After Mei Fang and Xia Yuan Lin Youxi had a row in the car for a while, they finally had the chance to go to their dormitory. When Mei Fang passed by in the afternoon, the floor of his dormitory was full of boys who were playing Three Kingdoms.

I have to say that this thing has become a must-have social prop in the boys circle these past few years, so that no one noticed Mei Fang when he was present, and everyone's eyes were focused on this fierce Three Kingdoms killing game inside.

Then Mei Fang discovered an acquaintance in this match.

"Why are you here too?"

A Zhang Ming was found in the group of roommates Mei Fang was playing with, and he was a little surprised to see Mei Fang, "Are you living in the dormitory too?"

"Wow, isn't this the station master!"

Mei Fang was patted on the shoulder from behind, and the person who greeted him was Li Guidong, who was in the queue this morning, and everyone's eyes were immediately attracted to him.

Compared with girls' gossip, most boys seem a little dull when they meet real big shots. Because Li Guidong has the experience of getting along with Mei Fang in the morning, he has a relatively familiar personality, so he is very hot. Holding Mei Fang's shoulder tightly, he said:

"Look at the coincidence, we ran into each other when we reported to work, and we were all roommates in the same dormitory, so I live on the opposite bed..."

"That's really a coincidence, and what's even more coincidental is that you and my gay friend share the same dormitory."

"The stationmaster's friend?"

Everyone turned their attention to Zhang Ming, who had killed the Quartet in the Three Kingdoms just now. He is a very low-key person, and he feels a little uncomfortable being stared at by everyone. His eyes meet Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi who are behind Mei Fang. Say hello.

"Long time no see, Zhang Ming!"


Both Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi greeted Zhang Ming. Now everyone really believed that Zhang Ming knew the Big Three at station C, and they looked at Zhang Ming a little strangely.

The three giants at Station C have always had a tradition of helping each other and serving each other. Before Mei Fang performed in front of Xia Yuan and Lin Youxi's roommates, now it is time for Lin Youxi and Xia Yuan to work hard.

One of the two of them helped make the bed, and the other helped scrub the table and tidy up. Mei Fang is doing nothing now, just chatting with Zhang Ming and other people here.

"Don't be so nervous, just chat, it made me a little nervous."

"a ha ha ha……"

"You can ask anything, I may not come to the dormitory often."

Mei Fang now says that the nervousness must be fake nervousness. He is only 19 years old and has 14 years of programming experience. It is much more exciting than many people's life, and it is far beyond the dull self in the previous life.

Under the easing of Mei Fang's atmosphere, the boys began to relax. A bold boy asked:

"Station Master, your mother—"


Mei Fang's sudden burst of murderous aura startled the boy, and he said, "You don't need your parents to send you here, and you handle it all by yourself? That's amazing."

"Not alone, the three of us have always helped each other."

"It's okay to call an assistant to arrange these things..."

"I don't have a personal assistant at the moment."

"I'll go, really, you are such a big boss, don't you have a secretary?"

"Fon doesn't need a secretary."

After making the bed, Lin Youxi climbed out of the bed and put Mei Fang's shoulder on her shoulder and said with a smile, "Yuanyuan and I can do what the secretary can do, so why waste that money?"

"Indeed, indeed."

Xia Yuan was a little surprised that Lin Youxi actually took her to play together this time, she said with her hands behind her back, "The three of us have supported each other since kindergarten and elementary school, and of course it's the same when we start a company together."

"It's amazing, it's amazing..."

"Envy the feelings of childhood sweethearts who can't come."

"By the way, I also had a childhood sweetheart when I was young, why did I lose her..."

"Don't pretend, it must be because your childhood sweetheart is not good-looking, so I don't remember it."

"How do you know, I'll go!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Everyone chatted happily in a harmonious atmosphere, but the topic basically revolved around Station C, chatting and chatting became the user research feedback of Station C stationmaster.

Mei Fang didn't stay here too long, and after saying that he had time to invite everyone to have dinner, he said goodbye to everyone and left.

"It feels like it's really hard to be normal friends with your classmates after becoming a celebrity."

"Is that so? I don't think it's easy for you to make friends with them..." Lin Youxi tilted her head in doubt.

