Only after I was reborn did I realize that I had green plums

Chapter 366 It Looks Like I'm a Fate

Xia Yuan came back from class and listened to Lin Youxi's general explanation of her overweight plan, and immediately showed great interest.

"A weekly summary meeting on feelings of love? How to sum up this..."

"Just like our weekly meeting in the company, share the various interactions with Afang this week, and then the three of them will vote together, and vote for the couple who feel the best love feeling this week."

"Then, isn't our vote meaningless? Just watch Ah Fang vote." Xia Yuan tilted her head.

Lin Youxi explained: "Looking at A Fang's vote is equivalent to giving him the opportunity to serve water again. That's not good. He must be you and me once again."

Then she told Xia Yuan, "The three of us are already in this relationship. This is just a love game. Don't pay too much attention to the outcome. Anyway, winning or losing has its benefits, just try your best."

"That's true... All in all, it means that after nine weeks, Fang will choose someone to confess to, no matter what, right?"

"That's what I mean."

Lin Youxi smiled and said, "It's mid-October now, and 9 weeks is about mid-December. It should be OK for us to decide the winner of the love game in about two months?"

"Let me figure it out... from this week? But today is already Friday."

"Isn't Friday just right? I'm going to party this Saturday anyway."

"That's right, are you all coming?"

Mei Fang glanced at the phone, "Except for Xiao Yizi who hasn't responded yet, everyone else said they would come..."

"Then give her a call, so as not to say that we neglected her, she was so unhappy that she didn't perform well in the college entrance examination."

Mei Fang waved his hand and said, "I'm not going to fight, lest you say I was flirting with other women there."

"Why don't you hit me, isn't she your best friend?"

"I'm too busy making out with Ah Fang, I don't have time."

Lin Youxi sat next to Mei Fang, holding his arm and smiling at Xia Yuan, "Yuan Yuan should come and fight, everyone likes you, but only Ah Fang likes me."

"You really are a guy who values ​​sex over friends..."

Xia Yuan sighed and called Yue Xinyi. While waiting for the busy signal, she wandered around and sat in Mei Fang's arms. At this time, Lin Youxi complained:

"Yuanyuan, you made out with Afang without foreplay, I will deduct points for it when summing up."

"Can't you casually make out with Ah Fang?"

"I didn't say you can't be intimate, but I think the atmosphere should be in place."

Lin Youxi explained, "Our relationship with Ah Fang is now an ex. Although there was a time when we were intimate before, it should be a little embarrassing now."

"Then what happened to you holding Ah Fang's arm just now?"

"That's indeed my problem, don't you see that I haven't hugged now?"


Xia Yuan pouted and got up from Mei Fang, Mei Fang had a very patient expression, but it was hard to say anything, and Lin Youxi looked at him with a smile on the side.

"Hello, Xiao Yizi? What are you busy with?"

Yue Xinyi was surprised when she received Xia Yuan's call, "Hello? Yuanyuan... What are you calling me for?"

"Ask about your situation. We've all come to Pengcheng, and we haven't seen each other for so long."

"Didn't we meet last time in the company? I was going through the entry procedures..."

"Then say hello! What kind of meeting. Oh, let's not talk about these things."

Xia Yuan said excitedly, "We plan to have a party tomorrow, do you want to come together?"

"Uh...who are they?"

"It's not just those people we knew in junior high and high school, except for Xiaoxue."

"Will Zhang Ming go?"

"You care what he, is there a situation?"

"There is a ghost situation, who would like that kind of straight man."

Yue Xinyi explained, "He has always been the one who gets scolded at the bottom in our circle. With him around, I can go there with peace of mind."

"Hahaha, I will tell Zhang Ming about this when the time comes."

"Tell me, let's see if he dares to spit out a word."

Yue Xinyi seemed very confident about controlling Zhang Ming.

"Well, I'll send you the location when the time comes. I haven't booked a villa yet."

"Well, good! But by the way, why did you call me, where is my Youxi?"


Xia Yuan glanced back at Lin Youxi, and saw that she was resting on Mei Fang's shoulder, and suddenly said angrily, "She is doing something bad, I have to teach her—"

"Just do it—"

Before Yue Xinyi finished speaking, Xia Yuan hung up the phone.

A while ago, I read in the circle of friends that Lin Youxi and Mei Fang broke up again, I still want to ask about the situation...

Although Lin Youxi and Mei Fang broke up for the first time, why do I have to talk about it again?

Hey, I don't understand either...

Pengcheng is a seaside city full of charm. In order to satisfy Xia Yuan's long-cherished wish, everyone also made an appointment to play at a beachside villa this Saturday.

Mei Fang can only take 5 people in a car at most, so he only plans to take Xiang Bingbing and Liu Xiaoyu who are also in Pengda.

