Ayanokouji Atsuomi laughed out of anger:"Haha, I get it. So it's your rebellious period? I didn't expect that a puppet like you would have such moments. Doesn't this also show that no matter how perfect the education is, it can never change the rebellious gene engraved in human DNA? It seems that the White Room will have to increase control and education in this area in the future."

After that, he stopped talking to his son.

"Sakayanagi, I will take Kiyotaka with me. As for the formalities, you can complete them yourself."

And Chairman Sakayanagi could not pretend not to hear, and walked forward quickly with a smile on his face:

""Haha, Mr. Ayanokouji, you really like to joke. Our school can never forcefully take students away."

Ayanokouji Atsuomi's anger could no longer be concealed. He was once at the top of the pyramid of Sakurajima. Even though he is no longer as glorious as he was in the past, you two can't just take advantage of him!

Sakayanagi, the guy who used to follow him and call him teacher, dares to go against his will? It's outrageous!

"Sakayanagi, you used to support me, didn't you? Could it be that running this school has caused you to have such a big change of mind?"

Chairman Sakayanagi naturally knows this big man very well, and explained with a smile:

"Mr. Ayanokouji, I do respect your ideas, but I respect my family education more. High School attaches great importance to students' autonomy, and I also think that this should be the first ability that students should have."

"So even if you, as a parent, want your child to drop out, there should be a three-party meeting between the parents, the school and the child, and finally a result that everyone is satisfied with."

Ayanokouji Atsuomi narrowed his eyes. It seems that Sakayanagi is determined to keep Kiyotaka. Three-party meeting, it sounds good. If Kiyotaka doesn't agree to drop out, how can I have time to argue with you?

Besides, the so-called autonomy is a taboo decided by Ayanokouji Atsuomi. In the future blueprint he envisioned, it is enough for him to be the only one with autonomy, and the others are tools without self-will, as long as they obey him.

"Haha, autonomy? Sakayanagi, you are really going backwards! I don’t want to discuss the issue of autonomy with you now. I am just a father who wants to take my child away!"

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka no longer watched coldly and questioned the man in front of him:

"Father? Do you treat me as your son?"

Ayanokouji Atsuomi didn't expect him to ask such a question.

"Of course not. I am not a son who has gone through a comprehensive education and ran away from home just for the so-called ridiculous freedom, and now dares to disobey his father."

"Do you mean to say that since I didn't escape from the white room, you still treat me as your son?"

"Of course not. Besides, have you ever considered me as your father?"

"Of course not."

The two denied each other's father-son relationship without any hesitation or thought.

Ayanokouji Atsuomi also completely lost his patience. He stood up and tried to grab Ayanokouji Kiyotaka's arm, but the latter dodged.

"Humph, Highly Developed Middle School? My white room is enough to provide a genius like Kiyotaka with the most comprehensive education. He is the hope of Sakurajima in the future, so why would he have the time to play school games with those mediocre mortals?"

The undisguised contempt for Advanced Training. No, it should be said that the undisguised contempt for all educational institutions except the White Room also made Yingyi feel that this guy was just a short-sighted frog. The

White Room did cultivate a so-called genius, but that was only one person, Ayanokouji Kiyotaka, who succeeded among hundreds or thousands of extremely talented geniuses.

Moreover, even Ayanokouji Kiyotaka might not be as good as the heirs cultivated by those huge families and chaebols.

For example, Yingyi himself, such as Koenji Rokusuke.

Chairman Sakayanagi finally seized the opportunity. In fact, with the size of the Sakayanagi family, it is really unable to resist the background behind Ayanokouji Atsuomi. Even if the other party cannot do whatever they want in school, they can summon huge energy at any time outside.

If Ayanokouji Atsuomi is determined to mess around in school, he really has no good way to deal with him, but this is also old news:

"Teacher Ayanokouji, please allow me to introduce a classmate to you."

Ayanokouji Atsuomi frowned. How could he know a student?

"Sakayanagi, you are crazy!"

"Teacher Ayanokouji calm down, Yingyi, come here.

Yingyi in the small room also knew that it was time for him to step forward. Not to mention supporting his father-in-law, the good things that Ayanokouji Atsuomi had done were enough to make him furious.

"Here they come."

Ying Yi walked out and came to the side of Chairman Sakayanagi, looking at Ayanokouji Atsuomi in front of him.

"Humph, is this your student? This kind of school is so disrespectful!"

Ying Yi didn't tolerate this self-righteous guy. Who does he think he is? Even the Prime Minister can't speak nonsense in front of the future patriarch of the Dongfang family.

