After that day, Yingyi and Arisu stuck together day by day. Whether playing chess together, watching horror movies together, or working together to bake the most delicious Okonomiyaki, although life lacks excitement, this leisurely and slow life makes them never tired of it.

Ishizaki was the same as before after the test of courage. It was said that he was frightened by the sudden screams and the mysterious hands that grabbed his legs, and his face turned pale and foamed at the mouth. In the end, he had to withdraw from the test of courage.

But Yingyi didn't pay much attention to this matter. First, he had done enough, and second, Arisu was tired of playing. Whether Ishizaki succeeded or not was his own business.

Another day, Yingyi suddenly received a notice from the tyrant:

""The one with the mask, I'm going to take action. Just wait and see that guy's miserable defeat!"

Yeah, he is really confident. After Yingyi told Arisu the news that Ryuen was going to take action, the two waited to see what the dragon boy could do.

Because they had gone through the shuffle battle together, the few people who originally had low learning abilities improved their grades with the help of Yukimura. And because they participated in study sessions many times, the few people also established a solid friendship.

On this day, Yukimura, Hasebe, Ayanokouji, Miyake, and Sakura Airi agreed to watch a movie together, but this news was learned by Ryuen who followed them day and night.

Hasebe, Sakura Airi, and Yukimura arrived at the lobby of the cinema early. At this time, Ryuen appeared in front of them with Ishizaki and Albert who were often with him.

"Hey, you want to watch a movie? How about watching it with me?"

When it comes to picking up trouble, Ryuen is a unique professional in this school. Sakura

Airi was frightened by the violent aura that came towards her and couldn't move. She tightly grasped Hasebe Haruka beside her. However, the latter didn't panic when she saw this scene, but her muscles were tense and her whole body was tense. Although

Yukimura didn't have good physical strength, he was the only boy and he usually had a very hot temper. How could he back down in the face of three guys who came to pick up trouble?

""Ryuen! What are you doing? I warn you, this is a movie theater!"

Yukimura's threat was obvious. In such a public place full of surveillance cameras, even if Ryuen wanted to use force, he had to think twice. Unless all three of you want to be expelled from school.

Ryuen would never take action in such a place, and his target was never the three little characters in front of him.

"Tsk......You seem very scared."

"Huh? Afraid of you? What a joke, in my opinion, if you can't use violence, you are nothing!"

Ryuuen didn't care, and turned his gaze from Yukimura in front of him to the girl behind him, to be precise, the trembling Sakura Airi, and pushed Yukimura who was blocking the way in front of him and walked towards her.

This made the two girls panic, and Yukimura tried to catch up, but was blocked by Albert and could not move forward.

Facing the fierce Ryuuen, Hasebe resolutely blocked the latter behind her in order to protect Sakura:"Ryuuen, what are you doing!"

"What are you excited about? I just want to chat with the classmate behind you. Shizuku."!!!!

Hasebe still didn't understand what was going on, but she heard that Ryuen's target was Sakura Airi behind her, so how could he let you get close to her?

Sakura Airi was shocked by the name Ryuen just said. Ryuen...Could it be that Ryuen knew her secret?

Ryuen also answered Sakura's surprise with his actions:

"Do you want me to say it again? Come with me obediently, I won't do anything to you, but if you dare to refuse, then wait for these things to be known to everyone in the school!"

"Huh? Who wants to go with you? Sakura, don't be afraid. Ryuen can't do anything to us here!"

"That's right, Airi, I won't let Ryuen bully you as long as I'm here!"

The two people didn't understand, but Sakura was trembling all over. She didn't dare to let other people in the school know this secret. The way those people looked at her made her extremely scared.

"I....I.....I...Why, why did you come to me?"

Long Yuan sighed, why did I come to you? If you didn't have some connection with that strategist and were easy to kill, why would I come to you?

"Stop talking nonsense! It's up to you to decide whether to go or not, but my patience is very limited!"

Ryuen said, deliberately taking Ishizaki and the other two away, Yukimura and Hasebe were slightly relieved. But at this time, Sakura Airi made a sound that they didn't expect:

"I....I'll go with you...."

"Huh? Sakura, are you kidding me? Nothing good will come of going with that guy!"

"That's right, Airi, why?"

Faced with her friend's doubts, Sakura shook her head without answering, broke free from Hasebe's protection and followed Ryuen and the other two who had just walked a short distance away.

"Wait! Airi, if you want to go, I'll go with you!"

"Gaga? Why you?"

"Idiot! We are friends, aren't we?"

