved imperial silver is enough." It weighs more than three kilograms!”

"Mr. Shang is indeed a figure from the ancestors' generation, and he is generous in his dealings."

"This is the first time in so many years that someone has helped us."

"I always feel that Manager Shang is not as scary as the rumors say."

As soon as Yu'er finished speaking, a black shadow swooped in from outside the window.

"Ah, Ah Xuan is back. Where did you go to play just now?"

"Let me tell you, something good happened at home."

Princess Ankang opened her arms and happily welcomed Li Xuan's return.

But unlike usual, Li Xuan did not rush into Princess Ankang's arms. Instead, he threw himself on Yu'er's head, then showed his Meow Meow Fist and played the military drum.

"Stupid girl, stupid girl!"

"You sold me, and you counted money for others and said good things to others!"

"I will never help you work again!"

“I’m so angry with Ben Miao!!!”

Li Xuan had been hiding behind the large water tank and listened clearly to the conversation between Yu'er and Manager Shang.

He originally thought that this old eunuch was not simple, and just now he overheard the eunuch in colorful clothes outside the door asking him for instructions on whether to monitor Jingyang Palace.

Li Xuan immediately understood that the old eunuch had no good intentions.

Although it was not clear how the other party suspected them, Li Xuan, who had a secret in his heart, naturally understood that the other party was not innocent.

Therefore, he had been hiding from Manager Shang and did not show up. Unexpectedly, he was finally exposed in Yu'er's hands.

"You are really my weakness!"

Li Xuan beat the military drum angrily and thought viciously.

"Ah ah ah ah ah……"

Yu'er let out slight cries of pain in a rhythmic manner, but her eyes were still firmly locked on the silver ingot, showing no sign of repentance.

"Axuan, don't make trouble, your hair will be messed up."

Yu'er insincerely touched the top of her head in an attempt to stop Li Xuan, but her eyes never left the silver ingot, so how could she possibly catch it?

Li Xuan easily avoided Yu'er's hand, but the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

After watching Mr. Shang leave from a distance just now, Li Xuan was afraid that the old eunuch might have some tricks up his sleeve, so he checked hard around Jingyang Palace for a long time and only dared to come back after making sure that no one was watching.

But as soon as he got outside the house, he heard Yu'er saying good things about Manager Shang. How could Li Xuan endure it.

Thinking of this, he was even more angry and bit Yu'er's head.


"Axuan, come here!"

This time, Yu'er finally woke up from the pain, and stood up to catch Li Xuan.

One person and one cat started spinning around the table, spinning like a top.

This scene made Princess Ankang giggle and watch the excitement from the side.

In the end, Yu'er was panting from exhaustion, but still failed to catch Li Xuan, so she had to sit back and complained to Princess Ankang: "Your Highness, Ah Xuan bullied me, and you didn't help me talk about him!"

"My Ah Xuan is so good, how could he bully sister Yu'er?"

"If A Xuan really bullied you, he must have his reasons."

Regarding Princess Ankang's outrageous remarks, Yu'er rolled her eyes helplessly.

Li Xuan was extremely satisfied, so he walked up to Princess Ankang and nuzzled her non-stop.

"This is my good little master, Yu'er, please learn from me."

Li Xuan was flirting with Princess Ankang, and he didn't forget to glance at Yu'er with contempt, which made her so angry that she kept knocking on the table.

Who knows what the old eunuch knows. Although Yu'er only told others about Li Xuan's appearance, it is hard to guarantee that it will not trigger more chain reactions from the other party.

Li Xuan thought about it and felt that it was not a good idea to always hide at home.

Since the other party took the initiative to come to the door to test, he had to go out to test the wind and see how the two eunuchs in Yanqu Hall took the blame.

He originally wanted to stay at home for ten days and a half months and wait until the storm was completely over.

Now it seems that this method is not very reliable.

"Passive waiting doesn't work, so I can only take the initiative."

Li Xuan made up his mind to go to Yanqu Hall to inquire about the news tomorrow.

The three little ones made a fuss in the house for a while, and then they cleaned up the things on the table.

It was getting dark, and Yu'er had to prepare dinner.

Li Xuan was also helpless in cooking.

He looked at his cat claws, and then suddenly exerted force, and the cat claws bloomed instantly.

But the extent of the bloom is really limited, I am afraid that even the thinnest chopsticks can't hold it.

So the cooking has to be done by Yu'er herself.

"Your Highness, the silver ingots and these broken silver coins will be kept here for you first."

Yu'er only picked up the food on the table, took out the silver ingots and the broken silver in her purse, and handed them to Princess Ankang.


"Hasn't Sister Yu'er always been in charge of the money and grain in Jingyang Palace?"

"I don't know about this either, so let Sister Yu'er take care of it."

Princess Ankang was about to refuse, but was stopped by Yu'er.

"No, I'm afraid of losing so much silver if I carry it with me, and I'm afraid of hiding it in the house when I go out to work."

"Instead of that, it's better to let Your Highness keep it. Your Highness doesn't go out much on weekdays, so it's just right to keep these silver coins."

"Now that Your Highness has grown up, it's time to start learning these things."

Although Yu'er said so, Princess Ankang still had some hesitation on her face.

"It's settled. Didn't Your Highness tell me before that you would share my worries?" After hearing this, Princess Ankang no longer hesitated and nodded firmly to agree to this matter. "Don't worry, Sister Yu'er, Ankang will keep the silver." "Okay, then Yu'er would like to thank Your Highness." In the end, Yu'er just kept the copper coins in her purse, and gave all the silver to Princess Ankang for safekeeping, including the broken silver she had picked up recently. There were quite a lot of them added up, and they could be piled up into a small pile. The three children gathered in front of the silver, and even Li Xuan couldn't help but feel a little dazed. Just a few days ago, they were still worrying about the next meal, but now they are already a little rich. "With this money, we don't have to eat brown rice porridge all the time in the future." Yu'er whispered softly, and their eyes showed anticipation at the same time. Tomorrow will be better than today. Is there anything happier in the world than this?

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