"What on earth is the school planning to do? Are they planning to send us on an island expedition?"

"Adventure sounds like it would be fun, do you want to form a team?"

"I used to be a professional explorer~"

In this situation, only the leaders of the four classes can remain calm. Ryuen looked expectant and looked like he deserved a beating. Dongfang

's evaluation of Ryuen dropped again: I always feel that this guy is unexpectedly naive. But maybe this is the mentality that a real high school student should have.

No matter what they have experienced, no matter how flexible their thinking is, high school students are just teenagers.

Thinking of this, Dongfang remembered the second-year vice president Nanyun. The other party's ideal is to make the school a real strength-first school full of competition and elimination.

But has he really experienced the so-called strength-first? Apart from anything else, students of the big chaebols such as the Dongfang family and the Gaoyuan Temple family may not need to do anything to stand at the top of the pyramid of Sakurajima.

People like Katsuragi, who came from a commoner background, need countless opportunities and their own efforts to have a glimpse of the so-called top of the pyramid.

Dongfang can be sure that the so-called big figures he knows are not named Nanyun. Then the other party takes it for granted that strength-first is what he imagines

‘I always feel that agreeing to fight for the position of president is a bit like bullying a child.. But after all, I am just a high school student. '

Actually, when he agreed to join the student council and participate in the next election for president with Horikita, Higashi-san had some plans. First, the student council president seems to have a lot of power. If he succeeds, he may be able to peek into the deepest secrets of this school full of traps.

Second, Higashi-san thinks that the so-called freedom of further study and career choice of graduates from Class A is not perfect. Perhaps becoming the student council president can intervene in this aspect.

Third, the supremacy of strength proposed by Nanyun may cause the whole school to become a mess. It is definitely not a good thing for the development of society to make students who are already utilitarian even more profit-seeking.

At this time, the cruise ship has stopped steadily. The head teachers of the four classes also came to the deck together, and each informed the students in their class to change into long-sleeved sportswear, put some spare clothes in their backpacks, and not to bring any personal items except those in the rules, and prepare to disembark.

The sudden order made the first-year students panic and at a loss, but under the organization of the class leaders, they followed the instructions of the class teacher and went back to pack their backpacks and prepare to go to the island.

Soon, the four first-year classes were divided into four squares on the beach.

At this time, Mashima Tomoya, the class teacher of Class A, came forward and announced to everyone:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, the first special exam for first graders begins now."

"Huh? Test?"

"Hey, are you kidding me? When did you say there was an exam? It's summer vacation now!"

"Is this what Dongfang and Ryuen were talking about just now on the boat?"

The class with the loudest discussion was Class D. Since there has not been a manager who can really convince everyone until now, the students in Class D soon exploded.

Only Ayanokouji, who was calm in everything, and Horikita Suzune, who kept rubbing her arms, seemed not surprised.

Some students in Class C were also noisy, but they soon quieted down under Ryuen's death gaze. The students in Classes

AB basically did not show any intense emotions, after all, their basic qualities were relatively high. Even if they really didn't understand something, they would not throw a tantrum on the spot.

Mashima Satoshi didn't care about the reactions of the students in front of him, and continued to explain the relevant rules of the exam:

"The exam will start at 10:00 am on August 1 and end at 12:00 noon on August 7. For a week, you will need to do a wilderness survival exercise on this island as a class."

"Is that really the case?..."Ryuen had come up with this possibility a long time ago through his own speculation.

There was nothing much to say about Class A and Class B. After all, it was arranged by the school, so they could only accept it silently. But after all, there were other classes in this school:

"Are you kidding me? Survival in the wild? It takes a whole week?"

"No way, how can we survive in the wild?"

"Is the school trying to murder us?"

"After all, why do students have to survive in the wild? What's the point of this?"

Yes, this is the reaction of Class D. And their class teacher, Chabashira Sae, also answered seriously:

"Quiet! There is no shortage of large enterprises and companies that organize team building activities in the world. As students, what qualifications do you have to deny their team building practices?"

"If one day you become the president of a so-called large company, the school will seriously consider your opinions. Therefore, stop chattering."

Class D shut up under the stern reprimand of the class teacher, but occasionally a few people could be heard whispering.

The rules of the exam have not been introduced yet, and Mashima Tomoya feels that the world has quieted down and continues to explain:

"For this exam, each class has 300 special exam points. Everyone in the class has the right to use these points to purchase items."

"What you can buy is also recorded in the guide book. Each class has one book. If you lose it, you need to spend 10 special points to buy it."

"Moreover, after this exam, the remaining special points of each class will be converted into class points at a one-to-one ratio."

After hearing that the points can be directly converted into class points, the students of the four classes were very excited. After all, if you don't spend any points, you can directly increase 300 class points after the exam.

That means everyone can get 30,000 personal points. And the lower-ranking classes can also complete the class counterattack through the increased points, and the upper-ranking classes can also maintain their rankings through the increased points.

But Mashima Tomoya has not yet finished explaining the relevant rules:

"In addition, each class has two tents, two flashlights, a box of moisture-proof matches and a simple toilet. Taking physiological factors into consideration, female students can apply directly to the school for physiological products."

"Exam rules: 1. There are many bases on the uninhabited island. Each base has a machine set up by the school. The leader of each class can occupy it for eight hours. After eight hours, it can be occupied again. Each time it is occupied, the class can get a special point."

"2. Only one leader selected by the class can carry and use the key card. The leader's name will be written on the key card and cannot be impersonated. The leader cannot be replaced without a valid reason."

"3. If you mistakenly occupy another class's base, 50 special points will be deducted."

"4. At the end of the exam, there will be a session to guess the leaders of other classes. Once the leader of a class is guessed correctly, the party that guessed it will get 50 special points, and the party whose guess was made will lose 50 points and lose all points earned from occupying the stronghold. However, if the guess is wrong, the party that guessed it wrong will lose 50 class points."

"5. Once the school finds any behavior that pollutes the environment, 20 special points will be deducted"

"6. For students who drop out of the exam due to physical reasons, 30 points will be deducted from the class's special points. Because one student in Class A missed the exam due to physical reasons, the initial special points for Class A are 270 points."

"7. Violence is prohibited. If the school discovers violence, looting, vandalism, etc. against other classes, the class to which the student belongs will lose the qualification to take the exam, and all personal points of the student will be confiscated."

"That’s all for the rules. I now declare the special exam to begin!"

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