In the dream of sleeping together, Mei Fang dreamed that she was in a children's room full of toys, dolls and cartoon stickers, lying on the floor with a happy face.

The children suspected to be Yuanyuan's daughter and Youxi's daughter ran over and played goat jumping on his back.

His two lovers, Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi, were sitting cross-legged on the foam mat, happily knitting sweaters and counting in the father-daughter game.

"A little Yuanbao jumped over."

"A little Xibao jumped over."

"Two little ingots jumped over!"

"Two little Xibao jumped over!"

This extremely happy family joy made Mei Fang smile so much that she couldn't close her mouth. She kept playing like this, and when she counted more than a thousand times, Mei Fang finally couldn't hold on any longer and lay down on the foam mat.

At this time, the daughters all came over and shook Mei Fang, humming and coquettishly:

"Dad, dad, get up quickly..."

"Daddy, keep playing with us."

"Can you do it, Dad!"

"I have to work hard for my daughter!"

"Okay,'s all okay--"

"Yeah, Dad is awesome-"

"I like daddy the most..."

Mei Fang stood up amidst the pull of her daughters, and when she was about to hug them, she was suddenly awakened by the noisy ringing of headphones on the bedside table.

"What the hell...didn't I turn on mute?"

Mei Fang murmured as she carefully passed over Lin Youxi, who was sleeping soundly. She picked up the phone and saw that it was her mother Xiang Xiaoxia.


I called just after seven o'clock. What was going on? I was so anxious...

Mei Fang answered the phone somewhat inexplicably, and countless absurd thoughts suddenly came to her mind:

Could it be that dad was double-crossed and you want me to find a way to get him?

No... Dad doesn't have the guts. Besides, he definitely doesn't want as much money as I do. I promised to give him a Hongqi last time, so there's no need.

Then, could it be that that girl Meiya fell in love prematurely?

Do you even dare to pick up my webmaster Mei Fang’s sister? See if I don't break that kid's legs!

Mei Fang sat in a daze holding her cell phone. Because she didn't answer the call, Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan were woken up in a daze.

Xia Yuan murmured in her sleep and asked Mei Fang not to come from behind, while Lin Youxi rubbed her eyes and asked Mei Fang with a groan:

"Afang, what are you doing sitting there...who called? Why didn't you answer the call-"

"Uh, my mom."

Mei Fang came to her senses and answered the phone, "Hey - Mom, what's going on so early?"

"Open the gate to the community. The security guard at the door won't let us in."

"Ah... who dared to stop you? Didn't you tell me my name?"

"Isn't this your first time here? Hurry up and tell the security guard of your community."

"Wait a minute, it's the security guard of our community..."

"The security guard in my community——"

When Mei Fang came back to her senses, she was suddenly frightened into a cold sweat, "Wait a minute, my community?"

"Yes, come here and talk to your security guard."

"Hello, are you Mr. Mei? This person claims to be your mother. We are verifying it here."

Mei Fang heard the security guard Xiao Zhang's voice on the other end of the phone, who usually greeted her enthusiastically, and he immediately hesitated and said:

"Yes, she is my mother, ah, wait-"

There was no response to Mei Fang's words. The phone seemed to have been taken back by her mother, "Okay, now that it's confirmed, take me to my son's house."

The community where Mei Fang lives now is a villa manor in the mountains and forests. Although it is a community, it is a multi-million-dollar villa and mansion with a single door and a courtyard. It is extremely quiet and secluded among the mountains and rivers. It is a very suitable place for vacation and childbirth. .

But now is not the time to talk about this!

What a mess!

"Holy shit, my mother actually launched a surprise attack!"

Lin Youxi rubbed her eyes and smiled, "But I have to say, it's quite like our mother's style..."

"No... now is not the time to lament this! Get up quickly and clean up."

"It's too late to clean up now..."

Lin Youxi yawned and looked at Mei Fang changing clothes like a pee, and suddenly felt quite interesting.

"Afang, you are such an adult, why are you still so afraid of your mother?"

"People who have never kneeled with a wire brush are really tough to talk to!"

"Mom will never let you kneel down and brush the wire again. You are a person with status now."

"It's impossible to tell... In this way, you can just continue pretending to sleep. I'll pretend to sleep in another bedroom. I'll hide it for a while. Help me put away all my things."


Lin Youxi nodded softly.

When the doorbell rang at home, Mei Fang activated a once-in-a-lifetime flash of the Mei family to open the door, then rubbed his eyes, and then showed a rather surprised expression at the Mei family members who suddenly attacked him. Mei Lijun frowned hard from behind, Meiya stuck out her tongue, while her mother Xiang Xiaoxia had a calm look on her face, with no emotion or anger on her face.