Mei Fang on Zhang Ming's side arranged a car for Guo Yun and Yue Xinyi to set off together. They were all in the same class as their junior high school classmates, so they were much easier to get along with.

The reserved villa is open at 2 pm, but because Pengda is far away from the sea, Mei Fang and his party will start preparations in the morning. After a while, Liu Xiaoyu and Xiang Bingbing came to visit the love nest of the Big Three. Xia Yuan opened the door to welcome them 's arrival

"Welcome, welcome! Long time no see, Bingbing!"

"Wow, wow, Yuanyuan, your house is really big!"

Dressed in a Korean Wave sportswear style with a side ponytail, Xiang Bingbing looked left and right and said, "Shall we change our shoes?"

"Uh... let's change it, there are slippers for guests over there."

Xiang Bingbing was changing his shoes, and when he saw Lin Youxi passing by packing his luggage, he greeted her warmly: "Youxi! Long time no see!"

"haven't seen you for a long time."

Lin Youxi rushed to Bingbing and nodded, "Although I've seen the photos before... But now Bingbing has changed a lot, her clothes are so trendy, I'm afraid I won't recognize them on the road."

Xiang Bingbing scratched his head embarrassingly, "I'm so tall, even Peng Da can't find a few... How could I not recognize them?"

"That's right, it's rare to see a tall sports girl as cute as Bingbing... Afang, come and see, do you recognize your tablemate?"

"Let me see...I'll go, are you Bingbing?"

Mei Fang was obviously taken aback by Xiang Bingbing's current attire, "I really can't recognize this."

"Hmph, you are the big boss now, how can you have time to talk to us?"

"That's not going to be... It's just that the time ahead is too busy. Sit down first. I'll make tea for you. So is Xiao Yu. You're welcome, sit down."

Liu Xiaoyu had been blocked by Xiang Bingbing before and couldn't say hello, only after listening to Mei Fang's words did she have a chance to strike up a conversation.

"It's okay...we can do it ourselves. Is there any help?"

"Oh, you are guests, and you will have dinner at our house at noon today, just take a good rest."

Mei Fangxin said that everyone only focused on Xiang Bingbing and alienated Liu Xiaoyu, so she added a sentence:

"Xiaoyu, you dressed up very well today too. It's a very sweet style. Our Yuanyuan also has a similar one."

"Thank you, thank you... That store was recommended to me by Yuanyuan."

Liu Xiaoyu lowered her head and muttered, Xia Yuan laughed at the side, "Really! My clothes are still good, not just you, most of Youxi's clothes are also recommended by me... okay, okay , stop chatting in the porch, please come in quickly."

Xia Yuan invited Xiang Bingbing and Liu Xiaoyu to sit down in the living room. It was the first time for the two of them to be in such a high-end neighborhood, and they were inevitably a little restrained. Xiang Bingbing was still a bit of a child, and curiously observed the red wine on the balcony.

"Bingbing, don't mess with other people's things."

"Curious to see..."

At this time, Lin Youxi came over with tea to entertain the two of them, and Xiang Bingbing asked Lin Youxi curiously, "Do you usually like to drink red wine? What brand is it, is it good?"

"Red wine depends on whether people like the taste... Afang and I like to drink it, but Yuanyuan doesn't like it."

He pouted at the Bingbing Bar, "Can I have a taste? I haven't had red wine yet... But, isn't the wine you drink expensive?"

"It's okay, it's just ordinary red wine. If you want to drink, I'll pour it for you."

"Are you good at drinking, Bingbing?"

Liu Xiaoyu was very worried, "If you go crazy with alcohol, then no one can stop you."

"It's not that exaggerated. I'll just drink a little bit and experience the life of the upper class. It's fine!"

Seeing this, Liu Xiaoyu could only helplessly smile with Lin Youxi, Lin Youxi naturally didn't care, poured some red wine for Xiang Bingbing, and Xiang Bingbing waved the glass of red wine, reluctant to drink it directly, but raised the glass and looked at the people outside the balcony. landscape.

"It must be beautiful to sit here with a glass of wine overlooking the night view of Pengda, right?"

Lin Youxi nodded, "It's pretty, and I will do what you said occasionally."

"Then let me try to substitute our President Youxi to see—"

Xiang Bingbing shook the red wine glass, crossed his legs, his eyes were blurred and melancholy, then he slowly raised the wine glass and tasted the red wine.


Xiang Bingbing handed the red wine to Liu Xiaoyu with a look of disgust, "It seems that I am a member of the party, and I am not used to drinking this, Xiao Yu, help me drink it!"

"Don't give me what you don't want!"

Liu Xiaoyu said that she also has a temper!

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