Everyone's party will be packed up and ready to go back in the daytime the next day, and less than half of the people get up in the morning.

When Xiang Bingbing, Yue Xinyi, and Guo Yun came downstairs, Lin Youxi was already busy preparing breakfast, and when he saw everyone coming, he simply said hello:


"Youxi woke up so early." Guo Yun smiled, "Have you started preparing breakfast yet? Do you want to help?"

"No, no, I'm almost done. I wanted to call you when I went downstairs. I was worried that you would sleep soundly, so I thought about it later."

What I made today was a combination of ham omelette and milk. When Xiang Bingbing smelled the aroma, he moved to Lin Youxi's side, "Woo... Youxi, your cooking skills are really good, isn't this too delicious? I I am too envious of Al Fang."

"I don't cook every day. Sometimes Afang will help us make breakfast."

"Speaking of which, aren't Mei Fang and Yuan Yuan up yet?"

Yue Xinyi asked curiously, and Lin Youxi replied, "After all, they had so much fun last night, they were too tired."

"That's actually... It's quite interesting to see Mei Gou swimming and getting deflated."

Yue Xinyi was resting her chin and thinking about what happened yesterday, when a voice came from the stairwell, Liu Xiaoyu yawned and went downstairs.

"Morning... You guys woke up so early..."

"It's also called early, it's almost ten o'clock."

Yue Xinyi stared at Liu Xiaoyu with her hips crossed and said, "Xiao Yu, did you play on your phone very late last night? You couldn't wake up in the morning no matter what."

"Ah... yes, sort of."

Liu Xiaoyu pulled her hair, "I forgot the time while watching a movie..."

"Staying up late is not good for your skin, you should pay more attention to skin care."

"Ok, I know."

As Liu Xiaoyu spoke, she unconsciously met Lin Youxi's gaze, but she quickly looked away guiltily, "Well, that, do you want to help me with breakfast?"

"No, I've prepared everything, let's eat together."

The girls happily enjoyed breakfast together, Xiang Bingbing saw that Lin Youxi had left two copies, and wanted to reach for the plate, but Lin Youxi slapped her.

"This is reserved for Afang and Yuanyuan, you can't eat any more."

"They haven't gotten up yet, and they don't know when..."

"Bingbing, I just want to reiterate to you - no."

Lin Youxi's squinting and smiling expression scared Xiang Bingbing, and when she saw this, she could only shrink back in despair.

It was just after 10 o'clock that Xia Yuan and Mei Fang walked down the stairs slowly. Yuan Yuan had to be supported by Mei Fang when she walked. Everyone watched her take a seat in surprise, only Liu Xiaoyu played with her head down. The phone is gone.

"Yuanyuan, what's wrong with you? Did you fall somewhere?"

"Yesterday, last night I caught a cold and my legs cramped."

"Then did you break it back?" Guo Yun said seriously, "If you don't break it back, it will probably hurt for a long time."

"Uh... yes, yes, I am like this now..."

Xia Yuan grinned in pain even when she sat down, and now Lin Youxi also brought her breakfast.

"Miss Yuanyuan, please use it slowly."

"Wh, what a strange name, you..."

Xia Yuan was about to reprimand Lin Youxi, only to find that Lin Youxi was staring at him with meaningful eyes, and immediately lowered her head with a guilty conscience and started cooking.

Mei Fang, on the other hand, was enjoying her breakfast as usual, and couldn't help but feel a little funny when she saw Bingbing's drooling eyes.

"Did you not have breakfast, want to eat so much..."

Mei Fang planned to give some to Xiang Bingbing as she spoke, but was stopped by Yue Xinyi on the way, "She ate it, you should eat it by yourself. You Xi made you breakfast, do you want to be scolded?"

"Youxi is not as stingy as you imagined, right? Youxi?"

"No, I'm just that stingy."

Lin Youxi smiled at Mei Fang, "I specially left it for you and Yuanyuan, and you still want to share it with others, do you dislike my cooking?"

"No, no! How is it possible..."

I always felt that Youxi's tone of voice was a little weird today, and Mei Fang didn't think much about it, and ate up the love breakfast prepared by Youxi in two or three bites.

But after eating, he remembered one more thing.

"Speaking of which, Zhang Ming—"

At this time, Zhang Ming was limping over with his slippers on, "Well, what... is there anything to eat—"

"Ah, I forgot to leave a copy for you, sorry."

Lin Youxi apologized to Zhang Ming blankly, and Zhang Ming waved his hand and said it was okay, "Is there any bread or something, I'll just fill my stomach..."