Hasebe caught up with Sakura Airi and continued to hold her arm.

"And me. We are in the same group, and how can I watch you two girls take risks?"


Ai Sakura was touched by these two people. She thought that maybe she shouldn't hide her secret. When this matter is over, she must confess when she finds a chance.....

"Oh, you're quite sentimental."

"Ryuen! You don't have to pretend! I want to remind you that I don't know how you threatened Sakura, but if you dare to mess around, we won't let you go!"

Ryuen snorted coldly.

"My target is not you, follow me!���It depends on you guys."

The big fish that Ryuen mentioned made the three people guess. Taking away the three of them meant that the target should be someone related to them.

And the only possibility was the other two people in the 'Ayanokouji Group': Miyake or Ayanokouji.

But then what they couldn't figure out was that the status of the five of them in the class was very ordinary, and they were even transparent figures without friends. Miyake and Ayanokouji didn't look like people who could provoke Ryuen.

So why did he do this? When they were puzzled, they were taken to a large classroom in the building used for the previous test of courage.

It can be seen that there are still many props that have not been put away here. It is not known whether Ryuen deliberately put them here, or simply chose a classroom with a lot of things.

"All right, call out that strategist right now! That guy called Ayanokouji!"

Strategist? Ayanokouji!

The three of them already knew that Ryuuen had been looking for the legendary strategist in Class D. But whether it was during normal times or exams, the leader of Class D was always Horikita Suzune. There was no such thing as a strategist.

"Ryuuen, what did you say? How could Ayanokouji be a strategist?"

"You don't need to worry about him, just call him out, that's all you need to do! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude to you."

"You wish!"

Yukimura was always on guard against Ryuen, so his phone was recording the whole process. But the problem was that Ryuen had found this place by himself. If he took your phone away, what else could you do?

So Ishizaki suddenly subdued Yukimura, and Ryuen took his phone, deleted all the recorded videos and threw them aside.

And Ibuki, who was present at some point, also subdued Hasebe and took his phone away.

"Well done, Ibuki"

"whispering sound...."

She is a member of Class C first, and the head of the student council's discipline committee second. Although she felt ashamed of Ryuen's actions again, she had no choice. In this class, if you want to climb up, you have to do these dirty things.

"You! Ryuen!!!"

Ignoring Yukimura's roar, Ryuen walked in front of Sakura:"You know what to do, right?"

Sakura looked at the leader of the bad boys in front of her with a pale face. Although it was to protect the secret, if she hurt her companions because of this matter...Even hurting Ayanokouji who saved her...She can't do it

"I...I won't betray Ayanokouji-kun...."

Ryuuen was not in a hurry. He took Yukimura's phone and sent a text message to Ayanokouji: Your companions are in my hands. If you want to save them, come to the second floor of the building used for the test of courage competition alone. Don't play tricks!

Then he threw down his phone and looked at Sakura Airi in front of him. Originally, in his eyes, this kind of weak girl who has secrets that she doesn't want to be discovered is the easiest to use.

As long as she can protect herself, she can do anything. However, thinking of what the masked guy said before:"Don't underestimate that guy, he is a person who is not bound by any emotions."

Ryuuen sneered at this. Even he himself, who is called a tyrant, has the dream of taking all the trash to A together. How could anyone be so ruthless?

Thinking of this, he suddenly wanted to play some games.

"Haha, you have guts. All three of you have guts."

"Long Yuan! What on earth are you going to do! This is a school! We will definitely report you to the student union after we get out!"

Report? Oh, go ahead. The student union president put in a lot of effort for me to succeed this time, and the vice president's personality is even worse than mine. The head of the discipline committee is also the executor of this matter.

Long Yuan showed a disdainful smile:"It's up to you. But before that, I want to see if that guy will come to save you as I asked. Want to make a bet?"

"Who wants to play this disgusting game with you! Our relationship doesn't need someone like you to test it!"

"You have no choice. If that guy comes to save you, I won't do anything to you. If he doesn't come, then I can only spread all the secrets of that lady!"


"Ryuen, you despicable guy!!!"

Yukimura's roar became louder and louder, and Ryuen also covered his ears:

"Ishizaki, go get a rag, this guy is making so much noise!"

""Yes, big brother."

Soon, a piece of cloth picked up from nowhere was stuffed into Yukimura's mouth, which still smelled of dust and rust.

Ryuen sat on the sofa beside him like an emperor, notifying Ishizaki to guard the door, while he, Albert and Ibuki waited inside.

If Ayanokouji dares to come! He will be defeated!

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