Dongfang immediately asked for the names of all the test groups in the class group.

He then sorted the names of all the test takers according to the rules of the 50-sound system. That is, according to the rules of the twelve zodiac signs, he re-sorted the names of all the test takers according to the 50-sound system. The student with the zodiac sign in the 50-sound system would be the student with the 50-sound system.

Then he (she) would be the preferential recipient.

Dongfang then circled the identities of all the preferential recipients and prepared to attend the meeting of the Rabbit Group first.

"So, are we still going to draw the joker card today?"

Yukimura asked everyone anxiously.

"Ahaha, sorry, Yukimura-kun, after all, we……"

"No. The exam is over."


"Huh? What did you say?"

"Dongfang, what does this mean?

Dongfang nodded.:

"Literally. I have discovered the identities of all the favored people, so the test is over."

"Huh? Are you kidding? Then who do you think our Rabbit Group is?"

"Dongfang-kun, this strategy may not work."

Ichinose wanted to say something, but when he saw the three names that Dongfang-kun sent through the message, he was stunned.


Ichinose recovered from the concerned look of the Rabbit Group members.:

"Dongfangjun, what do you want?"


"Hello, what's going on?"

"I've said before, I found the identity of the preferential treatment. And now I need to negotiate with the leaders of each class!"

As the discussion meeting of the Rabbit Group ended, everyone walked towards the room where the Dragon Group was.

The Dragon Group had just finished their discussion when they found the Rabbit Group waiting outside the door.

Ryuen was staring at Horikita Suzune like a pervert when he heard:

"Dear students of ABCD,"

"Tsk, the man wearing the mask, what do you want from us?"

"It's simple, I have found all the favored ones. So you don't want to achieve result 3 and lose class points, right?"

"Huh? Hey, explain it clearly!"

Horikita Suzune hadn't finished her words when she felt her phone vibrate, and Ryuen's phone vibrated almost at the same time.

Horikita first glanced at her phone, then looked in the direction of Kushida Kikyo. She handed the phone to Hirata Yosuke.

Hirata obviously knew that two of them were favored. As for Kushida Kikyo... I guess she is also a favored person.

"What do you want, the masked man?"Ryuen was indeed a trader. Although it was a little unbelievable, he still thought about how to reduce the loss.

Only Katsuragi didn't know what happened, but he didn't say anything.

"This time, I will sign a contract with the three class leaders to achieve result 1, and then all personal points will be given to me."

"What? How is this possible?"

"Hahahahaha, as expected... Kanzaki Ryuji, if you don't do as he says, then only result three will be achieved, and you will have a 300-point difference in class points with Class A!"

Ryuen seems very proud... but you still have to sign the contract yourself

"This... Ichinose?"

Kanzaki also looked at Ichinose beside him, but the latter had no other choice.

"Wait. Aren't you going to ask Class A to do the same?"

"Class A... If you have the ability, let those groups guess. Either result three or result four."

Katsuragi also understood what Dongfang did, and slowly spoke:

"But because of our tactics, you can go ahead and try it!"

"Without further ado, will you guys sign or not?"


"There is no other way. If 150 points are deducted, we will have nothing."

"……Okay, I understand. Our class D agrees."

"Tsk, I agree too"

"Our class B also agreed."

So, Dongfang signed a contract with them respectively.

The contract stipulates:

Class BCD fully cooperates with the group with preferential treatment in their class to achieve result one. And all the points obtained in the final group will be handed over to Dongfang Yingyi.

Dongfang Yingyi is not allowed to answer in advance, which will lead to result three in the exam. And promise not to interfere with the normal exam of the group where the preferential treatment of class A is located. The class A students in these groups have no objection. After all, they were originally for the purpose of achieving result two, and they could not get any points.

In this way, Dongfang received 64 million personal points alone and became a real preferential treatment with his victory.

