Gaoyuan Temple brushed his blond hair with his hands, and pinned the small comb that seemed to have a body on it on his head.

"Although it is a very stupid competition, I choose to participate! It is because I am so beautiful that I will never be afraid of a real challenge, in order to show you mortals what the ultimate beauty is! Ah! I am so beautiful!"

After singing, Gaoyuan Temple tore off his bath towel, and what appeared in everyone's eyes was like a Tyrannosaurus Rex hunting ruthlessly on the grassland. He conquered everyone including Albert with the attitude of an absolute king.

"Oh my God!"

"What the hell is this!!! This must be fake! Hey, this must be fake!!!"


Gao Yuan Temple was very satisfied with the shock and awe on everyone's faces. His beauty was enough to conquer these guys.

""Mortals, tremble! This is the realm of true beauty that you will never reach! Boys, welcome to the world of men!"

The first-year students had nothing to say. Gaoyuan Temple proved with his own strength that if Albert only surpassed the competition of human race, then he surpassed the competition of species!

It is hard to imagine that this is a realm that humans can reach!

But at this time, Ryuen also decided to join in and add fuel to the fire:"Wait. This game is not over yet."

"Oh? Dragon Boy, you don't want to compete with the beautiful me, do you? After admiring my incomparably beautiful posture?"

Ishizaki wanted to cheer for his boss, but....But this is impossible. Gaoyuan Temple is not a human being at all.

"Oh, I didn't say compete with me. This game was supposed to start after a certain student union cadre arrived, so if he didn't even play, what's the point? Besides, there should be a hidden strong man in Class D!"

Yes!! At this time, everyone looked at Yingyi on the side. Why wait for him? Because no matter who thinks that the first-year student with the strongest physical ability is definitely Yingyi. And in this case, he should be a well-deserved strong man in this regard.

But after being interrupted again and again, they forgot about the existence of Yingyi. However, they had no clue about the hidden strong man in Class D that Ryuen mentioned.

"President! Lead us humans to charge again!"

"But...If the president wins, wouldn't he be the monster?"

Sudo looked at him again and again, and he also thought of his good friend Ayanokouji. He had been hiding something from him just now, so he ran to him and whispered a few words.

Ayanokouji sighed helplessly. Even if he lacked common sense, he knew that this kind of thing was more of a bad taste between boys, but if he participated in it, he might be able to understand the male high school students better. Let

Sudo pull off his bath towel, and an equally eye-catching Tyrannosaurus Rex appeared! How can one bathhouse accommodate two Tyrannosaurus Rex?

Everyone in the venue was thoughtfully judging who was bigger.

Gaoyuan Temple looked over with interest. Ayanokouji was indeed a person with similar capital as him. He also looked at Yingyi with a serious attitude. In fact, as beings of almost the same level, the two are both friends and opponents. They have competed with each other countless times, and they have also reached the limits that can be touched. But compared to this....Apparently it never happened.

"Dongfang boy, do you want to compete with me?"

Yingyi waved his hand:"Forget it. I'm not interested in this." He felt an indescribable chill when a group of men were staring at his body. No matter whether he wins or loses, the result will not be good."

Gaoyuan Temple didn't say anything else. Even if the two of them competed, it would have to be like this. Could it be that when the two families compete in the future, they can just say that they are bigger and get more of the cake?

He looked at Ayanokouji and himself, then laughed:"Hahaha, although they look similar, my Tyrannosaurus Rex has always been in the hunting period, and has hunted a lot of prey. In comparison, Ayanokouji boy has no signs of hunting at all. So in the end I won!"

Just like that, the farce between the boys came to an end.

That night, Yingyi sneaked out in the dark. Of course, he was not going to meet Arisu privately, but he met a tall man with an icy face.

"You came"

"Ah, so you found something? Senior."

After the other party adjusted his glasses with his hands, Yingyi found that these glasses could actually reflect light completely, and the brightness was even brighter than his own flashlight.

"Well, thanks to your reminder, I asked my classmates to pay attention to the situation of the groups. It turned out that the person in charge of Akane Tachibana's group was the sophomore student Ikarii. Although she was very careful, she still showed her hand. I am sure she will lower the average score of the group and make Akane Tachibana die with her."

Although it is not a punishment for expulsion, the class points are crucial for Class 3-A. Because it is uncertain what will happen next, Class B may overtake at any time.

And this guy Nanyun actually used despicable means, which also made Horikita Manabu firm in his belief that he must not lose.

"So, what is the senior going to do? Nanyun's plan is that even if we know his actions, we can't do anything. If Igari wants to deliberately lower the score, what can Tachibana Akane-senpai do?"Horikito Manabu remained silent, as if he was thinking of a way to break the deadlock.

"I have a plan for now. But you might refuse it. Give someone a taste of their own medicine."

Nanyun is a well-deserved scumbag, and his girlfriends can probably be counted on their toes. But this kind of man has a white moonlight in his heart, Asahina Aku. And she happens to be the leader of that group. As long as she finds a first-year sacrifice and gives her a lot of personal points, wouldn't it be easy to do such a thing?

Nanyun would never dream that Horikita would learn to use some so-called despicable means to threaten Asahina Aku, who poses no threat at all. And this is also where the success rate is the highest.

"If Nanyun hadn't framed senior Tachibana Akane, then you wouldn't have to frame Asahina. Otherwise, it depends on whether Nanyun wants to fight to the death with you. Although losing these class points is very dangerous, with you leading Class A, there is a high probability that they can still hold on. The only thing left is whether you will lose to him in terms of trickery."

After Yingyi gave this inspiration to Horikita Manabu, he was about to go back. In fact, Horikita Manabu's plan had nothing to do with Yingyi. He only left one sentence:"You can do it yourself. Having to use despicable means to protect the person you love, this is the world of men."

Then, the figure moved and disappeared into the night, and under the bright moonlight, only a male high school student wearing reflective glasses was left.

"A man's world.....It’s really cruel."

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