Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 264: Incarnation of Pain and the Meeting of the Holy See

For Yalin, the advent of the demon **** in the western part of the mainland is really a happy thing. Although the five supreme gods will definitely defeat the demon dominator, it will at least keep the sanctuary and the supporters behind it, the emerald green dragon, busy For a while, if he could, Yalin hoped that the demons would dominate the western part of the mainland to ease the burden of Ulduar.

Concentrated on the spirit Yalin's efforts, he felt this malicious breath from the twisted void, extreme pain, wild screams, silent hissing, and **** cruelty!

"Pain rules Mosta!"

"Mosta! Is that name?" Manigott reacted, and the heart-slayer had mentioned the name when he was tortured and distorted by humanoid scorpions.

As soon as Yalin reached out, he projected an image into the air. This is a huge half-human monster. The upper body looks like a human. The lower body looks like a worm. The open arms are several meters long and look like huge. The scorpion claw constantly oozes a strong corrosive body fluid from its mouth, and its body is covered with various torture instruments for abuse.

"The misery in the Twisting Nether dominates Mosta, also known as the Lord of Pain and the Lord of Moths. Unlike the killing of Areguso, Mosta is a pure incarnation of pain, and it has nothing to do more than give The innocent people captured by him tortured and tortured, broken their arms, dug out their internal organs, and put women and children on the fire to grill them. For Mosta, the most beautiful voice in the world is the misery of the prisoner. Screaming and mourning. In its kingdom there are countless cruel demons with sadistic personality, who will torture souls falling into the twisted void constantly every moment. "

Although Wu Yalin's tone was kept as flat as possible, but the terrible content was matched with the weird appearance dominated by the pain in midair, everyone felt shudder. The reason why Yalin so deliberately explains the situation of the **** of pain is to give everyone a shot and a shot to let them know what kind of enemies they will face in this world

Gradually Kaludia and Hagen flashed the challenge in their eyes after the initial surprise. El Cid, Alberfica and Czech Friedmanigot shined with unyielding light, Yalin Very satisfied with the performance of the saints, he suddenly noticed Manigot, who recently turned into a melancholy man and looked at Mosta coldly, suddenly Manigot was determined With a sigh of relief, the cynical smile hung back to his face, and soon Manigott turned around and left.

"Where are you going?" Aberfica was a little worried about the companion.

"Say hello to Alisa." Manigott raised his hand to signal not to worry: "After all, even if you dodged, you would not be able to hide forever."

He took a few steps and Manigott suddenly turned his head and asked, "Yes, Lord Yalin, where does Alissa live now?"

"I'll take you there." Yalin stopped projecting and patted Manigot's shoulders and walked forward, summoning Manigot's favorability in the system increased by 1 point, although it was only 1 point, but after all it went up Already.


The advent of dominance means that the meeting point has been expanded to an extremely dangerous degree. Such a large abyss force has poured into the present world, and mortals may not be able to feel it, but the higher level people can clearly perceive this. Stocks are full of malicious breath.

The Holy See Holy Mountain, this cliff bathed in sacred light will always ring through the melodious bells to the goddess' carols and prayer towers! In the Cathedral of the Holy Light at the highest point of the cliff, through the white promenade decorated with blooming lilies of the valley, is the fascinating papal hall of the Holy See. The entire power of the Holy See covers almost half of the continent, and the decision makers who determine the operation of the Holy See are gathering here.

Among the four cardinals whose rights and duties are second to the Pope, in addition to visiting Iseno Riston, who has not yet returned, the other three gathered here. In addition, the head of the five Holy Knights of the Holy See, three of the six cardinals, and the highest decision maker of the Holy See, the sole spokesperson of the world ’s only goddess of light, Ishtar, Pope-Zhu Lean Herbert was also present.

The golden sunlight fell into the hall and reflected on the statue of the goddess. The statue of Ishtar, bathed in the sunlight, seemed more sacred and beautiful at this moment. The huge wings spread out, as if guarding the peace and tranquility of the world. Pope Julian stepped steadily to the statue and sat in his place.

"May the world be bright forever!"

The puppet pope bowed his head slightly and said softly, although the voice was not loud but strong and powerful. Just a slogan is enough to make people feel the unyielding faith and will.

"May the goddess' love and light shine on the whole world!"