"I don't think the successful work of the white room is better than me in terms of etiquette. Besides, the education I received since childhood told me that when facing a guy who is self-righteous and arrogant, who does evil but doesn't care, and who uses his power to oppress others and cannot break the rules, what kind of ridiculous etiquette do I need to talk about!"

Even if he was angry just now, it was only because his son and former subordinates dared to disobey his orders. So Ayanokouji Atsuomi only spoke loudly and slapped the table.

But now, a sharp-tongued kid dared to scold him in public? Do you believe it or not, I will make sure you don't live past tomorrow? Not just you, but your whole family will not live past tomorrow?

"Huh~huh~huh~haha, what a fanged kid! Do you know who I am?"

You are so angry and want to bully others again? But......

"Then do you know who I am?"

Ayanokouji Atsuomi calmed down from his anger. Sakayanagi said that the students she wanted to introduce to him should not be people without any background, but even if you are the king, you have to pay the price for scolding me!

Because Yingyi was just an accessory to Dongfang Shouxin before.

After the incident, he wore a half-face mask and did not go out in the social circle for several years.

Lu Ba would not care about any small figures.

Dongfang Shouxin was a tough opponent, but he was confident that Ayanokouji Kiyotaka trained by the white room would not lose to anyone.

Not to mention that Lu Ba was just a retired legend in the eyes of the world.

Just like a grasshopper in autumn, it can't jump for a few days, so the two did not know each other.

Seeing that the two of them were full of gunpowder as soon as they came, Chairman Sakayanagi stepped forward:

"Teacher Ayanokouji, this child is from the Dongfang family, Dongfang Yingyi"

"Yingyi, this is Mr. Ayanokouji, and also Kiyotaka's father."

Ayanokouji Atsuomi then looked at Yingyi in front of him seriously:

"Oriental Family.....Whose son are you in the Dongfang family?"

The Dongfang family is a huge family. There is only one main family, but countless branches.

"Dongfang Shouxin's son, Dongfang Yingyi."!!! Dongfang Shouxin!!! Why are you everywhere? Back then, you were the old man who opposed me all day long in the officialdom, and now you have taught your son to come out and scold me!

"ah.....So you are the son of that old man. But, you are not that good. You are much worse than your father."

"In my opinion, you old man are almost as good as your son."

Since the two of them have confirmed that they will never stand together, and they are already enemies, there is no need to save face.

At this time, both sides only need a fuse to turn the chairman's office into a battlefield.

However, with Ayanokouji Atsuomi's instinctive perception, he can never be the opponent of the kid in front of him. In terms of external forces, the Dongfang family is in its heyday at this time, while Ayanokouji's faction is indeed on the decline.

Therefore, his last hope is the white room! It is his son---Ayanokouji Kiyotaka!

""Good, very good."

Ayanokouji Atsuomi took the lead in using a common diplomatic rhetoric. However, everyone with a discerning eye could see that this was another way of showing defeat.

Ayanokouji Atsuomi didn't care. A real man can bend and stretch. Avoid the sharp edge and be tolerant. This is the quality that a successful person should have. For now, he should take his son away. As for Dongfang Yingyi, sooner or later he will lose to those successful products of the white room!

"Sakayanagi, I have one last question for you. Do you really want to disobey my orders?"

"Hahaha, this is the school's rule, and the school's rule cannot be violated. As the chairman of the board, I must set an example myself."

Ayanokouji Atsuomi is also a smart person:

"So, as long as we let him drop out of school within the rules,......"

"If it's within the rules, then of course there's no problem"

"Humph, let's wait and see."

Ayanokouji Atsuomi left a harsh word, pushed open the door of the chairman's office and walked out.

However, this person's harsh words are unlikely to be as loud as those of Class C Ishizaki and others. Combined with what he just said about expelling Ayanokouji Kiyotaka within the rules, it is likely that the school will have a huge change in the future.

"In that case, I'll leave first."

Ayanokouji Kiyotaka felt that it was not appropriate to stay here now, and after what happened just now, he also understood that he was deceived by Chabashira Sae.

The teacher's words that if he helped him stop his father and contributed to the class, he would not be expelled from school were completely false. In fact, as long as he didn't want to, no one could take him away by force, and this also meant that he didn't need to contribute to the class anymore and could return to his previous carefree life.

Chairman Sakayanagi didn't stop Ayanokouji and let him leave. Now there were only Sakayanagi and his daughter and Yingyi in the room, and Arisu slowly walked out of the small room.

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