As soon as Mei Fang walked into the class, everyone's eyes turned to Mei Fang.

On the way back to his seat, Mei Fang would be interrupted by his classmates from time to time and say:

"Mr. Mei, Mr. Mei! Really, you really and Xia Yuan—"

"Mei Fang, why? Didn't you and Xia Yuan always—"

"Get out of the way!"

Xiang Bingbing pulled away all the men and women who were asking questions around Mei Fang like a chicken, and then took Mei Fang by the hand to sit down on the seat.

"What's going on! Have you quarreled with Yuanyuan! Why are you going to break up!"

"We didn't break up, I think they were talking and laughing when they went upstairs just now—"

"But I didn't hold hands anymore, I really didn't continue to hold hands!"

Mei Fang raised his hand to comfort everyone, and smiled at Xiang Bingbing, "Yes...the breakup is really a breakup."

"It's actually true!"

"Look, let me just say it! It's just that we can still be friends after breaking up..."

Everyone deliberately lowered their voices when discussing, but only Xiang Bingbing still looked carefree.

"Why... you two have such a good relationship, yet you really broke up."

Xiang Bingbing didn't understand this very much, and the expression on her face was very troubled, "I remember you asked me to guess the reason for breaking up with Yuanyuan last time, did you plan to break up at that time?"

"Yes, yes..."

Mei Fang almost forgot about this, "Because, at that time——"

Speaking to Bingbing, he suddenly leaned in front of Mei Fang, and muttered guiltily, "No, it's not because of me that you want to break up with Yuanyuan, right?"

"That's not true."

"Ah, so it wasn't me."

Xiang Bingbing scratched his head, "At least it's because of me, I wake you up or something... there must be some reason for me!"

Xiang Bingbing seemed to care a lot about her status as a relationship breaker. Seeing her insistence, Mei Fang reluctantly nodded, "Yes...a little..."

"I just's all my fault...I shouldn't have asked you, Afang, to think about should I face Yuanyuan case she thinks I'm the chief culprit for destroying your relationship -"

As Xiang Bingbing spoke, he began to make up his mind:

"Ah, I see, she must have seen too many intimate interactions between the two of us, so she thought you might have changed your mind...I have to explain it to Yuanyuan—"

"Don't worry, Bingbing, it's not as complicated as you think, don't worry."

Mei Fang held back a smile to appease the lovely Xiang Bingbing, "Yuanyuan and I just feel that we have become weird after being lovers, so we want to break up and calm down for a while."

"Lover becoming weird?"


Mei Fang nodded, "Because Yuanyuan and I were childhood sweethearts who had known each other for 10 years before we became lovers, and they were the kind of childhood sweethearts who were as close as family members. After becoming lovers, some things became strange."

"For example?" Xiang Bingbing moved closer to Mei Fang while talking, "Actually, I'm curious about this feeling... Are childhood sweethearts actually closer than lovers?"

"It may not look like this to other people, but from the perspective of me and Yuanyuan... it's like this."

[After becoming a lover, I am not as close as I was when I was a childhood sweetheart. There are many things that are tied up, so I wonder if it would be appropriate to return to the relationship of childhood sweethearts]

This is a joint speech between Xia Yuan and Mei Fang. In answering everyone's doubts, they both mentioned "the relationship is still the same deep" and can avoid Lin Youxi-related topics, denying Lin Youxi's involvement in this matter. impact on the matter.

However, although both of them emphasize a peaceful breakup, today is a heartbreaking day for many students in the First Affiliated Jiangcheng Division. The girls in Lin Youxi's class used to be in the same class as Xia Yuan, and now They all sit together and discuss related topics.

"I thought I could be a CP for a long time...but we broke up after only being together for a year."

"How can being too familiar be a reason to break up...I wish I had a boyfriend like A Fang who always loves me, loves me, and takes care of me."

"Are you praising their love? Pooh! You are the body of Mei Fang!"

"I admit that I am a clavicle control... Don't you think Mei Fang's collarbone is really sexy, woohoo..."