In the private room 007 of the cafe

"You came"

"Ah. I know what you're asking, why not just go straight to outcome three, right?"

"Actually, I understand your choice. But if we achieve result 3, our class points of class A will increase a lot. I just have some regrets."

"Really...So why did you call me here today?"

"After I returned, I decided to quit the leadership position. These two special exams also made me see my shortcomings. Fortunately, you got the preferential treatment list today. If it was someone else, I'm afraid our class A would be completely nailed to the pillar of shame."


"Well, Sakayanagi might be a better leader than me. But she is sometimes too radical, and I am afraid that many students will get hurt."


"So I'll have to ask you to take care of those Katsuragi-faction students!"

"Alice doesn't care about these."

"I know, but……"

"As expected, Katsuragi, if you were in Class B or Class C, you would probably become a difficult enemy.……"

Katsuragi didn't care.

Looking at Katsuragi who had let go of his burden, Higashikata felt that he looked much younger.

As Katsuragi announced to the whole class that he was stepping down as leader, the Katsuragi faction disappeared.

On the other hand, Ryuen was still looking for the three favored people in Class A, while Class D was completely flat. They had no way to deal with this silent tactic.

"So...the suppression of the rebels has been completed!"

"But this knight turned into a nouveau riche!"

"Eh? You were calling me Young Master just two days ago."


Arisu called out in a sweet voice

"……Well, it's a bit too sweet."

"Really? Why didn't you feel too sweet when you whispered to that Karuizawa?"

"……Hey? How did you know?"

"Ah~ Is this really the case? I missed you so much, but you abandoned me and found a new lover... wuwuwu……"

The crying is too fake.……

"No, I didn't! I just asked her to be a spy!"


"I swear, if it's fake, I will……"


A command that could not be refused came from the other end of the line.

"I'm afraid you won't believe me.……"

"I believe it. I believe whatever the young master says. After all, I have to treat myself gently."


Dongfang almost broke his back teeth

"Hey, hey, Miss Alice, I almost forgot about this... How did you know? ?"

"Haha. So, you are still young."

"You haven't told me how you knew that.……"

"Could it be that Master Dongfang is so interested in the girl's secrets? It's really incredible."

"Forget it, I won't ask. But whether it's Ichinose or Karuizawa, I promise there's nothing."

Of course Arisu knows, but Master, you can promise there's nothing, but they can't.……

"Really? How are the student union votes going?"

"Ah. ABD is already in hand, and C class has also been approached. The change of class before Christmas is a foregone conclusion."

"Hey? Class A, when did you get the votes for Class A? How come I, as the leader, had no idea about it?"


"Ah~ Ah~ No one would think that just because of their childhood sweetheart relationship, they can naturally get the other party's vote, right?"

"Huh? I, I didn't think so... I just felt……"

"Hey, is the childhood sweetheart relationship so useful?"

After hearing Arisu's teasing, Dongfang asked inexplicably.:

"The relationship between childhood sweethearts is not okay. Then is the relationship between the pursuer... and the pursued... okay?"


There was no more pleasant voice coming from the other end of the phone. All he could hear was the other party's breathing speeding up.

Dongfang was also looking forward to the other party's answer. Until he never received a reply:

"Ah...I was just talking nonsense...……"

"Yes you can."


"Oh, didn't the young master hear it? That's such a pity."

"Eh? No no no, I heard it! I heard it! That, I……"

"Oh, my father suddenly called me. I’ll hang up now. Bye!"


""Beep, beep, beep"

There was a busy tone on the other end of the phone, and Dongfang's heartbeat was the same as the sound.

‘In other words...Is this a confession?’

‘Alice did not refuse. So... Tsk... what is going on! '

On the other side, in Dongfang's room, a petite figure is buried under the quilt. If you lift it up, you should be able to see the sweetest smile that a girl can show.

"This guy………You've made me wait for so long! Humph~"

So today, Dongfang has become the real beneficiary!

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