Other Worlds Heavenly Dragon In Doulou Dalu Chapter 518

Huo Yuhao looked at his Senior Brother He, and after a while, he focused his attention on the two people in the spirit battle arena again.

"Den! Deng! Deng!" In the spirit battle arena, the two spears were also golden, and they kept colliding with each other, making a loud noise.

Just after the start of the battle, the two attacked in almost exactly the same way. Using mighty physical strength, they exploded in an instant, stomping on the ground and heading towards each other at a super-fast speed. , and then he slammed the spear in his hand towards the opponent.

After the loud collision of "peng!", the battle between the two began.

Now the two people on the field are not using the martial spirit, but using their respective martial spirits to carry out the most simple but eye-catching spearmanship duel.

Wang Qiu'er waved the Golden Dragon Spear and launched a continuous thrust towards Qiu Bai, Qiu Bai was holding the spear shaft with both hands to evade, and every time he could dodge Wang Qiu'er attack.

Seeing that the thrusting attack seems to have no effect, Wang Qiu'er also changed the attack method. He directly swung the golden spear and swept downwards. Qiu Bai volleyed and avoided Wang Qiu directly. 'er sweep. But this is exactly what Wang Qiu'er wanted to see. Wang Qiu'er turned his body, aimed at Qiu Bai in the air, and sent his back hand suddenly, and the Golden Dragon Spear stabbed directly at Qiu Bai.

Qiu Bai in midair turned his body directly, his head was facing down, and then he waved the spear in his hand and swept it hard, hitting the Golden Dragon Spear that was stabbing at him to the other side, Qiu Bai I also fell steadily to the ground. The Golden Dragon Spear was blocked, and Wang Qiu'er also used this strength to grab the end of the spear shaft with one hand, and then swept towards Qiu Bai again. Qiu Bai's spear shaft stood upright and blocked, and used the spear shaft to resist the sharp spear tip position of the Golden Dragon Spear. Taking advantage of the figure, he suddenly stepped back, trying to let the Golden Dragon Spear out of Wang Qiu'er's control.

Wang Qiu'er also noticed Qiu Bai's intentions, and directly made a spin all over his body to free the Golden Dragon Spear, the spear shaft returned to his hands again, and looked at Qiu Bai, who had retreated a distance from the opposite figure. stand up.

Now this scene happened in a flash, although it's just a simple spearmanship duel, but the level of excitement is no less than the soul skill battle between Spirit Masters.

"Hey, Yuhao, your girlfriend is pretty good. You can be said to be on a par with that kid Qiu Bai." Xu Sanshi on the side looked at the two people who were colliding violently, also using his elbow Nodding Huo Yuhao said to him with a smile.

"Haha, where, where." Said by Xu Sanshi, Huo Yuhao also said a little embarrassed.

"Wow, Big Sis is so powerful, he can play like this with Qiu Bai." Lan Susu of Shrek Team on the other side sighed when he saw the two fiercely fighting.

"That is to say,

Qiu Bai is from Spirit Sage." Lan Luoluo also echoed his elder sister.

Wang Qiu'er's combat capability can be said to be deeply experienced by all of them. In a training session, Wang Qiu'er and Ning Tian were in a group, and the rest of them were in a group. In your case, Wang Qiu'er literally beat them all. Since then, Wang Qiu'er Shrek Team Captain's majesty has remained unshakable.

And Qiu Bai's strength is not to mention, the spirit power level alone is a lot ahead of them, and the combat capability has reached a perverted level. It is undoubtedly a very shocking thing that Wang Qiu'er can play like this with others.

"No!" At this moment, a cold and beautiful voice came from the side.

"Elder Sister Xue'er, what's wrong?" Lan Susu leaned over and asked.

That's right, it's Snow Empress that makes the sound.

"That guy, he's not serious at all. He's just been playing. Except for the initial attack, he hasn't even attacked." Snow Empress looked at the spirit battle arena, holding a spear. Qiu Bai showed a warm smile, lightly saying.

"Hey, that's not it." Snow Empress's remarks also made some other people react instantly, but Qiu Bai's behavior just now was just as Snow Empress said.

In fact, as Snow Empress said, the fierce battle just now was really the result of Qiu Bai's release of water.

Through Qiu Bai's battle with Wang Qiu'er just now, he can also roughly estimate that Wang Qiu'er's physical strength is similar to when he was around Rank 50, when his dragon transformation Art cultivation has reached the Dragon Scale Realm Late Stage, and its physique is enough to absorb the spirit ring of about 70,000 to 80,000 years.

Don't look at the physical strength of Qiu Bai Rank 50s, but that is Qiu Bai has a long-term training body, and a body refining art like Zhang's dragon transformation art can achieve that level. Generally speaking, to achieve this level of fleshy body strength, at least a Spirit Master of High-Class Strength Spirit, and at least a Spirit Douluo with a spirit power level of Rank 80 or above can be achieved.

Wang Qiu'er deserves to be said that after the transformation is the Golden Dragon Spirit. This physique enhancement directly leads the ordinary Strength Spirit Master by two large steps.

I have to say that after such a test, Qiu Bai can be said to be quite a sense of achievement. With his own training, he turned his physical strength and cultivation into an Ultimate that is better than Wang Qiu'er. Owner of Strength Spirit.

Qiu Bai looked towards the sassy silhouette holding the golden spear on the opposite side, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, after playing for so long, he should be a little more serious.

Qiu Bai rubbed the golden spear shaft on his hands, expressed congeals, and his figure disappeared in place in an instant.

Wang Qiu'er on the other side seemed to act intuitively and directly placed the Golden Dragon Spear in front of him.


After a huge spear collision sound, Qiu Bai appeared at the position where Wang Qiu'er was before, and Wang Qiu'er was directly hit It flew out in one blow.

Wang Qiu'er can be said to be quite confused, Qiu Bai suddenly disappeared in front of her eyes just now, and then her innate intuition is to tell her to take a defensive posture. The next second Wang Qiu'er just felt as if he was hit by something huge, like Soul Beast, a huge force, scenery in front of the whole person was directly pulled away, and then the whole person flew out .

Wang Qiu'er swings his hands, turning the Golden Dragon Spear in his hand from horizontal to vertical, and then inserts it into the ground to slow down the force after being knocked into the air. After leaving a long scratch on the ground, Wang Qiu'er finally stabilized his figure.

Wang Qiu'er firmly grasped the Golden Dragon Spear inserted into the ground. At this moment, her face can be said to be quite bad. Apart from being shocked by the sudden change of the situation, more It is unbelievable that this is the first time that she has been suppressed to this extent in terms of strength.

At this time, the fingers on her hands were numb from the shock of Qiu Bai's blow just now, and not only that, but also her two arms were smashed by the huge force just now. Almost lost consciousness. Now, it can be said that she can't even pull out the Golden Dragon Spear that was inserted into the ground.

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