Chapter 341

world Tree,

VIP cell.

Niederhogg is boring to play with figures.

“Chong, Baron Nash, destroy your opponent!”

Niederhogg picked up a reduced version of Baron Nash.

Lord Nash died in Su Bai’s hands after being contaminated by the evil god.

Baron Nash is its smelly brother.

“It’s time to let the wind go again!”

Suddenly a small tree appeared,

The weapon in her hand has changed.

Before, she was holding a spear like a toothpick.

right now,

Holding a long dark knife.

For the little tree,

The little sister is too big.

She carried the little sister to kill,

This scene,

Similar to Su Bai carrying a forty-meter knife.

“It’s letting go again!”

Niederhogg’s understanding of the wind,

Obviously different from ordinary people.

He said happily,

“Which weird guy who is unlucky talking?”

Su Bai heard this description,

In my heart, I mourned for Zhao Zizhen for a second.

Even Niederhogg can see it,

Zhao Zizhen is indeed a bit unlucky!

“Why haven’t I seen you?”

It’s not Su Bai who appeared in front of Niederhogg.

But Tyrant in a mask.

A bronze mask covers half of Tyrant’s face,

Even so, it can’t stop Tyrant’s handsomeness.

Just listen to his cold voice ringing in the house,

“I am Tyrant.”

Niederhogg:? !

Doubts were written in his little eyes.

He panicked! He panicked!

This person turned out to be Tyrant? !

Niederhogg’s limbs moved,

The whole dragon lost its balance and fell to the ground,

Finally struggling to get up,

He stammered,

“Um, I am actually quite comfortable living in prison, Lord Tyrant, destroy the world or something…”

Niederhogg came out of the abyss for almost twenty days,

These twenty days,

Happier than in the past millennia and tens of thousands of years!

It turned out to be such a happy thing to go to jail!

There is no cold and humid environment,

There are no mice and cockroaches running around,

Eat and drink, have WIFI, and let the wind out!

Niederhogg loves being here!

Tyrant’s eyes narrowed slightly.

Niederhogg immediately felt the danger!

He immediately threw himself into five bodies,

The tail is flat on the ground,

“I wish to follow Master Tyrant to the death!”

Su Bai:…

You are a chameleon!

Why can’t I be as strong as I am?

I, Su Bai, have no fear even when facing the strongest, and never bend my waist!

How did you raise such a wall dragon?

Su Bai feels that the educational atmosphere of the World Tree is not right.

Tyrant speaks.


With that, Tyrant raised the scepter in his hand.


Niederhogger fits the effect of the gift,

With the “rescue” effect.

Su Bai is like a sea king,

As long as you meet your own people, you want to give them a gift.


Rift Hollow and Yan Eclipse would definitely not accept his gift.

A golden halo flashed,

Niederhogg’s breath continued to rise,

Finally stabilized at the ultimate master level!

Level 798!

As Tyrant, Su Bai has enough to do.

Leave a sentence:

“Su Bai is my messenger, follow Su Bai’s instructions.”

Tyrant left the cell.

It blows like a gust of wind,

Niederhogg was still lying on the ground and dared not move.


There was a barbell laugh from the little tree.

Su Bai is back.

“Ned Hogg, why are you lying on the ground, isn’t it cold?”(Read more @

“Su Bai, I saw Tyrant just now!”

See old friends coming,

Niederhogg stood up and said excitedly.

“Su Bai, do you know,

Tyrant took the initiative to recruit me!

I refused several times, but he was still reluctant.

I have to be the number one dragon under him! ”

Su Bai:…

Are you Elno too?

Su Bai suddenly felt,

The clown authority may be the strongest authority in the world.


There are too many clowns around him.

Is he a clown collector?

Su Bai couldn’t tell for a while,

The problem is with me,

Still out of these clowns.

It must be their problem!

Calm Niederhogg,

Su Bai sat face to face with him.

“Since you are also under Tyrant,

As usual, we need to register your personal information.

Do you know all this? ”

Niederhogg nodded, knowing that!

He always understands.

“Name?” “Niederhogg.”

“Age?” “Ten thousand years old.”

“Level?” “798 level.”


This is what Su Bai is most concerned about.

What authority does Niederhogger have?

Fragments of world-destroying authority,

This Su Bai knows it.

“Shards of World Destruction Authority,

[Longmen] Authority,”


Seeing Su Bai’s doubts,

Niederhogg proudly explained,

“The authority of the Dragon Gate can change the racial attribute of anything to a dragon!”


Niederhogg stretched out his paw,

Change the chair.

Originally ordinary wooden chairs,

Beginning to grow edges and corners, it turned into a…long chair!

This is also OK?

Su Bai took a quick note,

“Destroying public property, a 10,000-year-old odd wooden chair is worth a million contribution points.”

Niederhogg:? ? ?

“This is a ticket, press your handprint here.”

Su Bai issued a huge ticket.

Niederhogg hasn’t reacted yet.

Confusingly owe a million contribution points.

“This authority seems useless.”

Su Bai muttered.

Change the racial attributes to become dragons,

Looks very handsome.

It changes when confronting the enemy,

· · Ask for flowers · ·······

What if the enemy gets stronger?

Strengthen my enemy and beat my teammates?

Niederhogger sprayed two white air from his nose,

Said unconvinced,

“With my talent, this authority is the strongest!”

Niederhogg’s claws lightly scratched on the dragon chair,

A scary wound appeared on the chair!

“This is my talent,

It can cause ten times the true damage to the dragon,

The damage the dragons caused to me was only one tenth! ”


This is the fusion of talent and authority,

Referred to as Wuhun Fusion Skill? !

Su Bai called 666.


Niederhogg’s talent and authority are incomparably compatible,

First turn the enemy into a dragon clan, and then use the same clan to suppress it, and you will be invincible!

Niederhogg raised his paw to aim at Su Bai,


The scene that made Niederhorne’s eyes widened happened.

Nothing has changed in Su Bai!

Tyrant’s [Dominant] effect is activated, and you are immune to Dragon Gate!

……. 0 0


Su Bai photographed Niederhogg’s paw.

I asked some basic information,

Finally, he concluded,

“Well, I probably understand your ranking of strengths under Tyrant.”


He is about to get up and leave.

“Wait, Su Bai!”

Niederhogg rubbed his paws.

Asked embarrassedly,

“Me, where do I rank.”

“Very tall, more than eight hundred.”

Su Bai ridiculed a number casually.


Looking at Niederhogg, who was in doubt about Longsheng,

Su Bai smiled evilly.

This trick really tried Bai Ling!

The strong that Su Bai knew,

Very sensitive to things like rankings!

First, second, and the tail of the crane.

Want to make Niederhogg work harder?

Very simple,

Just give him a lower ranking!

“I’m only in line more than eight hundred?!”

Niederhogg was dumbfounded.

There are 800 invincible masters under Tyrant?

if it is like this,

Why does Tyrant destroy the world?

This world should belong to him!

Niederhogg’s little head can’t think of so many questions.

He just wanted to ask one thing,

“Is there a way to make me stronger?”

“I want to be Tyrant’s number one dragon!”

Ha, got the bait!

Su Bai took out a dragon god authority,

“A way, there is indeed.”

“Come on, there are dozens of deeds, bah, fair contracts.

You come to sign. ”

“I sign! I sign!”

Sign all contracts in one go,

Niederhogg officially sold himself to Tyrant.


Also obtained the power of the Dragon God that was extremely eager!


Xiaoshu and Xiaosha looked at Su Bai flicking Nidhogg,

The two said in unison,

“Oh, fool.”


(Third more, red!) A few.

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