"Yes, yes, yesterday I remembered that there were some biscuits in the refrigerator..."

Liu Xiaoyu ran over to the refrigerator and gave Zhang Ming something to eat. Everyone ate, drank and chatted, while yawning non-stop with some tiredness from yesterday.

At this time, Mei Fang chatted with Xia Yuan about Yuan Xia's music.

"According to our current product matrix development, we Yuanxia Music can't just release your new song forever, and we need to complete other tasks, otherwise you will be under a lot of creative pressure, and Yuanxia Music can only surround you Turn, you may not have time."

"I don't think that's a good idea either."

Xia Yuan thought for a while, "So when you were talking about games with Yunyun yesterday, you asked me to listen to it too. Are you planning to let me start making music like Journey to the Clouds?"

"Well...you don't need to be the main person in charge this time, after all, you have new songs yourself."

Mei Fang's eyes fell on Liu Xiaoyu who was at the side, "Xiaoyu, do you think you can take responsibility?"

Liu Xiaoyu taught herself the accompaniment and soundtrack with Xia Yuan in high school. Liu Xiaoyu participated in and played a leading role in Xia Yuan's first album and part of the BGM of "Journey of Clouds", but overall she is only Xia Yuan's deputy.

When she was suddenly asked to be the main soundtrack, she also seemed a little surprised, "Is it the soundtrack for the new project? Specifically... what kind of project is it?"

"I'll send you the information when we get home, but you don't have to rush to start, because we still have to wait for our art master, Guo Yun, to complete the conceptual design."

Guo Yun explained again and again, "I, I will as soon as possible... But it will take at least a month or so."

"Then you can try to experience some of the soul games we refer to."

Mei Fang thought for a while, "You probably don't play many games, just read it on your notebook, and if you want to experience it, you are welcome to come to my house to experience it, but it's best to come when Yuanyuan and Youxi are around, otherwise not very convenient."

"I, I know... I can try."

Liu Xiaoyu nodded, "It's just... I may not be able to do well..."

"It's okay, Xiao Yu, just do your best."

Xia Yuan nodded and said, "When I first made it, Afang also said every day that I had the wrong rhythm here, and the tone was not good there, but didn't the OST soundtrack of Journey to the Clouds finally sell almost one-tenth of the original version's sales? As a figure As far as the collection is concerned, this is quite a lot.”

"You acted as if Xiao Yu had to complete this target, so don't put pressure on her."

Mei Fang patted Xia Yuan on the head, then put her arms around her and said to Liu Xiaoyu, "Now the whole Yuanxi Huyu is going to go on the road of commercialization and normalization, and Yuanxia Music has to expand accordingly. In addition to Yuanyuan himself, In addition to continuing to work hard, I think more can be delivered to Xiao Yu."

Mei Fang looked at Xiang Bingbing on the other side while talking, "In addition, I also hope that Bingbing and Peng Xue in the future can join in. You were all recruited by Yuanyuan to form a band before, but it hasn't been done yet. Chance to try."

Xiang Bingbing, who had always been carefree and confident, seemed a little restrained and shy at this time, "Yuanyuan is now a nationally famous star, and Xiaoyu has helped Yuanyuan since high school, and I am just a novice drummer."

"It doesn't matter whether you are a novice or not, what matters is talent and training. I think Bingbing is pretty good at playing drums..."

Liu Xiaoyu said warmly, "But Xiaoxue is actually a very famous folk singer now, and we both really need to work harder."

"Then, is there anything I can do for this game's soundtrack? I'm also very interested and want to help make something."

Xiang Bingbing said seriously, "I liked a lot of things when I was in high school, photography, basketball, I learned a lot of things, but I didn't pay much attention to them. But now I plan to work hard..."

"Anyway, if you two don't understand the game's soundtrack, you can ask me."

Xia Yuan patted his chest with a confident look, "I'm also the soundtrack teacher of a well-known independent game producer, believe me! Hehe..."

"Look what you can do..."

Mei Fang rubbed Xia Yuan's little head, the intimacy between the two was very enviable, and it also aroused Yue Xinyi's little doubts and bewilderment.

When everyone was about to go home, Mei Fang offered to take Guo Yun to the station, so the two parties did not go back by the way. Yue Xinyi, Xiang Bingbing, Zhang Ming and Liu Xiaoyu took the car together.

In the car, Yue Xinyi also raised her doubts.

"You... don't you think that although Mei Fang and Lin Youxi broke up, their relationship is still very good?"


As soon as Yue Xinyi's words came out, everyone was silent, because Liu Xiaoyu and Xiang Bingbing didn't know if Zhang Ming knew the secret, so they didn't dare to directly reveal the secret of the threesome. Already blooming with joy.

