Chapter 363


Scorching finger,

A golden crow flew towards Su Bai and landed on his shoulder.

“It can withstand the full blow of a level 999 existence,

It can also be used to kill her, you decide for yourself. ”


Yanzhe sat cross-legged, closed his eyes and rested.

He wants to digest the effect of [Stardust] authority,

The third authority after advancement,

Named dust, but vast!

Responded to the Buddhist saying: One flower, one world.

Yanzhe’s fighting style has always been simple and rude.

Me, the sun, you are free!


It does not mean that Yan Eclipse’s combat talent is poor!

Only talking about the frontal combat ability,

In Gou San’s house

Fighting, skills, authority…

Yan Eclipse is the strongest existence!

Except for talent!

There are only monsters like the dark domain,

Only by forcibly suppressing the erosion of inflammation into the strongest shame!

Su Bai once joked,

Gou Sanjia’s plan is inseparable from its original line:

Close the door and release the eclipse!

In fact,

Yan Eclipse takes care of all the dirty work!

But there is a premise:

He can only fight BOSS!

There is no buff in Yan Eclipse that is stronger than the war,

His shot is the peak, and then it will only continue to decline.

Be sure to kill the enemy with one blow!

The mobs must be solved by Splitting the Sky and the Dark Domain!

Right now, 11

The eclipse is still accumulating and waiting!

When he released the sun itself,

Means that the decisive battle has officially started!

Also means,

The decisive battle is not far from the end!

Golden Crow falls,

The body of the eighth domain master trembled slightly,

she knows,

Yan Eclipse didn’t speak big words!

If Su Bai chooses to kill her,

Only one command is required to complete!

“lead the way.”

Su Bai did not manage the eighth domain master.

The sixth Yuzi, today’s white dragon horse,

One truth has been proved to Su Bai:

Fearful twenty-five boys, it’s easy to use!

In the battle of life and death,

The sixth Yuzi even dared to fight the enemy desperately!


Because the sixth Yuzi knows too much about the people of the human race!

Gou, the strongest of the human race,

Invincible Grandmaster Gou, even Tyrant is Gou!

The only one who is meticulous,

It seems to be Luo Cheng, a newcomer to the strongest.

He never knows,

What trump cards are still missing from Terran!

The key is,

Such a forgiving human race,

Once a reckless man gets up, he is more reckless than anyone else!

The three strongest men are facing the hanging mountain,

No home,

One mind to dismantle the blood spring!

They didn’t come to dismantle the crystal at all,

It was the blood spring that was demolished!


The sixth Yuzi’s experience in dealing with humans.

As a dog for the human race,

There is another advantage:

Terran dogs can only be killed by Terran!

Just be a dog with one heart and one mind and give up your life,

Maybe his strength will improve!

Sixth Yuzi can understand the truth,

The eighth domain master doesn’t understand it without reason!

Nearly a hundred years ago,

She has dealt with Dark Domain!

She bet on both sides,

Also the first person to feel the change of direction!

She must in a very short time,

Make a choice!

Stud people, or continue to wait and see?

If the stud tribe,

Terran was defeated,

Even if the eighth domain master offers [Tyrant] authority,

It’s just that the merits and demerits are offset, and it can end in an immortal end!

But if Human Race really wins…

The mind of the eighth domain master is alive!

When leaving with Su Bai,

A butterfly flew to the eclipse from her fingertips!(Read more @

It records the traps of several domain masters against him!

She bet that the human race would win!

This is her only chance,

The only… chance to get rid of the old power [slave]!

Stud people, one mind to be two or five!

The Scarlet Butterfly hasn’t come close to the Eclipse,

Was burned to ashes by flames!

Yanzha disdainfully said,

“I win, I have always been upright!”

“Conspiracy and tricks are only the kid in the dark field who loves to play!”

Demon Emperor God: Really, a sneak attack can be considered a serious attack?

Yan Zhu almost wrote the words “I don’t use my mind, I am proud” on his face!

He continued to sit in place,

Between breathing and breathing,

The entire Aurora region vibrates!

This is still the case when the body has not been released!

The true strength of Yan Eclipse,

How powerful is it,

He wants to know too!

