Other Worlds Heavenly Dragon In Doulou Dalu Chapter 511

Shrek Academy Spirit Battle Area

It has been five days since the Eight Difficulties Tablet stood here. Every day, everyone is doing cultivation here. The cultivation time is not very long under the gravity environment, it will be sweating profusely. However, this kind of extreme physical exercise also benefits everyone. After each extreme exercise, they can always feel that their spírit power has increased by a little after recovering on their own. This is similar to the daily weight-bearing exercise they did when they first came to Shrek Academy, but now the gravity environment is undoubtedly much stronger than the weight-bearing.

"hu hu ~~ No, I'm going to take a break, I'm too tired." In the spirit battle arena gravity area, Xu Sanshi brow beaded with sweat from the high gravity area to the low gravity area with difficulty area forward.

"It's only so long, you can't get enough time." Beibei, who was on the side, said to Xu Sanshi jokingly.

"Fuck! For a while?! It's been over an hour, you can, you can continue to practice." Xu Sanshi also growled at Beibei's teasing.

"Huh!" Beibei smiled lightly, and then continued to do push-ups where he was, in fact, Xu Sanshi was right, he did reach his limit, but he didn't want to end so easily, see Looking at the two slim silhouettes in front of his area, he also decided to grit his teeth and insist. After all, as a senior, he was overtaken by his junior sister, which made him a little embarrassed. Now he has to catch up quickly.

Eight Difficulties Tablet is always here, but only Snow Empress can control it. So Shrek and Tang Sect people, if you want to cultivate, you must come after Snow Empress. Wang Qiu'er and Tang Ya also asked Snow Empress about her training plan. Snow Empress also directly told them that she would arrive around every morning, leave at midday, start at Shen Shi in the afternoon, and leave at Xu Shi.

After that, Snow Empress's cultivation time has also become their cultivation time. After all, they are here to rub other people's treasure cultivation.

At this time, in the gravity area of spirit battle arena, only Wang Qiu'er and Snow Empress are still holding on, and just now Beibei also came to the edge area to rest.

"Yoh, isn't someone okay, why did you come here so soon." Seeing Beibei coming over, Xu Sanshi was also ruthless's fault.

"At least longer than someone." Beibei said with a smile.

"Just for a while, you're too embarrassed to say it." Xu Sanshi rolled the eyes.

"Okay, aren't you tired? You still have the heart to bicker here." Jiang Nannan, who was on the side, glanced at Xu Sanshi and said.

"Okay, don't talk about it, don't talk about it. If it wasn't for that kid Beibei teasing me before, I wouldn't care about him." After Jiang Nannan said this, Xu Sanshi also immediately ignored Beibei, He walked up to Jiang Nannan with a smile on his face.

Beibei looked at Xu Sanshi's shameless appearance,

also a little speechless, and saw Tang Ya staring at the center of the spirit battle arena next to him.

"Xiaoya, what's the matter?" Beibei asked Tang Ya, sitting beside him.

"That stone tablet is a treasure, but it looks different from the ordinary spirit artifact. It seems to be made by another special method." Tang Ya touched his chin, serious 's analysis.

"Really! Qiu Bai has quite a few strange things in his hands. I don't know where he got it from." Beibei said with a smile.

"This thing, let's Tang Sect get one too." Tang Ya said.

"Can you make this thing?" Beibei asked in surprise.

"How is that possible! As far as this level of spirit artifact is concerned, at least if it is Earth Grade or even Heaven Grade, I'm just a Spirit Refiner, how can I do it. But if you give me some time, it should be about the same, eh , should, no problem." Tang Ya replied.

"Really? Then our Sect Master should work harder." Beibei looked at Tang Ya and said with a smile.

Beibei was about to sit down, but saw Huo Yuhao who got up and was about to enter the gravity area again.

"Little junior brother, it's only been a while before you're ready to enter again." Beibei waved to Huo Yuhao and said.

"I'm recovering fast, I want to practice a little longer." Huo Yuhao walked up to Beibei and said with a smile.

"Really? I don't think I just want to cultivate for a while." Beibei said to Huo Yuhao with some playfulness.

Huo Yuhao looked at Wang Qiu'er who was still in the gravity cultivation area and said a little embarrassed. The gravity area he stayed in was even farther than Beibei, Xu Sanshi and several Spirit Emperors, which was a huge burden for him. He wanted to support him, but Wang Qiu 'er was brought out and forced to rest.

"Qiu'er is stronger than me. When I went to the soul hunt forest before, she was injured when she was in danger and was almost unable to protect her, so I wanted to become stronger as soon as possible, so that I could Protect her." Huo Yuhao looked at Wang Qiu'er's direction, clenched his fists and said firmly.

"little junior brother, don't be too hasty, you are still young, you are a combination of twin spirits, Body Spirit and Ultimate Spirit, when you grow up in the future, your strength will definitely be better than Wang Qiu' er is stronger." Beibei looked at the serious little junior brother in front of him and couldn't help but say to him.

"Haha, but I still want to get stronger quickly. Then, elder senior brother, Teacher Xiaoya, I'll go first." Huo Yuhao laughed and then went straight into the area of gravity. middle.

"Little Yuhao, it's really hard work." Tang Ya said, looking at Huo Yuhao who entered the gravity area.

On the other side, Shrek Team.

Dai Huabin looked at Huo Yuhao who had re-entered the gravity area, his eyes were also cold and he stood up.

"Huabin, you..." Zhu Lu, who was sitting next to Dai Huabin, looked at Dai Huabin who got up and asked aloud.

"You have a good rest, I will continue my cultivation." After Dai Huabin and Zhu Lu said a word, they also walked towards the gravity area. Zhu Lu looked at Dai Huabin who got up and walked towards the gravity area, and was also ready to follow.

"You better not follow him. If you go now, you won't be able to hold on for a long time. He's just fighting Huo Yuhao by doing this now, so don't worry about it. "Ning Tian, who was not far behind Zhu Lu, said to him.

"It's none of your business. Are you speaking for Huo Yuhao like this? I remember that your relationship with him is not that good." Zhu Lu said coldly, looking at Ning Tian.

Huo Yuhao has always been a knot in Dai Huabin's heart. Since he entered Shrek Academy and was defeated by him, who was only a 1 Ring Spirit Master at the time, several challenges ended in failure. He was defeated by Huo Yuhao, who had already consumed a lot in the two-team challenge match some time ago, which made him always concerned.

Dai Huabin has always been hostile to Huo Yuhao, and Zhu Lu, his partner, naturally doesn't like Huo Yuhao.

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