Yingyi finally understood why Roadhog suddenly appeared.

After all this time, it turned out that he was not so confident about his current success.

"I see... But this is even more strange, your son is now facing off against Arisu. You are here to talk to me about this useless nonsense... Did you eat something clean in the white room that caused your brain logic to go haywire?"

Ayanokouji Atsuomi suddenly clenched his fists, and the veins on the back of his hands bulged.……

"The little brat from the Dongfang family... I don't want to have any verbal disputes with you today. As for watching the game? Humph, what's the point of that before the result comes out! ?"

This is exactly the doctrine that Roadhog believes in. He only needs the result, not the complicated process.

As long as he can achieve a good ending for him, it doesn't matter how boring or disgusting the process is.

Therefore, the only report he wants to hear is that Ayanokouji successfully defeated Arisu.

"Although you are indeed this kind of person, I do have a question to ask.���You."

Lu Ba's expression first showed dissatisfaction. He had a strong premonition... or it was bound to happen. That is, Ying Yi's question was definitely not what he wanted to hear.

Then there was a hint of doubt. Judging from Ying Yi's attitude of not giving him any face, there was no need to say such meaningless nonsense.

Lu Ba picked up the cup in front of him:"What do you want to ask?"

"Very simple. I want to know whether you have ever had any good feelings towards anyone from the time you were born until now or before you die."

Sure enough, this sentence sounded like a naked mockery to Roadhog. What do you mean by before you die? What do you mean by between humans?

"Hehe, you are indeed from the Dongfang family. You are full of the superiority of the nobles."

"Sense of superiority? If a commoner can feel a sense of superiority from what I just said, that's really amazing."

The gazes of Lu Ba and Ying Yi were like a needle against a thorn. Yue Cheng and the other Yue Cheng henchman were always alert to Ying Yi's movements. If there was any accident, they would open fire immediately.

"These two guys are obviously not as good as you in terms of mental quality. Isn't there any medicine in the white room that can make people braver?"

"Hehe, the white room is just an ordinary teaching institution. The courage drug you mentioned... I'm afraid it only exists in childish fairy tales."

"Really... But compared to fairy tales, I still think that the idea of transforming one's own son into a soulless robot and trying to conquer the world... is more childish."

"Haha, I didn't expect the heir of the Dongfang family to be so unambitious. You probably don't know what your family relies on to take root in Sakurajima, right?"

The atmosphere between the two people did not ease at all... until Yuecheng's phone rang. After the latter opened the phone and took a look, his pupils shrank slightly, and he looked at Lu Ba tremblingly.

Lu Ba glanced at him, signaling Yuecheng to fart quickly.

"That... that... Lord Ayanokouji, the result of the game is out."!!!!!!!

Roadblock and Yingyi were suddenly a little flustered.

The former had a bad feeling after hearing Tsukishiro's hesitant tone.

The latter was thinking about the promise he made to Arisu that he would accompany her to face this old enemy. In the end, he didn't watch her game at all... Although there was a legitimate reason, it would probably take some effort to comfort the willful little princess.

But Roadblock was a man who had experienced many ups and downs after all, and a deep and majestic voice came out of his mouth:"Speak." Tsukishiro was frightened and sweated profusely, and read the result of the game on his mobile phone with difficulty.:

"After careful judgment by the referee, the chess event of this special exam... Class A and Class D... are tied."

"What did you say?!"

Yingyi and Luba shouted at Yuecheng at the same time... This result was obviously beyond their expectations.

Yuecheng wiped the sweat from his forehead:"It's... It's a draw……"

"What a joke! I think he has been stuck in this sheep-like childish school for too long! He is actually on par with a little girl who is still wet behind the ears!!!"

"Still wet behind the ears? Oh, if Arisu hadn't thought that her father had worked for you for a while and didn't want to embarrass a proud man like you, Ayanokouji would have lost long ago."

"What did you say, little devil!"

"I made it very clear. You and your success are a joke. The White Room is really successful in supplying talents to the circus!"

Roadhog could no longer bear the anger in his chest, and shouted to Yuecheng:"Call that guy over to me!! I want to teach him a lesson!"

"Excuse me, sir. As the student council president, I have to protect the students of our school.

Ying Yi took the responsibility to exercise the authority of the student council president.


Yue Cheng wanted to speak, but he was already familiar with the rules of high-level training and there was nothing he could do.

The power of the chairman of the board could not override that of the student council president. Especially when it comes to issues related to students.

""Waste!! Tsukishiro! What use are you!"

Therefore, this evil anger was vented on Tsukishiro.

Ayanokouji Atsuomi shouted hysterically. The reason was not that Yingyi kept choking him here, but that his successful work was once again lost to others!

A draw? How could a perfect tool have a draw! This is not allowed!

But soon, Lu Ba thought of a possibility - Ayanokouji once again disguised his strength

"Haha, is that so?……"

The unpredictable Roadhog seemed more dangerous than usual, and no one knew what he would do next.

In Yingyi's opinion, this might be some special drugs that made his original mania more obvious.

"Do you think you won? Do you think you defeated me?!"

"I never said that. The result of the game is obvious - a draw. You are the one who has been yelling. If this symptom persists for a long time, I suggest you go to Kyoto for treatment."

"Oh, you sharp-tongued brat. Just be complacent about your victory this time! But I want to tell you that my success did not bring out his true strength."

Yingyi looked at Roadhog who suddenly regained his confidence strangely:"Then what makes you sure that is the true strength of Arisu? Besides, I have proved that your success is not above everyone else. If you can lose once, you can lose a second time."

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