Horikita Manabu had just walked a short distance when he saw Dongfang leaning against a vending machine with two bottles of iced coffee.

"To be honest, if Ayanokouji didn't block it, would you have continued to throw that punch?"

"I will."

Dongfang glanced at the serious sister-con with disdain. He didn't believe that he would really do that. However, since he said so, he should not expose it.

"In fact, I think that based on what I know about Class D, if nothing unexpected happens, she won't be able to lead the team."

"I think she can do it."

"Do you have confidence in her?"

"You know what? Suzune has always been a genius who is far more talented than me. But later she was lost in the so-called brilliance of me, so she clumsily had to chase after my back and forgot herself."

Genius? Horikita Suzune may indeed be a capable and talented person. But to say that she is better than Horikita Manabu, at least Higashigata-san hasn't seen it yet.

Seeing that Higashigata-san didn't care, Horikita Manabu didn't explain. He led the topic in another direction:

"First grade ballot, how is your plan going?"

"It's all planned. Although I want to say this, but as far as the current situation is concerned, there is basically no progress."

"Is that so?"

Higashira-san is not anxious, and so is Horikita-san. One believes in his own ability, and the other believes in his own vision.

"Actually, I wanted to use today's opportunity to threaten your sister to vote for me. But based on the current information, I gave up."

"It's probably because Suzune doesn't have any friends in Class D. She can't make decisions for the whole class."

"That's right. The situation of the students in Class D is pure individualism. As long as they live well, they don't care about others."

"Therefore, it doesn't matter who becomes the student council president to them. They can vote for me or Nanyun. They may even be more hostile to me in Class A because we are in the same grade."

"But I still have confidence in Lingyin. As long as she finds herself, as long as she seriously discovers her mistakes, she will definitely be able to do it."

Ah, here we go again. This sister complex who can't stop talking about his sister!

"However, Class D should be led by her."

Whether it is 'she' or 'he' is another matter, anyway, on the surface, they are the same

"Do you think so too?"

"Because someone will help her."

Higashi said faintly. That Ayanokouji basically appears with Horikita Suzune, and Horikita Suzune herself has an absolute obsession with the A-level.

As long as you can find a way to make Ayanokouji play a role, then in order to hide his own strength, Horikita Suzune is the best tool. As for forcing Ayanokouji, if no one does it, Higashi will personally go down and push him.

"You mean....He?"

Horikita Manabu also thought of Ayanokouji, who was very skilled, and also thought that the other party had scored 50 points in each subject in the entrance examination, which was obviously deliberately hiding his strength.

"But if you want to get a ticket for Class D, you need to get in touch with the two more famous people. Everything is under control."

"If you become the president, what do you plan to do with this school?"

Suddenly, Horikita stared at Dongfang and asked the question he cared about most in a low voice.


Higashigashi-san didn't answer, and Horikita Manabu slowly stood up:

"No matter what you think, I will still support you. I just hope that I will not be wrong again."

After saying that, he prepared to go back to the dormitory.

"Now, what would happen if the hyena, who gets everything for free, stepped on the lion who was protecting his tribe and replaced him as the new king of beasts?"


After Higashi asked this question to Horikita Manabu's back, he stood up and left. Horikita Manabu stood there silently for a long time, then let out a breath of foul air."I know that too."

In Higashi's eyes, Class D is essentially a defective product that society does not need. Most of the people in it are hyenas who get something for nothing.

If they are really allowed to choose their jobs freely, it will probably do more harm than good to society. And truly capable talents may lose their only chance in this life due to class restrictions.

Although I don't need to change other people's lives, for the sake of the healthy development of society, I can only say to those people like the stupid trio: I'm sorry.

Soon, the midterm exam came as scheduled.

As expected, the students in Class A passed smoothly with the help of study sessions and test questions. However, the more important thing is that the quality of the students themselves is much higher than that of the other three classes.

This is especially obvious in Class D. Even with the answers, there is still a student in Class D who failed. Although with the help of Ayanokouji and Horikita Suzune, the whole class collected 100,000 points to help Sudo buy the one point of failing.

But the fact that he could still fail under such circumstances also surprised Higashi-san for a long time when he learned the news from Kamuro-san.

That's right, since Kamuro-san became Arisu's exclusive pet, he has also been responsible for tasks including but not limited to: buying breakfast, waking up, running errands, handrails, and eyeliner. Arisu said:"Kamiro-san, although my request is a bit excessive, I still hope you can agree."

In any case, the four classes passed the exams without anyone dropping out. Just when Higashi-san was planning how to get the support of the other two classes, his good brother Ryuen also thoughtfully sent him a pillow for when he was dozing off.

As a member of the student council, it is also necessary to occasionally patrol and inspect the school. Although this should have been the job of the discipline committee member, as a candidate for the president, Higashi-san will occasionally take on part of the work.


"Excuse me, the student council is on patrol. Are you taking a selfie?"

"No...No.. sorry, I didn't know this was the student union. I, I, I, I'll leave right away."


Before she could finish her words, the cute pink-haired girl who was taking a selfie ran away in a hurry when she was spotted by Dongfang.

"Actually, you are free to take photos here."

Dongfang finished what he wanted to say. There are so many pretty girls in this school. But the cutest one is Alice!

"Eh? That's Sudo and the bad guys. I feel like they're doing more and more peeping recently...."

Dongfang turned the corner of the stairs and looked at the two groups of people confronting each other.

"Damn, Sudo, you idiot, how dare you come over here?"

"I'm not afraid of you. Come and fight me if you have the guts!"

"Go. Beat him!"

The three bad guys rushed straight towards Sudo and raised their fists. The fists of the three hit Sudo like sandbags, but they were smart enough not to leave marks on his face. Sudo did not sit still and wait for death, and directly pushed the bad guys from Class C away with his hands.

Seeing that the three opponents were outnumbered, Sudo was ready for a fight, but he did not expect that the other party would say a few harsh words and turn away.

Sudo, who was not good at thinking, thought that the other party was afraid of him, and shouted at the backs of the three people:"Let you be arrogant!" But the other party ignored him at all, so Sudo lost interest and turned away.

Dongfang looked at the video on his mobile phone:"Ah, I really didn't want to shoot this time. But, I almost thought it was a good show I designed myself."

"But, Ryuen... let me meet you, the tyrant."

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