After getting all the votes from the first-year students, Yingyi called Horikita Gakutsu:

"I have completely solved this. Is there really no problem with the third grade?"

"Yes. Even if I don't have enough control over the entire grade, I can still control half of the votes."

"In that case, let's prepare to go on stage and perform."

After the communication was cut off, Yingyi received another text message from Ryuen:

I forgot to tell you before, after you take office, I want a position in the student union. Not a useless discipline committee member like Ibuki.

After thinking about the positions that would be left after I made a round of appointments, he sent an OK to the other party, but also added a restriction that Ryuen must send someone who can do the job well.

And Ryuen also sent a name after a few seconds of silence.

After completing the work in hand, he patiently waited for the student union election event next Monday.

Soon, in the hall of the Highly Training Hall

"Today, we are holding a student council election. You are required to vote for the new president. The two candidates are: Dongfang Yingyi from Class A, 1st year, and Nanyun Ya from Class A, 2nd year."

"Now, please invite the current student council president, Manabu Horikita, to the stage to give a speech."

The teachers in the audience also stared at this most outstanding student council president in history, and couldn't help but sigh: Finally, even he is going to graduate.

Horikita Suzune looked at her brother who walked onto the stage with mixed feelings. This excellent role model has always been inspiring her, but how can she have the face to apply to join the student council when she was assigned to Class D.

In fact, even if Horikita Suzune was assigned to Class A, Horikita Manabu would never agree to let his sister be exposed to Nanyun's eyes like this.

"Hello everyone, I am Horikita Manabu. I am honored to have served as the student council president at Koudou Ikusei Junior High School for two years. I am very grateful to all my colleagues in the student council. Now I declare that the election for the new student council president has officially begun."

After saying that, Horikita Manabu walked aside and said nothing more.

"Eh? Is that the end?"

"Ah, he is worthy of being the president, the resignation ceremony is so quick!"

"Hey, it's time to vote, hurry up and vote, we agreed to vote for that guy Dongfang, right?"

All the students in the school were voting with their machines. Since they had been told before, they just needed to vote according to the results.

Nanyun Ya looked at Ying Yi calmly:

"Junior Dongfang, do you feel nervous?"

"That’s okay, after all, who gets how many votes is already determined, isn’t it?"

"Oh, that's true. But rest assured, for someone as capable as you, I will still let you be the vice president. After I step down next year, I will fully support you."

Nan Yunya smiled faintly and began to imagine how to turn the school into the paradise of her dreams. Those junior sisters, if they can catch my eye, I will just control them.

"Ah. Thank you so much, Mr. Huangmao."

"You're welcome, Dongfang, I think......What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything. Thank you, Huangmao Senior."

Nanyunya's smile disappeared in an instant. How dare this guy? Haha, he must have thought that he could act recklessly with the support of Horikita Senior. However, I control the three classes of the third grade!

Soon, the voting results were counted. Horikita Manabu stepped to the front again:

"Voting results...."

"Oh, you are dumbfounded. The final winner is still me!"

Seeing Horikita Manabu pause, Nanyun Masa was even more proud.

"The final result: Dongfang Yingyi 249 votes, Nanyun Ya 221 votes"


"Won! Dongfang won!!!"

"this...Didn't Nanyun say he could win?"

After hearing the result, the audience was happy and worried. However, Yingyi and Nanyun Ya on the stage did not expect this result.

"No, that's impossible!!"

"Senior Nanyun, why is it impossible?"


Why? Of course, I couldn't say it in public. There must be something wrong. It's understandable that the first-year students voted for Dongfang, and the third-year class A would also vote for the other side. But what about the other three classes in the second and third years?

Nanyun Miyabi looked at Horikita Manabu's back:

"Is it you? Horikita-senpai? You actually secretly controlled them and deliberately lied to me? Do you know how shameless it is to control other classes!!"

Horikita Manabu was still explaining the voting results and the meeting process:

"The voting results are fair and valid. All teachers can act as notaries. Then, please trust the student council president to come to the stage and give a speech."

Hori Kita Manabu turned and retreated to Nanyun's side, and Yingyi also slowly walked to the front of the stage.

"Horikita-senpai, you did a great job!"

"Nanyun, I wanted to support you, but your determination to change this school made me feel that you would never be a qualified student council president. So I had no choice but to do this."

"Why do you think Dongfang's presence will make the school as good as you think?"

"Because I have no choice. It is an indisputable fact that the other first-year students will be controlled by you."

""Hehe, Horikita-senpai, you will regret your choice!"

Nanyun Ya was in no mood to listen any more. He knew that the longer he stayed here, the harder it would be for him to control his emotions. So he simply left through the back door when no one was paying attention.

And Yingyi's speech officially began:

"Hello everyone. I am the new student council president, Class 1A, Eastern Film Academy. I hereby promise.."

