Otherworldly White Dragon Lord

Chapter 218: Confrontation

Constance was less than five hours from the hidden hotel to Alissa's mansion. Silvado suddenly came to visit at this time, and had to make people wonder if there was any news leaked in that link.

"Miss Constantine and Mr. Bosser, you are hiding in the back room for a while."

Although she was worried, Alisa immediately made arrangements, and the maids quickly entered the room and began to deal with the traces methodically.

"What about us?" Manigott pointed to himself.

"The identity of the two is that the businessmen from Saxony are not wanted, but it is better to pretend to be a guest who meets with me, so there is a good reason to send Silvado away."

The steward came in front of Alissa and whispered, "Miss Alissa, the time of Silvado's visit is too strange, just in case you need to make some arrangements?"

"If it's arranged, ┉┉! It's up to you to do it." Alisa nodded slightly, thinking a little.


Alisa left first as a special envoy to lead Silvador. Most of the maids in this mansion were specially trained in the Alisa family to do things very efficiently. Constantine and Naposser were brought to the maid. It was built in a closet in the room. Although this closet was small, it was equipped with a soundproof encirclement and an anti-detection encirclement. Obviously, the person who built the closet had spent a lot of time on it. And Manigote and Alfalfa have changed into two expensive dresses brought by the maid. Alberfica, with a calm personality and a good temperament, plays the negotiating businessman, while Manegalt plays the escort. Not only that, the maids even put a large number of documents on the table, and it looked like they were really conducting business negotiations.

The entrance of the mansion ┉┉

丽 Elisa, who had finished her clothes, said to the visiting Silvado in a humble manner: "Although I would like to say that you are welcome, Your Highness Silvador, but can you send a notice before you come next?"

I was very rude to face a prince Eliza, but Elisa had the attitude to face Silvador's capital. Elisa's mother, Mrs. Angelina, is the cousin of today's king. In some ways, Elisa is only a cousin of Silvado. It has been extremely rude and disrespectful to compare Alisa's behavior with the identity of the prince and his subjects, but it is not rude to consider her identity as a sibling.

"Haha ~ what does it matter, after all, we are sisters and brothers, there is no need to care about so many etiquette and details."

Silvado walked into the mansion accompanied by the escort, and when he saw Eliza, Silvado couldn't help but stop at the fullness of his cousin's chest, this enchanting **** figure It really sparked her own desire. With the dress of Alisa today, the luxurious violet and black dresses perfectly set off the perfect figure. In terms of appearance, Alisa and Mina are known as the double capital of the Emperor. The entire Belmar Kingdom does not know how many young and handsome men have pursued Alisa, but until now Alissa has looked down on anyone.

Before summoning the demon in the abyss, Silvado also met with Alisa several times at the royal party. When he first met, Silva regarded Alissa as a celestial being. When he saw the succubus queen, Sharien, Before, Silvado always thought that Alisa was the most beautiful woman she had ever seen in her life, and she had been privately more than once. I imagined that one day, my cousin would surrender in front of herself, and humblely called herself a master. Play around with yourself. But at the time, Silvado could only reach this level. A poor prince almost forgotten in the royal family, and once she had set up her own business group and power, Eliza could not watch Silva more. One more look.

But now it's different. I have a devil behind me! Even Mina Kenansi, who was always looking down on that weekday, was the daughter of the duke who was going to marry her brother! Now she has not become her own slave, crying and crying in bed every day. As long as the Lord comes to this world, and then the entire Belama Kingdom will be in its hands, will Alissa still be running? Emperor Shuanghua waited on the big bed together, only thinking about Silvado was excited.

"My current status is the special envoy of King Du, and certain things still have to be handled in accordance with the rules. For example, today, Her Royal Highness Silvado would send someone to inform you and I would not run away in vain." Alisa did not intend to lead Silvado entered the room and said in a cold, warm tone.

Silvado's gaze shifted again to the pair of slender beautiful legs laid down by Alisa's skirt: "Run for nothing! I finally took some time to visit my cousin, did she also drive me away? ?"

