Only after I was reborn did I realize that I had green plums

Chapter 363 Extra Story of If Line: Destined Fang Xi 5 (additional monthly ticket 45)

Chapter 363 Extra Story of If Line: Destined Fangxi · 5 (additional monthly ticket 45)

What am I doing...

Damn me.


Mei Fang, Mei Fang, you are such a shameless man.

Others invite you to live together because they think you are trusted by fellow villagers, but in the end, can you really be affectionate there!

She is a girl who lacks love and company. Bipolar will make her misunderstand her emotional needs, but you can't misunderstand so easily.

We are just friends.

Yes, just friends...

Mei Fang, who stayed up all night in bed, kept denying the details of her relationship with Lin Youxi in the past few months.

For the ordinary Mei Fang, even though he has had many close interactions with Lin Youxi these days, Lin Youxi is still as unattainable as a goddess in his eyes.

Although she is a goddess with broken wings, she is still a goddess.

I still don't want to think about it.

Wouldn't it be nice to just live by her side like this...

But speaking of it, it's not appropriate for me to live here all the time.

When this game is finished, I will live separately from her...

Mei Fang stayed up almost all night, and felt a sense of sudden death full of energy the next morning.

But he still didn't get up until the time when he and Lin Youxi went to work together, but Lin Youxi's door was always closed tightly.

Mei Fang didn't dare to disturb Lin Youxi, but just sent her a message to let her rest more today, remember to take medicine on time, and then began to wash quietly.

After he finished washing, Lin Youxi still didn't go out.

Mei Fang thought about it, so he prepared a fried dumpling and packed it in a box for breakfast and lunch, then put the medicine beside it, and pasted a note to remind Lin Youxi to take the medicine on time. Sent a message, but no response.


Should be...still sleeping, right?

Mei Fang didn't think much, and left the house alone.

Even the door was gently closed.

Mei Fang has experienced such a situation of insomnia all night and going directly to work the next day many times, but when he goes the next day, he always feels a strange sense of energy, which is unique to work and work.

"Xiao Cao, the case I told you to do yesterday—"

"It's done, Brother Fang, the document has been sent to you, please take a look at it."

Xiao Cao came to Mei Fang's work station to wait for review after sending out the document. Mei Fang just glanced at it briefly and nodded.

"These event planning cases are originally skin-changing, and the procedures are similar, but you have to pay attention to the table structure of the matching watch, and discuss with the program how to make the matching watch more convenient. Otherwise, it is very easy to configure a watch with hundreds of gifts. It's hard not to go wrong."

"Okay, okay...I got it, Brother Fang."

Xiao Cao glanced at Mei Fang and said, "Brother Fang, should you restrain yourself recently... You haven't worked a lot of overtime recently, but your dark circles are still so heavy."

"Last night I had insomnia, what were you thinking?"

"They all said that you are living with your girlfriend now, is it true or not?"

"What are you talking about... She and I are not boyfriend and girlfriend."

"I didn't deny cohabitation, right... If it's not boyfriend and girlfriend, then it's almost too soon?"

"Stop rambling."

Xiao Cao returned to his station with a resentful expression on his face, and then he looked up to the sky and sighed.

"Even Brother Fang, who is single and straight for ten thousand years, is about to leave my single dog camp. What will I do in the future?"

"Xiao Cao, don't be afraid, you are still young, and you will be lonely for a long time in the future."


"I agree!"

"Just laugh! When I find a girlfriend one day, you will still laugh at me!"

"Why, it's almost 520 soon, don't you go to the trash can to pick up roses this time?"

"You reminded me by saying this. It's really time to prepare."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Mei Fang was listening to his subordinates talking and laughing, and suddenly realized that the day of 520 was approaching.


Anyway, what holiday can be celebrated as Valentine's Day?

It really doesn't have much to do with me...

Mei Fang said so, but Lin Youxi's face appeared in his mind.

Oops, my love brain...

Mei Fang turned on Weixin to read the news, but Lin Youxi still didn't reply to herself.


Is she still angry about what she did yesterday?

Also, no wonder...

Because the fellow villagers trusted me, I was hugged in the end.


It's just a hug, there's no need to—


What on earth was she thinking.

Mei Fang thought about it, and then prepared to send Lin Youxi a message.

【About what happened yesterday, I was wrong. If possible, I hope you forget it... If, if you can’t forget it, it’s okay. If you think I’ve crossed the line, I’ll take a look at the house and move out in a few days. No, but it’s still because I help you cook and clean, don’t sue me in the bureau, I can’t afford it QWQ]

With a mentality that Lin Youxi didn't know how to reply, Mei Fang sent this long message. He wanted to take a good look at Lin Youxi's reaction, but this kind of text popped out.

