(Thanks to Sui Xin Yu Xue for the 10 reminders and all other viewers for the tips, thank you!)


"Ayanokouji, you finally woke up! Do you remember what happened?"

Ayanokouji opened his eyes, looked at the white ceiling above his head and the health teacher in front of him, and understood the current situation.

It turned out that he fainted after being knocked down by Dongfang Yijian... But who sent him here?

"Hoshinomiya teacher, how did I get here?"Hoshinomiya

Chie, the 1st grade B class teacher. She looks sunny and energetic, cute and mature like an intellectual big sister.

Because she has an unimaginable obsession and hatred for the D class teacher, she is also very cautious about the trump card of Chabashi Sae in front of her.

"It's like this, Kito and Hashimoto from Class A brought you here, saying that you might have been stimulated by the courage contest... I didn't expect Ayanokouji-san to be unexpectedly cute.……"

Ayanokouji understood. This must have been arranged by the other party. As for himself, there were no obvious scars on his body, except for the obvious swelling on the back of his head, which was obviously caused by the last-minute blow.

"Is that so... Thank you, teacher"

"It doesn't matter. This is my job... and Ayanokouji-kun is Sasae's favorite student, so of course I have to take good care of him."

Hoshinomiya also noticed the swelling on the back of Ayanokouji's head. In addition, there were obvious signs of being hit in the abdomen, but it was not very obvious.

But she was thinking that this was most likely done by Class A. It should be said that it has been confirmed that it was done by Higashikata Yingyi. No one else has the ability and opportunity except him.

So why did the other party do this? And considering that Higashikata had once disabled Totsuka Yahiko, Ayanokouji was just unconscious.

She was puzzled and was planning to test something to see if she could reach a cooperation with Yingyi to stop Sasae's rebellious heart.

"Ayanokouji-kun, don't you remember anything? Teacher, I'm actually very afraid of the Test of Courage Contest... So it's okay, just tell me what you saw."

Ayanokouji didn't say anything. First of all, it would be harmful to him to tell this matter, so it's better to keep his identity secret for now.

Besides, it's useless to say that it was that Dongfang who knocked him out, because the other party was wearing a hood, and all the arrangements of the whole venue were decided by him.

Seeing that Ayanokouji was unwilling to say more, Hoshinomiya didn't dare to ask more.:

"……Well, boys should be brave! Now that you are fine, you can consider taking a rest for a while, or go back to the dormitory to rest."

"Ah, then I'll go back to the dormitory."

Ayanokouji stood up and left the health room. As soon as he walked out of the door, he saw Hashimoto who had been waiting here.

He was still a show-off, with a look that asked for a beating.:

"Ah, ah, you finally woke up."

Ayanokouji didn't know why he was here, he just looked at Hashimoto with his calm eyes, which made the latter feel a little scared.

"Actually, it's our Lord Knight. He has something to tell you."

Lord Knight? It should be Dongfang.

"The Knight said that this victory over you is just the beginning. Next, he and the Princess will defeat you from all sides. Please be prepared!"

After Hashimoto finished speaking, he did not forget to add his usual gentlemanly etiquette.

"……If you can do it, just come at me."

Even though he lost to Kageichi in terms of physical fitness and martial arts, Ayanokouji didn't think he would be defeated in all aspects. It was enough for him to be the winner in the end.

So, even if that man couldn't force him to drop out of school, he decided to secretly lead the class and defeat the two people who issued the challenge to Class A.

The root cause is that temporary gains and losses do not represent everything. If he really failed completely, it would mean that the man's white room was not as advanced as the one they were born into.

And in that case, he would be free. The final winner must be me.

On the other side

"It's a pity that the most exciting part can't be seen." Arisu was still complaining that the surveillance camera didn't capture the two people's extremely fast movements.

"The most exciting part is extremely dangerous.……"

Arisu had a look on her face that said,"I don't believe you." She didn't believe that Ayanokouji could threaten the guy in front of her. Although she didn't know much about swordsmanship, it was obvious who was more relaxed between the two.

"If it is really that dangerous, then the Sword Master must not have mastered it."

"Maybe... He and I were equally strong, but at the last moment, I remembered that Alice was watching me, so how could I defeat her? Then I suddenly awakened my power and won."

It was supposed to be a way to cheer up my girlfriend, but with Ying Yi's slightly deliberate tone, it sounded like a story for children.

"Oh, you do treat me like a child sometimes."

"It's just a matter of understanding, Alice. I never treated you like a child."

Arisu's bottom line is that she must not be underestimated. No matter her height or personality!

"Let's just say that. After all, I am a generous lady and I am very tolerant."

……Do you really have a tolerant heart? Yingyi didn't dare to ask, but there was no doubt that this girl had a particularly strong desire for revenge.

Fortunately, she was in a good mood now.……

"Will his injury affect Dragon Boy's plans for the next few days?"

Dragon Boy is a derogatory term used by Gaoyuan Temple to refer to Ryuen. However, the one who called him the most and promoted it the most was Arisu.

��When it came to Arisu's question, Yingyi nodded affirmatively.

"I know a little bit. The external injury is not serious, but the internal injury is not so easy to recover."

"This is good, otherwise Dragon Boy will lose miserably. Even if he continues like this, he still can't beat Ayanokouji. But he shouldn't lose so badly."

After signing the non-aggression pact with Yingyi, Ryuen told him all about his plan.

Yingyi also told Arisu about it as a topic of conversation after dinner. The latter didn't look surprised. She already knew what means Ryuen would use.


Yingyi's phone suddenly rang. It was unexpected to see that it was Katsuragi calling.

Since the preferential treatment exam, Katsuragi had basically not called Yingyi alone a few times. Each time it was basically because of the student union or class business.

"Hello, this is Dongfang"

"Dongfang, this is Katsuragi. Actually, I want to ask if there is a way to mail something outside the school."

According to the school rules, during the three years of High-level Incubation Middle School, students cannot contact the outside world in any way, and cannot accept or send any items across the border.

But there are exceptions to everything, and words cannot be too rigid.

"Hmm. What do you want to mail? If it is really necessary, the school can understand.

Katsuragi was silent for a moment.……

"Can we talk in person? Is it convenient now?

Yingyi thought it didn't matter, and looked at Arisu who nodded.:

"Convenient. Let's meet at Loublanc."

"Okay, thank you, Dongfang.

Katsuragi cut off the communication.

"Alas, your dear friend may not be sending any necessities."

"Yes, otherwise there would be no need to call me out alone"

"Then go quickly, don't keep them waiting."

Like a virtuous wife, Yui sat by the bed and helped Yingyi straighten his collar, gently admonishing him.

"As you command, Lady Alice."

Yingyi kissed his girlfriend's forehead tenderly, picked up his coat and walked towards Leblanc's seat...

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