Chapter 345

Hanging upside down in the mountain,

Su Bai and others walked through the passage,

Came to a wilderness.

As soon as they landed, a golden font flew out, spinning around the crowd.

At last,

The gold lettering is pasted on everyone’s left wrist.


Su Bai realized,

These fonts are nothing else,

It is their game ID!

The dark domain has the most knowledge, and explained to everyone,

“The real name domain, in the inverted mountain,

Eternal real name will always be by your side. ”

Darkfield warned at the same time,

“Upside-down Mountain is the favorite place of the strong prophecy.

For them, everyone’s real name is equivalent to being written on their faces,

There is nothing to hide!

Moreover, the ability of the prophecy department will increase exponentially here! ”

The horror being sleeping on the upside down mountain,

Used to be a strong prophecy,

He was the first to hold the authority of speaking spirit,

Have all the authority of the Word Spirit Sequence!

After accommodating eternal failure,

Falling from level 1000, the ownership is out of control,

But still can stay at level 999!


It is an extremely terrifying thing in itself.

It’s not an exaggeration to call it a miracle.

After the introduction of the dark field,

Everyone looked at Zhao Zizhen together.

Zhao Zizhen is still practicing the closed mantra,

My heart sank,

“You won’t want me C this time?”

He is just an extraordinary master!

I found the reason for bringing Zhao Zizhen.

There is really no strong prophecy in the human race,

Only Lao Zhao is gifted,

Can be very useful!

“Go ahead and have a look.”

Everyone walked on the 700 wilderness, not fast or slow.

Soon I saw a city!

From a distance,

A three-character plaque is hung on the wall: [Daughter Domain]!

Su Bai was surprised.

Daughter domain?

Are there only women and no men in it?

If a group of yourself appears there,

Wouldn’t it be sought after by countless beauties,

Enjoy Tang Seng’s royal brother treatment?

“Brother Yu, this is the lollipop I bought for you.”

very scary!

When I think of this,

Su Bai couldn’t help but speed up.

Everyone speeds up at the same time,

Well, they are all old snakeskins.

Coming to the wall of Daughter Domain,

Everyone looked forward,

The gatekeepers exist like officers and soldiers,

All are women!

The face value is still very high!

Each one can score 8-9 points,

Take it to the Federation,

Anyone can become popular as a big star.

The concave place is concave, and the convex place is convex.

Thousands of styles, each is different!

Where is the city wall,

This is simply an old snakeskin happy wall!

Luo Cheng volunteered,

“I’m old and still a bachelor, I can hold it!

Let me explore the way! ”

A dwarf emperor once said,

The first soldier to charge is always battered.

right now,

Luo Chengcheng wants to be the first soldier to charge!

“Go ahead.”

The crowd spurned Luo Cheng’s back.

Pooh! goat!

Oh, me too? That’s all right.

Only monks and apprentices,

It’s slightly normal.

Watching Luo Cheng approach the city wall,

Zhao Zizhen thought from the bottom of his heart,(Read more @

“Should we be able to get in smoothly?”


What is he thinking about? !

Zhao Zizhen emptied the clutter quickly.

Luo Cheng came back with a weird look.

“We may not be able to get in…”

He hesitated and looked away.

After everyone’s questioning, the reason was revealed.

“They said that the daughter domain only allows women to enter.

Don’t let the smelly man in. ”

Hard, Su Bai’s fist hardened.

“Who is the smelly man, Lord takes a shower every day!”

Su Bai fought hard on reason.

Luo Cheng rolled his eyes.

The point is not whether it smells or not, but a man, okay!

“Daughter’s domain still has to enter, think of a way.”

Everyone started to brainstorm,

Zhao Zizhen also tried to help everyone.

“Would you like to mix in women’s clothing?”

Luo Cheng proposed a method of shame.

“Even if it’s women’s clothing,

Where did you get your clothes? ”

Su Bai retorted.

Normal people,

Who will carry women’s clothing with them?

Even if you bring it, this situation won’t show up right now!

Once taken out,

Isn’t that the scene of the death of a large company?

The scene suddenly froze.


Suddenly a floral skirt appeared next to Zhao Zizhen.

“Ah this?!”

One thought of the power of life and death was unintentionally activated!

Zhao Zizhen actually relied on his mind,

Created women’s clothing! !

“Is this the strong prophecy?

Horrible! ”

Su Bai said with emotion,

“In case of fantasizing about a wife,

Isn’t that…”

Everyone looked at the floral skirt falling on the ground,

Zhao Zizhen’s face is hot,

There is no way to explain!

Upside-down Mountain has strengthened the abilities of all prophecy systems.


Only Zhao Zizhen can create objects with authority!

The dark realm said,

“Everyone, this trip to the Upside-down Mountain involves life and death,

Just don’t tweak for women’s clothing.

Luo Cheng, you come first! ”


I was holding it just now,

At this moment Luo Cheng felt that the water was too deep.

“You are the strongest. After you enter, you will respond to everyone!”


What he said makes sense,

Luo Cheng couldn’t refute it!

Su Bai used the heat to strike the iron,

“Old man, do you choose your own clothes, or Zhao Zizhen will choose for you?”

What women wear,

Lao Zhao printed on the spot!

“You, you can figure it out!”

Luo Cheng ignored it.

For the human race,

He can survive.

But if you choose women’s clothing yourself, that would be too much!


A white t-shirt, hip skirt, black silk, high heels.

The OL dress up in the workplace appeared in front of Luo Cheng.

Luo Cheng’s response was simple,


“I’ll just say no black silk!”

Su Bai annoyed.

“Quickly, change to white silk!”

Luo Cheng’s mouth twitched,

I really want to shoot them one at a time, and let them all be stabbed to death!

“Enough! Give me a combat suit!”

Luo Chengren couldn’t bear it,

Take the initiative to make a request.

Zhao Zizhen’s dreams come true. The textile workshop starts again.

A heroic female warrior armor,

Luo Cheng was dressed neatly.

He just wanted to leave, but was left behind by the Dark Realm.

“Draw makeup and wear a wig!”

“Are you fooling a ghost like this?”

Luo Cheng’s appearance when he was young,

It’s a bit feminine in itself,

Otherwise, he won’t be called Leng Mian Han Qiao Luo Cheng.

With the help of a few gloating guys,

His women’s clothing really looks like that!

“I shouldn’t see the problem now,

Go! Luo Shixin. ”

Luo Cheng carried the gun and left without looking back.

“Boy, SLR!”

The dark domain knows,

As a fan of Teacher Chen, Su Bai carries a SLR with him.



Luo Cheng looks like a dress,

It was recorded forever by the SLR.

“Take it back, this is an important propaganda material for Luo Shixin’s Xeon!”

Dark Domain said seriously,

“Luo Cheng’s anchor has always been weak.

If you make him the first female strongest person in the adult race.

I believe there will be enough anchor points soon! ”

Su Bai:…

Will Luo Cheng have an anchor,

Su Bai didn’t know.

Luo Chenghui carried a kitchen knife to kill Su Bai,


Su Bai made up his mind,

Who will offend in the future,

Can’t offend the wicked thing of Dark Domain!

Collect the SLR,

Everyone looked forward.

The female version of Luo Cheng actually passed!


Here comes the problem.

“The omnipotent dark realm strongest.”

Su Bai asked with a wry smile.

“How do we get in?”


(First update, Luo Cheng’s women’s clothing welfare is delivered.).

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