The fifteen-minute cleaning was over quickly, and now they were heading to the meditation room to prepare for the most incomprehensible subject of the day.---They were joined by Horikita Manabu and Kiriyama, who were in the same group cleaning the corridor.

They knocked on the door of the meditation room and found that there was a teacher in charge and a monk in a cassock.

The teacher counted the number of people and found that there was no one missing, then he went up to explain to the students.

"Although you have all experienced the high-intensity competition in school, it is clear that after the winter break, some people have become slack."

"This forest school is also to help you get over the reluctance to leave Christmas and New Year. In order to strengthen your faith and cultivate your spirit, the school has specially prepared such a course arrangement."

"You may think that meditation is useless for students, but you are totally wrong! Force yourself to stop talking, stop moving, and even stop thinking about random things.���The mind and body are completely open. Silently ponder the true meaning of life and nature"

"Think carefully about your future, your past, what you really want, what you really need, etc. This opportunity is right in front of you, and you can take a good look at yourself. Of course, you can also take this opportunity to doze off, just like when you are in class at school, the school will not interfere with your choice. But whether the final test results will be affected is up to you to think about."

After the teacher finished his speech, he turned and walked out. According to the guidance of the monks, everyone sat on the cushions prepared by the school. This new experience also gave everyone a sense of novelty.

Yingyi himself felt okay. Although he had not practiced with any monks, perceiving nature and oneself was also a required course for the seventh type of"nothingness" in the Eight Leaves.

The two have the same purpose. The so-called"nothingness" It is an abstract concept in itself. Someone once said that existence is non-existence and non-existence is existence. Existence contains non-existence and non-existence contains existence. But obviously not everyone can understand it.

So for Ying Yi, this type of practice is also very difficult. It used to be difficult for him to completely relax his mind and put himself outside the real world.

After all, a slight disturbance around him may pull the wandering person back to reality.

And when he tried to forget something, he found that he finally found a clue. That is to actively forget those human obsessions and forget that he is a human being. He imagined that everything did not exist. After a long period of trial and tempering, he finally reached a state of selflessness and stillness. state.

So sitting on the cushion, Ying Yi quickly passed the meditation state and was in a trance.

This also made the monk open his jaw in surprise. He had never seen a high school student with such concentration. Normally, it was a normal reaction for those students to sway left and right, blink from time to time, and move their fingers from time to time.

The state like the soul leaving the body naturally made other students amazed. Because at this moment Ying Yi was really like a vegetable, but he could always feel the changes in the surrounding atmosphere and the dynamics of things.

The bell rang for the end of class, and the monk saluted slightly and walked out. The others couldn't help but stretch their bodies and move their muscles a few times. When they were about to wake up the teammate in the vegetative state, they found that the other party had already opened his eyes.

"that....How to say it?...Could it be that classmate Dongfang is the reincarnation of Buddha?"

"I don't know if he is Buddha or not, but this guy is indeed a good monk."

Yingyi didn't bother to pay attention to Ryuen's sarcasm:"I just learned something similar before. Don't worry about it."

After pretending to be cool, it was time for a pleasant breakfast. Although it is not obvious from the outside, Ishizaki's fried eggs are surprisingly beautiful.

I thought that Zen meditation was already a heavyweight, but I didn't expect that there would be masters in this special exam. The latest class requires all members of the entire group to show themselves in front of others.

"Tsk.....I said, could it be that the school got the wrong exam content from the kindergarten?"

Before Yingyi could say anything, Horikita Manabu pushed his glasses and said,"The forest special exams are generally about this kind of subjects. Although the curriculum changes every year, the purpose of doing so is to prevent the seniors from taking more advantages."

"show yourself....I don't know all of these people here, but they are pretty much there, right? Do they want me to go up and perform some talent?"

"Hahahaha! Then let me show you my beauty! Ah! I'm so beautiful!"

Different from the self-introduction at the beginning of the school year for Class D, Gaoyuan Temple also tentatively believed that there were many people in this room who were worthy of his words.

The general process was like that, everyone showed themselves in their own style, and the so-called showing was actually showing their basic information and hobbies and specialties.

After that, the unexpected but reasonable physical education part came. They were required to go mountain cross-country in this place where no one lays eggs.

"I heard that there is something called military training in this world....."

Ryuen suddenly mentioned this and was interrupted by Yingyi:"That's two completely different things. You know, although we are taking very strange courses, the final result is still the exam. And the more abstract the content is, the more difficult the exam will be. But at least now we can be sure that there will be some mountain race or mountain climbing competition on our last day."

"If there really is such a competition, our group would have the advantage. There is no one in the group who runs slowly, especially you, Horikita-senpai, and Ayanokouji. The last minute of the sports festival was something we will remember forever."

"Otherwise, why do you think I formed this group?"

Although I don't know how other subjects will be assessed, I can still have some ideas about meditation, but the subject of self-presentation is really confusing.

Although everyone has good physical strength, they are exhausted after a day of classes and a long mountain road cross-country. However, the school's arrangement is obviously not over yet. At the end of each day, they need to recite Buddhist scriptures for half an hour.

Even Yingyi's group is full of complaints, not to mention other groups. For a time, accusations and complaints against the school filled the entire Linjian School.

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