"Mom, why did you come here early..."

"I didn't have time to notify you if my schedule changed."

Xiang Xiaoxia looked up and down at the disheveled and sleepy Mei Fang, "The security guard in the community where you live now is so unkind. I even took out my ID card and household registration book, but he still doesn't believe that you are my son."

"This community is inherently private. After all, there are many celebrities living here. I'm afraid the paparazzi will sneak in... Let's come in first and then we'll talk slowly."

Mei Fang said and welcomed her parents into the door first. When Mei Ya and Mei Fang passed by, they stood on tiptoes and whispered secretly:

"Brother, you are dead this time."

Mei Fang patted Meiya's shoulder "gently", "Thank you very much for reminding me -"

"It hurts, it hurts - Mom handed over my mobile phone! I couldn't tell you in advance..."

Meiya cried and expressed her grievances to her brother.

The Mei family was welcomed into the living room by Mei Fang. Xiang Xiaoxia did not show any fatigue from running all the way, but said with some emotion:

"Your living room is too feels like a waste of space."

"Our son is the president of a large group, so he must have this kind of pomp..."

Mei Lijun was very satisfied with the great achievements of his cub and walked around the living room instead of sitting down. However, he also pointed out the shortcomings of Comrade Mei Fang's work:

"You only plant so many flowers in such a big garden, and you don't even raise them. As a father, I'm really worried about you... By the way, do you need a housekeeper? Dad quit his job to help you plant flowers. Take care of the courtyard, and the house is so big, it’s not easy to clean..."

"Okay, what are you messing around with here? Why...why do others need you to live their lives?"

Xiang Xiaoxia scolded her insane husband, and then looked at the stairs above:

"Are Yuanyuan and Youxi still sleeping? They live upstairs?"


Mei Fang nodded, "I sleep in the bedroom in the living room."


When Mei Fang said this, Xiang Xiaoxia had been staring at him. He responded to his mother's words without changing his face and without a beat, relying on his many years of shameless experience in the business world. But at this moment, he suddenly discovered something. A terrible thing——

That was the white Les Pants that Yuan Yuan wore last night. It was sandwiched inside the sofa, with a sharp point exposed, and her mother's hand could almost touch it.

Although the situation of the threesome must be explained in the end, the mother cannot be allowed to take the initiative in discovering the truth, otherwise the explanation will be very passive.

So Mei Fang winked at her smart sister. Super sister Meiya immediately knew that she should change the topic, so she yawned and said, "Mom, are we just going to sit here all the time? I want to take a bath to catch up." Sleep, I’m so sleepy.”

"Okay, I'll make arrangements for you. There is still an empty guest room on the first floor-"

"Okay, Al Fang, stop working. Mom goes up first to say hello to Yuan Yuan Youxi."

"They, they are still sleeping. What did you do in the past? This is too rude."

"What's so rude? I'm their mother too. Look what's going on in the daughters' bedrooms?"

Xiang Xiaoxia paused and said, "Don't worry, I will knock on the door and then go in."

Seeing that Xiang Xiaoxia was about to get up and go upstairs, the clever Meiya immediately rushed up and grabbed her mother's arm, sat down on Xia Yuan's white pants, and then cried aggrievedly, "Mom! So I must You must have picked it up! When I was at home, you never knocked on the door of my room..."

"Isn't this a test of whether you are studying hard? You are just like your dad, addicted to some weird stuff. One likes flowers and plants, and the other likes toys and little people. They are both obsessed."

"This is my legitimate hobby."

"That's right!" Meiya said in support.

Meilijun retorted dissatisfiedly, "It's better than playing with toy villains..."

"Dad! You traitor!" Meiya retorted with a look of displeasure, "I earn more than 10,000 yuan a month playing with toy figures, how much is your salary?"

"How did you get so much money for making a video? Your brother must have found someone to help you."

"Stop looking down on people, you stinky dad! In order to one day appear in front of others as a saint, I have been hiding my name until now!"

"Just let your brother coax you. Even if you can really make so much money, how much will it cost to buy those little toy figures of yours? Didn't your brother buy them for you?"

"Ah, that, that -"

Meiya murmured while secretly stuffing Sister Yuanyuan's pants into her pocket.

"Okay, you two, stop bickering here. If you want to quarrel, go out and quarrel."

Xiang Xiaoxia was annoyed by the dispute between Meiya and Meilijun, when the sound of footsteps coming down the stairs was heard.


