On the last day of the special exam, Higashikata left the class camp and decided to observe the movements of Class D.

Although there is a backup measure of Kikyo Kushida, it is still necessary to confirm whether there will be any changes.

Kikyo Kushida can only be used once. After all, after one time, Class D will definitely find out that there is a traitor in the class.

Even if Kikyo Kushida disguises herself, she will definitely be discovered by those who are interested.

Higashikata transformed into a wandering scout and soon came to the vicinity of Class D's camp.

‘So they haven't started yet?

Hiding in the forest, a girl with short blue hair who doesn't fit in with the surroundings is still sitting in a corner of the camp - it's Ibuki Mio.

On the other side, several boys including Ayanokouji are joking by the river. And Ayanokouji whispered a few words in a boy's ear.

Yamauchi Haruki secretly grabbed a handful of mud, and when Horikita Suzune, who was standing nearby, was not paying attention, he slapped her on the head.

And Horikita Suzune also reached out and grabbed Yamauchi's collar after being hit, preparing to throw her over the shoulder to knock her down.

"Hey, Yamauchi, what are you doing!"

Sudo beside him also reacted from the shock. He didn't expect that the cowardly Yamauchi would dare to provoke Horikita Suzune.

And he also slapped the mud on his goddess' head.

"Yamauchi, you……"

As the one with the highest intelligence among the three idiots, Chi also discovered something was wrong.

"Ah, I was just joking. Horikita-san, Horikita-san, stop it!"

Finally, Yamauchi was saved from a beating by Sudo and Ayanokouji.

Higashikata had only seen Horikita Suzune use force once.

Being beaten by her own brother, although it is not ruled out that she is determined not to attack her brother, she can never be a match for Horikita Manabu. But this does not mean that Horikita Suzune is a weak woman who is powerless. On the contrary, among girls, she is also considered a strong one.

Even now, judging from the other party's unnatural expression and the more and more frequent rubbing of his arms, it can be judged that this person's cold is getting worse. It is definitely not something that Yamauchi Haruki can resist.

"Ah, Horikita-san, what happened?"

Kushida Kikyo and Hirata Yosuke also heard the noise and saw that a physical fight was about to break out, so they hurried over to inquire about the situation.


"Let's go wash up first, there's a small lake over there."

Ayanokouji gave his suggestion, and Horikita Suzune nodded and walked towards the lake with another set of clean clothes.


Yes, how could Yamauchi Haruki have the courage and motivation to provoke Horikita Suzune for no reason?

Because of what Ayanokouji said in his ear just now, which made him behave like this.

And Ayanokouji saw Horikita Suzune being covered with mud, and reminded her to take a cold shower at the critical moment.

Combined with today's rainy weather, the only possibility is: he wants the girl's cold to get worse again. In order to achieve the unexpected effect of changing the leader.

The leader of Class C is undoubtedly Ryuen, and Ibuki needs to tell Ryuen the identity of the leader of Class D, so he must take the key card away.

And Katsuragi will never believe the leader information that Ryuen said verbally. Unless he sees the key card itself or a photo with his own eyes.

And Ayanokouji also sneaked to the vicinity of the camp and set a fire. Ibuki, who was standing aside, saw an opportunity and quietly slipped to the backpack of Horikita Suzune and took away the key card.

"Hey, no! There's a fire!"

""What?! Put out the fire! There's water here!"

As expected, the students in Class D were all attracted and carried containers to put out the fire. Only Ayanokouji watched everything calmly.

When Horikita Suzune came out of the shower, she found that the camp had suddenly caught fire and was also ready to help with a container.

However, she had a severe cold and suddenly had a headache because of the intense exercise after taking a cold shower.

However, there was no time for a headache at the moment, and she endured the discomfort and participated in the firefighting operation.

‘Ayanokouji is really starting to play a role in the special exam... But no matter how much you plot this time, you won't think of the existence of a traitor. '

According to Arisu's description, Ayanokouji is a person with extremely strong observation ability. Even she dare not underestimate him, so Higashi-san will be wary of Ayanokouji again and again. Higashi- san just observed silently, and the loss of physical strength can be basically ignored for him now.

