Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 246: Mortal position

Hard work! ? More than just hard work, helping an idiot is a disaster! Sariane cast a ‘you understand’ look at Closed.

Speaking of Silvado, the idiot prince first knew at least the scoring and knew what to do and what not to do when he was chosen by the killing leader Aregusu. But since Sharien came into this world, when everything in the Golden Spike territory fell into the hands of Silvador in name, the idiot started wanton again. Think carefully about a prince who was destined to be excluded from the struggle for power and had no attention and powerlessness. Suddenly he received the help of a force that is not of the world, and turned his elder fiancee into a plaything. It has seized the rich territory of the whole kingdom, and can even defeat all competitors in the future to sit on the throne of the king. The expansion of the territory and the expansion of the Quartet, the huge reversal of the inner heart is like an unstoppable torrent. Same, enough to drown anyone's reason!

的 Silvado, who had lived in inferiority and resentment for a long time, was naturally inevitable. This huge change was dazzled, and began to abuse the power and rights in his hands! It's too easy to do things that others can't do for a lifetime, and Silvado has begun to look down on others. He seems to have a higher existence than the demons, and others are humble ants.

In fact, just before Closed slaps Silvado, Sharien has rushed to the door. Sharien, who was already annoyed by Silvado's stupid behavior, has stopped blocking Crossi The idea of ​​virtue. Sharien also intends to beat Silvado with Closed's hand, so that this idiot prince who has gained a little abyss strength will not know that he has learned a little lesson to understand his situation, so as to at least avoid the idiot in the future Do less stupid things.

I do n’t know if it was Closed ’s two slaps or Sally ’s disregard. Silvado, who rolled her face and rolled aside, awake slightly. Even the two succubus in the abyss had to show respect. May be just a mortal. But alas, isn't the demon master the strongest? Isn't the Demon Lord the existence that can compete with the gods? Even those who surpass the power of the world cannot be the opponents of the devil!

Sharien looked at a decadent color of Silvado sitting on the ground, and there was a scorn of irony in his eyes: "Let me introduce to you, His Royal Highness Silvador, this is Ke The vice-chairman of the Blackstone Circle Chamber of Commerce in Losside, and he has another prince like you, the prince of the black dragon clan of the five dragons! "

会 Vice President of the Blackstone Circle Chamber of Commerce! ? His Royal Highness the Black Dragon! ?

Silvado suddenly stumbled. The man in front of him was actually a dragon and the most terrifying black dragon in the literature and records! Similarly, as a prince, Silvado, a powerless prince, does not have the gold content of Closed's prince status. Except for the power, it is not just that Closed's own black dragon owns the power of mortals. The time is immeasurable!

洛 Closside glanced at Silvador who was not interested in answering a word with him, and this attitude made Silvado's head bow in pain.

Sharien is very satisfied with Silvado's performance now: "And another Miss Aleksis is also a Dragon Race, a messenger sent by Yalin, the White Dragon King, who once fought with you in the Arena. Princess An's blood is even for the Bailong tribe. Yalin, the former king of white dragons, has killed gods! "

Kill the gods┉┉

Silvado felt that his spirit was going to be numb. He originally thought that he had become a person who can look down on the world with the power of the devil. Everyone should take it for granted. There is no one in this world who dares to disobey himself. Defy yourself. But now only the dragons originally recorded in books and documents appear one after another, even a dragon king has killed the gods.

"Isn't the Demon Master the strongest being? Sally's ┉┉Why ┉┉ Why?" Silvado asked with a shuddering expression with a shattered expression on his face.

Apparently, Sallyne was very disgusted with Silly asking this stupid question. The succubus queen looked at Silvado with cold eyes for the first time. Silvado gave a shiver and couldn't say anything afterwards. Already.

为什么 "Why didn't you kill us?" Alec Hess said something for Silvado.

Alec Hess, who was in an elf posture, walked in front of Silvado with graceful steps. Her beautiful eyes revealed the bitter cold light. The water elements around him quickly became active and absorbed the heat. The temperature of the entire room Significantly decreased.