The crowd sat after the ceremony, when Pope Julian Herbert looked up. As the supreme leader and decision maker of the Holy See, the goddess Ishtar is the spokesperson of the world, this pope who does not easily appear in the world looks very young, yes! Very young. Compared to three elderly cardinals, Pope Julian Herbert is just a young man in his twenties. Although young, Pope Julian has the most pious soul and is most insightful into the doctrine of the goddess. In his heart, Yu Xin shone with the most pure belief without any trace of impurities. Even the cardinal Bishop Marg, who was most critical of etiquette and doctrine, could not find anything wrong with Julian.

"Everyone who is chosen by the goddess! I believe everyone knows why they were summoned urgently. I think everyone should feel that the evil and evil demons in the abyss are trying to break into this world and defile this belongs to Ishtar The kingdom of the goddess of Seoul. "The pope quickly cut to the point without saying extra polite words:" Now the heresies and unbelievers who have betrayed the truth in the West are being eroded by demons. According to the intelligence officers, the western mainland worships the evil of demons The believers have become active in abducting and killing innocent people, and the huge meeting point has formed a large number of demons in the abyss are entering this world. "

The head of the Knights of the Light, the strongest of the five knights, Handasser, carrying a huge sword and crossing his arms with his arms, said, "Her majesty, although the advent point of the devil is the gathering place of the unbelievers in the west, Just in case the knights have entered a third-level alert state, if the demons have a tendency to spread to the east, the knights can start at any time. "

Julian nodded and was very satisfied with Handasser's response speed: "Very good, but considering that there may be lords or even master-level demons coming, the Knights' level of alertness will be raised by one level."

A cardinal also reported an incident at this moment: "Her Majesty, may I have a new deity for this advent goddess?"

"The goddess does have a new deity, but it involves heretics and unbelievers. No action is required until the demon crisis has passed. Now the priests in each parish should first pay close attention to the generation of the meeting point. You cannot let go of any suspicious point. Once you find that a meeting point has formed, you must report and clean up the meeting point as soon as possible. "

"Actually, the Kingdom of Saxony also needs to pay more attention recently, after all, a trace of demons has been found before," said Cardinal Marg.

"Bishop Marg, please tell us in detail!"

Because of her age, Marg spoke very slowly: "Our five intelligence officers found and battled an abyss-inspired woman in the last operation. According to them, the woman was very strong, especially In terms of speed, the last five can't beat her even if they join forces. "

Julian thought for a while and replied, "Isn't this reported back?"

"Because only a woman suspected of being a cult was found, the church in the Kingdom of Saxony is investigating secretly, but your Majesty the Pope also knows ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ Those unbelievers and heretics are spreading their heresy in the Kingdom of Saxony, leading to The investigation lead was interrupted. Considering that this single case belongs to Level 4 information, it was not reported according to the regulations. "Marg sighed and seemed to regret that no female cultist had been investigated.

It is even more regrettable that Pope Julian, the missionary work of the Kingdom of Saxony has always been a sacred heart of the Holy See. This small country in the far north has temporarily resided in an important geographical location, especially the Kingdom of Saxony also has to fight against the Europeans who are trying to go south. The Georgians, for a long time, even if the Holy See temporarily prevailed in the spread of beliefs, but they did not dare to support the new king, so that the chaos in the Saxony kingdom caused the Ouge to break through the blockade and invade the entire continent.

Originally, the Holy See formulated a wonderful plan of killing two birds with one stone. While suppressing the spread of the heresies of the unbelievers and heresies in the Saxony kingdom, it could help Dean, the second prince of the Berlama kingdom, get rid of the obstructors and take the throne. The Holy See completely became the state religion of Belama's kingdom, but failed due to 'accident'.

The plan failed, not only that the Holy See was also suspicious of the Saxon royal family, and its prestige and trust fell sharply. In a short time, heretics will definitely take this opportunity to expand their influence in the Saxony kingdom!

"The church in the Kingdom of Saxony can temporarily stop missionary work. At this stage, the main task is to prevent the formation of a meeting point, and to prevent the devil's plague from spreading to the east. Bishop Iserno asked him to explain to the Kingdom of Saxony, and I hope that during this special event, the work of the church will not be hindered. "Julian, the pope, knew that although it was important to spread faith, it was more important to prevent the demons in the abyss from entering this world.

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