"Cough...that's not normal. They've been childhood sweethearts for so many years. It's not like you don't understand."

I get it...

You Xi said it all, even if they broke up, they still had a great time.

But it's normal for Youxi to have fun, so why is Yuanyuan...well, it seems like she's also having a good time?

"I remember, when I first visited, the suite on the third floor only had one bed. Even if they were related to the ex, it seemed—"


"why are you laughing?"

Zhang Ming, who was sitting in the front row, shook his head, "It's nothing."

Yue Xinyi hit Zhang Ming's head with her fist.

"Oh, don't hit, don't hit, I'm telling you—"

The current driver in the car was considered an outsider, but he didn't seem to notice the content of the conversation between them. Zhang Ming sent a message to Yue Xinyi in a private chat, explaining the ins and outs of the matter.

"I'm super, I..."

Yue Xinyi was greatly shocked, "Really, is it true?"

"Of course it's true. If you don't believe me, ask them?"

Yue Xinyi turned her head to look at Xiang Bingbing and Liu Xiaoyu who were sitting upright.

"Do you know about this?"

"Zhang Ming, how can you just say it directly..." Xiang Bingbing endured it for a long time before saying anything.

"Mei Fang told me, but I forgot to tell this guy. I never had a chance. I just remembered this. Let me tell her. Look, I won't lie to you."

Zhang Ming showed everyone the chat records between himself and Mei Fang, and Yue Xinyi turned her head to look at Xiang Bingbing and Liu Xiaoyu in a daze.

"So, you already knew?"

Xiang Bingbing and Liu Xiaoyu looked at each other, then nodded with some difficulty.

"Afang told me when I was traveling in Shenlongjia."

Xiang Bingbing muttered, "You didn't go there that time, so I don't know how obvious the three of them are, but they are actually a bright card."

"Where is Xiao Yu? When did you know about it?"


It was a bit embarrassing to say, Liu Xiaoyu was silent for a while and then said, "I knew about it when I was a sophomore in high school."

"They started doing this in the second year of high school?"

"Specifically... I'm not very sure."

Liu Xiaoyu shook her head, "It's also because I happened to see it, so...that's why I knew about it so early."

"I'll go, Xiaoyu, your mouth is really tight, you can't tell it at all, so you pretend to have so many things on your mind."

Xiang Bingbing said seriously, "If I have any secrets in the future, I will definitely tell you."

"Don't tell me, please."

Liu Xiaoyu shook her head and sighed, "I'm really tired, I can't hold a secret anymore."

"Xiao Yu, what you said sounds like there's something in it... What other secrets do you know?"

"It's a secret—"

Liu Xiaoyu tried her best to push the curious baby Xiang Bingbing away, "You have your own secrets and you can keep them to yourself."

"But it's really fun to say it."

Xiang Bingbing smiled and said, "The last time I was in the car, did I confess my love to Ah Fang?"


"Huh? Tell me in detail."

Xiang Bingbing's words caused Yue Xinyi and Zhang Ming to fall into a huge shock again, "Did you really confess to Ah Fang?"

Xiang Bingbing scratched his head, "I guess... Youxi asked me, I like Afang a lot?"

"Then what?"

"And then... I forgot."

Liu Xiaoyu pushed Bingbing to the side, "Do you remember? What was Fang's reaction at that time?"

"Do you really want me to tell you, or do you not want to remember?"

Liu Xiaoyu frowned, "After all, it's a failure scene."

"I really forgot. Tell me, everyone, listen up."

"that is……"

Liu Xiaoyu paused, "He said that he is a scumbag with two legs, and told you not to like him. Just look at Youxi and Yuanyuan to understand."

"Ah, yes, yes, that's what he said."

"It's like something Mei Gou would say."

Xiang Bingbing nodded, and then let out a long sigh of relief.

"But I think, the two of them are like this, don't they live happily? If only one is chosen, it will be really painful. Whether it is chosen or abandoned, it is very painful."

Zhang Ming also nodded and said, "After all, they are childhood sweethearts who grew up together, and they have long been inseparable from each other."

"Although such a result exploded, it is normal for the three of them."

Yue Xinyi also sighed, "That's right, my mood is a bit complicated."

"Why is it complicated? Do you think that since two people are fine, it doesn't matter if you add one?"

"Fuck you! I'm just angry that I found out last. Youxi really didn't see me as a friend..."

Yue Xinyi was arguing with Zhang Ming, but Xiang Bingbing and Liu Xiaoyu fell into a wordless silence, no one knew what they were thinking.

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