The third domain is the self domain.

To be precise,

The third domain no longer exists!

In front of Su Bai and the Eighth Domain Lord,

It’s a horrible crack that can’t be healed for a long time!


Unlike Yan Eclipse,

For the arrival of Su Bai,

It doesn’t seem to be a surprise.

“Come on, gift!”

Su Bai has no nonsense,

Directly urge Tyrant authority effect!

He didn’t take time to prove his identity,

Rift also directly accepted the effect of the gift!

the reason?

Golden Crow is the proof!

Gou Sanjia of Human Race,

Any decision made by one person,

The other two will unconditionally support!

Golden Crow appeared on Su Bai’s shoulder,

It shows that Yan Eclipse recognizes Su Bai!

Separation does not love nonsense.

Authority NO.5 [Rules] Advanced!

Authority NO.4 [Do not exceed the rules]!

Yan Ling fell to fifth place!

to date,

The first four powers are in the hands of the human race!

Feel the advancement of authority,

There is no fluctuation in the rift.

He never relies on authority to fight,

Talent is enough!

Tear the wound, so terrible!

The three strongest humans,

There is no need to worry about divine pollution,

There is no divine pollution at the root of the rift, so it has no authority!

Dark field?

His divine pollution has reached a terrifying point!

On the verge of explosion,

May get out of control at any time!

It is for this reason that

The dark space needs the most anchor points!

Retract the scepter,

Su Bai felt that the crown on top of his head was a bit heavy!

Until now,

Human Race Gou Sanjia, all five strongest,

All are Tyrant’s subjects!

This is not capital to show off,

It’s their trust!

Su Bai, there is no retreat, no compromise… no failure at all!

As he said earlier,

This is a war of betting on everything!

Su Bai did it.

The eighth domain master took him away,

The two did not return to the eighth domain in the first time!

But came to the second domain,

“Tyrant, I want to add one more deal!”

In some areas of the second domain,

The eighth domain master is confident,

No one will know the content of the conversation between the two!

“tell me the story.”

Su Bai is never rigid,

Dark Domain has long told Su Bai with practical actions,

In the face of interests,

All enemies can be traded!

The Eighth Domain Master said quickly,

“I know to accommodate the first authority,

Need fragments of old authority! ”

The eighth domain master knows this secret,

Not surprising.

The owner of the upside-down mountain,

It accommodates the first authority of the past [Miracle]!

this means,

He also contained fragments of old authority!

“and so?”

Su Bai is interested.

With his current strength,

Participating in the battle of the domain master is looking for death!

710  inflammation eclipse, cracked void,

Will help him leave fragments of old authority.

If it’s possible.

The eighth domain master bit his red lips lightly,

Make up your mind to tell the plans and plans in my heart,

“I’ll help you kill a domain owner!”

“In return, if…the body falls.

You have to make sure that my sister and I will survive! ”

The name that the other party did not pronounce,

Su Bai naturally knows who it is: Master of Hanging Mountain!


Lurking in Earth,

Former second domain owner?

This deal is not excessive!

Both parties take what they need,

Su Bai gained strength,

After the war, the opposing party changed it for lenient treatment!

Su Bai quickly agreed,

“No problem, swear by your real name?”

“Do not.”

The eighth domain master shook his head,

“This matter cannot be sworn by your real name,

Will be known by the Lord! ”

“Then what to do?”

Su Bai threw the problem back,

If you can’t swear, then this matter is for nothing!

No one would be foolish to believe in such a thing as “reputation”.

The dark domain is the best example,

The oath he swore is no different from farting!

The eighth domain master was silent for a few seconds,


Tell me your plan.

That… slightly crazy plan!

“You…use the gift to me.”

Let the Eighth Domain Lord be Tyrant’s subjects,

Jun no jokes!

Since the eighth domain master has made up his mind to stud the human race,

Pursue excitement, then follow through to the end!


(The first one.

Explain the update issue to everyone.

The recent climax plots are all decryption, foreshadowing and recovery, and the closing of the world line.

I want to write better, so I work slowly and work hard.

Hope everyone, Haihan, at the same time, there will be no less six times a day, rushing! ).

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