For Class A, there was not much room for maneuver in the sports festival. It was nothing more than running faster and jumping higher.

Therefore, Dongfang did not set any tactics. He just assigned people according to the test scores.

Then, with the three people behind him, he knocked on the door of the student union.

"Boom boom boom"

"Come in"

"President Horikita, these are the three new members I invited to join the student council. Horikita

Manabu looked at the three girls from different classes. They were Ichinose Honami, who was in charge of odd jobs, Karuizawa Megumi, and Ibuki Mio, who was the discipline committee member.

"Since it was Vice President Dongfang who invited you to join, I have no objection. You just need to remember not to violate the discipline of the Student Union."

""Yes, President."

The three of them answered in unison. Then they turned and left. Today was just a formality.

"So, this is the backbone of your future student union?"

"Roughly the same"

"Probably after the sports festival is over, the student union will announce its dissolution, and there will be a month-long election period."

Dongfang suddenly felt that the expressionless man in front of him actually smiled.

"Um, Horikita-senpai, can I ask about the approximate authority of the student council president?"

"It's time to tell you. In addition to the fact that you can influence the rewards and punishments for special exams to a certain extent, you can also make suggestions on some of the school's systems."

"For example, the class supervision period you proposed earlier. This is what I applied to the school for approval as the student union president."

"As long as more than half of the school representatives agree, the new school rules can be passed. If the chairman of the board of directors agrees, only one-third of the people need to agree to pass."

"Then, the student council president has the power to interfere with school rules. How you use this power is up to you, except for school rules related to the S system."

"For example, you can even make violent attacks on others punishable by expulsion, and you must propose a new school rule to replace it."

"Of course, if the chairman does not approve, your sabotage will be invalid."

After listening to Horikita Manabu's introduction, Higashikata also had some understanding of the power of this position.

In short, the power that can be used at will is to interfere with the rewards and punishments of special exams. Then, with the consent of the chairman, some school rules can be changed. With the existence of the chairman, there is no need to worry that the student council president can modify the school rules unscrupulously.

"Now, if I cause a little trouble to you, the graduating class, will you blame me?"

"As long as your trouble is reasonable"

"Now from my perspective, or from the perspective of society, it should be reasonable."

"It's up to you. You should be ready to show off your skills at this sports festival."

"I also hope someone can stop me."

Horikita Manabu's eyes rarely showed a fighting spirit.:

"Do you want to compete with me?"

"Oh, it's you, the president, who's provoking me. That's rare. But no problem, let's just have the final relay race. I'm the last one, and I think you're the same."

"Oh, let's give it a try."

Horikita Manabu is undoubtedly the best student in the history of High School. His academic ability, physical strength, teamwork, social contribution, and judgment have all reached A-level evaluation.

In the three years since entering High School, he has never failed. Even the rising star Nanyun Masa seems dull when compared with Horikita Manabu. The appearance of Higashikata-san also ignited the engine of the student council president that had been dormant for a long time.

As the saying goes, masters appreciate each other. If he didn't compete with Higashikata-san, Horikita Manabu would probably think that this was the biggest regret left in High School.

"Hey, President, do you still think your sister can pull Class D out of the quagmire?"


Horikita Manabu's silence seemed to answer Higashikata's question. Just as the latter had opened the door to the student council room,

"Ah. I always believe that Lingyin can do it."


After Higashikata left, Horikita looked out the window at the first-year D class training.

"Because she is better than sister."

Horikita Suzune also felt as if someone was watching her. She looked up in the direction of the administration building, but could not see anything.

After walking out of the student union room, Dongfang went straight to the playground. However, he was stopped by an unexpected person at the entrance of the first floor.

"Hello, Dongfang-san!"

"Mr. Hoshinomiya, what can I do for you?"

"It's not good to chat here. Can you go to the health room with me, teacher?

Although she didn't know what she wanted to do, Dongfang agreed.

"Can you tell me now? Teacher"

"Don't be so impatient. Boys who are too impatient will not please girls."

"It's not important. If you're okay, I still have to go to training."

Xing Zhigong blinked his big eyes and gave Dongfang a familiar feeling of green tea.

"The teacher just hopes that Dongfang can continue to suppress Class D~"

"Let's not talk about why you came to me. Just because we are in the same group with Class D this time, there is no need for me to suppress them."

"Don't get me wrong. Teacher, I have no problem with the kids in Class D. I just hope that Saeda-chan can stay in Class D forever!"

Saeda-chan?...Ah, you mean Chabashira Saeda. Higashiyama-san also understood what this familiar feeling was.

This is obviously another Kikyo Kushida.……

"But why should I do this?"

"Hey? If Dongfang is okay, the teacher is willing to be your girlfriend.……"

"Stop! Although it's rude to say this, sir, I don't like guys who are older than me. And I have a girlfriend."

"Hate it~ Older than me~ But it's no wonder, Dongfang-kun looks like a guy who attracts girls……"

Xing Zhigong always uses the accent that Dongfang-san hates

"Hey, so if you want to mess around, go find your own class. Bye."

"Hey, wait, wait, wait... Teacher promises you that as long as Dongfang continues to suppress Class D, I can give you the information about Class B.……"

Hey, hey, hey, what's wrong with this teacher? He would rather betray his own class than suppress that Chabashira teacher.

"I don't need the information about Class B. I'm more interested in why you want to target Mr. Chabashira. If you can tell me, I'll help you suppress them once."

"Ah, Dongfang, if you just suppress me once, the teacher may not agree."

"Forget it, Mr. Hoshinomiya. Anyway, I don't have any grudge against Mr. Chabashira."

This Mr. Hoshinomiya didn't know what grudge she had with Mr. Chabashira. It seemed that the meaning of living was to target Mr. Chabashira Sae.

So when she knew that Mr. Chabashira Sae had met with Ayanokouji in private, she also realized that Ayanokouji was the secret weapon for Mr. Chabashira to defeat his superiors. So in the preferential treatment exam, Ichinose and Ayanokouji were deliberately grouped together, hoping to test the details of this secret weapon.

��Before Ichinose could even try, the whole game was disrupted by that Higashi-kun, who took away 64 million personal points.

And just after the start of the school year, the class supervision status was introduced to forcibly lock the class points of Class D for two months.

As long as Higashi-kun is controlled, he can be used to compete with the trump card in Chabashira's hand.

Hoshinomiya has been reluctant to agree to the other party's request, because it is useless to suppress him once. Let alone promotion to Class A, even if Chabashira is promoted to Class C, Hoshinomiya is unwilling.

And Higashi-kun didn't care and turned to leave the health room.

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