Chapter 337

The episode of Dark Domain and Yan Eclipse is unknown.

Just after the sun returned to Earth,

It didn’t take long,

There was a message from the strongest order in Su Bai’s arms.

[Second Strongest Xeon]: In a meeting, come quickly, be fine for late arrival, and receive a reply.

Su Bai:…

Why after becoming an invincible master-level combat force,

Or is there an illusion of beating workers?

It’s just that the boss from the original federal

Concretization becomes a new existence-Gou Sanjia’s strongest person.

Su Bai put away the token,

Return to Earth and enter eternity.

Today’s trading secrets are extremely empty,


After Su Bai entered,

I saw a few old acquaintances.


“Fusheng immeasurable Tianzun!”


Several invincible grandmasters are there, only Shen Huayun is missing.

Yanzhe carried a hip flask,

Carelessly walked over.

He proudly announced,

“From now on, those who come are considered late!”

Within a few minutes,

Shen Huayun rushed in sweating profusely,

He seemed to be steaming in a sauna in the taboo sea.

“Late, fine!”

“If you want money, let’s kill one!”

Shen Huayun didn’t buy Yan Eclipse’s account.

Is he easy?

A 799-level invincible grandmaster,

Go and do what the strongest can do!

Still want to fine? dream!

After Shen Huayun came,

Seeing everyone did not go inside.

He is a personal spirit,

Naturally guessed waiting for someone!

It goes without saying who is waiting.

After ten minutes,

Li Kong returned with Ye Su and Luo Cheng.

“Kill the Demon God wasted some time.”


“it is good.”

Split the air agreed.

“Really paying?!”

Yan eclipsed, there is such a good thing?

“Well, my name is Yanzhe, and I will charge it to my account.”

Splitting the sky uses its own way to cure its own body,

“Aren’t you split,

You’re here, isn’t it coming in Split? ”

Yan Eclipse: …..

Luo Cheng and Shen Huayun on the side,

But I feel that something is not quite right!

In federal textbooks,

Separation is elegant and easy-going, and has the strongest wind.


Everyone knows that the cracked space usually cherishes words like gold.

Speaking more is also fragrant.

It is said that back then,

Separation was also expelled from the school.

In the current atmosphere,

Suddenly, Li Kong made a joke, indicating that his heart is also not at peace!

It’s so abnormal!

The matter itself,

It is a very dangerous signal!

Everyone is waiting for someone:

Dark domain!

A figure appeared at the entrance of the trading secret realm.

“how so?!”

Everyone’s eyes widened,

Looking ahead in disbelief.

When the strength reaches their level,

In fact, you can choose to show yourself in the trading secret.

The dark domain does the same.

Standing in front of everyone,

It is a Q version of the dark domain!

Only less than one meter two, the diced radish, the face is immature.

That face,

Everyone will not admit their mistakes when turned into ash!

Dark domain!

The five- or six-year-old Darkfield has a childish voice.

The words spoken are still the same,

“Are you waiting for the strongest?”

He said,

While taking a small step forward.

The people are on both sides,

As if welcoming in a road, his gaze fell on the dark domain.

There are too many emotions in complex eyes.

Doubt, uncomfortable, irritated…


None of them questioned the choice of Dark Domain!

Since a hundred years ago,

The dark domain is on the road to save the world.

In his current situation,

It’s hard to tell what’s going on.

Maybe it’s the misunderstanding that leads the snake out of the hole,

It may also be the backlash of power and the price paid too much.


Everyone is very sure!

The current situation,

Is the choice of the dark domain!

No one dared to question the choice of Dark Domain!

The strongest, the invincible master,

Terran’s top combat power,

Follow behind the dark domain,(Read more @

Walk to the deepest part of the trading secret.

They came to six huge thrones.

Everyone stopped again,

Wait for the dark domain to go first.


Su Bai keenly captured a detail.

The rest of the people looked at the dark field,

They are all admired and so on.

There are only inflammations and cracks,

There was a little more teasing in the eyes looking at the dark field.

These two guys,

Bad water!

The Dark Domain took a few steps forward,

Stopped in front of the throne,

Turning to face everyone and said,

“Tyrant, come here.”

A question mark appeared above Su Bai’s head:?

What does it have to do with yourself?

He still stepped forward,

Dark Domain stood beside Su Bai and announced to everyone,

“If I disappear from now on,

Tyrant is the strongest of the human race,

Everything follows Tyrant’s command, understand? ”

Everyone bowed their heads, and agreed with Dark Domain’s statement.

Just like the emperor confessed his will and canonized the prince.

Su Bai always feels weird.


Why did the dark field come out like this?


Su Bai knew the answer.

“Pull me up!”