"Mom, Xiaoya, Uncle Mei, are you here?"

Lin Youxi had already changed into her pajamas, washed up and stood up. She looked very good in her regular clothes and no makeup.

Seeing her beloved "eldest daughter" appear, Xiang Xiaoxia, who had a straight face, suddenly softened a lot, and said with a smile: "Oh... Youxi, we are so noisy downstairs to make you and Yuanyuan Did you wake up?"

"No... I usually wake up just like this, to prepare breakfast for Ah Fang Yuanyuan."

Lin Youxi hugged Meiya who threw herself into his arms, rubbed her head and said with a smile, "Mom, didn't you say you wouldn't come until the day after tomorrow? Why did you come today?"

"Your Uncle Mei has other arrangements with his company, so he came early. I just got the ticket. I didn't have time to tell you. I'm sorry."

"Nothing to be embarrassed about, Mom."

Lin Youxi smiled and said, "This is Al Fang's home. You can come and play whenever you want."

Meiya hugged Lin Youxi and said, "But, no one will like parents who have no sense of boundaries!"

"You talk too much and you—"

"Uuuu, Sister Youxi! Help, the Queen Mother is trying to kill someone!"

"You're talking nonsense again so early in the morning! Wipe your mouth on the wall!"

Lin Youxi's timely rescue made Xiang Xiaoxia give up her plan to visit Youxi Yuanyuan's big bedroom, so the two of them prepared breakfast together. Mei Fang led the other family members to the temporary guest room, and then took her sister with her. Asking the reason:

"I don't know what mom was thinking...she suddenly asked me not to go to class this morning and come directly to Pengcheng, so we flew over."

Meiya said, "I feel like you scared her when you called her last time. She wanted to find out what you wanted to do."

"But it's not like we're going to do this kind of impromptu assault, it'll scare someone to death..."

Mei Fang sighed helplessly. At this moment, Meiya also came over curiously and asked Mei Fang, "Brother, please explain to me. Now that you have graduated, what exactly are you going to announce at this gathering?" , are you getting married? Who do you plan to marry first... If I guessed correctly, it should be the type of marriage first and then divorce, right? "

"Stop guessing, go take a shower."

"Brother, there's something wrong with your expression. Is there anything else I don't know about? Hey, hey, tell me!"

Mei Fang and Meiya were whispering and discussing things here. At the same time, Xiang Xiaoxia, who was in the open kitchen, was talking to Lin Youxi and looking at this side.

Xiang Xiaoxia and Lin Youxi worked together to prepare breakfast, and then said with some emotion:

"It's already this point, it's time for Yuan Yuan to get up..."

"She slept for a long time. It will be fine if I call her later."

"But the breakfast will be cold. I'll go call her."

"No, Mom, it's okay... No need to call Yuanyuan, she needs more rest."

Lin Youxi's expression was serious and firm. She held Xiang Xiaoxia's hand and held it tightly. This made Xiang Xiaoxia feel very emotional. After all, the little girl who only used to be submissive in front of her has now become one. A unique woman.

Seeing Youxi handling her mother easily, Mei Fang also breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as I hold off my mother like this, I can prepare myself well before telling her about marriage and the fact that Yuanyuan will have a baby later——

At this moment, the footsteps coming downstairs sounded again.

But this time there was still a bit of a girl's cry in her voice.

Xia Yuan hurriedly ran down the stairs, talking in a daze as if he was talking in his sleep.

Her voice was very aggrieved.

"Huh...ah...Afang...Youxi...where have you dreamed that our baby was gone—"


Meiya and Mei Fang, who were sitting in the living room, stared at Xia Yuan with her face covered and crying. At this time, Xiang Xiaoxia and Lin Youxi were watching Xia Yuan in the open kitchen. At this time, Xia Yuan covered her face and went downstairs. I was in a hurry, and when I was about to come down, my foot slipped and I stumbled forward from the stairs——

And at this critical moment, Mei Fang, who had already stood up, rushed forward again, hugged Xia Yuan and held her in her arms.

Damn, this staircase needs to be renovated in the future!

Although Yuanyuan was fine, Mei Fang had already met Xiang Xiaoxia's death gaze.

Ah, now.

Now death was imminent.

Changes completed! Today I received another encouraging photo from Little Lemon’s sweet girl, I’m so happy!

Also, I’m going to Guangzhou tomorrow to attend the CPGZ Comic Exhibition the day after tomorrow. I wonder if anyone will snipe me offline. Do you have any ideas?

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