Xia Yuan waved his hands and said, "Actually, it just looks harmonious. I said that everyone can call me Xia Yuan directly, but in the end I'm still called Yuan Bao. I don't like the feeling of being surrounded in the center like this."

"After all, I'm a celebrity now, so there's nothing I can do about it..."

Mei Fang was thinking about things while driving.

In fact, with Mei Fang's current status, it is very difficult to integrate into the university. The sad thick barrier may not be able to separate Zhang Ming, who I have known since junior high school, but it is not so easy for others, so it is easy It will appear that in the activities that Mei Fang participated in, everyone focused on Mei Youyuan and the three people, and there was no way to show their true self.

This is very unfair to them as college students. Maybe some students will be happy to get acquainted with this Internet tycoon, but not everyone thinks so, and they will even blame people like Mei Fang for destroying them. university life experience.

And they have been together for a long time, if the three of them have an unseemly appearance and are discovered by others, they may become part of the black material, especially an idol like Yuanyuan who eats fan filters, which also makes Mei Fang always love Yuanyuan Yuan feels guilty.

Although he has made a career with Yuanyuan hand in hand, this is not the appearance of Xia Yuan's dream from the very beginning. It is undoubtedly a dream created under the influence of Mei Fang.

"Yuanyuan, if you don't like this kind of life one day, you must tell me..."

"Oh, I'm just complaining, I don't like it!"

Xia Yuan patted Mei Fang on the shoulder, "Although it feels like walking on thin ice to be followed by so many people, I also understand that this is the price of becoming famous."

"Besides, I like singing and writing songs, and I like everyone singing my songs. I like my achievements to help you, Afang..."

"Then if you were given a choice back in the past, would you want to realize your original dream?"

"first dreams?"

Mei Fang nodded, "Your childhood dream was to be a teacher, do you remember?"

That was the day when Mei Fang took Xia Yuan out on an adventure for the first time. He borrowed 10 yuan from Xia Yuan to buy a lottery ticket, and invited Xia Yuan to eat cotton candy. In the end, the two of them leaned on the bench together and talked about their dreams of growing up. .

Perhaps it was because the mind was already extremely mature at that time, the sunset and the evening breeze Mei Fang would never forget that day, but Xia Yuan who grew up normally may not have such a good memory.

"Then, how young was it, how could I remember..."

"I still remember Yuanyuan's dream."

Lin Youxi nodded, "However, this is only part of Yuanyuan's dream. She has many more dreams."

"Do you still remember so many things about me? Let's talk about it."

"You still have a dream to be a mother and give birth to Afang; your 10-year-old dream is to be Afang's bride; your 15-year-old dream is to be Afang's girlfriend; your 17-year-old dream is to be with Afang. Alphonse dating—"

"Stop, stop! According to what you said, why do I feel that my dreams are getting smaller and smaller! And they all turned into the shape of A Fang." Xia Yuan's cheeks were bright red.

"That's the truth, it's not normal..." Lin Youxi said, "When people grow up, it becomes more and more realistic."

"But Afang doesn't seem to be."

Xia Yuan said, "A Fang's childhood dream was to make money, and now his wish has been fulfilled."

"You said you forgot, don't you remember that thing!"

Mei Fang had just been reborn when he was 5 years old, so when Xia Yuan asked him about his dreams, he said that he only wanted to make money.

"After all, that dream seemed quite shocking to me at the time..."

After Xia Yuan patted her head, she looked at Lin Youxi:

"What about you, what was your childhood dream?"

"When I was young, I didn't think as much as you I don't seem to have any big dreams."

Lin Youxi rested her chin and thought: "When I insisted that I had a goal, it was A Fang who taught me to write codes."

"Because at that time I thought it would be cool to be able to help Afang."

"And this matter, maybe even Yuanyuan can't do it..."

"Then, did you think about robbing Afang from me at that time?"

Xia Yuan's questioning was almost harmless to Lin Youxi, and she also started to attack: " were allowed to make out with Afang when I was young, and I was not allowed to talk to Afang, right?"

Lin Youxi put her arms around Xia Yuan's arm, leaned close to her ear to tease Xia Yuan, but Xia Yuan could only stammer and argue, "I, I don't have it... Whoever Ah Fang wants to talk to is his. matter."

"But you really occupied Ah Fang for a long time when you were a child. Every time I can only watch you make out, I am so pitiful."