The Dark Domain said in a low voice.

With his current height, is he going to climb to the throne?

Su Bai has a sense of the picture!

No wonder the two veteran Xeons did not move,

They are really going to watch dark domain jokes!

In Su Bai’s mind,

Thought of another picture,

If it’s like in the Lion King,

Lift up the dark field, then look around.

Will Dark Domain kill itself?

Keke, calm down!

Life is not easy, do it and cherish it!

Su Bai turned his back to everyone,

Block the eyes of everyone.

Hold the two cheeks of the dark field with both hands,


Su Bai exerted force with both hands and pulled upwards.

Just like pulling a radish, pull up the dark domain.

Then put it firmly on the throne!

“Let you steal Laozi money!”

Su Bai hates thieves most in this life!

The dark field is very angry, and the consequences are serious.

“Good boy, I’ve written down this grudge!”

The rift and the eclipse clearly saw everything through.

Let out a hearty laugh!

Two people are seated.

Su Bai was not welcome, and sat down.

After all the strongest were seated,

Ye Su shot,

Weave some chairs for everyone.

The monk sat cross-legged on the Pu Tuan,

The Taoist priest wanted to sit on his knees, but was stopped.

The ninth Xeon meeting,

It’s the beginning!

This time,

All the strongest and invincible grandmasters of the human race will participate!

They not only have to summarize the gains of the previous war

But also for future development,

Set the general tone!

Grandmaster Invincible reports to the work first.

Su Bai became more sure,

I am still a gold medalist!

Haven’t turned over to be the boss!

“A big event has happened to the Taboo Sea…”

Shen Huayun considered his tone,

“Because of the previous move by the Demon Emperor God,

Has severely damaged the kingdom of many evil gods,

When I arrive…

The first evil god has already killed all the other evil gods! ”

Everyone was shocked.

What is the first evil god doing? !

“He said, He wants to surrender!”

Shen Huayun hesitated,

He didn’t know whether to say the next thing,

“Say it.”

Dark Domain probably guessed what the first evil god would say.

After Shen Huayun got permission,


“The first evil god said,

He has a hundred years of appointment with the strongest of the dark realm,

He has been the federal undercover evil god for a hundred years…”

What is this so called!

Shen Huayun didn’t want to say anything.

All the time,

Cthulhu, the evil god that came out of the brain of the dog,

As a result, the opponent’s eldest brother jumped out,

“I have a showdown, I am your undercover agent!”

“If you don’t accept the Internet, I really can’t hide it!”

Obviously Dark Domain and Rift knew about this a long time ago,

Not surprised at all.

Yanzhe didn’t know at all,

But it does not prevent him from pretending that he is not surprised.

In fact,

At the Xeon meeting,

Yanzhe usually consists of four lines,

“Darkland/Split Sky, what do you think?”

“Just do as Split Sky/Dark Space said.”

Other times,

He was drinking.

But this matter,

It’s not as evil as the first evil god said.

It’s just that Darkfield reached a verbal contract with the other party back then,

The first evil god can initiate the destruction of the world,

But in other cases, Eternal and Earth cannot be polluted,

In exchange for a promise in the dark domain,

crucial moment,

Can accept the surrender of the first evil god!


Now is the critical moment!

“The matter of the first evil god will be handled by Ye Su.”

Dark Domain said.

The first Cthulhu can’t die yet.

If all the eternal thirteen evil gods die,

The existence behind the wall,

Will wake up immediately!

This is not what the Xeons want to see!

“This is the authority handed over by the first evil god…”

Shen Huayun really feels,

This thing is too ridiculous!

The first Cthulhu 1.7 only killed all the other Cthulhus,

Also stripped out the authority completely and dedicated it to the human race!

in other words,

The strength of the first evil god surpasses other evil gods too much!

Even the twelfth evil god who has been forbearing,

In front of the first evil god,

Just a younger brother!

To know,

This is only half the strength of the first Cthulhu at its peak!

The first evil god at the pinnacle,

How strong is it? !

Darkfield looked at the authority in front of him,

Assign them one by one,

“The power of the seven deadly sins, Tyrant is the most suitable.”

“Lao Ba’s food authority, do you want to burn it, it’s a bit smelly!”


At last,

Su Bai was assigned the power of the seven deadly sins, the fragments of the power to destroy the world, and the power of the dragon god!

The last authority,

It’s for that silly dragon in my own house.

Shen Huayun finished his report,

The remaining Invincible Grandmasters report one by one.

After finishing talking about the situation,

Everyone stopped and looked at the strongest.

The bosses reported on their work.

Su Bai only realized that,

Where is the boss.

The strongest are just human strikers!


(Fifth update, one more owed, good night, brothers.).

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