"To find out your stupid mortal! The demon master does have a strong power, but it does not mean that the master will be willing to use power for you a mortal, even if you are the one chosen by the master, don't think that you are special, Because there are too many people who can replace you! It is best to remember that both you and me are the pawns in the hands of the host we serve, and only ours and our masters are the players in this chess game! So as pawns You have to understand that any chess piece except 'king' in the game may be discarded, especially those that are too weak and incompetent! "Alexis's words seemed to pierce Shir with an invisible blade Vado's body.

Suddenly, Silvado found that the powerful power that he thought he had obtained was actually so fragile, yeah, in the end, he was just a chess piece. A chess piece in the hands of the devil, if the chess piece does not show its own Sooner or later will be abandoned.

Sharien quietly cast a smile on Aleksis. The succubus queen was very satisfied with Aleksis's remarks. It really should make this idiot figure out his own position. He was just the master. It is just a piece of chess. If the piece is too useless, it will be discarded ruthlessly, not to mention that the piece will actually dare to obey the instructions and act recklessly.

Set her sights on Silvado, who was already stunned, and Sharien felt that he should make up for him. It would be better to be a wasteful person than to add chaos to himself. He did n’t expect anything in Silvado anyway. Outstanding performance: "Look aside, Your Royal Highness Silvador! This is the world you will face in the future."

"The world we face is haha ​​~ haha" Silvado raised his head in disgrace and looked at Sharien with a distorted expression, like a miserable prisoner who was escorted from the torture chamber: "Master Did n’t you say that it would give me power over the world? Why is it like this now, why? Did you lie to me! ”

"Do you doubt the Master's promise?" Shalian's face became darkened. "The Master has given you the strength you promised, let's see! You can twist the metal to tear the steel at will, and you can easily kill it. Dozens of powerful warriors, the power you have can be regarded as the top existence in the entire kingdom of Belama, a prince without any power has become the lord of the richest territory, fooling his two Brother, the king who controls the whole country will even sit in the only supreme throne in the future, do you have any dissatisfaction? "

Silvado suddenly stood still and lowered his head silently, as Sally said, indeed he now has everything he once dared not imagine.

"It's just that all this is a worldly existence. You have unimaginable power in mortals, but in a world outside of the world, your power is worthless, so you should feel honored. His Highness Vado! You have stepped out of the realm of mortals to a higher level, and you have witnessed a world where mortals have no chance to touch! Perhaps in the secular world you can do whatever you want, but in this higher level world Here you better converge on your stupid behavior, knowing that whether you are a king or the power you have is worthless! "

It's like the homeless poor envy the middle class with a house and think that is the top of the world ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ However, when the poor have a chance to become a middle class and have their own house, the poor finds themselves above There are also richer people. Ordinary people admire millionaires, millionaires admire millionaires, and millionaires admire billionaires!

战士 A soldier is improving his strength. At the same time that his strength is increasing, his horizons are also widening. He once thought that the existence of the peak was only a beginning when he reached that point, because there is a stronger existence on you!

Silvado was rescued by his maid, and Succubus Queen Sharon was politely deprived of all the command power of the Silvado. In other words, she was kept in the lord's residence as a pet. In the future plans and actions, he only needs to show his face at the appropriate time. If the idiot prince has not learned to converge after learning this lesson today, succubus queen Sallyne doesn't mind disturbing his brain. The paste turned him into a string puppet in his own hands.

Anyway, the order to kill the master of Areguso is to keep Silvado alive. As for how Silvado is alive, there is no requirement for the killing master!

"Please forgive me for the inconvenience caused today. On behalf of the killer, Lord Areguso, I hope that we can cooperate with each other happily!"

In the room, the succubus queen Sharien, the black dragon prince Closide and the white dragon messenger Aleksis shook hands with each other, and this grip represented the official start of cooperation between each other.

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