[The message has been sent, but was rejected by the other party]

bad bad-

Seeing this, Mei Fang hurriedly dialed Lin Youxi's phone number, but he didn't get through the busy signal directly.

[Sorry, the user you dialed is busy, please try again later. 】


Is this sick? Sick again?

Mei Fang is now equipped with sufficient theoretical knowledge, thinking that the manic period has passed for so long, and now he is probably falling into the jade period again.

But the mental stimulation I brought to her last night is probably also to blame.

Although she felt very sad and uncomfortable about being blocked by Lin Youxi again, after all, Mei Fang knew about her bipolar disorder, so she didn't think much about it, and directly asked the leader for leave.

"Brother Yu, I have something to do at home today, I have to sneak out early."

The boss nodded immediately, "Why... what happened at home?"

"It's my roommate—"

"Oh, roommate, I understand."

Boss Yu patted Mei Fang on the shoulder, "Since it's about roommates, let's go!"

"Don't look at me with such strange eyes..."

Mei Fang scratched his head, "Then sent a message to the work group."

[ @All members, I went back in advance, if you have any questions, please send me directly, I will reply when I see it, if you are in a hurry, go directly to Xiaocao. 】

Employee A: [ @Brother Fang, can Xiao Cao do it? 】

Xiao Cao: [Brother Fang knows how I can't! 】

Employee B: [Brother Fang has a partner, do you have one? 】

Xiao Cao: [Smile and laugh.jpg]

After Mei Fang asked for leave, she immediately took a taxi to go home.

Yuyuqi will be very disappointed, and at the same time, it is easy to fall into a strange pessimistic state. Timely attention and care are very important, not to mention that he has not supervised Lin Youxi to take the medicine today.


Mei Fang now has the key to open the door. After opening the door and coming in, the house is empty, but Lin Youxi's door is also open.

"Lin Youxi? Are you at home? Lin Youxi?"

There was no response from the family, and there was no sign of Lin Youxi through the open door.

Mei Fang saw that the dumplings were still on the table, and the pills showed no sign of being moved.

Shoes… shoes—

Lin Youxi seemed to go out without even changing her shoes.

But her slippers are also at home!

Could it be that he went out with bare feet?

Barefoot, wearing pajamas...

The more Mei Fang thought about it, the more anxious she became, and the more anxious she became, the more worried she became. When Lin Youxi was nowhere to be seen at home, she rushed out, asked the security downstairs in the community, tried to call the surveillance, and asked about the whereabouts of Lin Youxi, who was playing cards nearby. , But among the aunts, none of the girls noticed such obvious signs.

There is a walking path on the bank of the river outside the community. Because the water in the pool is very shallow, there is no fence.

But if people really can’t think about it, no matter how shallow it is——


Mei Fang looked for Lin Youxi's figure along the trail. He walked slowly at first, then began to murmur, and finally accelerated his pace gradually, and his roar became louder and louder.

"Lin Youxi—where are you?"

"Lin Youxi!"

It is around three o'clock in the afternoon, and there are not many people on the trail. Mei Fang will deliberately lower his voice when he sees someone passing by. Concerned about the strange eyes of others, he called Lin Youxi's name loudly.


Oh my God……

I didn't sleep all night yesterday.

Mei Fang, who couldn't move anymore, was panting heavily, and he felt a throbbing pain in his heart.

I can't run like this anymore... If I continue like this, Lin Youxi will die suddenly before he finds me.

But she is not here, nor at home, where did she go?

How far can you walk with bare feet?

How come no one has seen it yet!

Anxious, Mei Fang was walking on the way home against the setting sun, watching the lights of thousands of houses and the smoke rising from the kitchen. Mei Fang was only accompanied by the afterglow of the setting sun.

Gradually, a sour feeling began to emerge in Mei Fang's throat.

If only I hadn't hugged her.

If I don't hug her, she will be fine.

There are not so many things.

She was so emotionally unstable today, I shouldn't be going to work.

I should have been with her.

If I lose her like this, if something happens to me, how can I communicate with her parents—her parents' spirits in heaven?

I, I don't know...

The distraught Mei Fang returned to the house where Lin Youxi was absent.

Lin Youxi's message could not be retrieved, and the phone still couldn't get through.

He felt thirsty, so he went to the refrigerator to get a bottle to drink.

He just opened the refrigerator, and suddenly he fell to his knees powerlessly. He held the door of the refrigerator, and a feeling of powerlessness and paleness that he had never felt invaded his whole body. He lowered his head, and his body was constantly shaking twitching.

No one could see the sadness on his face.

Just when he wiped his eyes and was about to turn on his mobile phone and call 110, there was a sudden noise in Lin Youxi's bedroom.