"Is it coming?.."Horikita Manabu narrowed his eyes and stared at the back in front of him. This was a bold gambler's behavior. If Yingyi was crazier than Nanyun, then he would be a highly cultivated sinner.

"I hereby promise that in order to cater to the nature of supplying talents to society, I will not deliberately increase the penalty for students to be expelled from school, or the penalty for violating school rules."

Horikita Manabu's heart was at peace.

"However, in order to ensure that the talents sent to society are truly needed, I will reform the school."

The audience, including teachers and students from three grades, all listened attentively to what the new student council president would do. Only Long Yuan, who had heard the whole plan, looked at the person on the stage with expectation.

"Therefore, I propose to add"S Class" and"E Class" during the third-year graduation season.""


"S class? What is that? Are our A class's privileges gone?"

"No, no, no, no matter what, this proposal will not be passed."

"And that Class E, it doesn't sound like a good thing."

The audience immediately started to talk, even Horikita Manabu frowned, he remembered Yingyi once said that he would add some things for him when he graduated, but he didn't expect that it would be two new classes that he had never heard of.

"Please be quiet! I will explain my proposal now. First of all, in order to ensure that the talents sent to society are those who are needed, Class A has a natural advantage. Class A enjoys the privilege of class leapfrogging and rising to the top in one step."

"In my opinion, there are also students in Class A who are limited by their upper limit. They may not need the so-called class leap, or they are so good that Class A cannot prove their value."

"Therefore, during the graduation season, representatives from the school and society will jointly grade the students based on their performance and whether their personality is beneficial to society. If the students in Class A score above 80 points, they will be merged into a virtual"Class S". The only benefit of the Class S is that their names will be remembered forever along with their high level of education."

"In order to target other capable students who are unable to be promoted to Class A due to various objective factors and miss out on good opportunities for social employment. Joint scoring will also be conducted. Students with scores above 70 will not be promoted to Class A, but they can get recommendations from the school to universities and high-quality companies."

As soon as these words came out, they instantly attracted widespread attention from the audience. Most students said that this decision was very reasonable. After all, there are indeed some students who cannot be promoted to Class A and miss out on opportunities, such as Ichinose and others.

Horikita Manabu also nodded secretly. Although the name of Class S was not very tempting to him, being able to be recorded in the history of the school was also the best affirmation of his three years.

The teachers and school staff in the audience felt that it was not good. After all, this would greatly weaken the competitiveness of the students and would be a shock to the S system.

So facing the questions from the stage and the audience, Yingyi was not in a hurry to explain, because there was still a key point that had not been mentioned:

"Everyone, please be quiet. This is only half of the reform. Where there is reward, there is punishment. First of all, not all students who graduate from Class A are needed by society. Therefore, students in Class A with a combined score below 40 will be assigned to Class B before graduation."

"Students from other classes, if their combined score is less than 30 points, will be assigned to the"E class" I just mentioned. Unlike the S class, students in the E class will never get any recommendation opportunities, and after graduation, they will not be able to get a high-level training diploma. They will only get a private school graduation certificate, and as for whether they want to continue their studies or find a job in the future, it has nothing to do with high-level training."

The students who were so excited just now suddenly fell silent. If you really have no contribution to the class, no special skills, make a lot of mistakes, and have a bad antisocial personality, it is easy to get less than 30 points.


"That is, we are not allowed to call ourselves graduates, what a joke! ?"

The audience soon became noisy, with some agreeing and some disagreeing. Before it turned into a conflict within the group, Yingyi ended his topic:

"Of course, this is just a proposal. Whether it will be adopted or not depends on the opinion of the school. Finally, students who wish to join the student union should submit the application form to the 1st year C class student union secretary, Shiina Hiyori. In principle, only first-year students will be admitted."

"Eh? Shiina Hiyori?"

"Class C?"

Not to mention these people, even Shiina Hiyori herself didn't expect that she would become the secretary. Looking at Ryuen who looked like he knew it a long time ago, she also knew that the two of them probably made some kind of deal.

"Ryuen-san, why me?"

"Heh, the masked man said he would send someone who can do the job. I thought about it and it was only you and Jintian. Jintian can be careless sometimes, so I can only leave it to you."

"All right."

The student council election was over, and each class was ready to go back for their final exams. Only Yingyi and Horikita were left.

"There is no essential difference between what I do and what schools do. I just slightly adjust the social delivery plan."

"I know, so thank you. You didn't make this school a hell for students."

"How could that be? This school is half my property after all!"


Horikita Manabu almost forgot that, yes, the relationship between the chairman of this school and this junior in front of him is not ordinary.

"It's just a joke. I hope you don't hold a grudge against me because I might kick your class out of Class A."

"If it's really because of the low score, then there's nothing we can do about it."

The two chatted for a while and then went their separate ways at the entrance of the auditorium.

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