And Ibuki on the side was a little restless. If Horikita Suzune found that the key card was missing, she would definitely be suspected, so the longer she stayed here, the more dangerous it would be.

Under Ayanokouji's deliberate efforts, Ibuki found a place where no one noticed and quickly escaped.

At this time, it started to rain a little, but judging from the thickness of the dark clouds, it would probably turn into a heavy rain soon.

Sure enough, Horikita Suzune pulled Ayanokouji and said something, and then immediately chased out of the forest.

And Ayanokouji followed behind without attracting anyone's attention.

Now it has become a situation where Horikita Suzune is chasing Ibuki, Ayanokouji is chasing Horikita, and Higashikata is chasing Ayanokouji.

With Ayanokouji deliberately slowing down, it took some time before they saw two girls fighting in the forest.

And this was obviously the place where Ibuki was going to contact Ryuen, but she didn't expect to be caught up by Horikita Suzune so soon.

At first, the two fought evenly, but as Horikita Suzune's body temperature got higher and higher, the speed at which her physical strength was lost also became faster. With an unstable breath, she was knocked to the ground by Ibuki.

Horikita Suzune was still struggling to get up, but she couldn't find Ibuki at all, and the other party had already walked away.

Ayanokouji also ran to Horikita Suzune's side at this time:

"Horikita...are you okay?"

"quick…………Go... chase... Ibuki is... a spy."

Then he lost consciousness, and Ayanokouji showed no mercy. Looking at Horikita Suzune in front of him, Ayanokouji just carried her to a nearby cave.

Then he ran to the homeroom teacher. At this time, the lurking Dongfang classmate also slowly walked out:

"Ah~ He is really an emotionless puppet. He is so cruel to his classmates. Although I have no right to say anything about him.……"

After personally confirming the actions of Class D, Dongfang went to Class B's location.

"Ah, it's Dongfang!"

There was no need to hide after arriving at Class B, so Dongfang didn't hide himself, but walked into the camp with a swagger.

"Hello, Ichinose"

"I really have to thank Dongfang-kun. Kaneda-san is indeed a spy."

"So, have you changed your leadership?"

"……That's a really direct question. Actually, they have changed.

Dongfang nodded silently. Since the leader of Class B has been changed, everything will be the same as his plan.


Higashigata-san heard what Ichinose wanted to say, but seemed to be hesitant:

"What's wrong?"

"It's nothing... We in Class B have already discussed that the student council vote will go to Dongfang-kun."


Houto didn't expect that the votes from Class B would come so easily. He remembered why Ichinose knew him, so it was normal for him to vote for him.

But if the entire Class B voted... it was really unexpected.

"Because we think that Higashikata is a good person! And he helped us find the spy!"

At this time, Ichinose's good friend Tsunakura Asako also came over with a few girls.

"Ah, thank you so much."

"No, I should thank Xiao Fanbo! After all, she is...……"

Before Tsunakura Asako could finish her words, Ichinose covered her mouth.

"Sorry... Dongfang-kun... Xiao Mazi is a little full, don't mind it. Hahahaha"

Ichinose laughed dryly a few times

"Oh, oh."

Dongfang decided that the atmosphere was weird, so he said goodbye and left Class B.

"Little pockmarked boy!……"

"Hehe, don't be angry, Xiaofanbo. I'm just trying to help you."

"Don't talk nonsense next time."

"Okay, class leader! I will definitely not tell anyone that you like him!"

After saying that, Tsunakura Asako raised her legs and ran away, leaving behind the shy Ichinose who was angry.

""Little pockmarked boy!!"

When Dongfang returned to Class A, he met Katsuragi, who was in high spirits.

"Ah, it's the East."

"got it?"

"Well, Ibuki and Kaneda showed me the key cards of the BD leaders respectively, so there is no mistake."

Katsuragi has also come out of the shadow of Totsuka Yahiko's dropout. Now he is full of confidence and is ready to go forward with the bond with Yahiko!

Dongfang nodded, and saw Hashimoto making a gesture with his hand.‘OK’Then he looked at Katsuragi with a sad look

,"The bond between you and Yahiko may really be broken."

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