The vigilant Mei Fang immediately got up and went to check Lin Youxi's room.

The bed was empty.

The rabbit slippers are still placed by the bed.

It was still a picture of Lin Youxi's absence.

Mei Fang turned around, and when he was about to leave, the wardrobe in front of him caught his attention.


Mei Fang swallowed, put her hand on the closet doorknob, and slowly opened the closet.

Gradually, the afterglow outside the window sprinkled on Mei Fang's back through the window.

It also sprinkled on Lin Youxi, who was sitting in the closet with his knees hugged, looking up at Mei Fang.

She was still wearing her sleeping pajamas, disheveled and disheveled, with a dazed look.

Only the eyes are still clear.

She stared at him a little blankly.

Mei Fang wanted to swallow hard to talk to Lin Youxi, but it took him a long time to finally swallow it, and then in a trembling voice with a bit of crying, he tried to squeeze out a smile and asked Lin Youxi:

"What are you doing here?"

"Playing peek-a-boo... eh?"

Lin Youxi just shook his head in a daze:

"You can just scold me or beat me, don't hold on."

"I was such a disgusting rotten person when I was sick."

"Sometimes... I'm more disgusting and excessive than I am now."

"It's better when I'm dead."

"I'm just a nuisance anyway."

"Do not you think so?"

"No, I don't feel... I never feel..."

The exhausted Mei Fang tried his best to support his body, and stretched out his hand to Lin Youxi, "Come out to eat, you must have not eaten or drank all day."

"Also, you haven't taken your medicine will be even more uncomfortable if you don't take medicine."

"Leave me alone."

"I'm a neurotic with a sick brain, and I don't deserve you to do this."

Lin Youxi hugged her knees and remained motionless, "There is no need to continue the game, you will be tortured to death by me before then."

"I don't want to see you like this."

"It's okay...I'm really okay...I'll take care of you...I said it's okay..."

Mei Fang softly coaxed Lin Youxi to come out of the closet. The rolling sensation in his stomach made him feel extremely uncomfortable, but he still encouraged Lin Youxi all the time.

"I'm a M-shaker, I like being tortured by you like this, it's's really okay...but you can't do this, you haven't eaten anything until's been like this..."

"Please, just treat it like I'm begging you... come out and eat something..."

Mei Fang's body couldn't hold it up and almost collapsed to the ground, and in the end he just fell to his knees.

But at this moment, he had already fallen into Lin Youxi's arms.

There is no superfluous thought in his heart.

He hugged Lin Youxi again.

Kneeling and hugging Lin Youxi.

No matter how hard Lin Youxi pushed him away, he would not let go.

"You listen to me and come out to eat, okay? Please."

Mei Fang hugged Lin Youxi tightly, and all his remaining strength was used to hug Lin Youxi tightly.

"What's so good about me? I've already blocked you twice, so you know you're going after me? You want me that much, don't you?"

"Are you trying to fuck me?"

"Yes or no?"

"I let you slap me once, or until you are happy, can you leave me?"


Lin Youxi teased Mei Fang with words of unknown attitude, but she just felt the trembling and sobbing of the man on her shoulder.


After many hard attempts, Lin Youxi finally gave up.

"Mei Fang, you idiot."

"Being sincere to me like this, you will regret it later..."

She leaned close to Mei Fang's ear and said softly:

"Fang, I'm hungry."

"I'm coming out."

This sentence was Mei Fang's password to let go of Lin Youxi. He simply wiped away his tears, and then continued:

"You figure it out, right... I'll make you some food again. Or if you want to eat anything, I'll give you some takeaway."

"The fried dumplings you make during the day are fine. That's my breakfast."

"Okay, I'll go warm up..."

Mei Fang was about to get up to pack his food, but Lin Youxi grabbed his arm and dragged him back.

Just when Mei Fang didn't know what she was planning, Lin Youxi suddenly stepped forward and made out with Mei Fang.

Although it was a clumsy way of kissing, she worked hard.

very hard.

With Mei Fang in his arms, he has been working hard.

She only had this way to express her gratitude to Mei Fang.

Or in other words...

Another emotion?

Mei Fang, who was kissing someone for the first time, also seemed clumsy and shy. Lin Youxi could only bear the attack during the intimacy, and finally stopped Lin Youxi's hand from continuing to move.

After going on for more than ten minutes, the intimacy between the two of them came to an end.


After that, Lin Youxi held Mei Fang's cheeks, her brows and eyes filled with the gentle smile just now.



"I found that you still taste the best."

"I want to have another bite."

"Ah... you can forgive me."

This is the IF chapter plus update, there is still a normal update today, no worries.

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