"Now these two top-quality men and women in Jiangcheng are vacant, which is also an opportunity for us..."

"What chance? People have said that the two are just too familiar. It doesn't mean that they will let go after breaking up. Do you dare to confess to Mei Fang? Do you believe that Xia Yuan's supporters will drown your saliva in minutes. "

"Shouldn't it be a good thing for me to snatch away Mei Fang's supporters from Xia Yuan... Fang Yan, what do you think? Fang Yan? Don't you usually like to knock their CP the most?"

The girl named Fang Yan had been thinking about the problem for a while, then she shook her head frantically and said, "No, no... I've been in love with Xia Yuan and Mei Fang until now... I don't think there is anything wrong with them after dating. In a natural place, if there is one, it would be an eyesore for only one person."

"Ah, you said our monitor..."

Fang Yan and these girls are all locals in Jiangcheng, and they belong to the good relationship with Shangqin. Under the influence of Shangqin, they have always hated Lin Youxi, who is "arbitrary", but this does not prevent them from enjoying Xiayuan And Mei Fang's CP.

"The squad leader always had no sense of proportion when Xia Yuan and Mei Fang were together, and always followed them with a cheeky face. I think this is also what Xia Yuan feels uncomfortable about."

Fang Yan analyzed, "Girls are very possessive. Maybe Xia Yuan thinks that after Mei Fang is with her, she can't do as she pleases in many things, but she and Lin Youxi can still talk freely as friends. would feel bad..."

"Indeed...but the squad leader has always had that personality, I think Xia Yuan should be used to it."

Fang Yan shook her head, "No matter what, I think there is still a reason for the squad leader, I have to observe carefully."

"Don't piss off the head teacher, she loves to sue our head teacher."

"Just sue, whoever is afraid of whom..."

Fang Yan said seriously, "I must find evidence that Lin Youxi sabotaged Xia Yuan and Mei Fang's relationship, and post it online, so that my friends at station C can punish her together."

"Then, come on..."

In order to explain the reason for the breakup, Xia Yuan has been tossing all day, but at school she can't act like a baby to Mei Fang in front of everyone unscrupulously like before. As soon as she pulled Mei Fang, she ran towards the pavilion.

"Super Afang energy! Give it to me! I'm dying!"

After Xia Yuan said that, she turned around and opened her arms towards Mei Fang, "I want to kiss, I want to hug!"

"'ve really been acting like a child lately."

As Mei Fang said that, he supported Xia Yuan's pg who had jumped up, shook it twice to hold it firmly, and once he supported it, he carried it into the pavilion. Lin Youxi followed behind and poked Xia Yuan's cheek, "Now You were so clingy just after we broke up, and when you see Ah Fang and I publicly expressing our love for you, wouldn't you be jealous?"

"I won't be jealous of you and Afang, the three of us are together."

Xia Yuan also stretched out her hand to pinch Lin Youxi's cheek, "I'm sorry, Youxi, I really need Ah Fang's hug recently..."

"It's's good that you can slow down."

Mei Fang hugged Xia Yuan warmly for a long time before coaxing her back, but here he did not forget to continue serving water, and pulled Lin Youxi to make out.

However, Lin Youxi didn't seem to be very proactive in the past few days, and didn't even intend to be overly affectionate. After a few simple kisses, he calmed down and called everyone back home to prepare supper.

Maybe she is still struggling with what happened last night.

Mei Fang could hear the guilt hidden in Lin Youxi's heart from Lin Youxi's words. She really felt as if she had taken away the love that Xia Yuan should have alone.

Although she doesn't like to show her vulnerable side, Mei Fang can always take the initiative to notice this side.

Youxi can't talk about things... I can't just pass by like this.

This is also a rare opportunity to take the initiative with Youxi.

Mei Fang intends to find an opportunity to serve You Xi well, to deepen their relationship, and to prepare for the next romantic relationship.

By the way, do you all want to see my blind date posts that no one replied? Can you help me analyze the reason why no one replied?

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