席 Since a long time, Silvado has always had bad feelings about Alisa, and she is good at seeing and watching.

At first, Alisa didn't really hate the royal prince and her cousin. After all, a person was born with a tragic fate, and was treated as an extra thing to be treated as a cold and contemptuous person. Alisa had more compassion for Silvador. However, when Silvador had approached herself with an impure purpose because of her sister, especially after noticing that Silvador always stared at herself with red-naked possessive eyes, Alisa was right The small amount of mercy that Silvador held finally turned into anger and disdain.

Such people are not worthy of sympathy!

Alisa didn't want to be too entangled with Silvado: "You speak highly of Your Highness Silvador. Today I happened to entertain a few businessmen who are discussing some things. Now there is really no time to entertain you, Your Royal Highness. You will be here in a few days. "

Suddenly, Alisa noticed that the number of guards brought by Silvado┉┉was a little unusual! Suddenly, Alisha had a bad hunch and quietly made a gesture to the steward behind her.

"Cousin Elisa is entertaining guests. It seems that I'm not here at the right time." Silvado looked at Elisa with a playful smile: "Cousin, will you be entertaining? Two fugitives from the Gledo family. "

Damn it! The news leaked!

Elisa's most worried thing happened, but on the surface she was still calm as if she didn't know anything: "This is not a funny joke, Your Highness Silvado."

"Is that so? I don't think my cousin will take in the traitor, but I have received some news. Someone saw two fugitives in the Glade family seem to have hid in the cousin's house."

"The place where the Gledo family can be found now is probably your Highness' house," said Alisa with a sarcastic tone.

This woman has dared to look down on me like this until after I take control of the kingdom of Belama, I must raise you as a pet, all the humiliation I have suffered in the past must be returned to your feast a hundred times Elvado looked at Elisha with a smile, cursing with the most vicious thought in her heart.

既然 "Since this is the case, let me search it a bit."

After saying that Silvado beckoned to the guards behind him and beckoned, Eliza stepped forward and stopped Silvado.

"Your Highness! Have you forgotten one thing?"


There was anger in Alissa's tone: "Under the laws of the Kingdom of Belama, no lord has the right to search the special envoy's house or arrest the detained special envoy without a special permission order issued by the king. Otherwise, his prince would be You have carried treason. "

"Is that so? Sorry cousin, you don't know how I like to read these law books." Silvado said with an apology, but the next moment, Silvado's tone suddenly stunned: "But! Sister Alissa, let me tell you one thing, too. The envoys and the treason are involved in all the crimes."

"I know this better than you, His Royal Highness!" Alisa replied indifferently ~ www.NovelMTL.com ~ That's great! Go in and search for me! "

Silvado's sudden change suddenly made Elisa angry: "Are you crazy, Silvado? What do you think is this place, do you want to search and search?"

The guards of Silvador had just taken a step forward, the guard behind Alisa had pulled out the sword, and the blade of cold light was waiting for the master's next order with the intention of killing, as long as Alissa ordered, even if In front of the king is the prince, and the guards will not hesitate to take his head.

"Here is the Golden Spike Territory belongs to my kingdom, and here I am the king! Don't make me angry, cousin, you think your guards will be ten rivals, but how long can they resist." Silva Many expressions became stunned, barely concealing the fierce light and greed in his eyes, looking at Alisa's body back and forth.

Silvado looked up and down with such obscene eyes, and Alisa was very annoyed but she did not lose her mind. Since she has said this, it is clear that Silvado did not intend to put the laws of the kingdom in place. Seeing it. Now that he is at a disadvantage, even if the guards are strong, they cannot defeat the guards of the entire Golden Spike Territory. Silvado's forcible search is absolutely unstoppable. The only thing I have to do is to cope with this problem first, and then I will return to Wang Duli afterwards to use this to make Silvado beautiful!

Then she took a deep breath and quickly adjusted her mindset: "If you want to search the fugitives, if you didn't find them in my residence?"

"Well, isn't Cousin Eliza already planning?" Silvado said confidently.

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