"Now, what a miserable sell now! I'm only pitiful now!"

"You poor ghosts, the most pitiful thing is me..."

Mei Fang complained while driving: "I serve you two goblins like this every day, no matter how healthy I am, I can't last long."

Lin Youxi squinted his eyes and smiled, "A Fang just said that he is not good enough, and at night he has a different style of painting."

"Don't talk about Afang, aren't you the same?"

Xia Yuan muttered, "Only I have been troubled to keep up with your rhythm..."

"You remind me of this. You obviously want no less than Youxi every time. You always want fairness, but you are too lazy to move. Youxi will cooperate with me anyway and save me some effort. What will you do?" ? You just let me serve you."

"But but... I'm really tired recently!"

Xia Yuan said aggrievedly, "Look at my dark circles are so heavy now, my body is getting worse day by day..."

"But then again, it's time for us to be more restrained recently. We have Fang Di Yuan's product launch this month, so don't delay the business."

"Well... that's fine."

Lin Youxi nodded, "After all, it's so hot every night, it's quite difficult to cultivate a sense of love during the day. But I still want to help you collect food, it's a routine, is this okay?"

"Well, it's okay to collect it once every three days?"

Xia Yuan responded from the sidelines and complained, "Accept twice! I have to accept once too."

Xia Yuan's speech was quickly reprimanded by Lin Youxi and Mei Fang——

"You're always like this, you're tired of talking, and I say what, you want to do the same? Really, why do you look like a primary school student..."

"She has always had the mentality of a primary school student, and she should have what you have."

Looking at Yuanyuan, who was wronged and I still feel pity, Mei Fang couldn't help sighing while talking:

"Okay, okay, I didn't say I wouldn't hand it over to you, just twice."


"You have to take the initiative this time. Ah Fang is usually very tired at work. If you don't work hard, I will help you."

"I know! Don't worry," Xia Yuan patted his chest and said proudly, "If it's just collecting food, I'm still very good at it."

While Mei Fang was having a happy little joke with the green plums, she also felt a little uneasy about their future.

In fact, Mei Fang's road to business expansion is far from smooth as he appears to outsiders.

The entire development team has been busy with the publicity and promotion of the Square Dimension Project in August. Mei Fang does not know how effective these tens of millions of promotional investments will be in the product launch event in mid-September.

In the Red Sea Hell where Internet giants are burning money to fight, Mei Fang also participated in this capital game, taking the money of the big guys and his own money to burn money together.

However, his experience in the previous life was always limited, and he completely underestimated the severity of this commercial war. The cash flow reserves he had accumulated for more than ten years were almost wiped out in this year's investment, and the company now has nearly 100 million in the bank. loan liabilities.

But the Internet era is an era of burning money, and such debts are actually normal for the initial stages of many industries.

It's just that even if he is the darling of capital, the current Mei Fang also needs to show his business prospects and liquidity to the current and future financial owners. Simply put, it is a picture, because it is possible to introduce new A large financing plan allows the company to go further.

Of course, in addition to this, Mei Fang also has the blessing of BIC as the final hole card.

BIC is not the best opportunity to make a move at present, and it is several times worse than the historical high of 17 years. Mei Fang does not want this final card to be revealed too early, otherwise he will not know how to play later.

In the company's conference room, the Big Three are discussing the process plan for product launches.

The main core members of Jiangcheng, including cousin Mei Yue, also arrived in Pengcheng a few days later. This was a huge bet that Mei Fang's entire group devoted their efforts to, and basically only success was not allowed.

Due to the busy schedule of work, there was no opportunity for siblings to chat with each other. Mei Yue started meetings as soon as she arrived in Pengcheng, and did not have a chance to chat with her cousin until the break in the middle of the meeting.

"Afang, have you lost a lot of weight recently? Remember to pay more attention to your body and don't work too late."

"Yeah, I know."

Mei Fang nodded cheerfully, "Don't look at me as thin, but I'm full of energy now, and the press conference will definitely be fine."

"It's good if you have this mental head..."

Mei Yue sighed silently in her heart.

A man who is nourished by love really has a different spirit.

To be honest, I'm quite envious...

Recommend a friend's work "My Love Song of Yesterday", a love of thirds.

There will be an update later today.

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